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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1916)
V PACK FOUR DAILY ItOGUK 1UVER COL1UKR VYKIttKMIlAY, APRIL 13, 11)19. A Perfect Day Waltz Carrie Jacobs-Bond's most baatiful composition arranged In waits time, A most beauti ful tnstramental Bomber. Doat t aD. to hear It. We also have some other very Am hUjh-class vocal and Instrumental selections la stock. Call and look them ore. Music and Photo House STANTON ROWELL, Prop. 1 FER52Nf1L LOCAL j AMI SEMENTS TONIGHT 4 -r Bijou 4 "Crooky.,, Opera House "Bringing Up father." 8 tar "Yellow Streak. JTACKSOXVILIiE BAXCH BOUGHT BT SCOTCHMAN Medford, April 12. Announce ment of the purchase by Sir Francis Webster, of Arbroth, Scotland, of the 430-acre Emllbritt ranch near Jack sonville, caused wide comment today. Sir Francis, who Is a wealthy spin ner, Intends to make a country estate of the place. His younger son prob ably will make his home on the ranch. The purchase price was $9,500. Selection of the estate was made a few months ago when Sir Francis was the guest of E. E. Guthrie In Medford. NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two issues, 25c; six Issues, 50c; one" month, S1.50, when paid in advance. When not paid in ad- ' vance, 6c per line per issue. FOR SALE Team heavy work horses, 3)4 -Inch wagon, and heavy harness. John B. Hair, Rogue River, Ore. .744 FOR RENT completely Isaac Best. Large modern house, furnished. Inquire 724 FOR RENT Good modern 7-room house, large rooms, beautiful groands, ideal location. Inquire Isaac Best. 724 MONEY TO LOAN Plenty of money to loan on, good security. Inquire of Isaac Best. 724 FOR RENT Nice modern five-room cottage. Inquire Isaac Best. 722 TWO SUCH FIST fights as Lionel Barrymore wagee against a pair of dirty scoundrels In the Metro five reel feature, "A Yellow Streak," at the STAR theater tonight, never has been seen since William Parnum's "scrap" in "The Spoilers." "A Yellow Streak" U a great photoplay in every way,- unique, Uirlllful, the ending always in doubt, brimful of comedy, marvelous horseman ship, splendid acting and a human story of -How a wronged and ruined man, a helpless atom in the scheme of human . life, is (brought to the verge of suicide by forces over which he has no control; how he Is saved through rescuing a despairing girl, another atom like himself, bout on a similar mission; their parting without seeing the oth- er's face; their meeting without recognition after many strange adventures in the west; their romance; the man's i-egenera-tlon and, finally, the strange chance which identifier them to each other. In the sixth chapter of "The Girl and the Game" another sneaking villain "gets his" at the hands of brave Helen Holmes. Tills chapter Is the most exciting one of the series. Eleven wonderful reels. Ad mission 5 and IS. First per formance 7:80. M. R. Walnscott left this afternoon for a trip to San Diego. Mrs. Chas. F. Smith returned to Hugo this morning after spending a tew days In the city. Mrs. E. E. Brlggs, after visiting relative in the city, left this morn ing for her home at Hoaebnrg. C. E. Wtckatrom returned this morning to his mining property on Pleasant creek. Mrs. J. Flatery and her son, J. H. Flatery, arrived this morning from Denver and will make their home with Mrs. Flatery's brother, J. H Merritt, north of the city. Mrs. M. S. Bailie arrived thts morn ing from Santa Crua, Cal., to be with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. M. A. Jen nlngs, who is seriously ill at the hospital. Ladies' wash waists, prices 75c, 11.00. $1.25. $1.35, $1.50, up to $3 Mrs. Rehkopf. 716tt Mrs. Charles Zehm, of Blue Earth, Minn., who spent the past three months in the city with relatives, left this morning for Dunsmulr to visit a brother. W. A. Booth stopped off here last night for a short visit with relatives. Mr: Booth's home is at Prinevllle, and he is returning home from Los Angeles, where he spent the sum mer. B. A. Schallhorn, after spending a few days in the city with his mother and brothers, left this morning for Seattle; and will later sail tor Alaska to spend the summer traveling for the M. J. B. coffee company. R. F Miller, the Briggs creek miner, who spent several days In the city, left this morning for his home. Mr. Miller states that the Taylor creek and the Brlggs creek trails have been badly blocked by falling trees during the winter, but they have been cleared for travel tor about 14 miles. Mining Men Arrive John Hampshire, of the Twohy Brothers company, arrived In the city this morning accompanied by Geo. Esterley, of New York, and left later In the day tor the Queen ot Bronie mine at Takllma. ' Clark Jt Holniaa, Undertakers Licensed erobalmers. Phone 80 tt Attend Conference Mrs. J. M. Ishau. Mrs. U. H. Eas ier, Mrs. Lou Hood, and Mrs. Wible went to Medford this morning to at tend the meeting ot the Women's Home Missionary conference ot the Klamath district, In session at that place. .Mrs. Busier Is on the program to respond to the address of welcome. 1 tan re at Spa Will be on Friday night Instead ot Wednesday thts week. 719 Circuit Court Complete Work The circuit court, which has com pleted Its April Jury session had but little to occupy its attention, and dis posed ot the tow cases In record time. Two cases were heard by jury, both civil actions for money due, and in each Instance the platntlff was awarded judgment. In one W. R. Nipper sought to recover some $800 as commission upon a sale of prop erty from C. E. Wlckstrom, and tn the other R. G. Smith sued for an attorney fee ot $100 which he al leged waa due htm tor services ren dered Emma G. Robinson tn 1910. The court also granted two divorces, Chas. L. Skoldold being divorced from his wife Ethlye, and O. P, John ston was released from the matri monial bonds that existed between himself and Edith J. Johnston. Jones Creek Bridge The county court Is calling tor bids for the construction of a new concrete bridge over Jones creek just at the turn from the highway to the Golden Drift dam road. The plans call tor a modern bridge ot 30-foot span, and the estimated cost Is $2,000. Fire In Water Company's Office A detective flue was the cause ot slight (blaze In the office of the Rogue River Water company on E street at about noon today. The fire department was called out. but the flames were extinguished with hand chemical tanks without recourse to stream from the hydrants. The damage to the water company office was not very great. COMING EVENTS April 12, Wednesday "Bringing Up Father," opera house. April 12, Wednesday Special school meeting of Importance to all tax payers ot district No. 7, at high school, 8. p. m. April 18, Tuesday Registration books close for primary election. April 14, Friday Silver medal con test at the Gaiety theater, 7:30 p. m. Given by the W. C. T. U. 721 April 19, Wednesday Last day for filing petitions ot candidates for county and precinct offices. April 22, Saturday Easter candy sale at public market by Amity class of the Baptist Sunday school. April 23, Sunday Easter Sunday. May 9, Tuesday Opening day of Stato Grange at Grants Pass.' May 19, Friday Primary election. Fngleivood Dairy, rbone 222 The pure milk dairy. 692tf. Kvangelbitic Singei Those who were at the depot when No. 14 came In this morning were well repaid for their time, for on the observation car were O. H. Wil liams.' evangelist for Christian churches of the Pacific coast, and the Hatley-GIlflllan Sisters, who sing for him. While the train was waiting the girls sang several selections, which were very much enjoyed by those present. These singers have almost a national reputation. HASKIMl'L TODAY ' -f National Boston 5 9 0 Brooklyn ... 1 6 .1 Rudolph and Dowdy; Cheney and ...... Miller. New York 4 8 1 Philadelphia .: 5 7 3 Tesreau and Dooln; Alexander and Rums. Chicago 7 5 1 Cincinnati 17 2 McConnelt and Archer; Toney , and Wlngo. Pittsburg ....... 16 1 St. Louis . .:.... 18 2 Kantlehner and Wilson; Doak and Snyder. American St. Louis ... 6 6 Cleveland 1 3 Groom and Hartley; Mitchell and O'Neill. Detroit 4 8 Chicago 0 3 Covaleskl and Stanage; Russell, Faber, Wolfgang and Schalk. Philadelphia . 1 4 Boston 3 5 Nabors, Bush and Schang; Ruth and Thomas. Washington 3 10 New York 2 5 (11 Innings.) Johnson and Williams; Caldwell and Nunamaker. lh Opera House Tonight Iringing Up Father" Tickets at Horning's Character Is to wear forever. Who will wunder or grudge that It cannot be developed Id a day?-Henry Drum mond. Truly, There's a Reason why TRIANGLE completely dominates the photoplay field. Everyone Is a star, and here they are: Dorothy G'lsh Frank t'ampeau Owen Moore Itottcoe Arbuckle Lew Weber and Joe Fields Ham Bernard Joe Jackson - Mae Hutch Polly Moran Ford Sterling Willie Collier Mack Sennet Al St. John 14 ot the hlgbeBt salaried per formers In the business. Is It surprising that people pay $2.00 to see these programs? No expense too large. No effort too great. TRIANGLE has achieved what no one 'else has dared to attempt. Remem ber THl'IWDAY ONLY "JORDAN IS A HARD ROAD," by Sir Gilbert Parker, five reels; "Fatty and the Broad way Stars," Mack Sennet, two reels. A IVeroriou Barred Rock A most precocious pullet Is report ed from the yards of U. L. Upson, in this city. Mr. Upson for a number of years has been breeding up a strain of layers, the exact position of each feather upon his Barred Rocks sometimes being sacrificed to egg producing qualtles. As a result he gets the eggs, and has now produced a pullet that at the tender age of little more than four months has made a contribution to the egg bas ket. This pullet was hatched on the 30th day ot last November and on the 4th day of April It laid a miniature edition of an egg that Is now fulfilling a mission as a paper weight on the editorial desk. It's all in the climate. Woman's Association The Woman's Association of Beth any jYesbyterian Church win hold a regular business meeting on Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock (Note the change of hour). Several important matters are to come up at this meet ing the election of a recording sec retary, an amondment to the consti tution to be voted tip, election of delegates to the presbyterlal, and re ports of tho treasurer and financial secretaries. There will ibe a family supper at 8 o'clock, followed by a congregational meeting. Each family or groups of families, If preferred, will bring their suppers except coffee. The food thus provided will be placed upon the tables by a committee and served. Arrsngemcnts are being made for the care ot the younger children. ' Will you kindly make your plans so as to bo present? The Officers. Envelopes printed at the Courier office. X V IS M w 1 Fatffififl: TIRE BLIGHT OF THE APPLE IS SPREAD BY APHIS APHIS CHECKS GROWTH OF TREES APHIS CAUSES LEAVES TO CURL APHIS DEFORMS FRUIT DESTROY APHIS WITH "BLACK LEAF 40" CwranUe4 40i Weetlne We will famish you with thie effective uMacticida in conosn-j trated form-200 gallons of , spray from the 2-lb. can eosts 12.80 l.-OOOgaL. ions tram the 10-lb.. can costs 110.78- CUtouf ton tot J IrM buiMtta m4 rowtupplr o i KSUrittj V IB ft gpgy K Vim ijf liliiiJ DEMARAY'S Drug and Stationery Store j COMBINE OF CltKSCKNT I CITY TKLEI'IIO.M! San Francisco, April 12. The: state railroad commission has Issued j an order authorizing the Clietco . Southern Telephone company ot Har bor, Oregon, to sell a one-half in terest in the telephone system at' Crescent City, Del Norte county, Cal., to the Del Norte Peoples Telephone company. This transfer gives the latter company entlro control of tho telephone properties at Crescent City, It having previously purchased a one- ; half Interest In this system on July1 1, 1911. The commission's order. also grants the Del Norte Peoples Telephone company authority to Issue l.DuO of notes In part payment for tho property. The total purchase price Is $2,000. WII.HOX A CANDIDATE IX OIIKUON I'ltlMAItY Portland, April 12 Hearing twlre the number of names required by law, petitions to place the name of Woodrow Wilson on the democratic presidential preferential primary bal lots In Oregon will bo filed tomorrow In Salom. By telegraph President Wilson requested Secretary of State Olcott to place his name on the ballot. BIJOU -:- Tonight FRANK OANIKL8, the Comic Opera King, and one of the oldest and mofit famous comedians of the legitimate stage. m 1 41 rr I vrrKr! I UEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii mm 4 . 'i J V; 4 'if ':y Be, i ri i t- -i A m in. fW 11 3 Basket Grocery Sells Nothing1 but Guaranteed Goods Fancy Creamery Butter, 3Qc lb. First-class Catsup, large bottles, 15c. High grade steel cut Coffee, 1 lb can 28c. 3 lb. can, 78o. Your money back if not satisfied. ' Butter Nut and Pan Dandy Bread for sale. sasMBMBjflBjai , ' ' ' , . ' Basket Grocery 417 G St. If In "CROORY" Five reels of original and refined comedy, Don't Miss This One 5 and 15 Cent Why Do People Buy Dodge Bios. Cars? Because Dodge Bros, are mechanics themselves nd build their cars right, Those who bought Dodge cars lust year do not hnve to suffer o loss of from 24 to 40 per cent on account of change of model. , v Because the Dodge service la ancxcolod. MYERS MOTOR CAR CO., Grants Pass, Ore. ; Phone 803 or 00 Cars on display ai Grants Pass Garage. ".,-.1Ml. V