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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1916)
PAGKO- DEALERS III REAL ESTATE ORGAIIIZE PcR52Nf1L LOCAL j MOOSE BAND Your Kodak and oar Fnasmxa DEPARTMENT are 4 combination that gets the result. Every strip ot film la devel ' oped and every print to made , by experts who hate the one Idea of 'eaulta,, In mind just as you have when you have when you click the shutter. Ilcsic asd Photo Hcuse ' STANTON ROWELL. Prep. fiimmif Par9Tr"rr Attracb'sss at tie STAR THEATRE Easel Daw, U The Ma, qaeraders. Lionel Barrymore, in The) Tallow Streak." (Metro.) Marguerite Clark, in "Still Waters." Mary Pkkford, la "Madam Baoterfly. Grace EUlaoa, ta "Black Pear." (Metro.) Charles) Cherry, la "The Mammy and the Honunlnf Bird. PaaUae Frederick, la "Bella Donaa." Geraldiae Farrar, la "Temp tation." Bdna Goodrich, la "Arm Strong's Wife." Victor Moore, la "Chlmmle Faodea Oat West. AMI REMEXTS TONIGHT "The lily and The Rose.' '. ' Jitar "The Yankee Girl." A. R. Marsh made a trip to Med ford thle mornlnf . Mrs. D. B. Heller, ot Hugo, spent Wednesday with friends la the city. Help the band get uniforms April 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dean came la from Cottage Grove this afternoon to spend some time with relatives. Mrs. C. P. Mannoa nd children left last night for Nightengale, Al berta, to remain. Mr. Maanon will join them later. Mrs. J. A. Gaslla left this morn ing returning to her home at Port land after spending two weeks wtin her mother, Mrs. Lee Sill. Don't forget the band concert April 7th. ' Mrs. 0. A. Bryan went to Rosehurg this morning, and Mr. Brysn will leave tomorrow with some stock. Mr. Bryan will have employment with the Umpqua Ice, Power and Development company. The beet vocal talent In town at opera house April 7th. "l Mrs. S. J. Stone arrived this morning from Moore, Mont., to vtelt her daughter, Mrs. P. M. fcnyaer. Mm. Stone stopped for several days at Monmouth, where another daugh ter who accompanied her, will at tend normal. Mrs. Melville T. Wire returned on Tuesday night from Lakevlew, Ore., where she spent a month with her mother, who was seriously 111 but Is now much Improved In health. H. L. Andrews left this morning on a business trip to Rhtnelsnder, Wis., expecting to be absent about five weeks. He will also make stops at San Francisco, Salt Lake. Denver. Council Bluffs and St, Paul. Class Adoptloa Tonight J. W. Simmons, cute deputy lor the Modern Woodmen, will be pres ent at the claw adoption, which will be held tonight " PREPAREDNESS IS OFFICER'S ADDRESS Englewood Dairy, Phone 823 The pure milk dairy. ; - iu. A Timely Warning The Courier has been asked to call attention to the many open wells, or wells with rotten covering. In all Darts ot the city and nearby country. and warn against a repetition ot the drowning ot a few years ago. Chil dren are now out flower picking and may fall into wells. W. C. T. U. Meeting The regular meeting ot the W. C. T. U. will be held Friday after- noon, 2:30 p. m., at the home ot Mrs. Graham, on North Sixth street. All members ae requested to be present as special business will be attended to. The W. C. T. U. will hold a sil ver medal contest at the Gaiety thea ter on April 14, at 7:10. Clark & Holman, I'ndertakere Licensed embalmers. Phone SO tf Go to Salt Lake City Geo. E. Sanders and Mrs. Sanders, accompanied by Mrs. E. E. Carglll. as nurse to Mrs. Sanders, left Hot Lake, Oregon, for Salt Lake City Monday evenins. according to advices re ceived from the former city today. Mrs. Sanders has been at the Oregon resort for several weeka taking a course ot treatment at the baths. Dairy Cattle for Sale I will be In Grants Pass Saturday. at about noon, with the dairy herd of J. -A. Gotcher, and will offer milch cows and heifers for sale or for trade for stock cattle. These are fancy Jersey milk strain, and will be sold at most reasonable prices. A. F. Knox. Phone 241-J. 715 The real estate dealers of the city have completed the formation of an association among themselves to be known aa the Grants Pass Realty board. . To be eligible to membership the dealer must he engaged la the active real estste business In Jose- nhine county and must maintain an established and permanent office for the conduct ot his business. The pur nose ot the organisation Is to eateJb- llsh a better co-operation among the dealers and to protect the interests of the selling and the purchasing: public. The Initial meeting ot the board was held at the noon hour to day when the members sat down to a luncheon served at the Josephine hotel. During the luncheon officers were elected ss follows: President, E. T. McKlnstry; vice president, E. F. Heath; secretary, LIoyd Launer; treasurer, lasao BeBt; arbitration board, Jos. Moss, P. B. Herman, W. B. 8herman, E. I Churchill and Isaac Best. The board will meet at luncheon at some local estlng house at noon on each Monday. " APPLEGATE Complaint Agafnwt Lister- The city police force has filed com- 1UQ lutliu IVKC uaa uitru vwM- Major U. G. McAlexander, ot the ..ia., the mUniciDal court char United States army, but now detailed Ernest Lister with violation of the automobile traffic ordinance. It as commandant ot cadets at the Ore gon Agricultural college, talked In terestingly upon the subject of pre paredness at the assembly room of the Commercial club last night. Ow Is alleged that he had exceeded the speed limit in driving taster than 15 miles per hour, and had also driven his machine down the wrong side of "" 1 . ,n t0 tne n,any counter sttractions J the gtreet Tne complaints grew out about the city, the attendance at the!0f collision between .the Lister and April 6, Thursday The regular lecture was not as large as Its ex-J the Launer cars last Tuesday night, meetlnr. of the Parent-Teacher as-'Mtiatw warrants The maior is i i-to. k.. .a.vA nnt vuittv nd hia aoclatlon, at the East school, at thoroughly Interested In his subject, 3:30 p. m. 'and his many years connection with April 7. Friday Moose band concert the army organization made him most at opera house. 'competent to present the question to April 11. Tuesday Music club re- the public. He was an ardent advo- hearsal at 7:30 p. m., FresDjtenan cate or a larger navy ana a stronger church oarlors. army organisation, and showed by Lister has pleaded not guilty, and his hearing has been set by Judge Basler for 10 o'clock next Monday. GRIFFIN FERRY Will AnriArflnf. hud HArmAfi SVk vu us via ) " e r - - - - - April 12, Wednesday "Bringing Up apt Illustration Just how helpless the, helping him shear sheep the lasf of Father," opera house. United States would be under cer-, the week. April 14. Friday Silver medal con- tain conditions which he suggested j. Q. H. Gllflllan went to Grants Psss test at the Gaiety theater, 7:30 as possibilities. The address held! Sunday, returning Monday. p. m. Given by tne W. u. t. u. zi tne ciosesi auenuon oi me auaieDce.) several rrom tnis aistnct auenaea and after It' the major was kept busy j the services at Pleasant Grove Sun-' UKAbOF BRITISH for some time answering me many, day Wm. Johnson, president of the Bank ot Jacksonville, was a busi ness visitor here last Saturday. Mrs. Henry Knutieu and Miss Bessie Cooper spent several days at Medford last week. George Herrtott was a Orants Pass visitor Monday. . Miss Martha Boon, ot Ruch, Is visiting friends here this week, the guest ot Miss Lois Rice. Rer. Long preached at the school house Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wheeler, of Eagle Point, visited at the home of Laura Knutsea Sunday. The school boys' and girls' basket ball team expects to play Eagle Point teams at Rose's hall Saturday, April 8. Lucille and Wm. Hyde were Sun day visitors at their uncle's, T. W. Herrlott. John Pernoll has purchased a new Oakland automobile. ' A large crowd attended the sur prise party given by Mrs. Werth Wednesday of last week, the occa sion being Mr. Werth's birthday. The festivities of the evening were car ried on In the Socialist hall, the creamery not being large enough for the crowd. The evening was spent with music, recitations, dsnctng and card playing. Mrs. Werth, assisted by Mrs. M. E. Topping, of Murphy, served luncheon. At a late hour the party broke op, all voting It a very enjoyable evening and winning Mr. Werth many more happy birthdays. MOUNT LASSEN 8HOW8 RIGXS OF SPRING FEVER AEKIAL DEFENSE QUITS questions bearing upon the military London, April 6. Lord Derby, situstlon that were presented to him. chairman ot the aerial defense com- : mittee, has resigned, seversl news- May 9. Tuesday Opening day of papers claimed this afternoon. State Grange at Grants Pass. BIJOU - Tonight D.W.GRIFFITH In to the Motion Picture Art what Pericles was to tlie Golden Age of Hella." Current number of The Photoplay Magazine. D. W. Griffith preaenU ,Vi..,,, I '. -t'v" LILLIAN and ROZHIK. DOLLEY la "The Lily and the Rose" Five Acts ltoik Dolley will be rcniemlxwed as one of the fiutiou IMley alMera of premier classic dancers Another of the great series of Keystone comedies, "The Great Vacuum 1tMery,H featuring Charlie Murray, of the famous team of Muirny Mack S and 10 Cent The Misses Maggie Everton and Audrey Griffin spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter' parents, j Glen Anderson was out fronv Grsnts Pass Saturday night, visiting with his folks. His cousin, Donald Anderson, came Sunday to take him1 hack. M. L. Griffin has a man cutting j wood for him on his ranch. j Mrs. J. L. Green and daughters,' Goldle and Nellie, visited with Mrs. Will Anderson Sunday . Grandma Griffin Is visiting with her son, George Griffin. j Little Jesse Green met with an accident Sunday evening, falling' from a ladder and spraining his left1 wrist badly. j Ernest Brlggs was a Grants Psss visitor Monday. Redding, Cel., April 6. Mount Lassen showed evidences of renewed activity today. Smoke and steam were emitted from the crater at In tervals from daylight until noon. This Is the liveliest outburst of the vol cano since November 20, 1915. Snow Is melting fast near the top. This fact, together with spasmodic out bursts all morning, makes observers believe Lexgen Is coming back on the firing line. ' PENNSYLVANIA HANK ROBBED BY" BANDITS Pittsburg. Pa.. April 6. Masked auto bandits entered the First Na tional Bank of Houston, near here, today, held up the cashier and1 es caped with 115.000 In cash. Posses are on the trstl. FOODSTUFF MUST NOT GO OUT OF HOLLAND Advising a glnnee. "F.i vmi'ri' union in for public speak- I London, April 5. Holland has for bidden exportation of foodstuffs for an Indefinite period, delayed dls- patches from The Hague said today. Ships preparing to leave with car goes of food were ordered to dis charge their freight on the wharves. HOW APPENDICITIS CAN HE PREVENTED Grants Pass people should know thst a few doses of simple buck thorn bark, glycercne. etc.. as mixed In Aillor-l-ka, often relieve or prevent appendicitis. This simple mixture re moves such surprising foul matter that ONE SPOONFUL relieves al most ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. Adler I-ka has easiest and most thorough action of any thing we ever sold. The National Drug Store. NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATE8.25 words, two Issues, 25c; six .issues, EOc; one month, fl.SO, when paid tn sdvanre. When not paid In ad vanco, Cc per line per' Issue. FOR RENT Five acres nrst-class . sugar 'beet land, under ditch. Good seven-room house and barn. Isaac Best. 717 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Masonic Temple. Office phono 174-J, resi dence 84 1-R. Miss Harris. 732 FOR 8 ALE A fresh young " milk cow, at reasonable price. Inquire 748 North Sixth street. 715 HOUSE for ssle or trade for Medford property at 322 West J street. Write or phone to C. F. Relchsteln, Medford, Ore., 739 IHSTRU'lEIITAL Opera House, Friday, April 7 8:15 sharp 35c, 50c Reserved seats on sale at Homing S Opera GUSS HILL Wednesday House Presents April 12 The Big Fun Show. The Big Musical Comedy "Iringi no Up Father" A Real Beauty Chorus. 20 New Song Hits lrlree MX, 7V, I.1M. $IJW 8ct Rale Opna Saturday at Homing's (Wfcctlouery, 10 aw m. g Why Do People Bay Dodge Bros. Cars? Hecauso ldge Hroa. are mechanics tliemilvp and Imlld their cars right. Those aim bought Ifcidge ear last year do not have to soffer a lims of from 1 to 40 per wit on account of change of model. Itccause the Dodge service Is nnexcHrd. MYRRH MOTOR CAR (X Grants Pasa, Ore. Phone .10:1 or 30 Care on display at Grants Pass Garage. ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to state to the people of Grants Pass and vicinity that I have opened qp a JEWELRY STORE In your city at 003 G street, and have sonic rare bargain. Rverythlng guaranteed as repreenUd. A share of your patronage Is solicited. J. W. Diamond Co. ATTKMPTING HELIKK. OP KIT-KL-AMARA GARRISON London, April 6. Smashing ' on ward In their march to relieve be sieged British forces in Kut-el- Amara, the British have captured Felahla, 23 miles east of their ob jective point, It was officially an nounced today. lil SttfilX and Fri. The Oliver Morvaco Photoplay 0. Present iilanciiu mxn . In "The Yanltee Girl" Ily George V. Hohart ' Mint Performance TiftO Adnilnslunt Five and 1.1 (cuts