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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1916)
FAGS TWO DAILY ROGVS RIVER COIR1KR wxiiiv; apiul si, Daily Rogue River Courier. Aa Independent Republican News paper. United Press Leased Wire Telegraph 8ervtce , I B. VOORHIES, Pub. and Prop. WTLFORD ALLEN. Editor Entered at the QranU Pass, Ore gon. Postoffiee as second-class mail natter. On Tear BXx Months Three Months On Month .5-00 . 3.00 . 1.50 - .SO SUNDAY, APRIL 8, 1016 OREGON WEATHER ; y . Fair today; colder east por- tlon; northerly winds. lOc-SPECIALS-lOc Red Salmon Snider's Tomato Soup Libby's Sauerkraut Quaker Oats Dromedary Dates KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY ' Quality First 3 We SeU PAINT For Every Purpose Jewell Hardware Co. TAX PAYING TIME. Every session ot the state legisla tor changes the system for the pay- meet of taxes, so that the taxpayer! has to study the lav regularly pre Tious to the time when it becomes his duty to add his mite to the up keep of the commonwealth. The taxes for the year 1915 will become delinquent if not paid by April 5th, though if half the sum charged against the taxpayer is paid by that time the balance can stand till Octo ber 5th without penalty or interest I The taxpayer who falls to make pay ment by April 5th Is mulcted by con stantly Increasing penalties for the time that payment is delayed there after. The following Illustration is given to show Just how this wonder ful piece of legislation works: , "Assuming the tax on a certain parcel of property Is $100, the first half ($50) may be' paid on or before April 5, and the second half ($50) oa or before October 5. without in terest or penalty on either. But If the first half la paid on any day from April 6 to May 6, both day In clusive, there should be added ant In terest charge ot 1 per cent (50) cents): .from May S to June 5, in clusive, 2 percent ($1); from June to July 5, Inclusive. I per cent ($1.50): from July 6 to August t, Inclusive. 4 per cent ($!); from Au gust C to September 5, inclusive, 5 per cent ($2.50); from September 6 to October 5, inclusive. 6 per cent $3). If the entire tax of $100 1st Only about two more weeks' time paid on any day from October to " ln wnlt TOt cn n&stT November 5. inclusive, the Interest Wore the primary election. Fifty charges should be 7 per cent on the P cent of the otherwise qualified first half ($3.50). and 1 per cent tne ountT nave not et at" on the second half (50 cents). If tended to their duty, though during the entire amount is paid on Novem-e PM week 252 adoed tne,r names her 6. the Interest charges should be Uter. The totaI regtotra 7 per cent on the first half ($3.50)., ' Ia aow 1937 of and 1 per cent on the second hslf jwWck number 1,250 are republicans, (50 cents), plus a penalty of 5 per "5 democrats, and the balance scat cent ($5.00). Interest continues on tering among other parties. Only 12 an delinquent taxes at the rate of 1 " registered as progressives, which per cent for each month or fraction indicates that in this district, as in thereof until the payment of the tax bot all other districts, the repub- r th Usance of a certificate of de- " Py " b bought beneath runu With excellent weather for build ing operations, matters have made great progress at the sugar factory during the past week, and the nfxt six days will be marked by even greater activity. Numerous teams and men will be put at work grading for the railroad sidings that are to extend among the beet sheds, silos, etc.. this work not coming under the contract for the buildings being erect ed by the Dyer Construction com pany. The Dyer company has been pouring concrete for the foundation of the main factory building, and will have it ready for the frame work within the week. This building is to be four stories ln.helght Unquency." HELPING ASHLAND CELEBRATE. A canvass among the business men of the city has indicated that the very large majority of them favor holding no celebration of the Fourth of July this year ln view of the big three-day celebration to be staged in Ashland. The trustees of the Commercial club took action a common standard again. MERLIN I Mrs. W. C. Fry was a visitor to Grants Pass Tuesday. Mrs. Chaa. Crow and little son went to Med ford Wednesday after noon to spend a few days visiting re latives. Mist Goldle Green Is spending the along that line, as did the organiia-jweek at her home near the Griffln lion oi mercnanis Known as me Beavers, snd the members of the Moose band decided against a cele bration which it had under contem plation. The people of Ashland are arranging for three days of Jollifica tion when the springs project which is now nearing completion will be formally dedicated. Through the Commercial club, Ashland invited Grants Pass to Join in the festivities with them, and the invitation has been accepted in a spirit of hearty good will. Grants Pass will hold her celebration later. ferry on Rogue river. The Marion Griffin family Is en- Joying a few days visit from. Mr. Griffin's mother, whose home is in Grants Pass. The funeral of Mrs. Rebecca Simp- kins, an old resident of Merlin, was held at the Baptist church Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. Slmpkin's death occurred early Tuesday morning at the home ot a daughter, Mrs. Samuel Burr, ln Glendale. Mrs. Ed. VanDom, of this place, is also a daughter. Mrs. J. M. Mason, ot Myrtle "Creek, who was a resident ot Merlin nntil a year ago, Is spending the week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Tyler, and renewing the acquaintance of her many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. George Trimble, of Portland, are guesta at the home ot Mr. Trimble's father, Wm. Trimble. HAS BEEN VERIFIED Messrs. J. F. Reddy and A. 11. Gunnell Friday visited the find of tungsten ore three miles above Gold Hill, bringing samples of the ore home with them. These samples were subjected to tests to determine the character ot the ore, and the gentlemen state that there Is no doubting the fact that the discovery Is one ot greatest value. The value lies not alone In the extent of the strike, but in the fart that a new field Is opened up for the prospector, for there Is no doubting the fact that there may be many deposits of th valuable metal throughout the Rogue valley, prospectors not being ac quainted with It and therefore not having recognised It heretofore. E. W. IJljegran, who assayed some of the ore in the first place at Medford, makes the following statement re garding the mineral: "The discovery of tungsten near Gold Hill by Messrs. 0. L. Half and Henry Ray is bona fide. The tung sten Is mostly In the form of schee- I lite, of a yellowish-white color, in a quart gangue; also minute particles of wolframite are found In places. "Vein No. 1 Is opened at five dif ferent places for a distance of 300 to 400 feet, showing qusrts from six inches to three feet wide, carrying tungsten; said openings are from ten to twenty feet long by three to twenty feet deep. The deepest hole shows the greatest width of ore. The 'strike of the vein is north by 65 de grees west, with a dip of 60 degrees Squibb's Liquid Petrolatum A heavy, Ustelees and odor I cm parafflne oil for treatment of in testinal stasis. In full pint bottle, absolutely pare. CLEMENS SeDsDrogs The $&xa!JL Store A train of a dozen new flat cars and four more box cars, built espe cially for the C. k O. C. railroad, Is expected to arrive in the city dur ing the next few days. The cars were built at the Twohy Brothers company shops at Portland, and will be the latest word In car construction. A Diplomatic Break With Germany seems likely, and looks like trouble But It Might Be Worse It might be a break with your neighbor because you borrowed his LAWN MOWER When he knew (and you do now) that a "bran new" one Costs only $3.50 and up Grants Pass Hardware Co. At Yonr Service Use Good Paint A cc:t of paint good paint saves ten times its cost hf protecting against weather and decay. W..t your house, porch and lawn fence with Acme Qualtty House. Paints. They will stand between the wood ?nd the weather and protect and beautify your property better than any other paint. sfCME QUALITY our trade mark on any paint or finish means that it's the best that can possibly be made for the purpose. We have paints and finishes for all 'surfaces houses, barns, roofs, floors, carriages. In fact, if it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, we have an Acme Quality Kind to Ct- the purpose. We will be glad to show you colors whether you buy or not. " RoEue River Hdw. The Big Kcd Front NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. S5 words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 69c; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid In ad vance, 5c per line per Issue. ell-letntd FOR SALE Two-acre lot. with new eight-room house, on North Seventh street. ; Inquire at Moore Bakery. 715 INVESTIGATE a real bargain for your money. 145 feet facing Sixth street by 150 feet deep, sewer con nected. Seeded to sugar beets. In cluding street psvement and taxes all paid. Total price f 1,200. Will consider half down, balance in six years at per cent Cbas. Morri son, 622 L. 711 WANTED A woman to work in boarding house. Phone 612-F-5. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathic Physician. Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and 2, Lundburg building, opposite post office; phone 149-R. Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. 736 ARSENATE OF LEAD PASTE We are able to offer new stock Dow arsenate of lead paste at very at tractive prices (strictly 30 days net cash), providing we are ad vised ot your prospective requlre ' ments before April 15. Investigate this. Elsman Products Co., South Grants Pass. 715 INSURE your dwellings and house hold goods with L. A. Launer.' tf FURNITURE for sa le, including tables, dressers, bed springs, re frigerator, rocking chair, heating stove, mattress and washing ma chine. Inquire Judge Gillette, East A street. Phone 261-J. 86tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Masonic Temple. Office phone 174-J, resi dence 341-R. Miss Harris. 782 PRIVATE AUTO SERVICE Before arranging for trip to Selma, Kerby, Holland., Waldo and Crescent City 'or Brookings, call Phone 22S-J or 243-R. Rates reasonable. - Hlller k Randall. 706tf FOR SALE IXi roc Jersey sow and eight two-weeks-old pigs. Call S0J-FV12. 711 FOUR ACRES set to grapes, peaches and apples, three-room bungalow, on Pacific highway, two miles from city, no Incumbrance, for sale, A snap it taken before June 1. Ad dress John Ross, Grants Pass. 762 FOR RENT -Small cottage, partly furnished, $8 per month; larger cottage, unfurnished, $10. Good location, close In. Address No. 647, care Courier. , 715 GET your hemstitching and pleating done at Mrs. B. E. Hsney, Garnett Corey building, Medford. 725 ai CONTRACTS wanted for heavy hauling with large auto trucks. A, F. Roberts, 70 East 27th, North Portland, Ore. 715 DISPLAY tables, for store use for sale, heavy and substantial, cheap. Inquire at Courier office. 715 to the north, attd"hs walls. "Vein No. 2 Is 50 feet south snd parallel with No. 1. No. 1 -Is opened bv shallow shsfts and drifts, showing Stheellte In quarts. It certainly looks favorable for the profitable develop ment of tungBten ore. "I would suggest that prospectors throughout this region be on tnetr guard and keep a sharp lookout for the nature of any mineral substance that looks out of the ordinary, even though It Is only rock, and to exam ine especially heavy fragments in panning.' "The strike of these tungsten veins would throw the belt over to the Sardine country through the north aide of a low pass between Rogue river and Sardine creek.' "Placer miners, when cleaning up, should look out for heavy fragments of any kind of rock, no matter what color, and have It determined by com petent assayers as to what la may be. It might be more valuable In content of other mineral than for gold." , IIUNKSK WOMAN !.K Am 8AI.KM 1U HHAXI Salem, April 1. Application will be made today to Governor Wltby- ' combe for requisition papers for Mrs. Lai Yle Sun, who left Salem Thurs for San Francisco with $700 worth of Jewelry belonging to her husband snd herself snd $90 of her own money, taking her two sons, IJP Gooey Sun and Lai Gun Sun. ated jfour and three years. She was ar rested at Oakland last ntght on a charge ot kidnaping. Her husband, who swore to the eomplstnt. said he .feared she might fall Into the clutches of slave dealers. San Francisco. April 1. New vic tories have been won by the Chines revolutionists, according to a cable gram received today by the Chinese Republic assoclstlon here. The mes sage said rebels had taken complete possession of Kwong, a Cantonese state, and had slain the Imperial governor. ftrand MaMer'a Official Unit Members ot the Masonic fraternity are requested to be present at their T" We SeU and Guarantee hall on Monday night, on which oc-1 y TOOLS end CUTLERY uilnn r.r.n.l M.F Prank Millp'ri will pay his official visit to Grants Pass Lodge No. 84. A. F. k A. M. IKXit'K KIVKK HARDWARE The lllg lied Front Letter Files We are "till able to furn ish MONROE LETTER FILES at, each . . . 3 for $1.00 35c Demaray's Drag and Stationery Store California & Oregon Coast ' Railroad Co. The attention of shippers is called to the inauguration of a tri-weekly less-than-car-load freight service between Grants Pass and Waters Creek, and a change in method of receiving this class of freight. .'.'' Ily special arrangement, effective March 120, with tlio Southern Pacific Ry.( and for the convenience of shippers, loas-than-carloads -west-bonnd shipments will be received at tho Koiithem Pacific freight station, and less-tlian-carloNd enst-bound shipments wlfl be delivered from the 8. 1. freight Mat Ion. Shipments will leave Grants Pass over the C. ft O. C. It. It. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days of each week, and must be delivered at the S. P. freight station by 4 o'rolck on the day previous. California & Oregon Coast Railroad Co.