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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1916)
vi:iKNi.iv, Avixu. isi, iohj. -i f'M nnf it rormnn PAGE THREE PDRTLAMD MARKETS Portland, April 12. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wboat--C)iib, 9107 bluestein, 1.05 tr 1.07 . OuI No. 1 while feed, 24.75 4P SS.75. Hurley Feed, 26.20p 29. HogsBest live, 9. Prime steers, 9; fancy cow, 7.60; bet calves, 9. , . Spring lambs, 10 10.50. Uulter Clly creamery, 34; coun try, 80081. Kkk Selected local extras, 30 21. Hen, 17tt; broilers, 22 025; geese, 10 Oil. Copper, 28 H Ch...l.. Art A-.... ' I Earnestly do 1 dtrt for thli coon try that, luleal of copying Europe with an undlMcernlng civility, It may have a character of Ita own, corre sponding to Uie freedom and equality of our Institution.-W. H. Cbannlng. IT'8 Ht'ltriUSIN'U That Ho Mrtiiy (iranta !' People Full to IteeogoUo Kidney '." WelneM v - , Are you a bad l ock victim? Huffer twInRcn; headaches, dUy tio to bed tlrod- Kut up tired? )t' surprising how tew suspect the kidney, , Kidney iroubln needa kidney trut nient. . ' iJonu'a Kidney I'lIU aro for the Kltiir) only. ' liava convinced Grants Pans people of their merit. Here's a Grant Va a; Grants Pans testimony. Kidney sufferers hereabout should rend It. W. A. Trefrt-n. 713 Highland av enuo, Grunt Pass, saya: "I suffered tor a long Unto trow my hark and kidney. Nothing ever gave me re lief until ! took Doan'a Kidney PHI. Tbey strengthened my back and re lieved the dull psln across my kid neys. Doaa's Kidney I'llla are the bent kidney medicine to he had." "Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't Imply auk for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney l'lllatho santo that Mr. Trefrcn had. Koster-Mllburn Prop., Uuffalo, N. Y. Political Cards .(Paid Advertisement) , EUGENE L. COBURN Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Clerk Preeeat Incumbent ECLUS POLLOCK Republican Candidate for Nominee for Assessor Present Incumbent DR. J. 0. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for State Senator A. E. VOORHIES Republican Candidate for Nominee for Representative J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Clerk WILL O. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff Present Incumbent ' 1 GEO E. LUNDBURQ Republican Candidate for ' " Nominee for State Senator HOMER WHITE Republican Candidate for Nominee for , Sheriff Primaries, Moy ll, 1010 FEED MERRILL Democratic Candidate for lominee for .:' . : - Sheriff PLAN REPUBLIC oQUTMERN CHINA Shanghai, April 12. Formation of new republic In aouthttrn China, with a population of 100,000,000, niny , be announced within a few wveki. Following the lead of Kwang Tung province, the Important mari time province of Che Klang haa se ceded from the authority of Presi dent Yuan Slit Kal. . Emlssarlea of the revolutionists have arrived In Canton and are In consultation there. It la thought likely that Canton will be made capital of the new republic. Upon reaching there , the revolutionary Kent reported that Huan Fuk Lu and Kwel Chow provlncea were about to iNHiie declaration! of Independence. The movement appear spreading to all provlncea south of the Ysngtso Klang river. In an effort to prevent dissolution of hla nation, President Yuan haa summoned revolutionary leaders to confer with htm at Peking. South ern rebels have not yet accepted this Invitation. KKI7.KI (JKK.M.IN8 WERE OX IXXKl'TIUL'KKItVICK Washington, April l2.--Oerman subject seized by Orltlsh naval au thorltlea from the American liner China were ensancd In unneutral service, shifting a Teuton base of operations to Manila from Shanghai, England contended In replying to this government's protest, the state de partment revealed today. England, In Its note to America, contended It had a right to seize the German although they were not actually allied with enemy fighter and had not violated the sovereignty of any neutral. It hold that the Trent case In the American civil war upon which the American protest was based was not to be compared with the liner China situation. In this connection atten tion was called to bomb plots and other activities of Great Britain's enemies In neutral countries. Upon reliable authority It was learned that the note aaldf ' "German residents . In Shanghai have been engaged for tome time In the collection of arms and ammuni tion both for clandestine transmission to India and possibly for arming a commerce raiding ship like the Moewe." -In concluding, the message express ed a hope that the United State would not feel disposed to further contend that the British action was not Justified. It said that the seized persons were In effect Germans whose past actions deprived them of any protection from a neutral flag. The note argued that Germany had seised all men of military ge In France and Belgium, rendering In valid the rule laid down In the Dec laration of London. REEK niGIIER WAGE FOR WOMEN WORKKHS Portland. Anrll 12. A nine-hour day for women workers in manufac turing Industries was recommended to the Industrial Welfare commission today by a conference committee which met last night. The commit tee also urged an Increase In the minimum .wage ' for womon from 18.25 to 8.64 a week. SCIENTIFIC TRAINING FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL JANITORS Portland, April 12. A course of lectures for Janitor In public schools will !be given under the auspice of the Portland school board, beginning April 22.' In the view of the educa tors, "janltlng" is an art and should be done scientifically or not at all. Composition of an Army, In the United State an army ts made np aa follows: One hundred men con stltute a compnny, four companies a battalion, three hnttnllons a regiment, three' roglmcntti a brtgndc and from three to four hrluildes a division, ak though we hnve no dlvldon classified na such In our army. . In Germiuiy ami Grent Britain there are ntmut 20,000 'men In n division and 4K(MH In nn ariuy corps. In the Gcr man (iitiiinlziitlon a dlvlxlon of Infnn try If mode ut of two hrlRiides. brl guile of two reirlmeiif. n reulmont of six linttiilloim. A eavnlry illvlnloii in roniioNed of three lirlnmlen of two reir liiieiitM ouch mill two or tliree Imtterlo of Iwivc iit;tlllci y.- Nev York Tlmea. ' 8ufi;clnt, "I' t )-im :'!n!'. v e .!:ill ever cutn'.i, Hull t(iUi:iiiliK-ni i'i) vviili Mms'i" '. "See ii" leiixmi fur li'.vliiir to do so," replied Mr. t rs Ii.m , "i:ii(iuh up Hiittinli.v f'' itllitinitif liiieiTliiiiiKe down Ihm." WiiKlilmnltiii Hinr Wo Sell and Guarantee mtiKtmm TOOLS oncl CUTLERY HOtil K lt Kit HARDWARE The JHg lted Front VOl'NTKUFEIT (t)I.NH ,, . AROUND (JIUY'H IIAHDOH Tacoma, April 12. Hoping to un cover a big counterfeiting plant that la believed to be located In the foot hills of the Olympic mountains, Unltod States government secret ser vice operatives are on their way to (Aberdeen today, Large numbers of spurious dollars and half dollars are declared to have been floated recent ly In all northwestern cities, parti eularly In the Gray' Harbor coun try. The counterfeits are exception ally good Imitations. iu'ssia is moirr OX SILVER. COINS Baa Francisco, April 12 Scarcely a silver coin Is left In Russia. The people have returned to a strange currency method, because all the sliver bus been called In, according I to G. Loupndky, oni of 25 HitHslan rerugees wno arnven in Hon rran elsco today. "They now have a kopeck bill, worth about three-tenths of a cent and they httve 10 kopeck pieces In i perforated sheets like poRtase 'stamps," he deelared. TIUCFH OF CY.MIK JX WATFIW OF MKXICO , El Paso, April 12Sllsht traces of cyanide have been discovered In water along the southern route of the American expedition, according to unconfirmed reportR today. A Vll llsta plot Is suspected. There has been no illness among American a the water was analyzed beforo troop ers or horses were allowed to drink. CHICHESTER S PILLS atlxMW-(ir-a iiui 4 Urnmi, rilla Ift Ural ' netaim t-itea, iol teilal h um Rl)4to, Vtiaumit1cJteU,AIMKeUlaO SCID BY.DRl'GOISTS JEVERYWiLRE aqri .MgW CD 4--. , . . , A'.'.'.: i 1 ,erTtTl SIW lBail1'aMKMfltflfVaf"BMT f tt The Machine ( j rith a , i sonality" t4 tt S3 Personal 4 (0 Just turn the set-screw "Z ; and regulate the touch 1 1 J 1 of this new Royal to I ! fit YOURSELFf Make ,i 13 l'.Li a .l mm 11 ukiu anu smuoui aa tt velvet or firm and 1 snappy as you like. Built for "Big 1 J Business" and its j j Great Army of I s Expert Operators a ETery keeawltted sten ! i.l cc p UOUVI - VTKIJ UMM- I ger ery eipert operator 00 I the firing line ol " Big Buil- nesa" will raip the aaormous . I Royal's AdjiuUiU Twck ! ! I that lakes the "triad " out J i I 01 typewriting! I But the new Model 10 has I j I' maoy other b!g.i viul pew J I lesture. imvttugsli urn I ' 1 tt Get the Facts t 1 1 B Bend for the "Royal man" I I and atkforaDEMONSTKA I I TION. Or write oa direct for r I nur nattte'hurM."ATTI SERVICE," and One rn 2 bUm Soltrnd postal brings ?! them free of charge. J Price$100 x SS 1 ii ' ll J CI 1 mm Sg ROYAL TTPEWRITER CO. lac Yk Zm UOtJtli 1UVKH . . , COintiUK, Agent V9wwajmaiviwswnta)B)ajie fcwailwHW'PWsMiiiee i 1 ;' l C 4V ism matter what yur IS 99 li touch this new SS $9 . Royal Master- fj &m muun iv win ui lu mm a !S I- Si t&Sg&tf an FOtt SAI 40 ACRES 44 miles from Granu Pasa, no Improvements, for sale at MO per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Addree No. 2416, care Courier ' 667 tf FOR SALE Six-room plastered house, close In, lot 100x100, good shade. Addresa No. 2418, care Courier. (67tf ANGEL CAKES upplled for any oc . easlon, 6O0 each. Phone 190-J. 83 BLUE PRINT plats of Grants Pas tor tale at Courier office. (1.60. 03 RJGl3TEKED steins and Percherona. High class young stuff (or. sale at all time. Individuality, breeding, 'produc tion. P. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 692tf FOR SALE -Very high-class regis tered Guernsey bulls, nearly ready for service. - Prices right. Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. 69Ctt U-?UIR residue produced in the manufac ture of lime-sulphur solution. Con tains calcium sulphite. Price per barrel, $1. Elsmann Products Co., South Grants Pas. 724 FOR SALE Team, weight about 2,100;. harness, hack, plow and barrow, all in good condition. A bargain. K. Hammerbacher. R. Y. D No. 2. 723 ILLINOIS VALLEY farm for sale. 191 acres, with good water right. For terms, address J. R. White, Kerby, Ore. 727 KOK SALE White Leghorn baly chicks, ten cent each. Telephone 323-R, or call 407 Rogue River avenue. 726 MURPHY farm for sale, 73 acres 10 miles from Grants Pass, on banks of Applegate river, some bottom land, much npland under ditch, with water right Address No. 615; care Courier. 707tf. PIANO, good . make of instrument, for sale cheap, on account of owner leaving city. Address No. 6 IS care Courier, or call at 804 North 5th; " 620. FOUR ACRES set to grape, peaches and apples, five-room bungalow, on Pacific highway, two mile from city, no incumbrance, for eale. A snap if taken before June 1. Ad drew John Ross, Grant Pass. 762 FOR SALE First-class timothy and clover' hay, baled, (16 per ton at ranch. B. S. Watts, Murphy, Ore., or phone 53, Provolt 722 HOUSE for sale or trade tor Medford property at 322 West J street. Write or phone to C. F. Relchsteln, Medford, Ore. 739 FOR SALE Fine saddle horse, two good work horses and first-class ' stock saddle. Grants PaB Livery Barn. Phone 363. 720 FOR SALE -One five-passenger auto, best condition, electric lights, de- . mountable rims, etc. Inquire Old lng' Garage.' , ' 721 FOR SALE Five-stamp quart mill, Including engine, boiler, air com pressor, pressure tank, concen trating tables, rock crusher, ore cars, T rail, etc. Address 685 Courier. 742 IRRIGATED farm and two timber claims, also five house in Grant Pass and one nearly new two seated hack for sale cheap. Joseph Fetxner, 755 North Eighth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. 742 FOR SALE Eight-horse-power gaso line engine, 3-inch centrifugal pump, light Maxwell touring car, all In fine condition and bargains. George A. Hamilton, phone 603-F-3: i 723 HOME-MADE BREAD Phone Roch dale, No. 43. A specialty of salt rising bread. 1 J 718 SOME SNAP Relinquishment , for sale, 160 acres, gradual slope, 50 tillable, 80 can be Irrigated from creek through tract, good box house, 2 ft million feet saw tim ber, 4 acres cleared, Hi miles to railroad and close to town. 'Price only $326. L. A. Launer. 723 IX) RENT FOR RENT Six-room house oil South Eighth street. Portly furn lnhed or unfnrnlnhcd. Inquire next door. ' Mr. Rowley. 723 VETERINARY1 M'ltGF.ON H .1- Ht:sTl'l.. Vofcr'.narinn tvW iri' VnM'r'fir'.1itlemerri Building.' Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 805-R, Classified Advertising I : :r: X:- MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS .water ,put np In 6-gallon glass jars and delivered "at your door, fresh, pure, .sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wa'gbn will call." ''' -' "URK MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that tbta water is pure. De livered in five-gallon bottle. .V. E. Beckwltb. Order by phone, 602-F-3. r - 45tf GET your hemstitching and pleating done at Mrs. B. E. Haney, Garnett Corey building,' Medford. 725 HOTELS NEW MANAGEMENT Palace hotel Invites all old and new customers to make the Palace their ' home while In the city. Courteous treat ment. Price reasonable. , Geo. A. Hyde, manager. ' 726 AUTO SERVICE FOR JITNEY taxi and country aer- vlce phone 262-R, or see Ross Bailey. Cars for hire ' by the hour. 720 PRIVATE AUTO SERVICE Before arranging for trip to Selma, Kerby, Holland, Waldo and Crescent City or Brookings, call Phone 228-J or 243-R. Rates reasonable. Hiller & Randall. ." 706tf , TIME CARD . California and Oregon Coast V. ! 3 M . : Kauroaa company , (The Oregon Cave Route) Effective Monday, Jan. 20, 1916. Train 1 lv. Grant Pass........7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek......8:00 a.m. Train 3 lv. Grant Paes..8:00 p.m. Arrive Waters Creek4: 00 p.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek..5: 00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pasg........6:00 p.m. On Sundays train No. 1 1 canceled. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 13 8-R for same. . Tralu will atop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Water Creek. Passenger service every day In the week. RESTORATION TO ENTRt OF L.WDS IN NATIONAL FOREST Notice Is hereby given that the lands described below, embracing 1.68 acres, within the SiBklyou Na tional Forest, Oregon, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United State and the act of June 11. 1906 (34 Stat, 233), at the United State land office at Roseburg, Oregon, on May 20, 1916. Any settler who waa actually and in good faith claiming any of said lands tor agri cultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and ha not abandoned same, has ' a preference right to make a homestead entry for the lands actu ally occupied. Said lands were listed upon the application of the persons mentioned below, who have a prefer ence right subject to the prior right of any such settler, piovided Buch settler or applicant Is qualified . to make homestead entry and the pre ference right Is exercised prior to May 20, .1916, on which, date the land will be subject to settlement and entry by any Qualified person. A tract of 11.21 acres, described a the NW of Lot 4, Sec. 2, T. 41 8., R. 8 W., W. M., except that portion here tofore restored under list 6-189, em bracing 9.53 acres, the net area here by listed being 1.68 acres, application of Kameel Joseph Knoeery, waiao, Oregon; List 6-1836. March 1, 1916. D. K. FAKKUTT, Acting Assistant Commissioner of v; the General Land Office. The Early Circus. Leaving out of count the great cir cuses of Rome and Auttoch and coming-down to something of modern time, the first circus lu England wa on a footpath known as Halfpenny natch,' In the Waterloo road. London. There. n 1770. Astley's first perform ance wa given, with the aid of a drum, two fifes and! on clown. A rhnrrrp nf Mlxnem-e Wfia m:l(le for the J fron etandlnK plate There wna no building and not eveu a teuu out mere ly a ring of ropes end stake., Primi tive us were the arrniiKeinents. Aatley oon attracted k'ood audience and waa able to odd to hi program conjuring. irnnRnnl-encle1. vnuttlne and tumbling. with display r firework. In coutue of time ho was able to hire uu'lneloned grooml hikI erected neat under a sub stnirtlnl nof. lie called the pluce Ast ley' umplilthoater rldlnif limine. The Only Thlnn They Ever Did. John; . Itrlglit'H power' of wiivusiu wore nlmoHt unrivaled. Some of his MllU'l('Nt llttCnillCIW WI'IO Illi.'llllSl IIU'IU I1111 lU'HllK lllllitl'il V. U'llOll U11SI liutl l.ccii' run r t!u' unihiulty of n rvc'in-lin-.'if r-riiv, tlv.t tlii'lr am estois m::u jrt , ,. 'vii 1 . ! ,vu ' l'!'"; fi , iv wa. ' iii'm-i- lii'iiiil Unit tliey ".,!. !.;. t ::':!:: H-v " . :.; PHYSICIANS L. 0. CLEMENT, M... D. Practice limited to disease of tb eye, eat, note and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-11, 2-5, and on ap pointment. ' Office phone 62; resi dence phone I5-Jr.; " ' " : B. lJLOU(GI!)RIDGB, ,M- P., Phyaielaa and surgeon, city or country eaiu attended day or night. Re, pbbne 269; office 'phone 181 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. ' J. P. TRDAX, K. p., Physician and Surgeon. Phone: Office, 126 residence, 124. CaJls answered at all hours. Country calls at tended to. Lnndeburg Bldg. DR. ED , BTWATER Specialist 09 diseases of eye, ear, nose and .throat; glasses fitted. Office hoar': 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 pf m. Phone: Res. 2J4-J; Office. 26 7-J. 8chmtdt Building, Grant Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. 8TRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing, tf. A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall Building, - corner Sixth and I a tree t. Phone 116, day or night Hour: Ita. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathic Physician. Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and I, Lundburg building, opposite post office; phone 149-R. Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 16 7-J. 736 . DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., Flrit-cla) dentistry. 109 South Sixth street, Grant Pas, Oregon. ' BERT B, ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental assistant Rooms 4 . and 6, Golden Rule building, .- Grants Pass, Ore.. Phone 266-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorttvy-at-Law. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIO ft WILLIAMS Attorney . at-Law, Grants Paa Banking Co, ; Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice in all courts. First National Bank Building. EDWARD . H. . RICHARD, Attorney- at-Law. Offlc - Uasonlo Temple, Grants Pa, Oregon. ' )""' W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallborn.Bldg.1 O. S. BLANCH ARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pas Banking Co. building. Phoife 270. ' Grant Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorn ey-at-law, practices in atate and federal courts. Rooma 2 and 8, over Golden Rale' tore,' ! ' : ' ' MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco Belgian school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 216 I street DRAYAGE AND. TRANSFER . .. COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All ' kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully aad promptly done. Phone 133-R. Stand at frleght depot. A.' Shaded Propr. ' ' ,' F. G. Isbam, drayage and transfer. Safes, piano and furniture moved packed, shipped' ' and ' stored. Phone Clarke & Ho'lman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. ' . THE WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Bros. Transfer. Co. Phone 15-R. ' LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. T. A. Ut Stated Comminics t Ion 1st and Sd Tuesday. Vlslttng ' brethren" cordially invited. ' a: k. dass, w; M. Ed. ' G. Harris, , secretary. GOLDEN ULE LODGE, NO. 78. 1.O. ' O. F., meet every Wed nesday eve In I.O.O.F. hall," corl 6th and H.'sts. Vlsiitpg pdd .'Fellows cordially invit ed to be present. I. V. Howell, N. Q.; Clyde, Martin, Secretary. ' , ASSAYERS E."RCROL'CH, Asiayerrchmlsti metallurgist. Roma 201-203 Pad dork Rulldlng. Grants Pas. ; DECORATORS AXU I'ALVrIUW , PAPEUHANGING, gralnln. paint V lng. For the best work at lowest prices phohe 295-J. C. O. Plont, South Park street.' . ,A