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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1916)
Till ItfiUAY, APRIL 0, 1010. DAILY HOOVE MYER COURIER PAGE THREE PURE BLOOD. , iwrniy-iour notir alter von itnrt to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Pis eovery, uolsonou mnuer and blood Impurities Ihk1ii to leave your body through the itliiiilnntlve organs. ;, , It brlttica now activity to' the liver, Dtiiimcli nnd bowel In a short time, 4 tliui causing sallownes, indigestion and constipation to disappear. It enter (lie tiny blond vessel of th klii, bringing with It fresh vita- lined bliMid; mid abiding faith in It rm ...... t i . . . . . . wonderful cleansing jiower Ims coino to thousand, vlun pimples, bulls, car- rjunuici, rasti, eerouia, bom mid oilier 'kin troubles dried up Mid dlsap M'nrml, Good blood means Rood health; good ' health nicom strong men and women, full of vigor and ambition, with mind alert anditiusolo. ever willing. Any medicine dealer wilt supply you with Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery iu either litiuld or tablet form. H. member it is not a patent medicine for lu lngro:ionU am printed on ilio wrap- ( ....... ..!....:. !. i U'.li.. Ia T. 1I. t ...... II 1.1 If. ! Uuflftlo, N.Y., for frtw IxKikleton blood. ! 31 ,k ooil are Invited to consult " "yu" ' Dr. rlcrvtt, by letter, Irtt, OREGON PEOrLE. Astoria, Oreffon. "My blood n bad for a Iouk time and 1 was all run-down, had severe headaches, was nervous and tired all th time. After irvtliu iliff.r.iiit. M.ifiuliM utltti.iit n..t. tlnu any belter, I decided t-j try Dr. llerce's reinwlie. 1 took Uie '(iolden Nodical Discovery' and the 'Favorite Prescription ' according to direction stud wn reMored to perfect health. i can conscientiously mtnmtnena Uiem, Mkn. O. O. MKttHKNOKU, 17W iuaue Mreei. OBSTACLES. ' 0e not let obstols conquer you. Any ono who rldos a bl eyole or runs a motorcar knows that th wsy to go straight and avoid obstaolos I to look past thsm down the road. By look ing at th obstacle en sUtrs right Into tham In spit of ens sslf. 8o In lif. whan ebstaola r ahasd, ena should look past . thsm, kaap tha aye on tha right road, and so run past and for ward. Political Cards (Paid Advertisements) EUGENE L. COBURN licpublionu , Candidate for Nominee for , County Clerk v Present Incnmbent E0LUS POLLOCK Kepublicnn Candidate Nominee for Assessor'. Present Incumbent for DR. J.O.SMITH Republican Candidate Nominee for State Senator for A. E. VOORHIES - Republican Candidate Nominee for Representative for t J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Clerk WILL 0. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff - rreaent Incumbent GEO E. LtTNDBURG Republican Candidate for Nominee for State Senator HOMER WHITE Republican Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff Prlmiirlea, May 10, 1910 FRED MERRILL Democratic Candidate for Nominee for; ', .... Sheriff PORTLAND MARKETS -Portland, April 6. Today! mar ket QuotkttoDN were: , I r Wheat Club, 9198; bluestom,' 1.03tf 1.0H.. Oat No. 1 , white feed, 24.25 20. ; :' -.: ' If ok Dent live, 0. Prime steers, 9; fancy eows, 7.60; bent ralve. 8., , Spring lambs, 13. Mutter City creamery, 34; coun try, 31. Kims Selected local extra, 19 Mi Hens, 17ft; broilers, 22 ft tfj 30; kho ,10ff II. Copper, 28ft. ' Double Aetion Wttrfll. There me h K-od many salt wstcr llrllUh ri.lmnl.ty l.i.r narrow fl.,r! or arms of the xen. tire obstructed by barriers of rock. Tbo rutin tide flow over the (liter throuuli sueti reefs into the ifrent nutura) reservoirs beyond, but the wnter Is held back at the ebb until It break over tli obstruction bt an irre4tlblo torrent. Mont curloua of all Is the waterfall at Cuooo pits it ce. where the lnlnnd of Vancouver approsches the (irltlsb Columbia main ''nmi om the (tulf ' of Oeorla to tht southward Is held bnek at narrow cleft between two Island until U pour over In a bolluiK cascade eluhteuu feet blsh wflth per- hsn dmitL th vniunm or tha Ithinn At the turn of the tldo. however, the i water from the north rush back Into i the (ulf, producing a cascade of equal I belclit and volume. The waterfall ac tually flow both wsys,-11ltlmor Sun. Wat Weather and Cornels. Camels are very sensitive to roots- ... I I. ....( .. I ... 1 .. .. jiure. iu iiiv reKiuu ui iiuciviti mini tney are usuatty niwetii. ana u tue.v come Into such with caravan the re sults of the rainy season are greatly feared. The icrest humidity of the air explain tho abxence of the camel from the northern slopes of the Atlas nnd from well , wuoded Abyssinia. This sensitiveness expresnes Itself In the character of different rnces. The fin est, most noble Iooklngcome1s, with short sllkllko Itnlr, are found In the Interior of dreerta, as In the Tuareg region In north Africa, ami they can- not be used for Journey to moist re gloos. Even In Keuan. south of Trip ' oil, the animals are ahortcr and fatter. with long coarse balr, a ltd lu Nile ' land and on coast It I the Mine j These animals, too. are less serviceable ; a regards Sxed and endurance. British Red Tape. An English officer who bad been. through mistake, reported "killed In action," on bla return from the front went to bis bank to cash oue of bla cbeck. The clerk at the counter, In stead of asking the welcome question. "How will you take Itr looked doubt ful and pujuled. stared at the soldier and finally hurried away to aeek ad vice elsewhere. Ue presently returned with the new that the cbeck could not be cashed. "But you know me, and tliat la my signature!" exclaimed the astonished officer. "M yes," said the clerk hesitatingly, "but tho fact Is, air, that you're you're dead, you see. and I'm told we shall require you to give proof to tbi contrary before we can pay the money." The Cyee of the Musk Oa. ' The skull of the bull musk ox la re markable for the development of the y orbits, which project sufficiently beyoud the plane of the frontal bones to compensate for the Interruption the horns would otherwise make In .the range of vision. The musk ox. how- aver, does not seem to rely greatly on keenneaa of sight, far less on acutcness of heni-tntf, for the ears are of small dimensions and are completely covered by tho heavy growth of fur about them. The organs of scent are evidently more highly developed, and they exact of the hunter his greatest cunning. Mind Reading. "Do you think ' there Is any such thing as mind reading?" asked tha em inent diplomat , "Oh, yes!" replied Miss Cayenne. "If I pay very close attention to what you ssy and analyse It carefully I often fancy I got a glimmer of what you are thinking about"-WahIngton Star. ' . . . , -i Qrowlng Up. Percy Poodle Congratulate me. I'm engaged to Molly Multlrox. Ain't I the lucky dogt . Polly Plckles-Tou certainly muet be. But how time does fly! It seems bat yesterday I heart! lior father speak of yon as a puppy.-New York Glob. So Me Dos. Ta, what 1 a detoctlver "A detective, .my sou, Is a man who pokes his none into other pcoplo'a af fair while minding his own business " Modern Affliction. "Doctor, whtit shnll I do to slop thin eoiiPtnnt rlnglnt lu my eurs?" "Hetter hnve your telephone taken out V-ltnltlmore Amnrlcnn . '; , ' ':fmjmf '-''" v '..'. - Further lnformtion Wanted. . Tramp - Kind sir, will yott plensii lelp uie In my extremity rjentlemnn Whot'a your trouble, baldness r nts7-Hoston Transcript s 7re Sell and Guarantee Y TOOLS and CUTLERY WMUK ItlVMl HARDWARE The Itlff Red Front ItKXTOItATIO.V TO KNT1U OF LANDS IS NATIONAL FOREST Notice la hereby given that the landa described below, embracing 1.08 acres, within the Siskiyou Na tional Forest, Oregon, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat., 233); at the United Mates laud office at Roseburg, Oregon, on May 20, 1916. Any settler i who was actually, and in good faith eUlmtug nay ot said lauds for agri cultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, end hus nut abandoned same, has a preference rlsht to. make a ' 1if.mratnft.f rntpv fir tha lfinillt Set II- ay wm,Mt mi aU(in wre listed upon tnu siu'iications or mo persons mentioned below, who hTrto a prefer ence rluht subjoit to the prior right .of any suh settler, p. ovlded such settler or applicant Is qualified to . make homestead entry and the pre- ferenoo rlitht l exer.iHt'fl prior to May -0, 1916, on which date the lands will be subject to settlement and entry by any quulllled person. A tract of 11.21 acres, described a the NW4 of Ut 4, Sec. 2. T. 41 8., R. 8 W., W. M., except that portion here tofore restored under lint 6-189. em hraclna" 9.53 acres, the net area here by listed being 1.68 acre, application' of Kameel Joseph Khoeery, Waldo, Oregon; IJwt fi-lS3rt. March 1. 1916. D. K. PAHHOTT, Acting AsslHtant Commissioner ot ihe general hand OInce. Sure of a 'Job. i It was a ncu; kind of a rceommenda tkn for a servant, but very effective. ,Tlie old employer miltl nottiliiK about . ber accomplishment s .-oik.,wa:treKa. lauudreM or ehamherninld Wlmt she wrote uni ' ''She U st Ktnuitf us u uiuti utid twice a bra re, Three- ttnie while lu our employ she (opntred liunr'ur aluele hniiiled and he'd them tni".l the police arrived and mi fed htitnlreiN of dlbir' worth of eliver ,usl. Jewetry ' ; All t!n r,mua':ter of the vnipioytiiem H.fitcv hud to iln tttieii tttfil Hh. tii-ed ii n ifltt'ilti!' uik ! ivml r tit l loiter itil tot'l nnd there eimt'etl it Wild- inmbte nim'iitf !'! i-iHtJtt'rr for I lie strmiB lsnsl loiild - l'l.t-il'iir;.-li l're JMMaaasej I t f h MMeaofsj I 1 r- ' a i , . i - i, , llt W . a., nJ'i jt ..iw:i I , S .-t3 '.El irtiiSei wuiaB sjMf"jn9jiraOTV"i fcj-fcsua-i ?: nrTATT Si "?,fiejnii -4ssksalilBBllUSJoaBJ 19 ifml m mm 9" ' "ihe Machine ! S wun a 1 1 0 Personality'9 r II H and regulate the touch I ' of this new Royal to I t'tit youksklh mane 1 2 it liUht and smooth as rt velvet or firm and ' I snappy as you like. i Built for "Big : iv . i DusmetM ana n t Great Army of i Expert Operator Every keen-witted Men j orspher every office manl ier every expert operator oa the firing line of VBIgBusl- I nes" will grasp the enormous mrhttvint value of ue new ! Royal's AiiutfbU Ttuck I that takes the -Jrlnd" out I m typewnungi But the new Model 10 ha many other big. vital sew features. Invutiftt tkml . CtfA Factit Sand for the "Royal man" and ask for a DEMONSTRA TION. Or writ oa direct for our nwbrochura,"B7Tl criwr n. Pm. 1 oen Sooad-w postal brings them frte of charge. ' , Pric$100 !! rotal romrrcx co. be ; s 3. JUiUUlt, 1UVH.U i i COURIER, Agent a3 rl- iiiatici wuui jrutu S M Vi touch this new !S IJ' Royal Master, f J J Model 10 will fit it it f Just turn the set-screw si a Classified Advc55:csiiiig VOH SALE 40 ACEES i'A miles from GranU Pas, do improvements, for sale at $40 per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 241S, care Courier. 657tf KOU SALE Six-room plastered bouse, close In, lot 100x100, good bade. Address No. 2413, care Courier. .. ; 6B7tf ANGEL CAKES supplied for sby oc casion, 60c each. Phone 190-J. 83 ULUE PRINT pluts of Grants Pass for sale at Courier office. tl.5Q. 93 A SNAP for some one. For cash, If aold in the next. two months, four seres, bouse, fruit, guaranteed well over fifty feet deep, cased and pump, one mile east of the beet suar factory on Pacific highway. John Ross, Box 93, R..F. D. No. 3, . Grants Pas. 716 REGISTERED BEItKSlURES, ' HoT- stclns and Percberons. High class young stuff for sale at all times. Individuality, breeding, produc tion. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 692tf FOR 8ALE-Very high-class regis' tered Guernsey bulls, nearly ready for service. Prices right. Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. , 696tf LI-SUL-FERTILIZER PASTE The residue produced In the manufac ture of lime-sulphur solution. Con tains calcium sulphite. Price per barrel. $1. Elsmann Products Co., South Grants Pass. 724 FOR SALE Team, weight about ,2,100; harness, back, plow and harrow, all la good condition. A bargain. K. Hammerbacher. R. F. D No. 2. , 723 1 LlIBcOIS VALLEY farm for sale. 191 acres, with good water right. For terms, address J. R, White, . Kerby. Ore. 727 FOR SALE White Leghorn baby chicks, ten cents each. Telephone 323-R, or call 407 Rogue River avenue. 726 MURPHY farm for sale, 73 acres 10 miles from Grants Pass, on banks ot Applegate river, some bottom ' land, -much upland under ditch, with ' water right. Address No. 615, care Courier. 707tf. PIANO, good 'make of instrument, for sale cheap, on account of owner leaving city. Address No. 615 care Courier, pr call at 804 North ' 5tb. 620. FOR SALE-One 3-Inch Gould centri fugal pump, foot valve, etc; also crude oil, smudge pots, mowing machine and young thoroughbred Duron Jersey hogs. Phone 135-J. Edw. H. Richard, agent. 714 FOR SALE Several young thorough bred ; Duroo Jersey boars, at bar gain prices. Phone 135-J. , Edw. H. Richard, agent 714 FOR SALE Team, weight about 2,600, including heavy wagon and harness. This team la sound and Al workers. , Address A. E. Shep ard, Rogue River, Ore. 714 FOR SALE Two-acre lot, with new eight-room house, on North Seventh street. Inquire at Moore Bakery. . 715 ARSENATE OF LEAD PASTE We are able to offer new stock Dow arsenate ot lead paste at very at tractive pricea (strictly 80 days net cash), providing we are ad vised ot your prospective require ments before April 15. Investigate this. Ei8msn Products Co., South Grants Pass. 716 FOUR ACRES set to grapes, peaohes and apples, three-room bungalow, on Paclflo highway, two miles from city, no incumbrance, tor eale. A snap if taken before June 1. Ad dress John Ross, Grants Pass. 762 FOR SALE -First-class timothy and clovor hay, baled, $16 per ton at ranch. B. S. Watts, Murphy, Ore., or phone 63, Provolt. , 723 FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Du plex steam pump, 4-inch water gate black pipe, fittings, valves, ' halt inch to two inch. Inquire H. C. Sampson. ' - 717 FOR SALE Good horse, weight about 1360, Boven years old; Studebaker Wagon; harness; eight , inch Oliver plow; cultivator; Gar land range, and heating stove. R. B. Henderson, three miles west on Q street ' 716 DISPLAY tables tor , store use for sale, heavy and substantial, cheap Inaulre at Courier office.. 715 HOMESTEAD relinquishment, , 120 acres, for . $300. ; Oood timber, plenty of water, good land. Sixty acre could be cultivated. Address No. 671, car Courier. ' ' 717 FOR milk cows, calves, hogs, goats, see Grave Creek Ranch, Leland, Ore. , 718 FOR RENT Small cottage, partly furnished, $8 per month; larger cottage, unfurnished, $10. Good location, close In, Address No. 647, care Courier. 715 WANTED WANTED To lease for five years, with option to buy, good dairy ranch that will carry from twenty to sixty cows. We have the cows. D. P. Jenkins, Box 867, Bandon, Oregon. "' 717 WANTED A woman to work In boarding house. Phone 612-F-5. WANTED Work as clerk In store or in doctor's office by lady of ex perience. Address 214 North Third street. ., 716 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In 5-gallon glass jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. . , . PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that this water la pore. De livered In five-gallon bottles. '.V. E. Beckwith. Order ly phone, 602-F-3. ' 459tl BREED to type and brains. The pure bred : Percheron stallion, "Harley" will stand Friday-and Saturday during season at Brownie's Livery, GranU Pass. Terms: $15, Insure with foal C S. Etnier, owner. ' 718 WILL MOVE Brownie Hampton's livery will be located at the Jose phine livery stables after April 1. Three good work teams tor sale. Good pasture $2 per month. 714 GET your hemstitching and pleating , done at Mrs. B. E. Haney, Garnett Corey building, Medford. , 725 HOTELS NEW MANAGEMENT Palace hotel Invites all old and new customers to make the Palace their home while In the city. Courteous treat ment Prices reasonable. Geo.' A. Hyde, manager. , 73$ ACTO SERVICE FOR JITNEY taxi and country aer vice phone 262-R, or see Ross Bailey. Cara for' hire by the hour. . i , 720 PRIVATE AUTO SERVICE Before arranging tor trip to Selma, Kerby, Holland, Waldo and Crescent City or Brookings, call Phone 228-J or 243-R. Rates reasonable. Hiller ft Randall. 706tf CONTRACTS wanted for , heavy hauling with large auto trucks. A. F. Roberts, 70 East 27th, North Portland, Ore; : 715 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Office in Winetrout Implement Building. : Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 306-R. , TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company ; (The Oregon Caves Ronte) Effective Monday, Jan. 20, 1916. Train 1 It. Grants Fass........7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 a.m. Train S Ir. Grants Paaa..3:00 p.m. Arrives Waters Creek. 4:00 p.m. Train 4 Iv. Waters Creek....5:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass........6:00 p.m. - On Sundays train No. 1 is oanceled. Ail trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth ' streets, opposite the Southern Paclflo depot For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, , or phone 138-R ror same. Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and waters Creek. Passenger service every day In the week. rrlctlon and Valoolty. When one solid body glide over the surfuce of uuotber the coefficient of friction diminishes ns the velocity In creiises und Hourly vanishes when the velocity attain n certain critical veluc. Thin dlmluutlon ef rrlctlon is due to tho nlr which partially separates the two bodies at low-.relative velocities and separates them completely at the critical and nil higher velocities. ' Mining Blanks CourleiTOfflce. ' ,. ' PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 3-8, and on ap pointment Office phone 62; resi dence phone SS9-JL S. LOUGHiUDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Rea. phone 369; office phone 183 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. J. P. TRUAJC, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 125; residence, 324. Call answered at all boars. Country calls at tended to. Lundelurg Bldg. DR. ED BTWATER Specialist on diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours: 9 to 13 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res. 234-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases ot children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing. : tzV A. A. WITH AM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Phone 116, day or night Honrs: 9 a, bl. to 4 p. m. ' DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathia Physician. Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and 1, Lundburg building, opposite post office; . phone 1 4 9-R. Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. 736 DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. J)., Fl rat-class dentistry-' 109ft South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. ., BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. - Marguerite H. Elliott dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Role building,' Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, . Attorny-at-Lnw. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS Attorneys- at-Law, GranU Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank . Building. ' C'. : - EDWARD H. . RICHARD. Attorney-at-Law. Offlc Masonic Temple, . Grants Psss, Oregon. W. T. MILLER, , Attorney-at-Law County ' attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S, RLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building." Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS---Attorney-U-law, practices) : in state and federal . courts. Rooms 3 and 3, ' over Golden Rnle store. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco Belgian school ot violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 215 I street. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds' of dray age and transfer work carefully and promptly done.' Phone 13 2-R. SUnd at frieght depot. A. Shade, Propr. F. G. iBham. drarase and. transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed,: shipped and stored Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do W. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. Lodges GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. If. Stated Commanioa tlons 1st and 8d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE. LODGE, NO. 78. 1.O. O. F.. meets evarv Wad- Onesdsy eve in I.O.O.F. hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be present , I. V. Howell, N. G., Clyde Martin, Secretary. ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist. metallurgist Roma 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. . DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANG1NG, gTalnlng, paint ing. For thd best work at lowest prices phone 395-J.' C. Q. Plant, South Park street. ';'