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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1916)
PAGE SIX ' daily noci i: 1UVKU UHIUKH 8txn.iv. ArniL a, iie pecil Display Ladies' Goats and Suits MONDAY ONLY S3 M x X T E received today forty coats and suits direct from New York which were carefully "selected by one of the Golden Rule resident buyers from the best manufacturers of ladies' garments. Our instructions were to send a' few, but there are more than we intend keeping. However, they will all be on display tomorrow. Monday; after that date a part of them will will be returned. These garments are notable for beauty of pattern, correct ness of style, thoroughness of making and lowness of price. This season we have put extra thought and extra effort in the suit department and results show. We want you to visit the department tomorrow if possible. You will appreciate the display by seeing the coats and suits for yourself. There are scores of splendid models, in new mixtures and plain colore in the best shades. Second Large Shipment of Middies Just Received Read the following pointers about Jack Tar middies: Jack Tar middies are fast color positively. All seams in Jack Tar mid dies are double needle sewed for strength. AH the eyelets are thread worked they won't rust. The lace tips are rust proof. Jack Tar middies are made to fit shrinkage is calculated. They are made in a spotless, sanitary factor, by contented, spotless operators. Special Delineator Offer for Ten Days The Fashion Authority of the World Call at the pattern counter for full 1 particulars mm AUXILIARY PLANS ROSE FESTIVAL The Ladles Auxiliary, at Its moot ing held Saturday afternoon, made preliminary plana (or tb holding of the annual Roue Festival In the city. The date wan not set, at that will huve to be adjusted to meet the ad vance ot the season, and will ho when the rosea are at their best. It was the aentlment of the members pre sent, however, that the festival thU year partake of the carnival spirit, and that the day he one of Joy and good cheer. An advertising commu te, composed of Mra. A. It. Cunnell, Mrs. Dr. Strtclier and Mra. O. 8. Blanchard. was named, and other committees will be named later. The revenues that may be derived from the varloua activities of the festtval will be donated toward the mainten ance and supply or the free public library. MINKIW OF WASIUVtiTOX j CKIJWKATK 8-HOltt DAY f Wllkeson, Wash., April 1. Com rormoratlng the passion of the eight hour law aa It applies to mine work ers, residents of the coal mining towns of Wllkeson. Carbonado and South Prairie are holding an all-day celebration here today. A parade, j more than a mile in length, was held j during the morning. Representatives from all the mines In Pierce county i participated In the parade. ASTORIA RATE CASE ORDER POSTPONED ; Washington. April 1. The Inter state commerce commission today : postponed, on recommendation of Commissioner Harlan, the order Is sued In the Astoria rate case. The order was to have been effective May I. Announcing the postponement, the commission said that the railroads in volved had asked for a rehearing, but that their petition had been delayed.' i Holding up of the order will con tinue rates, pending the rehearing of the petition. Coming Paramount Attractions at the STAR THEATRE Madame Petrova, la MMy Ma donna." (Metro.) Blanche Ring, in "The Yankee GirL" Hazel Dawn, In "Tbe, Mas queroders." Lionel Barry more, in "The Yellow Streak." (Metro.) Marguerite Clark, in "Still Water." Mary Pickford, in "Madame Butterfly." Grace HUson, In "Black Fear." (Metro.) Charles Cherry, In "Tbe Mommy and the Humming Bird." - Pauline Frederick, la "Bella Donna." . . Geraldine Farrar, In Temptation." PORTLAND MARKETS ' Portland, April 1. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wheat Club, 90S 95; bluestem, 1.00 1.04. Oats So. 1 white feed, 24.50 25.50. i Barley Feed, 25.00. t I Hogs Best live, 9.25. . . Prime steers, 9; fancy cows, 7.60; best calves, 8. ! Spring lambg, 13. 1 Butter City creamery, try. 30 31. Eggs Selected local extras, 21. Hens, 17; broilers, 22tf25; geese, 10 11. Copper, 28. LIBRARY RKPORT FOR MONTH OF MARCH Portland, April 1. -Postponement of the date the Astoria parity rates are to become effective Is looked un ion here as a victory for the railroads jand a further rebuke to tbe conten- tlon Portland was supposed to be con templating that because of its near ness to the Inland Empire of Wash- should be granted lower Adults' Books Circulated: Philos ophy and religion, 24; sociology, 22; natural science, 36; agricultural, ington it technical and domestic art, 34; music ! rates than Astoria and, consequently, and art. 33; poetry, drama, essays, 'than the competing Puget sound 58; history, biography, 25; 1,458. Children's Books Primers and picture ' 18; travel books, 51; Action, 1,157. Total cities. . Tbe railroads had filed an appeal ,'for a rehearing of the case and the Circulated: ! commission has deferred application books, 64: of the rates recently ordered for May myths, legends and fairy tales, 85; ,1 pending decision on the rehearing ! natural science. 34; electrical and It Is su noosed here that wben the j n.c -hanical books, 35; poetry and j case Is reopened. If the rehearing Is j 34; coun-1 readers, 30; history, 25; travel , granted, the commission will Insist! books, 28; biography, 23; fiction, upon a full hearing of all parties In 20 The Sewing Machine with a LIFE TIME guarantee, and insured for five years, Is the "Free" at Helmer's. 710 I If In need of a good bed, see those guaranteed Heywood's "Aunt Sally'' mattresses at Helmer's. 710 Old papers. Courier office. 5c per bundle, at the controversy. 389. Total, 713. ;terested. either directly or Indirectly, Number magazines loaned, 428. i that the final decision may end tho Books In renting collection, 12. Full circulation, 2,611. ! Largest dally circulation, 165. j Total attendance at reading tables, ! 1.401. Number books repaired In library, 234. t Number application cards Issued i during month, 32; total number! f cards Issued to date, 1,768. ' I i m HUSBAND SHIPPER OF ARMS 4m FREE DEMONSTRATION In Your Own Home Electric Washer 1 Frantz-Premier or Apex Electric Vacuum Cleaners Call 141-11 and we'll demonstrate Bush Electric Store "Buy Electrical Good at the Klertle Shop" 10 North Hixth Htreet ! Taeoma April .1. Strengthening the evidence against Captain -Hans Tauscher, husband of Madame Gadski, under arrest In New York In connection with an alleged Cerman plot to destroy tbe 'Wetland . canal, federal officials here today telegraph ed agenta ot the department of jus tice that f 250,000 worth of war munitions bearing Tauscber'a name and trademark are stored In ware houses at Aberdeen, .Wash. The Aberdeen consignment consists of 4,000,000 rounds ot ammunition and forty cases of rifles, which were seized by R. L. Sebastian, deputy col lector of customs, when the schooner Annie Larson put Into Hoqutam In distress. . According to British consular offi cials here, Captain Tauscher had planned ' to ship these munitions either to Mexico or British India, the Idea being to inaugurate a revolution which might ultimately Involve the United States by reason of the muni tions coming from this country. i An extra large assortment of pat terns In Congoleums and Linoleums at Helmer's. 710 There Are Some' Mem who would not wear a suit unless it cost K) or $10. Think if they pay less they are not good enough and uto-ilate, etc. The majority, how ever, of . Intelligent Men want good clothes, hut want them at a more moderate price, flood sense, isn't it f We have on hand a line of worsteds, cassimeves and gergca . priced at $13.50 $16.50 $18.50 $22.50 Handsome Colorings, Perfectly Tailored Perfect Fitting "Cash Buy Cheaper Than Credit" PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. "If Ma Wear It, Wa Have If Start Them Right " , i and you will have no trouble raising chicks. .. We have sold a well balanced chick food for ten years, and it has always been satisfactory. 5 lb. package . . 25c 10 lb. package . , 50c Always keep before your hens clean beef scrap, shell, grit and charcoal. Send orders for any or all to CRAMER BROS. . Odd Fellows Block ; ' Poultry Fence .. Petaluma Incubators Closing Services of the Umion Revival Tonight at 7:30 at the Baptist and Presbyterian Churches Come and bring your friends