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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1916)
DAILY KOGVE R1VKR COUUKR SI'NUW, APRIL Id. I0. page root Daily Roue River Courier.; As. Independent Republican News paper. United Press Leased Wire Telegraph Service A. S. VOORHIES, Pub. and Prop. WILFORD ALLEN, Editor Entered at the Grants Pass, Ore ton. Poatofflce as aecond-clasa mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Tear Btx Montha Three Monthi On Month . Payable in Advance .15.00 1.00 1.50 .(0 SUNDAY, APRIL " id, 1918. OREGON WEATHER Fair Sunday; westerly winds. PREPARING FOR ELECTION. Wednesday, the 19th Inst, la the last moment when those of our citi sens who feel that duty calls them to serve the dear people in some offi cial capacity can quality as candidates lor county office. The lists are al ready closed tor state and district offices. It is expected that there will be a number of last-minute candi dates for the nominations, though most of the places are already well represented with contestants. The office of sheriff of Josephine county still holds the greatest allurement, and 10 citizens of the county are out after the fun of making the race next Kovember. Here is a ease where a very small minority of the Toters can determine who the candidates of the parties shall be. The last day for the registration of Toters will be Tuesday, the books to close at five o'clock of that day. Monday evening the office of the county clerk will be kept open to ac commodate those who have been un able to come earlier. There is still hope for the delinquent, however, tor If he fails to register he can vote by hunting up a couple of his frienas as witnesses and swearing in his vote. . The republican, democrat and pro gressive parties are the only ones that will be represented in the primary election on May 19. It you are re gistered as of any other political faith than of these three, or if yon refused to designate your party when registering, there will be no place for you to vote at the primary. MIXING DEVELOPMENT IN PROSPECT. There is no mistaking the signs of the times. Southern Oregon is just on the eve of a great awakening of mining interests. A number of im portant deals have already been con summated and others of even greater magnitude are approaching final ac tion. The mine has been a main fac tor In the upbuilding of this district. Southern Oregon was first settled in tbe days immediately after the rush of the '4 9 erg to California, and Jose phine and Jackson counties yielded many millions of dollars in placer gold, there being creek beds that have produced at the rate of a million dol lars per mile. After the easier work ed of this placer ground had been gone over there was a period when the mining business was at a stand still, some mines always working, but little being' done with the quartz and deep mine propositions. Placer ground waa worked over, and with Improved methods of mining muc.h ground that was passed over In the earlier days became valuable. Now copper is attracting attention equally with gold, and these are having to divide honors with metals that had been strangers to the prospector here tofore.; Today the hills are being hunted over by the man with the pick to whom the copper, gold, iron, tung sten, platinum, and numerous other metals are the attraction. Chrome iron ore that has been untouched Is sow being gotten out for shipment, and recent discoveries of vast depos its of Iron ore may prove of greatest value. Capital from the outside is being brought to the district, and during the past six months more men of experience and standing In the mining world have visited the district than had been here for many decades High Grade Goods WORCESTER SALT NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES UIIAND'S A. I. 8AVCE No. 18 SPECIAL ROAST COFFEE TETIJCY'S TEA HK1 XZ PICKLES KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First before. As a result of these Investiga tions a number of mines have already changed hands and will graduate from the list of prospects or of small producers kept prospects or small producers because of the lack of capi tal to real mines. A number of other deals are now pending, one of which will no doubt result in the es tablishment of a big dredging proposi tion,' and the rumors of a smelter available to the miners of copper and of base ores are becoming more and more insistent to get upon the map, . Med ford is also getting Into the game, and evi dently Grants Pass can not much longer bear the distinction of being the only town to have bonded for the building of a railroad. The-tourist season 1b starting out much earlier than ever before, and already a number of parties have stopped at the camping ground at Riverside park. Tbe autolst with his tent and camp outfit has become a fixture, and till next November his number will be legion. Roseburg is going after that bond Issue with the same spirit that char acterised the effort of Grants Pass PAAS-Egg Dyes ia Eight Colon Calico Transfer Papers and Matt and Jeff Picture CLEMENS SellsDrags The ??i3j& Store "We are coming back when the steelheads commence to take the fly." is what a tourist party that waa go ing north remarked Saturday. The traveler had read that story In tbe Saturday Evening Post, he had caught a fleeting glimpse of the rollicking Rogue, and the fever had got In its deadly work. And some day he will move down to the Rogue. DIGGS IITTI FXHR SERIOUSLY HURT WHEX MOTOR BUS OVERTURN'S CASE IN THE COURTS Wauhluitton, April 15. Solldtor Genoral Davis of the departmout of justice today filed In the United Statoi supreme court a motion to advance the DIgss-Camlnettt white slavery case for joint hearing in the next court term. Both Maury I. Dlggs and F. Drew Camlnettl appealed Jrora their con viction in a San Francisco court. Camlnettl. son of the United States commissioner general of Immigration, races a sentence of 18 months and $1,600 fine, while DIggs has been sentenced to two years and a fine of 13.000. San Francisco, April 15. Marshall Woodworth. one of the attorneys in the Dlggs-Camlnottl cases, expressed pleasure today when Informed by the United Press that the solicitor general wanted the date of the appeal proceedings advanced to the next term of the federal court. "We will not oppose the motion, as we want to got the affair disposed of as soon as possible," said Woot worth. "The motion, if granted, will mean that the supreme court will hear the cases next October, whereas, If they had been taken up in their numerical order, there being some 500 other matters preceding them, we would not have had a hearing un til maybe the end of 1917." Woodworth said the appeal would i be argued in Washington by R. T. i Tevlln. one of the other attorneys In the trial, and himself. Tacoma, April 15. Loaded with Northern Pacific shopmen, a large motor bus, driven by C. H. Hoag, turned over ata curve on tbe South Tacoma boulevarde today when the car skidded on the wet pavement. The following were seriously Injured: E. H. Rank, Bert Lewis, Joe Walach and O. J. Slmoneau. Ten or twelve others suffered minor bruises and cuts, but were able to go ! to their work at the shops, a few Completing note to KAISER Washington. April 15 Final i touches were being put on the new American note to Germany today. blocks distant, after being cared for Secretary Lansing is hard at work on by a physician, who had been summoned. Old papers, 5c per bundle, at the Courier office. BIDS WANTED Notice is hereby given that tbe board of directors of School District No. 7, Josephine county, Oregon, will receive bids for the delivery of two hundred and twenty tiers of two-foot wood, one-third oak or laurel and oak mixed, and two-thirds fir, to the various buildings of the district, at the option of the board, on or before the first day or August, 1916. All wood must ibe cut from sound green body timber and be free from rot, dote or punk. Bids must be placed with the undersigned clerk of the dis trict on or before the 17th day of April, 1916. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Cer tified checks for one-tenth of tbe amount bid must accompany each bid. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, Clerk School Di3trlct No. 7. Frantz-Premier and Apex Electric Vacuum Cleaners Time now for spring cleaning. Buy a cleaner on the instalment plan. Free demonstration in your home. Just call 1 4 1 -R. If you don't care to buy, we have one for rent. Bush Electric Store Buy Electrical Goods at the Electric Store affidavits from Americans who sur vived the Sussex disaster. These docu ments were forwarded to the state de partment'by government representa tives In Paris and London. They will be used as "exhibits" In con nection with the note. If Lansing finishes his work on them today, he will confer with Pres ident Wilson before night. The ex ecutive will meet members of the house and senate foreign committees as be has gone over the note for the last time with Lansing. Lansing, It Is understood, has agreed to Senator Stone's suggestion to have republicans attend these con ferences. Final plans for the meet ings are not decided, however. It was indicated that tbe note would be on the way to Berlin by Monday. Washington, April 15 What Is to be said in the most Important note America ever sent to Germany, Is practically drafted and President Wilson and Secretary Lansing today scanned additional evidence support ing their position In the channel packet Sussex case. Affidavits from American survivors of the disaster, which arrived by mall aboard tbe liner St. Paul, were re garded as convicting Germany of an unjustified attack. A conference be tween Senator Stone and Chairman Flood of tbe bouse foreign committee was scheduled, at which the ground on which the present action is being taken Is to be examined and possible eventualities discussed. Tbe proposi tion of laying the whole matter be- I fore congress will also be considered. ! it was understood that tbe ten- ! tatlve American note states such a position that Germany must make sweeping changes in Its submarine ; policy, as in no other way can it i give the assurances asked. London, 'April 15. Sea captains arriving at Copenhagen today re- ported that a German torpedo boat passed Helslngborg, badly damaged, presumably by a submarine. insurance that costs you nothing: If you don't know the star, If you don't know tho , play, You always know that TRN ANOM4 plays nre always marie by either (Jrllllth, Hennot, or line. It's (lio solid nNNiirance of the lltliiK -That'M wlmt protects your Invent tiicnf. In other words IT'H CONFIDENCE TIIUtHDAY, Nt'NMAY AND MONDAY for Easter PIASTER Sunday is just one week from today. Get your Easter togs now, and from the store where your sat isfaction is the first considera tion. Easter Sunday isn't the only time you'll need them; but it'i a good time to begin. You'll feel at well at you look, drcsited in one of our till ShllfftKr cr Maix Suit Aucry cr RobeiU Hats Croael'$ Fine Shoei Clwtl Peabofyt Styl'uh 5uVi Interwoven Quality Hose Dell Double-Etitilic Suipetulcrs 'Virion." CoW.iu Kser's Sill( Ties Richmond and "V'mJex" Fine Umhtwear All at the price that you want and can pay, and all guaranteed to give 100 per cent satisfaction Come in and Let Us Show You Around B. & R. STORES GO. Successors to C. P. BISHOP-& CO. Leading Clothiers Grants Pass, Ore. L08KS PAKT OF BRAllf , U'LKYKLANIt IIOLHTKIN BUT 18 STILL LIVING CHAMPION OF THE WOULD Dallas, Ore., April IS. Although, surgeons have removed bis entire' forehead, his left eye socket and part j of his brain, Joseph.Harlan, a logger, was still alive today. Physicians say he may recover. Harlan was struck by the limb of a falling tree. His, skull was crushed like an egg shell. Cleveland, April 16. Jolly Topsy, llolsteln cow, Is the champion bovine of the world today, She produced 26,748 pounds or milk In 11 months, beating by three pounds the world' record for one year's milk production. Letterheads nt tbe Courier. dge Brothers MOTOR CAR $880 M B. Grants Pass Sold by Myers Motor Car Company Phone 363 or 59 i t Look at the Specifications 30-35 H. P., 3-polnt suspension; unit power plant, 4-cyllnder In block with removable water-cooled head, 8 -inch bore- by 4 Mi stroke. Starting System-12 volt North East' single unit starter- . generator. Wlllard, 12 volt storage' battery 1 Carburetor Stewart special de sign automatic air valve type. Ignition Elsmann 0-4 high tension waterproof magneto. Transmission All gears Chrome Vanadium steel', heat treated and hardened. Rear Axle Pull floating type; four bevel gear differentials; gears Cbrome Vanndlum steel throughout, heat treated and hardened; eight Tlmkcn bearings used. Standard Welding Company's demountable rim No. 21; ex tra rim furnished. Tires 32x3 ft all around. ' Bodies Pressed steel with spe cial finish. , Upholstery Real grain leather with natural curled hair. Fenders Pressed steel; attrac tive crowned ; designs. Wheelbase lid inches. Windshield Clear vision, rain vision, ventilating. Top Obeiman' type with Jiffy side curtains and' dust hoodi Lamps Electric; two head lights with dimmer; tall light and dash light. Equipment Electric horn; robe rail; foot rail; license brackets; tool, kit; tire car rier with demountable rim. Shipping weight Approxim ately 2000 lbs. Price of Touring Car or Rood stor ISS0, f. o. b. Orants Pass. Cars on Display at Grants Pass Garage