s PAGE TWO. DAILY ROGUE RIYEU COCIUKR MONDAY, MAItCn 1010. 87, Daily Rogue River Courier.! - ' 1 a Aa Independent Republican Newo paper. United Presa Leased Wire Telegraph Service A. B. VOORHIES, Pub. and Prop. yYILFORP ALLEN. Editor Entered at the Granta Past. Ore gon. Postofflce aa second-class mall matter. D SUBSCRIPTION KATES On Tear 61x Months Three Montha One Month . .15.00 . 1.00 l.SO! .50 MOXDAY, MARCH ST, 1918. OREGON WEATHER .. ' f Tonight and Tuesday general- ; ly fair; light frost northwest, : Barley Bran Shorts Cracked Corn Wheat Ground Barley & Oat Shorts Bran and Oat Middlings Scratch Food Chick Food n KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First 9 heavy frost eouth and east por- ! United States should ever neglect or tions tonight; westerly winds, (Undervalue the men It summons TIME TO PREPARE. With American troops 250 miles j down into Mexico, something of the: problem that confronts this country in its miniature war can be realised. , Already the problems of transporta tion have become almost too compli cated for the meagre equipment of the United States army to cope with, !tbe field a strange and humiliating j .'change must occur in the American character. - -SENATE CAUCUS THINK DEFEAT OF VILLA WILL BE EASY U. S. Army Headquarters, Near Dublan. Mexico, Mar. 27. Francisco and every day it is becoming a more; Villa will not prove a formidable en- serious problem. We will soon have m " brou" t0 ba. V the r . . !ot army officers.. It was learned that 6.000 troops deep into Mexico, sur- . ban(JU chW M made Bpeechea rounded by a people than can become 'informing Mexicans that the Amerl- lnflamed against them when the first 'cans were intervening in Mexico and breeze of opposition begins to stir. 'would confiscate their produce. A The feeling against the "gringo" is offlcer 8ald UnKed S68 tr0OP , found the Mexicans sullen at first, but I more friendly after explanations had present in all Mexicans Yllllstao or Carranxistas. There is no great prln-j made and money exhibited tor ciple at stake about which the armies the purchase of provender. He of the southern republic can rally, 'thought that Mexico could be quickly and they go from one standard to an- won 0TP to American Ideas by a cam- . . . paign of education. " other as the exigencies of the case i , v .. . . I This staff member penetrated to usually opportunity for plunder and m Valle and Kamiquipa. He said murder may dictate. If there was he found the Mexican fanners indus rer a reason for preparedness, that trious, but sick of being preyed upon reason Is now present when so many ( by various factions. .... .. . v v . Villa abandoned the remainder of of the boys are jeopardized by being' , , . . , . jhls Columbus raid wounded at El aent into what may prove to be e.valle. There he forced all males death trap for hundreds of them. J found In town to line up, separated The scene Is apt to shift from a chase the old from the young and lmpress- vnia tn real vr wn Vei d 35 of the latter Into his army at any moment. PASSING OP THE VETERANS. junder penalty of death if they re sisted. It was learned that Villa hid Pablo Lopez, one of his chiefs, with friends URGES MORE TROOPS During last month, the shortest of ; near San Geronlmo. Both of the the year, 3.384 pensioned soldiers of ', mans legs were wounded at Col- the civil war, and 2.298 of the widows nmbn8 of veterans are recorded as having Washington, Mar. 27. Charges that republicans in the senate were attempting to Interfere with Presi dent Wilson's foreign policies and stir up new international troubles were denied today In a statement United States Senator Jacob II. Gallingcr issued after a caucus of republican senators. The caucus nrged that more troops, and possibly the militia, be rushed to the border. "Republican senators realize that present dealings In the Mexican crisis rest with the president," said the statement, which was Issued in be half of all who attended the caucus. "The republican senators have not, at any time, had any purpose of In terfering with the executive, or with any department of the government, but are most solicitous that the Amer ican expedition should be adequately protected and reinforced if necessary and that the border shall be provided with forces sufficient to prevent raids similar to the one at Columbus. While realizing that our information may not be complete, we believe, upon the information we do have, that all available regulars should be sent to the border and that they shall be reinforced by the 'national guard If circumstances demand. Not only should Villa and his murderous band be captured and' punished, but lives and property of Americans on both sides of the border should be pro tected, which heretofore has not been done by our government." When Villa marched into Naml- quipa, he also practiced conscription died in the twenty-nine days. In there But ln Bplte of tnlg recrult- January, the next preceding month, tng, he now has only 400 fatigued the loss was 3,855 veterans and 2,104 'followers, ragged, unwilling and widows, according to the St Louis ' mounted on poorly nourished horses. . . , . .. His artillery which once won him Globe-Democrat. In the two months ,n mM baUefl a total of 11,641 civil war soldiers ,arge forces has dwindled to three and their widows passed from the machine guns. rolls of the living. ' At this rate the ! Wounded found by the Americans mortality among civil war soldiers ea,d v, tonei them to ftttclt Co1" , . ... v nn v nmbus, riding among his reluctant and widows would be 69,000 for the ' . , " , 4V.f men with his revolver drawn, threat year. On February 29 the civil war cn,ng to Bnoot all wno refnBed to ad pensioners numbered 874,848, which vance. They said he shot down six is all that remains of the more than of his followers during the retreat, so angry was he over the defeat. Union divine services were held in Dublan camp Sunday afternoon. Father Francis P. Joyce celebrated mass in the forenoon. The men in camp are enjoying dally exercises, There Is NO AMERICANS LOST (Continued from page 1.) two millions enlisted. The diminu tion is more rapid as the years go by. Over 100,000 pensioners will have died during the present congress, whose two years' tenure ends March 4 next. Congress can not fail to see tending to harden them ... u a ,a n , practically no sickness, that the time to consider the pension legislation before it is short. It should be considered promptly and disposed of definitely. Its course largely depends upon the recommen dations of committees, and these are lieved to be clear and one action re often slow to move, not acting at all mains to be taken, in many pension matters, but turning ' However, drastic steps would await , . . . , , replies to requests for further in them over as unfinished business for fomatlon wWch already have been a succeeding congress. The period forwarded to American represents is past for further delay of this kind tlves. The administration wants to as far as the surviving Boldlers of the be positive about all circumstances civil war are concerned. . be,ore takln flnftl BtepH-. A" clrc,eH . , ji'.i regard the situation as most grave. The country is gratified by the gen-, ;Plr8t rel)orta are alwa,.H the eral response of the national guard worBt MA Senator Stone. "We to the call for volunteers now heard, are still hoping that danger of a Every state can be trusted to bo in break may be cleared away." Kne when the occasion demands it. " " nttH heen known for weekfl t,1Bl . . ., ,. . President Wilson has been Informed Theso patriotic, self-sacrificing young nnquef,tIonnl)Iy 1f ho BftVerH ,. men are not thinking about future omam relations, the kaloor mkht pensions. Nor were the volunteers declare war oa the United Bfates. of 1861-65. "A'lilgh sense of duty to' Tho situation Is apparently graver th. mi nt ,hnh hov w0r v,m.wi this afternoon in view of a high gov- to be citizens,' and whose prosorvn- ernmcnt official's statement that there is Mienilnirl.v no doubt, of the tlon was dearer to them than their g1gHCJt havng bePn R),marlne(l. lives, was the, feeling that Impelled ; Kvnn If all Americans on the 8nn- them to enter the scrvlco of tbelr own sex were saved,, this does not alter free will. It Is true that the pension " ot ltuatlon, since the ,. . . . , . . United States holds that no nation policy of the government has always hM g rJght m get been liberal. The fact ought to be lcan ltlfenl bjr torpedoing vessols source of universal pride, If the without warning. FOR HOUSSKESFEK How to Rmembr Certain Pio,3 jrtiopi In Cooking Common Tliini. Four eggs to one quart of milU for custards. One teuspoouful of viiuiitu to uue quart of custard. Two ounces of gelntlu to one aud three-quarters iuarts of liquid. Four heaping tablcsimuufuls of corn starch to one quart of milk. One even tublcupounful of baking powder to one cupful of flaur. One teuspoouful of soda to oue pint of sour milk. One teaHpoonful of soda to one pint of molasses. ' One tenspoonful of baking powder is equal to oue-liulf teaspoonful of soda and one teaspooaful of cream of tar tar. - In preparing for baking, mix dry ma terials lu oue bowl and liquids iu an other; combine them ijulckly and put at once into the oven. Tho oveu for baking breud should be hot enough to brown a teaspoonful of flour ln five minutes. For biscuits it should brown in ono minute. Robbing a pic crust wltb butter a few minutes before it lu tlmo to take It from the oven will make It crisp. Binz Bronchilyptus For any acute or chronic cough Excellent in whooping , cough or croup Contains no narcotic ,25c, 50c, $1.00 CLEMENS Sells Drugs Tho ffi&ttClfijL Store I: COUNTY, AGENT'S NOTES w I It does not seem to ho generally known that Saturday la my only re gular offlco day. I am in tho offlco at other times when tho work de mands it, and shall bo glad to bv any one call whenever I may bo ln, but Saturday is tho only day on which you can depend on finding mo there. Mr. Riley, the secretary in charge at tho Commercial club, has kindly consented to anawor telephone calls for mo In my absence and communi cate to me any message that you may leave with him. Tho phono Is 158. Tho now circular bulletin on Orch ard spraying in Orogon for 1916 will bo ready for distribution soon. It has been Impossible to place it In the hands of the grower as soon as desirable. It will contain spraying recommendations for the apple, pear, peach, prune and cherry brought riKlit down to date. It wilt include a discussion of Insecticides and fungi cides, with methods of preparation. If you are Interested, send your re quest for one of these direct to the college and get one. '. 'Tho forestry department Informs me that tho Grants Pass telephone central receives frost warnings onoh morning, not later than . 8 o'clock. These may be had by calling central. If during the day, up to 9 o'clock p. m., there aro any changes In the forecast they are reported to central and may be had by calling. The for estry office also Informs me that the general forecast may bo had each day by calling its office, 340, aftor 3 o'clock each day. . 1' have said considerable about growing several different crops, but there Is another that I think demands our attention. This is one that will require a little more labor and closer attention, but it is one that will give the return If It baa the attention. It Is celery. Some have grown it suc cessfully in a small way, and I am sure it can be grown commercially. Let ns give It a more extended trial. C. D. THOMPSON. County Ageut. Y ni It 1 7-' b4 .. A . f irh w' i Clothes Every bod) Admires COME in and seo hoti clever the styles of our spring suits and topcoats are, and how well they are made. Get acquainted vJith their graceful hang and comfortable jit. With Adler's Collegian Clothes you'll make 'some splash" and have the lasting satisfaction that Suits and Overcoats always comes from making (tj 1 C (IJ QC a good clothes investment vplD tO v)OJ . Peerless Clothing Co. Ttnnyson's Birds. Of all the iHHjta, Tennyson was tho most i'.x.ict lu tils rendorlng of the songs or calls of birds. - A young lady was present when ' be was reading "Maud." When be cume to the pas sage which says. "Ulrds In the high ball garden cry. 'Maud. Maud. Maud! ' " be-suddenly ceased rending and asked her abruptly what the birds were. She blushed and hesitated and then said: "Nlgbtlnsules. I stiptose." The poet turncl away wltb tho one Word "Rooksr lie always made the soand right What could be better than "the moan of doves" and " 'Whlu whit, whltf i chirruped the nlKhtliiKnle7' ' Then, linnets, robins and thrushes "pipe" in bis pugvs, the woodpecker "laughs" and "mocks," the lark and the plover "whistle." the Jay "tcrltcb es," the. parrot "screams," the peacock "quails." the blackbird "warbles." the ocean fowl "shriek." and the eagle "yelps." lie may well ask in one of the daintiest of his lullabies. "What docs little blrdlo sny V lie knows, and bo let! bis readers know too. London Answers. - The Missing Chsptor, The new pastor of a certain country parish la likely to lone the confidence of bis flock unless be changes bis ways During his sermon ono Sunday morn ing not long back be stopped abruptly and asked: "Flow many of those here are dili gent students of tbelr BlbleF Fifty bands went up. many of you bave read the second chapter of JudoT Twenty-five hands went op. A wan smile overspread the divine's face. ' "That's also good, but when you go borne read that chapter again, and yon will doubtless team something to your Interest" Render, the point of this story lies in the fact that the book of Judo con sists of one clmptrr only. Burning Diamonds. Too often bear of people with money to burn, but so far none has ever at tempted to burn hi diamonds The reason why perhaps is because they will burn beautifully. "A great many people imagine that diamonds are In destructible." said a Jeweler. .who was placing a load of Rm lu bis nafe for the night, "but as a matter of fact. Ore of diamonds would be the lirlnUpnt, pretUest thlug In the world. Dlumond aro nothing but oal carbon. M'ut a handful of diamonds on a plate ad set a light to them. Titer will burn with a bard, gemllke flams till nothing Is left There will be no smoke, no soot and at the end the plato will be as clear as though ut washed Not tbo slightest particle, even of aU. will remain." Pittsburgh Prea. A Lost Book. Among the Somnll of Africa there is a legend that when (Sod first made them, o man and n woman, be wrote down in a book the law they were to follow. Tbey were promised that as long ns they carefully preserved this book tbey should continue great and powerful, but if tbey lost It their greutness would depart from the in One day the book was carelessly left lying outside a tent, whero a bullock found and devoured It ' From that fa tal dny their decadence set In. aud to the present time whenever an oz dies of dlxease or is killed bis entrails are religiously examined to sue If any trace of the book can be found. If found they believe tbey should recover their lost power. Ollvss and Draad. round for pound, rlpo olives, so far as total value of bent unit ts concern ed, con till n nlmoHt ns much food value M bread, and In (he case of very largo olives the value mny be Increased to approximately the same ns that of bread ' Strong On st That. The very yoiiim man says. "The world Is my oyster," then -discovers it tnlit-s an oyster knife to open the thing. Florida Tliiies-Onlon A Carptt, One hundred and seventy-seven years go tbo word "carpet" was defined in an English dictionary as "a , covering for a table." Dlscouragumont seizes us only when wo can no longer count on chance. George Sand. The Two Vsrslons, The editor was trying to placate an Indignant statesman. "All wo sold ubout yon. In the paper, Mr. Krakajack." he assured htm. "was tbat you seemed to bave an Inadequate sense of proimrtlon." "Not by a blamed sight!" roared the caller. "What you said about me was that I seemed to have an Inadequate pro)ortlon of seuser'-Cblcago ' Trib une. ' ' '' Kansas as a Territory, . When Kiiusns wus first organized as a territory In 1854 Its area included part of the present state of Colorado, eitondlng as fnr west as tho crest of tho Itocky mountains. . Denver. Lend vlllo, inieblo and Colorado Springs nr now locntod on former Kansas soil. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Mar. J7. Today's mar ket quotations were; Whom Club, 8549)91 ; bluestem, 1 01.01. , ' OatsNo. 1 white feed. 28.50 fj 25. , Barley Feed, 27. Hokb -Best live, 9.S5. Prime steers, 8.75; fancy cows, 7.50; best calves, 8. Spring lambs, 10.50. Butter City creamery, 34; coun try, 30031.. Eggs Selected local extras, 19 fff 21. '. ' ' ;V, Hens. ICtt; broilers, 2023; geese, lOffll. Copior, 28ft. Location notices, Courier offlco. GENERAL B0JADIEFF. Ho Is Commsndap of tho First Bulgarian Army, Av f riiolu t1 Anivrlcun I'mu Axsoolntlon. Special l Pound Writing Paper , Good Q utility 25c This was piuchttsed before ndvanco in price, mid ue can not . s duplicate it Drug and v , Stationery Store Demaray ..-fv'. V. i-