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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1916)
Monday, March 27, 1010. PAGE THREE EOWARD C. STOKES. Former Governor of New Jersey Candidate for U. S. Senate. . , . Rapid Echo-. Tbo blow of tiutniiift I rriweied by ttio (M'liu it tlx Mi-iinl mi a It twenty eight fluids In mh iiHtN Saving the Carpal. MI"trr-ilocxl lien ven, June, why la thla bucket hanging on the gas bracket? Jane Well, nititu, yon told me till tuorolnu (In sua was lenklng. nud lo save the t uriHi I linn;; up tli palj to Ct('l) ll. I lnlii AliNWem Easy Contcianca. Kuxrliy Yes. alio' it tiiv girl, hut If you marry her In the nie ilmt she'll one duy roino lulu u fiTtuiit wou't your wiiwlHK'e iiniiMe ym SNrt love Oh, no! Not If niii' iwillr Beta tbo moiiey! Now Vnrh lilnlie From Small B-amninoe. "There's a follow wlin Iiiik made a fortune In tin prfinury InwIiioHa " "I If now lino tiilllltiiiM of dollars, ami ho KtHrtifl wlili ( m (cw i-nia." IlllUt lllr I 'tllll'tlT .ItMU'llRl .aMnMiiIUiMialao 4aoaMwoioiMr aaBjiatMMUa am A a si 1 "The Machine 11 with a l Personality" ft nnd rctuldte the touch SS of this new Royal to S fit YOURSELF! Make .5 it liht and smooth is ? velvet or firm and snappy as you like. 1 Business" and its Ii Great Army of 1 Expert Operator ' I? - L ...... I . .1 t t 9 odrapber overjr oflico mana fier eory expert operator on I the firlnf line o( V Bl. Dual neii" will Jroip the enormoua i ! I RoTal'i Adlmtokl Touch f .l.a Ik. "tfrln.4 " mil that taket the "Hrlod nt tvnawrllintf I But Iho new Model 10 faaa many other bill, vital new baa it leaturci. Invctticatt tktm ii Get the Facts I S3 i V Bend for the "Royal man" 4 nd Mkforo DEMONSTRA. i TiriM n writs ua dlract for I our newbrochurea," BETTER 1 1 1 SERVICE " and Ono iro I 5 ' t-l u.m, S,Joid noatal bring! IS E them free of ehnrge. f J Prlc!100r U 31 J" ; ; -w 1 ' W ' 7l tS lv touch this new 3 S 19 11 Royal Muter- M f Model 10 will fit it , M b a .11 it, 1 iurn mc sci-aticw k a a el :i ROTAL nPEWRITEK CO. be. J 1UMJIK IUVKH r if IL., 7"""""" in 1 READINOJHE HAND. Moat Murderert, It la laid, Show Their Oharoetoro In Their Palme. A French aaront coutooda that tho murderer baa a dlatluctl band. Dla face may not U'bldeoue. but the baiida tire aud are aolf condemnatory. ISrltleuco on tbo latter characterlaUo la acnuty and roata upon the Invratl iflttloiia of (lie Krvncb crlinlnoloulaU: but. ae to tbo furnmr. It la a fact that aoiue of the moot brutal murdora on roiunj have bot'U perpvtrated by moo whuae eouiifimaiicea habitually wore a very mild riprcanlon. iJwmliiK wua a (ilcaaunt man to Keuk to tint!! crowed, but aotna of th autborltltta who fxnmlncd hla linndi iliHliire hla Lrond tbuuib indlrateil the Iwrn uiunlcrer The true bnllhendod thumb Slvea to the Unit phalantia a round, bulbooe ap IM'Hruuco It la ahort, and the uall la o nbhrevlatwt aa to autiKtut tlmt It Inn hct'ti tfimwcd. It la emlxMlriod In the DchI), which rlaea ou elthor aide iiml beyond It Uiiuiolhird, a whotvNuio murderer, had a Imiid romiirUublo for Ita thick ih'm and loncth of jialm In proportion lo ilm llnuer. 11 o hud a aluulllcuiit lifn, roiumon to moat murlorcra iitttiiely, almost entire abNome of llnea lu the palm, ante the tbroe principal oiien-tlie llnve of life, bead and beurt Theao Unci were very atroojtly defined. The line of tbo head tbo center lino extending arroaa the palm wan rlo luntly cut by tbo lino of life nionlny ujkvard from the wrlat Cblromonry tnicrprcta thla to foretell a violent dentil. Ula flnttera wore knotty and unovon at tbe nail pbalansea. No- brnaka Lctcal Newa. 1 THE ART OF NORWAY. It Refleete the Early Peaaant and the National Charaeter. - Long before the art of .minting, wan practiced in Norway tbo Norwegian pennant, like bla Magyar contemK rnry, bnd derelod au art that waa on J all!) rvmalua thoroughly national. Tb Norwegian paaant art like that of other couutrle, la cbaracterlxed by a primitive purity of color that antkl Miui the art of today and form, ao to nenk, a comimtliig link tbnt Ilea tbe present to the puL If wo remember the crude vigor and bold color of thl rurly potmnnt art we ahalt Krbiiia bet ter uuilomtnnij contemorary Norwe ulun art , . Tetnticramontally tbey are tbe name. VV dud In both tbe anme charactetia- tli forthrlghtnoHa of cxpnuKlon, tbe mime bold, uncompromlalng dcHlgn and color. Moreover, lwtb aro alike lu tbnt the aim of eacb la to Oil a given apace with a dealgo tbnt will form a decora tlon. Much of m,odern art la tn thla direction, and coutetnporary Norwe gian art to no exception to thin. If thla art appenra oomewhtit rough and crude, more forceful and original than pollahed aud Ingratiating, It la tbe fiuilt of tbo national character rather than of tbo art Itnelf. We are not a Niinve people; wo aro aomewbnt blont aud direct, and thoae racial qualities aro oxproHalng tbemaelrea more and moro In our art aa It gradually eoancl paten ttaelf from foreign tnauencea and returna to Ita baste charncter.-J. Nil- on Laurrtk in Century . tight of the Firstly. Probably sa far back aa 1733 It was known that the luminous parts of fire flies, glowworm, etc.. could be dried and preserved out of contact with the air for considerable periods without losing their light giving power, In late years It bos been possible to prove this permanence of the light giving iiower for at least eighteen months. Ksatle and McDcrtnitt were able, upon open-' Ing tubes contalntug the Inmlnoua or gans of tbe common firefly preserved In hydrogen or a vacuum, to obtain quite a brilliant light by simply mois tening with water. Tbe light was In creased when hydrogen peroxide re placed water. However, scientists have yet to discover tbe flrofly'a secret of producing light without heat A City ef Corpeea. Tbe city of Kum, in Pcrala, has long had a reputation as a city of corpses. Thore are said to be more Illustrious dead burled lu Sum than 4n any other Persian city except Meabnd. One of the few women honored tn the country of the shah boa a magnificent shrine erected bore Fatunu, sister of Imnra Rlxa. Eleven hundred years ago she was laid to rest In Kum. and every body wbo la anybody In Persia still de sires sepulture beside her. Loiidou Chronicle. .. ; - . ' Derby's Martot 8tone. , tn Derby, England, there is a curious relic of tho grout plague of 1005. It Mtands In the. arboretum gardens and la commonly called "the market stone." To avoid Infection, the .country folk from tho.aurrouudlug, villages would leave their orders for anything they might wnnt with the watchman, who used to, go Into the town, make the necesHury purehiuws and deposit thtfui i n "the market stone " Additlom "Now, Robert" snld bis teacher, "if your mother gave yon two applcn and your brother gave you three more how many would you have?". "I'd have two good apples and three wormy ones, was uooerts prompt reply.-Ft Louis Post-Dispatch . .... , Connubial Repartee. The nusbnnd-1 do not know Just how-1 offended her. I'm sure. The Wfe-No vrouder, Cbsrlesi you have kiicIi a lot of waysl-Fuck. . , Roman Sugar, , Honey was Uie only, aweotonlnf lfl fredloot known In Europe till the laat daya of tbe Roman empire, when aogar waa Introduced under tbo description of "ao Indian aalt. In color and form like tbo common aalt but lo tast and aweotnoaa like bouey." tt came with tbe Nplcee and other rarities brought by oriental traders, bnt nothing waa known of tbo production prior to tbo eleventh century, Tbo cruaadera learn ed to Ilka It, and tho taste wblcb tbey encouraged waa soon partly gratified by tbo Arabe npd Moors, wbo planted augarcanea In tibodvs, Cyprus and Sic ily and afterward In Spain and Porta . ' applnou la tbo ever retreating sum mit on tho bill of ambition. -Chicago News. Piling It On. "Tough luck. I could hardly find work t'liough to' keep wyHcIf occu-pled.- "And no wT . "Now thoy have given me an asalat ant "-letrolt Newa. A Raatfut Place. The olllce Iki.v In our printing ofDce thla morning malted In with the Infor mation that a very tuueh excited Indy waited uufxlile. "Taki, her to the com poKlng room for a minute, boy," aald the Imh. lnilmlllc Herald Nflaring the Limit Iler Fiitber-Cun '"U ulvo my daugb (or nil the 1 1 We luxurlea io wblcb she fa nicuHtumcd. Her Lover Not much longer, I've been doing It for over a fear now. you know! Philadelphia Bulletin. . ' -" Saohslor Privileges. Wife bear me: You cau never Bnd thing without atkuig me where It bi llow did you get along before you were married Hull-Things etayed whore tbey were put then. Uoaton Transcript UNCERTAIN LIFE. Nature has lont uh life with out fixing the day of payment, payment, T na cf the I a. Cicero, v nd uncertainty a one eenditiona of ita tenure.- Political Cards (Paid Advertisements) ' EUGENE L. COBURN Republican Candidate for .Nominee for County Clerk Present Incumbent ECLUS POLLOCK Republican Candidate for .Nominee tor Assessor Present Incumbent DR. J. C. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for '', State Senator A.E. VOORHIES Republican Candidate for Nominee for Representative J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate for . jNominee ior County Clerk WILL C, SMITH ; Republican Candidate for Nominee for . Sheriff ;V ' Present Incumbent GEO E. LUNDBURG Republican Candidate for Nomineo for . State Senator ' HOMER WHITE, , Republican Candidate for Nominee for ' "-.v. Sheriff Primaries, May 19, 1010 FRED MERRILL Democratic Candidate for Nominee for ''. Sheriff FOH BALE 40 ACKE8 4 W miles from Grants , Paaa, no Improvements, f6r sale at $40 per acre, Under ditch aur- s vey. AddroM No. 2416, care . Courier. ; - 67tf roil 8 ALE Six-room plastered bouseclose In, lot 100x100, good ' shade. Address No. 2412, care Courier. 57tf rOR SALE 80 acres, alfalfa and beet land, .at bargain price. Ad ,' dress Crave Creek Ranch, Leland, Oregon. . 708 100x150 on B St., $500; 100x100 on B St., $500; 77x100, with modern cottage, on B St, $2,000; 100x100 on A St., $500; 100x100 on A St., $600; 50x133 on A St, $500. Each . parcel of land la high and dry and Is a bargain. For particulars ad dresa No. 365, care Courier. . 708 ANGEL CAKES supplied for any oc casion, 50c each. Phone 190-J. 83 BLUE PRINT plats of Grants Pass for sale at Courier office. $1.60. 3 A SNAP for some one. For cash, if sold In tbe next two months, four acres, house, fruit guaranteed well over fifty feet deep, caaed and pump, one mile east of tbe beet sugar factory on Pacific highway. John Ross, Box 83. R. F. D. No. 3, Grants Paas. 715 REGISTERED BERKSHIRES, Hol- stelns and Percberons. High class young stuff for sale at all times. Individuality, breeding, produc tion. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 92tf FOR SALE One lot with alx-roora house, north side, good location; $500. Or two lota with two houses, $800. See Joseph Moss, 204 North Sixth street 92tf FOR SALE Very high-class regis tered Guernsey bulla, nearly ready for service. Prlcea right Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. 696tf LI-StfL-FERTILIZER PASTE The residue produced in the manufac ture of lime-sulphur solution. Con- . tains calcium sulphite. Price per barrel, $1. Elsmann Products Co., ; South Gnats Paas. ;,' 72 FOR SALE Team, weight about 2,100; harness, hack, plow and harrow, all in good condition. ' A bargain. K. Hammerbacher. R. F. D No. 2. , 723 $35 BUYS clean tent bouse with fly and floor. Practically new, 14x20. Phone 48-Y or call at 625 North Sixth street 699tf BARGAIN 80 acres, $1,200 tor next 80 days. 60 acres timber, 7 acres cleared, one mile from city limits, road. $600 down, terms on balance. J. T. Morrison. Phone 602-F-18. 709 ILLINOIS VALLEY farm for sale. 191 acres, with good water right For terms, address J. R. White, Kerby, Ore. ' ' 727 FOR SALE! Driving team, good top buggy and harness. Team ; best matched in Josephine county. Mare three years old, gelding four years old; buckskins, black msnend tails; weight about 875 pounds apiece, good drivers and perfectly gentle; both broke to ride. A bar gain for one wanting a fancy driv ing team. For further information Inquire at the Postal Telegraph office, or write me, Geo. McGllvray, Wolf Creek, Oregon.- 706 WE HAVE a few Barred Rock cock erels tor sale at bargain price Also Barred , Rock and White , Orpington baby chicks and hatch ing eggs. Upson,. Bridge street. . Phone 323-L. , . . 706 FOR SALE White Leghorn baby chicks, ton cents each. Telephone 323-R, or calP407 Rogue River avenue. ' ' 726 FOR SALE Large carpenter shop building, Including lot..' Close in. Will sacrlflco for $60. Better take . advantage of this great bargain be fore it is too lato. Inquire 806 West I street. 705 FOR SALE Illinois valley ranch. CIoro to town and survey of O. & C. C, R. R. 160 aores, nearly half cleared and under irrigation; clear ed lond river bottom soil. Will grow alfalfa or sugar boots. Farm orchard, farm buildings, water piped to house. Half million saw timber on uncleared portion. One of the best stock ranches In the valley. IMce .$4,000. Can give easy terms. John A, Dale, exclu sive agent," corner Sixth, and G streets.' , 705 Classified M vcrlising FOR SALE A?l horse, seven years , old, weighs about 1350; one-horse Studebaker wagon; one single work harness; eight-Inch Oliver plow; one-borae cultivator; Gar land range; heating etove; Majestic gasoline range, and other furni ture. R. B. Henderson, 3 Vi miles west of town on G etreet road. 705 FOR SALE Small steam boiler for dairy or ranch, electric pump, tanks, air compressors, mining ma chinery, boilers and engines, saw mill machinery. Grants Paaa Iron Steel Works. ; . 705 TO RENT FOR RENT Five-room bouse, elec tric lights, bath, fireplace " and kitchen range. See Ivan Living ston, at Courier office. 705 FOR RENT Five-room brick house on East D street, $14 per month. Address No. 593, Care Courier. 709 FOR RENT Tent house, with two acres of ground, garden spot, chicken houses and yard. Dresser, library table and rugs for sale. Phone mornings to 345-J, except Tuesday and Saturday. 709 WANTED WANTED to hear from owner of good ranch for sale. Send cash price and description. . D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. : 710 WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral house work. Phone 612-F-5 WANTED Three-inch . centrifugal pump. Phone 608-F-24, or write U. D. Mlhills, R. F. D. No. 2. 705 TO EXCHANGE TO TRADE for Grants Pass property. 320 acres good wheat land three miles from eastern Oregon county seat. All level. Price ten thous and dollars. L. A.. Leuner, Grants Pass, Ore. 709 SIOXEY TO LOAN I HAVE a client who has five thous and dollars to loan on gilt-edged security. W, B. Sherman. 711 ASSAVERS E. R. CROUCH. Assayer, chemist metallurgist Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. ,. MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In 5-gallon glass Jars and delivered at yonr door, fresh, pure, sanitary Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. DURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that thla water Is pure. . De livered in five-gallon . bottles. W. E.' Beckwlth. Order by phone, 602-F-3. 459tf BREED to type and brains. The pure bred Percheron stallion, , "Harley" will stand Friday and Saturday , during season at Brownie's Livery, Grants Pass. Terms: $15, insure with foal. C. S. Etnier, owner. - 718 CONTRACTORS D. A. FITZGERALD Contractor and builder. Plans and specifications a Specialty. Houses built . while you wait. Phone 117-J. . 708 AUTO SERVICE PRIVATE AUTO service leaves Jose phlne hotel dally for Kerby, Hol land and. Waldo. Marve Jordan, phone 33 2-J, or Olding's garage, phone 45-R. ' - : -; - 709 FOR JITNEY taxi and country ser vice phone 262-R, or see Ross Bailey. Cars for hire by tbe hour. " - 720 TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast ' 7 Railroad Company ;. ' (The Oregon Caves Route) '; Effective Monday, Jan. 20, 1916. Train 1 lv. Grants Pas3....;...7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek.;:...8:00 a.m. Train 3 lv. Grants Pass..:...3:00 p.m. Arrives Waters Creek....4:00 p.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek.,..5:0O p.m. , Arrives Grants Pass........8: 00 p.m. On Sundays train No.' 1 Is canceled. All trains leave Grants Pass from tha corner ot G and Eighth stroots, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For nil information regarding freight and passenger service call at tho ofTlce of the company, Public Service- building, or phono 138-R for same. , : . Train, will stop on flag nt any point between Grants Pass and : Waters Creek. Passenger service every day In the week.' . . Old papers, for starting fires. 6c per Wundle. Courier office. ' '' PHTBICLLXS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice) limited to diseases of the eye, ear. nose and throat. ' Cissies fitted. Office hours 9-12, 3-6, and on ap pointment Office phone (2; resi dence phon 359-J. S. LOOGHRIDGE. M. D.. Physician and surgeon. City or country call! attended day or night Res. phone 869; office phone 183 Sixth and H. Tuffs Baildlng. J. V. TRUAX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office,' 126; residence, 324. Calls answered at all hours. Country calls at tended to. Lndeburg Bldg. DR. ED BY WATER Specialist on diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours: 9 to 12 a, m 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res. 234-J; Office, 267-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Paas, Oregon. DR. F. D. 8TRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic hand ing. . tf. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: ' Hall Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Phon 116, day or night Hoars: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. ,. : v -. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathic Physician. Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and 3, Lnndbnrg baildlng, phone 149-R. Residence Colonial hotel, phone 167-J. - 718 DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., First-class dentistry. 109tf South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. j - , -; BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rale building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 26 5-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorn.y-at-Lsw. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIO ' & WILLIAMS Attorneys-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice in all courts. First National Bank Building. "' ''V EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney , at-Law. Offlc Masonic Temple. Grants Pass, Oregon. , W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney . for Josephine , County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. B LAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-law, practices in state and federal courts. Rooms 2 and 8, over Golden Rnle store. V MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOUN INSTRUCTION Franco Belgian school of violin playing. E. R, Lawrence, 215 I street DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly dose. Phone 132-R. Stand at frieght depot A. Shade, Propr. ! F. G. iBham, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped . and stored. Phone Clarke tt Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. , " THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. ' LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. 'tt. Stated Comminiea tjons 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed.' G. Harris, secretary. ' GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. 1 ;; O. F., meets every Wed g s? neBday eve In I.O.O.F. -- hall, cor.-6th and ISts. Visiting Odd Fellows c6rdlally invit ed to be presents . I., V. . Howell. N. G., Clyde Martin, Secretary. . VETERINARY SURGEON . , i. , . ... . . . DR. R. J, BESTUL, Veterinarian, Office in , Wlnetrout Implement ,' Building. Phone," 113-J..- .Resi dence phone 80 5-R. , ' ' . - DECOIUTORS AJil PAINTERS PAPERHANGINO, graining, palnt . lng. For the best work at lowest prices phone 296-J. C. Q. Plant, . .South Park street. ' , . .',