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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1916)
FAGS TWO DAILY ROGUE IUVEH COUUUU 1010. 14, Daily Rosue River Courier. . V ft k M ii V ' I" Hi 0 If" Hi-' W IV. 3 an inaepenaeni Kepuoucan fij piper. united rresa iasa v Wirt Telegraph 8ervice "" " 1 - " " i A. B. V00RHIE3, Pub. and Prop. WILFORD ALLEN. Editor ' 1 i . - ' "' Entered at the Grants Paaa, Ore ton, Postofflce at aecond-claaa mail natter. - . '-"! SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear Six Monthi Three Month One Month - - : Payable In Advance ,.5.00 : 3.00 1.60 .50 - . i WEDXESDAV, APRIL 12, 1919. OREGON WEATHER ' ';' ' : L.' '', Fair tonight and Thursday; heavy frost south and east por- tlons and light troet northwest -f portion tonight; Tariable winds, -f becoming easterly.' ; -f " SCHOOL DISTRICT MASS MEETING The story of the local high school building points a moral in the con struction of public buildings. The plan adopted by the school board was a most admirable one, and the board, in its endeavor to best serve the interests of the people and to give a structure that might fill the re quirements for many years, asked Buy Rice Extra Fancy Jap None Better 4 Pounds for 2S.C KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First strained relations impossible. There will be no dickering and no prolong ed discussions, it was again declared in official circles. ILLIIS V01S SI fl I S t ;.( ' i-l 1 PUT SLATE j Chicago, April 12. Incomplete re- itnrna tnriAv frnm ttlA Tlllnota nreal. that the architect and the builder re-: dential prlmry showed tnat wMle duce the cost to suit the size of the 'the slate of United States Senator MlLLIO fund available in the district. As a consequence the architect made cer tain changes that time has proved were not wise changes. To reduce cost and yet permit the building of such a structure as was desired, cer tain points of weakness were per mitted to creep into the building. This no doubt should be charged to whoever was supervising architect,' Lawrence Y. Sherman, republican presidential . candidate, had been broken, John M. Harlan, the only avowed republican national conven tion delegate pledged to Roosevelt, was defeated. Four unlnstructed delegates were elected. Two of them may possibly be Roosevelt men. All candidates for delegates to the democratic convention were pledged to Wood row Wilson. Twelve thousand Chicago voters in for of necessity public officials must inserted the name of Roosevelt accept the advice" and ' "follow ' the j tnelr Ballots. direction.' of th m wh i ,m. Roger C. Sullivan has retained posed to be expert in such matters, control of the state democratic or ganization and a majority of the But it .is a condition that is before delegates to the national convention. the public, and whatever the cause of the condition, it must now be met For that reason the school board has Carter H. Harrison wss defeated for delegate. Control of the republican state . e-i j organisation was split between the called a mass meeting of the tax- , payers of the district for the thor ough discussion of the problem. It Is going to be necessary ' to" spend considerable money to make 'the building safe 'from damage. The building in the first place was erect ed, at much less than a along such spacious and factions. AUTO DRIVER FACES ' INTENT TO KILL CHARGE Portland, April 12. -A charge of assault with Intent to kill probably structnrej will be filed today against A. C. War handsom i riner, driver of the automobile which lines could be constructed and meet j Sunday tan down and permanently disfigured Mrs. Henry Eeckman on Columbia River highway. District Attorney Evans does not think the all the demands of safety, and the money saved then must now be spent with a possible margin as penalty. ordinary statute against reckless The mass meeting will be held at! driving carries a penalty stiff enough the school building tonight, and every taxpsyer in the district should be on hand to counsel with the board. It Is the request of the board and the duty of the taxpayer. MAP E ISSUE : UP AT CAPITOL Washington, April 12 On the eve of determining its final attitude on the submarine issue, the question facing the administration today was seemingly "How far cSn we go with th'e'evidence in handf"'n "-' 'President Wilson 'and his cabinet are convinced that a German sub marine attacked' the British steamer 8ussex without warning while Amer icans 'were' aboard and that the Teu ton undersea boats have embarked on a new reign of terror in' which they disregard the safety and rights of neutrals with amazing reckless ness. V l 'M- , ,trA But conclusive proof of this may be lacking. A German note disclaiming respon sibility for the Sussex disaster is ex pected at the state department to day. The administration may show its evidence to Germany, suggesting that discrepancies between this na tion's facts and. the kaiser's conten tions may be due to submarine com manders' erroneous reports, or to other reasons. This may show Germany that It Is impossible for her to keep up the pre sent submarine campaign without continually Jeopardizing Americans. Then the United States, It is fore casted, may ask Germany to take steps which would render further to cover the case. NEARLY MILLION SPENT FOR ARMY MOTOR TRUCKS Washington, April 12. The sum of $900,000 has already been spent by the government for motor trucks and gas tank cars for the American expedition in Mexico, it was learned today at the war department. A Mean Hint He Women ought to be so removed from ordinary outside life that men can still look on tbem as angels.' She-How would the men like them to be recording angels? Baltimore American. ' " - Old papers, 5c per bundle, at the Courier office. "' ' IS OF LOOT FOUND IN MEXICO El Paso, April 12. Five million dollars In loot, gathered during years of campaigning by General Tomas Urbina, a trusted Villa lieutenant, has been recovered by Carranslstas, Consul Garcia announced today. The treasure was burled on Las Nievas ranch in the state of Durango. Among the articles found were 23 cheaU of gold coins, much jewelry, 20 bars of gold (bullion, and consid erable silver bullion. - Included in the find were many golden altar ornaments, stolen from churches, and 1800,000 in bank notes. Carranxlstas, under General Fran cisco Murgla. have been searching tor months for the cache. When Villa and Carrania split and Villa needed funds to finance his revolu tion, he demanded that Urbina give him half of the burled loot. Urbina refused. Villa thereupon killed him, but he. was unable to find the treasure. ESCAPING PRISONER LOCKS JAIL POOR Klamath Falls, April 12. Escap ing from the Jail here today, Loren Kreigh, -burglary suspect, fastened the prison door from the 1 outside with a strange padlock so when the sheriff came to Investigate fae had difficulty In breaking Into the bastlle. The other prisoners said they had no idea how Kreigh escaped.' Elkay Straw Hat Furnished In Blue Cardinal Red Brown Green Jet Black Natural and Dull Black A single coat of this dye will restore "original" brilliancy of colored straw. CLEMENS Sells Drugs The Itt&xatJL Store ' i; n; J, , (ttIM4.iWi , l M U There JiiK & Are .t.'i, fl t Good h .J'.O lU as I'ii i Fish in the Sea as have ever been caught, and some of them have come more than half way to meet you. The Rogue River at Grants Paiw is recog nized an the grandest flfthlng stream in the world, . The Grants Pass Hardware Company have secured the bent and most practical tackle for this kind of sjiort. Rods. Reels, Lines, Flies, Spoons, Etc. It Is our ibiinlncss to supply the right kind of tnckle. It In your liiislnex to get (lie fih. Grants Pass Hardware Co. At Your Service Prince Albert will show you the real road to smoke-joy! mix mm PRINCE ALBERT was made to create tobacco content where it never existed before I It per mits men to smoke all they want without getting a sore tongue, without any comeback but real tobacco enjoyment I The patented process by which Prince Albert is made (and controlled exclusively by us) fixes that and curs out bite and parch 1 1S AlMT the national joy smoke comes right to your taste fair and square ! And it will do for you what it has done for thousands of men make pipe or cigarette smoking the cheerful est of your pleasures I i. . What we tell you about Prince HCf S5' ' HiZ"i Albert is a fact that will prove out tint, 101 MMNMf MM . , ' , a 'ToZti2!'"lZ4 to your satisfaction just as quickly wta'-V as you lay in a stock and fire-up I JwI-Wi" tmk I. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Whuiaa-StJoa, H C R1113 O (W nm rife l ikh kWr ni S m will n4i ''Pmw rMta4 Ub Mk. IW7," wUA hu mtit r. mtU V 1 STEADERS MAY Sl'KAKKIt (X)XTIUCTS WITH CLKVKIiA.M) AMKIUl'AXS I DIXIE -1 I .IOC TLirin PI HIMC' Cluvelana. April I2. W Speaker.5 A Reighl boU8nl Bevml nd ot I lliir I Hr H I A Vhl fornH,r B,ar BWtlman of th0 I,OBton noa at the Dlsle ranch Tuesday. UUUL lllblN WUnilllwlR,d Sox ,0(lay BlKned hlB contract j. p. Rurke, iK()nt for the Over- jwith the Cleveland Americans, after land, made a business trip to tbw San Francisco, April U.-Tbe 'rable dickering with James C. I)lxlo rtncn Frldiy. " ' . Dunn, owner. The terms were not, a. N. Parsons and wife, and J. D. homesteads of thousands of persons dlvu,Ked( uut Teport8 h(ld Jt that ! (Jordon, of Prtianii, were at tb in California, Texas and other states gjicaker's salary would be something 't)X0 ranch Sunday. depend today upon the ability of mod- more than $10,000. He bats fourth; jpv. Long whs out Sunday and em scienco to prove whether "C. P. 'n tne Cleveland line-up. CarDenter" and "George S. Jones are fictitious persons. ' If they are found to be merely names used by F. A. Hyde, who re- i I CAI1INKT HAH HEHKJXKl) brought with him Mrs. John Sum mer and children, Francis Gllflllin, and Mrs. Clary to help sing. ' Cecil ' Weston and wire and Mr. Hammerbacke-' nn; family spent Sun- measures were not satisfactory to his colleagues. Alt.MY TRAXSI'OnT , SAIUH IXm VKHA ( KIZ KM'MWIOX IN lOWI)KH " n,AXT KUAA THUKK Rlueflcld, W. Va., April 12. -' - Three persons were killed and scr- WashlnKton, April 12. The army eral Injured today when an explosion transport Hancock sailed today from 'partly wrecked the powder plant at Galveston for Vera Cms with sup- .Nemours, nonr here; piles for United States ships there. . it carried no msrlnes. Letterhesrts at the Courier. Mshnn. Anrll 12 The Portueuese .i... ,t.i. cently finished a prison sentence roi reglRn()di u w dlvu,Red Thorap0D mni aiinday ,ftor, defrauding the governmen out ot g conMdered proof that'noon at Mm iana, mo inuuiriuo ui imvwu9 ... pPenlpr Almeida's acres involved win unaouoieaiy oe turned back to the government, Just as stolen property reverts to Its ori ginal owners. The people who In nocently purchased the land will be losers. The test case to decide this ques tion is now before J, J. Sanford, re gister of the United States land of fice. The securing of testimony has consumed four years. Branch hear ings have been held in years past In Texas, Utah and other states and transcripts of the testimony are now In Sanford's hands. When the Hyde expose came to light some time ago, charged Jointly with him were "Carpenter" and "Jones." No such men have ever (been located. Thus far they have been found to be mere names signed to homestead entries. Science has been called in to prove them fictitious. Theodore Kytka, handwriting expert, after weeks of study of the handwriting of Hyde, declares that the names "Carpenter" and "Jones" were written by the same hand. ' Several weeks will be necessary be fore a decision is reached. ' NAVAL' REPORTS MUST RR BROUGHT TO MflHT n ' ' i ; i - Washington, April 12. -Two navy documents which have been suppress ed must ibe made public by Secretary Daniels. The senate today, by a unanimous vote, directed him to do so. : . . One of the documents Is the gen- oral navy board's report of August 3, ; 1914, containing a series of advices i regarding the navy's condition, ThlH also gives preparedness reromniendn ' lions. I Tho other paper Is Admiral FlHke's ' report of November 9, 1914, sound ing a warning ognlnst the unpropnrnd condition of the nnvy, The sennte's orders to Dnnlr-ln were based on a resolution Intro duced by Sonntor Lodge, 11 , , ,,!WU SHASTA ROUTE we. route of ,rn SCENERY, SERVICE CALIFORNIA Is tho comfortable and quick way to go. Through cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. ' ' 4. Dally trains on Shasta Route, MiMta Limited Han Franrlxco Expi-eM Kpoltl(n Hpecinl California ICxpreis Direct connection mado at San Fran cisco to all points in the East or South. Liberal stopovers allowed, 10 days extra allowed at Kl Paso and New Orleans on enstern tickets. Ask tho local agent or write John M, Scott, Cien'l Passenger Agent Portlnnd, Oregon AND SAFETY Southern Pacific Lines rffIlt.Tni WMUI "i . f