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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1916)
SUNDAY, Aflllli ft lOlfl DAI LI' HOC UK RTVEIt COURIER FAG3 THREE Political Cards (Paid AdwtlwraottU) EUGENE L, COBUEN Republican . Candidate for . Nominee for t County Clerk' Present Incumbent EOLUS POLLOCK Republican Candidate for isommco tor Assessor Present Incumbent DR. J. 0. SMITH Kepubucan uancuaato lor Nominee for State Senator A. E. VOORHIES Republican Candidate for Nominee lor Representative ' J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Clerk .WILL 0. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff lrMBt Incumbent OEO E. LUNDBimO Republican Candidate for Nominee for State Senator 'HOMER WHITE Republican Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff Prints, May 1, FRED MERRILL Democratic Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff J. 0. HANDLE Republican Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff . Served m constable greater part of the time for 20 years past Primaries, May 10, 1918 - GEORGE W. LEWIS Republican Candidate for Nominee for V Sheriff Primaries Mar 10, 1918 J. N. JOHNSTON Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Attorney rt m irTTTTin ' "'.! W, A. AUAJUUXlJ TWwvntif f!nndirtflt,fl for Nominee for ' ' County Attorney Present Incumbent GEO. S. CALHOUN Republican 'Candidate for Nominee for ; )' - Treasurer 0. P. BISHOP Of Salem, Oregon . , Republican Candidate for v . , , Nominee for Presidential Elector Congressional Dint. No, 1 ' , FRANK M. CALKINS Republican Candidato for . Nominee for , Circuit Judge , Present Incumbent W. Q. MAXWELL ' Republican Candidate for , Nominee for 'Treasurer , GEORGE S. DUNCAN , Republican Candidate foif '. Nominee for Commissioner LL. JEWELL Kepubliwin'Cnndidate for p"-- , ' Nominee fur Sheriff My Platform! EflltTWjr and ISoonomy L. B. HALL Republican ''Candidate for , Nominee for Coroner Present InrumdM'nt At the Churches I'ntim Revival The closing swvlces of the untoo revival will he held simultaneously In the Baptist and Presbyterian churches toulght, at 7:30 o'clock. He euro to attend thooe services. XcHiiutn M. E. Cliurrh . Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m, Sunday school at 10 a. m. Intermediate and Kpworth leagues1, 6:15 p. m. Evening service , dismissed (or union revival at Baptist and Presby terian churches. .Melville T. Wire, Pastor. Oirtrtlan Church Bible achool, P;45; eon aervlce, 11: sermon, 11:30, by C. F. 8wander, corresponding secretary of Christian Church of Oregon; communion, 11. Mrs. Harmon will sing a solo at morning service. Buelnees men's Bible class at 9:45, In Dr. Macy's offlce. You are cor. dlally asked to become a part of thin class, also welcome to our sorvlce. Evening service, union, as an nounced.. . x llaptbtt Church This It decision day in the Sunday school, spd a good time Is expected. The pastor will preach this morn ing. . The two closing services of the union meetings will be held this even Ing at the Presbyterian and Baptist churches. The B.. Y. P. IT. will meet early. Let all our young people be prompt. ' A cordial Invitation is extended. ' S. A. Douglas, Pastor. , Prrabyterian Church Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning service, 11 j Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. ni.; overflow revival meeting. 7:30. All welcome. Williamson D. Vater, Pastor. M. E. Church South Sorvlces as usual, at the M. E. church south Sunday morning. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preaching service at 11 o'clock; subject.' "Tho Possibilities and Reve lation of the Future State." At 7:30 p. m. we will Join in the closing services of the 'union meet ings, to be he,ld In the Presbyterian and Baptist churches. A hearty welcome awaits you at all these services. 1 0; A. Taggart. Pastor. ' ' Catholic Chufth . ' Masses on Sunday, 8 and 10 a. m.; week days, 7:30 a. m. Instruction and benediction Wed nesdays, and the way of the cross Friday evenings, at 7:30 p. m. Subject for Instruction Wednesday evening, "Prayer." Flint Church of ChrM RclentM Christian Science services are held every Sunday, In the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ing at 8 o'clock. The'readlng room Is open daily from 2 to 4 p. m., ex cept Sunday. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the services and to visit the reading room. Saint Luke's Church Tho Fourth .Mid-Lent) Sunday In It. on . Holy Kuohariat at 8 a. m. Sunday school At 9:45 a. m. Holy Euchnrlst at 11 a. m. ' Evening prayer at 7:80, All are cordially Invited to these services. Rev. Charlos Wilson Baker, Rector. MURPHY A' number from Murphy attended the Pomona at the Rogue River Val loy grange halt Saturday and report a good time and plans nearly com pleted . for entertainment of State Grange, to be held In Grants Pass the first of M.y. , A number of the young people at- Copyright 191(1 Ttwrldere Advertiser, Bos II irsrsjaa vuy vrsfcv The Wcture Tells VX)I) CWAL WILLIAMS WOOD A COAL YAW) .Yard Phone 137-R Res. Phone 376-Y Everything of Merit In CONCRETE" PRODUCTS Oregon (Vmcnt Hwer Pipe Tile tV. ALPINE IHTTKIl Made In Grants Pass Fresh Dally ItOGf E VALLEY CREAMERY Cold Ktorge t'. P. F. Blrchard Prop. . Pbone 393 MCYCLES New and Used Expert Repairing Manuel & Heston 304 South 6th Terms Strictly Cash But see -what cash will do here PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET 400 South 6th St UAILKY'S TAXI Olty and Country Service Phone 262-R or call Spa Confec tionery. DR.F. II. INGRAM Chiropractor All diseases suc cessfully treated without the knife. - Offlce Hours 10-12 and 2-6 ' Phone 7 GRANTS PASS BOTTLING WORKS Mfg's of Country Club Glngerale. A. fall line of Sodas and Soft Drinks. Phone 12 8-J .WW MM.TH) MVSeMt tended a dance up at Applegate Sat urday night. Mrs. O. O. Ilnyea Is on the sick list and her aimer from -Merlin has come to take care of her. The Murphy boys played Grants Pass boys In a closely contested bas ketball game and lost. Mrs. Barties la very 111, threatened with a fever. ' Mrs. Gesler Is visiting at Hayes brothers for a few days. Lincoln. Savage was a caller In the community Thursday and took din ner at Falrvlew-with Mr. and Mrs. White. . Dave Hayes Is making his annual assessing trip through this valley. Henry Darnellle Is working for Mr. Carl. . Corns Gomo Off Liko Danana Pool Wonderful, 8imple "Gets-It" ITevor Faili to Remove Any Corn Easily. "Wouldn't tt Jnr youT Hers I've been going along for years, with ons desperate corn after another, trylnit to set rid of them with aalvea that ITeeltatet Vtm Pure "fleta-It" far Those Corns and Savs KoarLlto and Your Toast rnt elf the toon, tapes that stlok to tho mocking, bandnges and plasters that make a pncknga of tha toes, try. Ing blood-bringing rasors and scis sors. Then I tried 'Qats-lt' Just onca and you ought to have seen that corn coma oft Justllkaabnnana peel." It's simple, wonderful. It's tha new way, palnlM, applied In two seconds, nev er hurts healthy flesh or Irritates. Nothing to press on tha corn. Never falls. Quit tha old ways for onca any. way and try "tiets-li" tonight. For corns, calluses, warts and bunlona. "Uets-U" Is sold everywhere, JBo s bottle, or sent B, Lawrence V Co., Chtoaf o, III Sold In Grants Pass and recom mended as the world s beat corn remedy by Geo. 0. Sabln. I I ! 1 'MR 1 f Classified Advising FOM 8 All; 40 ACRE3 4 miles from Grants Pass, no -Improvements, for sals at 40 per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 2415, are Courier. 657tf FOR 8 ALE Six-room plastered house, close in, lot 100x100, good shade. Address No. 2413, care Courier. 657tf ANGEL CAKES supplied for sny oc casion. 60o each. Pbone 190-J. 83 BLUB PRINT plate of Grants Pass for sale at Courier office, f 1.(0. 93 ASNAPfoTsomeone. For cash, If aold In the next two months, four acres, house, fr alt,-guaranteed well over fifty feet deep, cased and pump, one mile east of the beet sugar factory on Pacific highway. John Ross, Box 93, R. F. D. No. 3, Grants Pass. ' i ' 715 REGISTERED BERKS HI RES, Hol- . steins and Percherons. High class young stuff for sale at all times. Individuality, breeding, produc tion., F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 692tf FOR SALE Very high-class regis tered Guernsey kulls, nearly ready for service. Prices right Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. LI 3ULr FERTILIZER PASTE - The residue proaucea in me waamao ture of lime-sulphur solution. Con- tains calcium sulphite. Price per barrel, 21 Elsmann Products Co., South Grants Pass. 724 FOR SALE Team, weight about 2,100; harness, hack, plow and harrow, all In good condition. A bargain. K. Hammerbacher. R. F. D No. 2. 723 ILLINOIS VALLEY farm for sale. 191 acres, with good water right. For terms, address J. R. White, Kerby. Ore. 727 FOR SALE White Leghorn baby chicks, ten cents each. Telephone 323-R, or call 407 Rogue River avenue. ' . . 726 FOR SALE Three h. p. Stover en gine, pump-Jack, wood saw, seven shovel one-horse cultivator, buggy, horse and harness, almost new six hole steel range, new 30-30 Win Chester rifle. No reasonable offer refused. E. R. Whltlock. R.' R No. 1. Box 20. 711 MURPHY farm for sale, 73 acrea 10 miles from Grants Pass, on banks of Applegate river, some bottom land, much upland under ditch, with water right Address No. 616, care Courier.. 707tf. PIANO, good make of Instrument, for sale cheap, on account of owner ' leaving city. Address No. 615 care Cciurier, or call at 804 North 6th. 620. FOR SALE One 3-lnch Gould centri fugal pump, foot valve, etc; also crude oil, smudge pots, mowing machine and young thoroughbred Duroc Jersey bogs. Phone 135-J. . Edw. H. Richard, agent. 714 FOR SALE Several young thorough bred Duroc Jersey boars, at bar gain prices. Phone 135-J. Edw. . H. Richard, agent 714 FOR SALE Team, weight about 2,600, including heavy wagon and harness. This team is sound snd . Al workers. Address A. E. Shep . ard, Rogue River, Ore. 714 FLEMISH giant and New Zealand red rabbits for sale, 25o each. In quire Clifford Jewell. 420 A St. 710 WANTED WANTED to hoar from owner of good ranch for sale. Send cash price and description, i D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. . . . -, 710 WANTEDTo lease for five years, with option to buy, good dairy ranch that will carry from twenty to alxty cows. We have the cows. D. P. Jenkins, Box 87, Bandon, Oregon. 7l7 A HOME wanted for girl of nine and for boy of six.,, Both are bright, attractive and lovable. An early response necessary. Address No. B35, care Courier. 710 TO EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE- Ten-acre Irrigated ranch near Mod ford, bearing young pears and apples. Good beet soli. Buildings, well, and pump. Want G. P. property, Owner, Box 59, Route 8, Medford. 710 TO RENT FOR RENT Five-room brick house on East D street, $14 per month. Address No, 693, Care Courier. 709 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put op In 6-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will calL PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing.- Bacterial tests as sure that this water Is pure.'. De- Uvered ' In five-gallon bottles. W. E. Beck with. Order by phone, 602-F-3. 459tf BREED to type and brains. The pure bred Percberon stallion, "Harley" will stand Friday and Saturday during season at , Brownie's Livery, Grants Pass. Terms: $15, insure with foal. C S. Etnler, owner. 718 WILL MOVE Brownie Hampton's livery will be located at the Jose phine livery stables after April 1. Three good work teams for sale. Good pasture $2 per month. 714 AUTO SERVICE FOR JITNEY taxi and country aer vlce phone 262-R, or see ; Ross Bailey. Cars for hire by the hour. . 720 MOXEY TO LOAN I HAVE a client who has five thous and dollars to loan on gilt-edged security. W. B. Sherman. - 711 ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist Roms 201-203 Pad dock BuUdlng. Grants Pass. TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast ; Baiiroaa company (The Oregon Caves Route) Effective Monday, Jan.. 20, 1916. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass 7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 a.m. Train S lr. Grants Pass 3:00 p.m. Arrives Waters Creek 4:00 p.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek....B:00 p.m. Arrives Grant Pass 6:00 p.m. On Sundays train No. 1 is canceled. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets. opposite the Southern f acme aepoi. Fnr in miormaiion reKaramg frnicM nd oasseneer service call at the offlce of the company, Public Ser vice building, or pnone us-k ior same. , Train will stoo on Use at any nolnt between Granta Pass and Waters Creek. Psssenger Bervlce every a ay in the week. Washington, April 1. Germany has promised an immediate investi gation of the charge that Teuton sub marines have renewed their , cam paign of iorpedotng without warning allied merchantmen carrying Ameri cans, according to Ambassador Ger ard's report, received today. He said be was unable to learn how soon tbe desired information might be obtainable.'.-.' - ; ' With specific data en route from several American consuls, and these assurances given Gerard, it is be lieved all the facta In the case will be laid before President Wilson with in a week. : . Thus far the government's proor has been so Insufficient that It has been Impossible to ibase a definite course of action upon It TOWIXG DISABLE!) SCHOONER TO PORT Tacoma, "April ;1. Reporting her hull badly damaged by going on the rocks, the schooner Willis A. Hoi den, Captain Anderson, passed Tatoosh in tow of the steam schooner Willamette today and will go on the ways at Eagle Harbor for repairs, according to advices from the observer, at Tatoosh. The Holden was bound from Sydney, Australia, for Tacoma, to load a cargo of lumber. The Wil lamette, bound from Tacoma for San Francisco, took the disabled schoon er In tow early this morning and started back with her. The extent of the damage to the Holden is not known here. Madrid, April , 1. The SpsnlBh ministry has voted to protest to Ger many against the killing of Spaniard by an explosion which damaged the channel steamer Sussex and .caused heavy loss of life. Spanish consuls reported that the vessel had been tor pedoed. -' -'.".r ..-s' -t GERMANY PROMISES isimioi PHYSICIAN'S L O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted Offlce hours 9-12, 2-6, and on ap pointment Office phone 62; resi dence phone 3S9-J. S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Res. pbone 363; offlce phone 182 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. J. P. TRUAX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 335; residence, 824. Calls answered at all hours. Country calls at tended to. Lundeburg Bldg. DR. ED BTWATER. Specialist on diseases of eye, ear, noee and throat; glasses fitted. Offlce hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 3 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res. 234-J; Offlce, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR., F. D. 8TRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Offlce: Masonic build ing, tf. A. A. WITHAlf. U. D., Physician and Surgeon. . Office: Hall Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Phone 116, day or night Honrs: a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osieopatbic Physician. Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and 3, Lundburg building, phone 149-R. . Residence Colonial hotel, phone 167-J. ' lit DEHTISTS E. C. MACT. JX M. D., First-class dentistry. 109 South Sixth street Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott dental assistant Rooms 4 . and 5, Golden Rule building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. ATTOItSEYft H. D. NORTON, Attorny-at-Law. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS Attorneya-at-Law, GranU Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank : Building, ; " .. ' ,' EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney ! at-Law. Offlc Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. . W. T. MILLER, Attorney-et-Law . County ,. attorney for Josephine County. Offlce: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-law. practices In state and federal courts. Rooms 2 and 3, over Golden Rule store. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VK)UNNSTRU Belgian school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 215 1 street DRAY AGE AXD TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All , . kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 133-R. Stand at frleght depot k Shade, Propr. F. G. Isham, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 12 4-R. , THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. . Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone ' 15-R. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. '84, A. F. A. M. Stated Commsnlca tions 1st and 8d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W, M. Ed. O.' Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.0. r ' O. F., meets every Wed- nesday eve in I.O.O.F. hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially invit ed to be present. I. V. Howell. N. G., Clyde Martin. Secretary. , ' . VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BE3TUL, Veterinarian, Offlce in Winetrout Implement Building. Phone 113J. Resi dence phone 805-R. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGINO, graining, paint-,, ing. For the best work at lowest prloes phone 295-J. C. O. Plant Soath Park street ,