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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1916)
SUNDAY, AI'ltIL SI, 1010 daily noci-R itivcn cotnrcii PACE FTVB Iff L ft Jill fi! S 'w-i KEKP A rilOTOflltAPIIIG DAIItY WITH AX AITOOHAPHIC KODAK Such a pictorial record o( the year tolls the whole itory ac eurately, convontecUy, and U a pleaaure in (be keeping. Tho Kodak to tell the itory and tbo Kodak alhuin to keep It are featured In our pbotograpulo department. Let us show you. Music and Photo House STANTON ROWKIjL, rrop. : PER52NflL LOCAL i Special Announcement IWvcrlcy Itityur, Itulh Ktone litHiM', Hi-) it nt Waxlitmrii, K. II. Calvert are four leading rtnrn In n all-Mar miper feature, "The tVlmnon Wing." in lx reel Wilicll will N , Mimvn In tlila rliy on Tuesday and Wednewlay nU A nuttf nltlccnl production dealing with dm gretet subject of the day unit portrayed In 11 thrilling and xrtM-ulnr manner. WATCH IXHt IT COMING EVENTS . April 4, Tuesday Music club chorus praellco In Presbyterian church, at 7:30 aharp. Study section at 8:80 pi n. April , Tuoaday -Regular meet ing of The Society of Arts and Crafta, at the hom of Mra. W. 8. Maxwell," Lanrldne avenue, at 1:80 p. m,. . , , ; April 6, Thuraday The regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher a aoclatlon, at the East school, at 3:30 p. m. May 9, Tuesday Opening day of 8tate Grange at Oranta Paaa. Tbo 'Tree" machine, tho beat ma chine ever put on the market, at Helmer's. 710 EUOU 1 vniuui TRIANGLE If You Are Looking for a comedy of the rip roaring, slde-eplittlng, ten-langlm-a-mlnute variety, you'll find the exact requirement In "TIIW BEST OF ENEMIES" Tliroe mil of - uproarioiia Keyntone hilarity, with the old atage favorite Weber & Fields If You Are Looking for a atory from life, a atory mi renllNtlo In Its action,' ao strong in Ha personal It lea, ao tonae and exciting In Ita aitna tiona tha you feel youroelf an Integral part In ita plot, you should noo lteau(iful ' Bessie Barriscale In a Klve-Ileel Ince Drama "The Golden Clay" If You Are Looking for a place to upend an even in it with a guiirnntee of 100 per cent enjoyment, see this Triangle Program ttmlghtJ Salmon Hue, spoons and polea at Cramer Ufo. 710 M. Puna made a trip to Yreka Sat urday. I Don't forget the bend concert April 7th. " . 716 I Mr 1. 0. 0. 01 urn went to Mod I ford Saturday. I The largest line of brass and iron beds at Clark k Holman's. 710 I While and Tan Soroala 14 Pumpi, Special April Sale at f 1 pair. Kinney k Truax. 710 j K. T). firings, of Ashland, apent a part of Saturday In tho city, j Jap-a-4ac, all color, at Cramer Bros. . 710 j Mlaa Susie Cook and Oretehen Clement spent Saturday In Medford. Diamond chick feed. Just what tho little chicks nuod. At Cramer jllros. 710 j J. N. Johnston went to. the Illinola valley Saturday to meot the voters In 'that auction. I SliJClAh XOTICK to subscribers of the Delineator who havo missed jany of the numbers. Kindly call up Golden Rule Store. 710 ! Men's ALL LEATHER work ahoe, jTan and Black, $2.50 pair. Kinney k Truax. 710 I Mr. and Mra. Everett Taylor went 'to Itoaoburg yesterday to visit re latives. The Droadnough Work Shirt Is not .equaled by anything on the market .today, a full 75 cent valuo for 60 cents. Kinney & Truax. . ' 710 N'ew cane poles at Cramer Bros. 10 Miss Anna Ferry returned Satur day from Redding, Cal., where aho vl all od iter aimer, Mrs. item. The best mado dining tables In southern Oregon are sold at Clark k Holman's. 710 Tho beat vocal talent in town at opera house April 7th. 715 Mrs. J. C. Welch returned to Port land yesterday, after spending a day 1 with Mra, Clara Coffman. ' Help the hand get uniforms April 7th. , 715 Patton's sunproof paints at Cra mer Bros. 710 Mrs. 3! W. Wise, of Yoncolln, ar rived here Saturday afternoon to vlalt her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Davis. Men's summer weight underwear, regular $1 to $1.50 two-piece suits to go at 63 Centa the suit. Kinney k iT, .710 Mrs. R. P. Arnet, of Seattle, re turning from California points, stop ped off at Orants Pass Friday night to visit friends. K. Mltoguchl left last night for Portland to engage more Japanese labor to care for the sugar beet crop, expecting to engage from 100 to 150 handa. Uce powder for aettlng hens, In 25c packages, at Cramer Bros. 710 W. Q. Merder left yesterday for Yreka, where he will liavo charge of the construction and Initial operation of a cyanidlng plant. Call up the Golden Rule Store It you are a regular subscriber for the Delineator v and have missed any number. 710 D. T. Guthrie and wife, of the Port Orchard Veterans' home, stopped off here yesterday to visit friends. Got a guarantee on all your goods and from a firm that makes good the failure. See Clark k Holman, furni ture, v' 710 Miss Ethel Patrick, of Boseburg Is vlaltlns: her aunt, Mra. Goettsche, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick. ' The extra large line of dainty sum mer fabrics combined with the May McCall patterns can not fall to pro duce the Stunning Costume. Kinney k Truax. ' ", '10 Mrs. Anna Horn, who spent few days with friends, left Saturday af ternoon for her home at San Fran cisco. Twenty families came to Grants Pass during March and all bought goods at Clark k Holman's Furniture Store. 710 Mrs. Carrie M. Howe, of Phelps, N. Y., arrived laat night from Los Angeles, where she has been spend tng the winter, to visit her niece, Mrs. J. M. Kemp. Mrs. O. T. Boats left last night for her home at Corvallls, having spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick. Driving Overland T. Y, Dean and A. K. Voorbies are each driving new Overland cars, pur chased last week from Burke k Son, of the Fashion garage. Two of the Beat Known tailoring houses are rep resented here Brownsville Woolen Mills, Oregon wool clothes, tailored to your measure In Oregon; Ed V. Price & Co., of Chicago, largest tail ors In the world of good msde-to-order clothes. Hundreds of large piece woolen samples to select from. Complete suit, $18 and up. eo. S. Calhoun, 803 G street. 710 Visit Fruitdttle Grange Secretary Riley and Messrs. By water and Hooper, representing the local Commercial club, visited the Frultdale grange during ita session Saturday. While the gentlemen were not admitted to the inner circles where the goat Is kept, they were CandldAto for fclieriff L. L. Jewell, at present game warden for this dlxtrlct. has an nounced his csndldacy for the nomin-(given a place at the banquet board, atlon for sheriff of Josephine pounty. and came homo loud in their praises jof the good people of the Frultdale M. V. Hui Art.,i.M,.n ' OlSirjCt. The local Modern Woodmen are arranging another class adoption ses sion for next Thursday evening, when 16 or 16 now Woodmen will created. 2.1 Per Cent Discount On all wall paper at Hall's Art Store. . 710 Wal Couple WwIh . At the Dean apartments, Friday, March 31, at six o'clock In the even ing, William David Evans and MJss Eleanor Harriet Turvey were married by the Rev. J. II. Harmon, pastor of the local Christian church. Much, Acreage at Sutherlin F. 8. Bramwell came down from be Douglas county, where he has been for the past three weeks in charge of the campaign there for beet acre age, and left this morning in com pany with Engineer Harmon for Med ford. Mr. Bramwell is much en thused over the spirit of the people Jn tho valley to the north, and says that the seeders are running there full time and that a most substantial acreage will be planted to the beets. (lark Holman, Undertaker Licensed enVbelmers. Phone 60 tf Municipal ThinIi Can The public attention Is directed to ward the trash cans that have been placed in nine prominent locations throughout the business portion of the city through the efforts of the Ladles' Auxiliary. Papers, apple cores, and other trash should be de posited In the cans and not thrown about the streets to litter them up and spoil the tidy appearance of the city. . . - . Kncleirood Dairy, Phone 222 The pure milk dairy. 692tf. Timber Cmlnen to Brookings Eleven timber cruisers from the Lacy Cruising company, of Portland, arrived in Grants Pass Saturday af ternoon and ten of them left im mediately by Hiller k Handle autos for Crescent City and Brookings, where they will pe engaged in cruis ing timber for the Owens Lumber company. F. H. McCoy, under whose direction the party will work, left here on Thursday, and the eleventh man of the party will leave to morrow. . il'nlon Revival On Friday evening an audience of yor selection , Old papers, for starting fires. 5a per bundle. Courier office. You Are Invited To call and see the beautiful new spring and summer styles of women's hlgh-clasa made-to-measure suits, coats, dresses and skirts, made as you want them, according to your measurements; to fit your figure stylishly In any style and material Enjoy the ad- t.l 4 .a iL. ii.. m x i a mm ,a-u wiflcapaciur 01 me oui.a- antage of your selections from a lng was present at the Baptist church, 'complete variety of the newest styles A quartette, consisting of Garnet mnd materlaig 8uch trtre 8nown i Best. J. M. Isham. Vivian Ishara, and tne ,Brge citle8 Ceo 8 Caihonn, Aiarguerue wiuie, aang a. selection. q Btreet. Prof. Marsh sang a solo of Invitation. Rev. O. A. Taggart preached from the text, "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." It waa a sermon : of strong appeal. Three persons came forward In confession. The ser vice was characterised by deep Inter est. The closing services of the series will be held tonight at:S0 o'clock, at both the Baptist and Presbyterian churches. SEND DELEGATES TO ASHLAND MEET Railroad Men Visit City The Southern Oregon Federation of Women's cluba will meet at Aih land on the 26th, 27th and 28th of the present month, and as delegates John M Scott, general passenger from the Udloa, Afl fo,. agent of th. Southern Parffle com- ,BdIea were e,ected &t pany came down from Portland on No. 15 Friday, going through to Ash land, and in the latter city met L. H. 1 Nutting, of New York, and J. H. R. W. S. Maxwell, Mrs. Violet Clements and Miss Maude Barnes. Delegates will ttlaA !tai,l tiA Astilanit mAailnff Pareons of Houston, Texas, and re-1 thf Wand 80. turnea 10 urania rasa wixn me gen tlemen by automobile. Mr. Nutting 1b also a general passenger agent of the Southern Peclfio company, his special field being the Atlantic steam ship lines, and Mr. Parsons Is gen- ciety, the Parent-Teacher association and the Legislative club, and as the membership of the different organ izations includes many of the same ladles, the Auxiliary Invited all to meet In Joint session after the feder- eral paasenger agent of Texas rail- Mw reporU of way lines aiuuaieq wiiu 1110 ouuiu era Pacific system, and they were getting acquainted with a portion of tho west which they said was Just now attracting a great deal of at tention from travelers over their roads. the delegates. Prlcea on tho "Free" sewing ma chine are the lowest ever offered on a high-grade machine. Inquire at Helmer'a. 710 It takes more than courteous treatment and fair prices to make a customer a "repeater" at any store. The goods themselves must live up to your expectations in looks and service. When we buy goods, the first thing we look for is quality. Then we consider whether the price is what our customers want to pay. , Then we make sure that the makers will guarantee their merchandise. After these points are all fixed, we choose style, patterns and sizes. A fair example of our buying meth ods is the Hart Schaffner & Marx. All our other stock measures up to that standard. So you see you are taking no chances in buying here.' , - Just Received Xew "Arrow" and "Monarch" Shirts, in golf and negligee styles, in plain and pretty stripe designs, at $1.00 and $1.50 New "Mallory" and "Roberts" hats, in all the newest spring shapes, at ; $1.55to$2.75 New Easter ties, of fine quality silk, in the prettiest spring shades, at 25c and 45c New boys" sport blouses, made of fine qual ity mercerized soiesette, in cream and white. A 75c value for only D. & R. STORES CO. Successors to . , , . .. C. P. BISHOP & CO. Grants Pass, Ore. The Needlecraft Shop First Quality ART MATKRfAU Notions and Novelties, Cornets,' Toilet Articles, Japniifnu UixxK lloyiil Hoclcly Packages for Indfra a Rpectnlty Q Stair Tonight and Mod. V ., X JESSE L. LASKY presents The Favorite Soprano and the Greatest Mimetic Artist of the Lyric Stage GERALD1NE FARRAR "CARMEN" First performance, 7:30 o'clock. Second at 9 o'clock Admission; 5 and 15 Cents Purchase Mining Supplies The Manganese Company of Cali fornia is doing some extensive de velopment work upon a deposit of chrome Iron In the Oregon mountain district, and representatives of the company were in the city Saturday purchasing supplies for two camps upon the properties. They purchased barrows, ateel, powder and other sup plies In quantity for outfitting camps 1 and 2. and stated that It waa ex pected that two more camps would be established In the near future. The ore vein which Is lelng opened up by this company la near the Stone Cor rall on the Orescent City highway, , See the window display of "Free" Sewing Machines at Helmer'a. 710 MOOSE BAND EEaT tnsicAL m INSTRUMENTAL Opera House, Friday, April 7 8:15.h.rp ' 35c Admission 50c , .ranta Pass I ruling Then tor The . . Homo , . Of Feature H llecl H , ,10o and Jflc, . , . Come Early Mrs. H. Albion