Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, March 21, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Daily Bogue River 6cuHcf.
Aa Independent Republican fcewl
paper. United Press Leased
Wire Telegraph Service
A. B. VOORHIES, Pus. and Prop.
..Entered at the. Grants Put, Ore
ton, Postofflce as second-class mall
Oh Tear 15.00
Blx Months S.00
Three Months 150
One Month , .50
Payable la Advance
- ' . .
Tonight and Wednesday rain
f west; unsettled, probably rain,
east portion; southerly winds,
v- reaching gale force near the
coast ;
' Those who anticipate that Villa
could be squelched within a few days
after Uncle Sam took his trail are
apt to meet with ' disappointment
Mexico Is a big country, and Uncle
Sam is far from being In a condition
of preparedness. This latter fact was
proved when It took him days to
have troops on the hunt across the
line, even though they had been kept
at the border in greater or lesser
numbers for years. There , Is no
doubting the ultimate outcome of the
campaign for the bandit chief's scalp,
but the wily halt breed is in a coun
try with which he is acquainted since
childhood. He Is not going to be
0 easily captured, for Mexico Is a
large country and 5,000 American
troops, notwithstanding their char
acter and quality, will not be able
to comb it very rapidly. Had the
border troops been prepared to hare
taken the trail of the raiders within
a few hours, it might have been a
shorter campaign.
Oregon consumes annually over
2,200,000 cords of fuel wood, which,
reduced to board feet, amounts to
over 1,105,000,000 feet
Oregon produces annually approx
imately 1,610,000,000 board feet of
logs, but consumes over two billion,
or 27 H per in excess of her log pro
duction. She draws heavily on Wash
ington for this excess. ,
- Oregon produces approximately
three and one-third million linear
feet, but consumes only about one
half a million feet.
- The railroads of Oregon consume
over 18,000 hewn ties and the mines
22,000. Oregon also consumes 66,-
000 linear feet of round mine ma
terial. Oregon produces over 2,000,000
feet of lumber, approximately 160,
000,000 lath) and 275,000,000
shingles. Of this quantity, she
consumes' nearly 23,000,000 lath and
over 116,000,000 shingles. Of the
amount of lumber produced, Oregon
consumes 19.8 per cent, or 411,000,
000 board feet', over half of" which la
used for building purposes. Nearly
half of the building material of the
lath and of the shingles is used in
Multnomah and Clackamas counties
San Antonio, Mar. 21. General
Pershing Is so close to Francisco
Villa that he has discarded his wire
less and dispensed with reports to
army headquarters here, In, the be
lief of officers here today. No word
from the man-hunters was received.
The pursuit is believed to be hot
through the mountains south of El
Valle. Fifty-four , additional motor
trucks are en route to Columbus, at
tended by factory experts, who will
operate them In the field. It Is ex
pected that they will relieve the
transportation troubles between Col
umbus and the Held forces.
El Paso, Mar. 21. "I think It Is
only a matter of time until Villa will
be taken, dead pr alive," was the
statement of General Oavlra, made
Mo. 18
Our Special Roast
The But
Quality First
ia'Juares at 11:30 a. m. today.
"While the wires are down,4we have
reason to believe Villa and his band
are entirely surrounded by Americans
and Carranzlstas. We have heard
nothing of the outcome of the Naml
quipa engagement."
Berlin, Mar. 21. Usclecsvo bridge
head and trenches northwest of it
hare been evacuated by the Aus
trian, the Vienna war oflice officially
admitted today. The positions were
defended for six months against
heavy Russian attacks.
Russian artillery reduced to ruins
the bridgehead defenses and adjoin
ing positions. The bridgehead is on
the south bank of the Dnolster, S8
miles northwest of Czernowltx.
"Russian Are blasted a breach 800
yards wide," said the Vienna account.
"At five p. m. Colonel Planch decided
to evacuate. First he destroyed the
trench. t Small detachments, with
wounded gained the. south bank of
the Dniester in boats, but soon the
enemy's concentrated fire made the
crossing impossible. Austrian sap
pers and dragoons fought on the
north bank through Usclecsvo, which
the Russians occupied in strong
forces. These Joined other Austrian
troops established on the heights
north of Zaleyicsykl since Monday."
Douglas, Ariz., Mar. 21. Fran
cisco Villa is battling the de facto
government of Mexico and the United
States with propaganda.
Half a dozen Vllllstas have been
executed by firing squads since the
Columbus affair. According to state
ments made by arrested Vllllstas, al
ready much propaganda matter has
permeated the districts' where Villa
and Zapata are popular.
Miguel Vicente, a colonel in the
Villa army, was arrested near El
Paso by United States authorities
while spreading Villa literature.
Army officials here, speaking un
officially, expressed the belief that
Villa will hide out until the senti
ment or the peons has been suffi
ciently arbused to cause a general up
rising against both Carranza and the
Invading Americans.
Others declared that the fugitive
has' retreated with his band of fol
lowers Into the wild mountain passes
Cleans and
Silverware, Gold, Cut Gins
Quickly and Kaslly
In Half Pint Glass Jars, i!3c
The Itexall Store
of the Sierra Madres, where he will
make a stand against the Americans,
hoping to gnln the sympathy of the
peons In that way. ,
Carmoa Intelligence ageuts have
uncovered quantities of Villa litera
ture. It was reported that a secret
Villa organisation, similar to the
Klu Klux Klan In the south follow
ing the civil war, has been formed.
American, mining, Interests are
anxiously awaiting today the ruling
of Senor Enrique Moreno, de facto
secretary of state for Sonora, on the
ruling of Governor Calles that all
American-owned mines secured under
grants from Villa and the late Vic-
torlano Muerta administration shall
revert back to the state.
Moreno is expected to Issue a state
ment ia a day or two from Hermo
slllo. Federal grants from Porflrlo
Dlas are not affected by the action.
Confirmation was received hero to
day that Villa was retreating toward
the Guerrero mountains, southwest
of Numlqulpa. General Gulterrez,
Carranza commander at Chihuahua,
confirmed the report, but did not give
details of the fighting or tho chase.
Thera, Is Little Chine For That Kind
of Pastime In India.
There's leas flirting per square mile
to India than In any other oouutry In
the world The Rluiice out of the cor
ner of the rye and the lowered lasb Is
unknown. A Hindu woman has to dress
so that It caii tx told whether or not
she Is married; It's a pretty safe bet
however, that she Is. When a Hindu
girl begins to edge up around fifteen
without having made the leap her par
ents begin to spend Unties, feverish
By the rings In bcr ears and by the
way she wears her hair it may be told
in a Hindu woman Is married and
sometimes bow many children she has.
The best evidence that she Is married
ti the tblld sitting astride her hip
When you go to lift a Hindu child Its
tittle legs automatically fly open as it
you bad pressed a buttoa .
Flirting is an. almost unkuowh pas
time in India. Even the men have to
let the world know if they take their
wages home each week unopened. A
Hindu man can't go around making to
nocent women - believe that he hasn't
a single photo 00 his dresser,, for be
has to wear a ring on his toe showing
If be has ever walked down the aisle
In conventional black at high noon. All
a woman in India bas to do to see If
sbe is wasting her time Is to glance
down at the man's toee.-llomer Croy
to Leslie's Weekly.
1 " 1 1 11
, . A Military wpHesl . j
This story 6f the Russluu Grand
Duke Nicholas Is told by Julius West
in "Soldier, of the Ciar." Some years
ago, during an Inspection, the grand1
duke was standing next to the em
peror, a few yards a way from a group1
of generals. He ordered General Itus
sky, then in command of the forces In
that region, to step forward The
grand duke next ordered a private sol
dier to come, forward and hack off
the general's epaulets. "We can tm
aglne." says Mr. West, "the dismay
of the other general as the soldier
" 'Now, cut mine off.' was the next
order The soldier did 10. 'Now, pui
them on his shoulders.' "
It was the grand duke's playful little
way of promoting. RusHky to the rank
of adjutant general, the highest in the
Russian army.
Flva Rulss for Becoming Rich,
In the American Magazine are the
following rule that will (rive you your
Drat stnri In becoming n millionaires
HrwL -Spend lean than you earn. .
Second. ray ready money Never
run In debt, ,
Third. Never anticipate uucortalu
profit hy expending them before re
ceived Fourth, Keep a regular account of
your earnings and expenses.
Fifth. Start a tarings hank aocouut-
, Booby.
"Yes," said Audrey, "I spent the eu
tire evening telling him thnt be had u
terrible reputation for kissing girls
against their will."
"And what did he do?"
"He aat there like s booby and de
! uled Ir."-Da11a News
Oregon mining laws, 40c. Courier
' Douglas, Aria., Mar. SI. This is
a story partly about war correspond
ents, of which there la a bumper crop
here, and their tribulations.
An Interview was arranged with
General P. Ellas Calles, constitution
alist gdvernor of Sonora, and the cor
respondents went over the border en
masse, regular European war style.
All Mexicans wear ammunition and
some clothing. A number of soldiers
j thus attired scrutinised the Amort
jeans at the line, eyed their passes
j from the Carrausa consul In Douglas,
(theu marshaled them outside the va
.'cant store building occupied as head
quarters, whllo.tho tteneral conferred
with his aides.
Din-tug a half hour of waiting the
"grlnsoea" were Inspected by 16 prl-
'vatoa and 36 officers of the de facto
government army. They presented
a sharp contrast to the snappy Ameri
can regulars. Tho impression one
gets of the Americans Is that' they
are the finest fighting men In the
world. Privates look efficient, officers
alert. And the. force has plenty of the
very best military equipment.
Mingled with the Mexican soldiers
were many dogs and children.
Swarthy women, chewing toothplcka,
squatted nearby, regarding the white
men stolidly.
Finally a lieutenant came out and
viewed tho newspaper men at some
length, after which he sal thnt "El
Ocnernl" would see them. They filed
In. The Interpreter, a diminutive
Mexican from the consul's office, be
came so frightened In the governor's
presence that ho forgot everything
and became mute.
Everything went smoothly, how
ever, until one correspondent asked
Calles if, In his opinion, peace In
Mexico would be restored after tho
extermination of Villa and his band.
Tho Interpreter hated to ask that,
but ho did -tremblingly. Each staff
member -muttered uneasily, Callos
frowned ferociously, and evidently
boiled with subdued rago. The situ
ation was acute.
The Africans . began thinking
abnnfl wrMdri- a graceful exit, but
colonels, captains and majors throng
ed the narrow doorway.
Calles eventually grumbled an an
swer, but the Interpreter, In his ter
ror, straightaway forgot It-. The sub-
Joet was abondoned.
Later It developed that Calles be
came furious when anyone1 suggested
there had been any strife in Mexico
recently. He' says Mexico has been
peaceful ever since Carranza was
recognized. Akd If he would co
operate with American troops if they
should enter Sonora, Calles hesitated,
and then carefully formulated an an
swer that he would follow orders
from his chief.
"Obregon?" he was asked.
"Well, my chief is Carranza, of
course. His orders are already that
Sonora soldiers co-operate in the pur
suit of Villa. I will follow orders un
til I am commanded otherwise,"
Calles was apparently very ner
vous on this, point and sent one of
his men over afterward to Inspect
correspondents' dispatches and see If
they wore satisfactory. ' .,'
Observers here believe It is a fore
gone conclusion that Villa will es
cape to the mountains, 350 miles
straight south of Columbus, and that
It will take six' months to capture or
kill him.
The Americans here are well en
camped and apparently making no
preparations to move.- They are evi
dently trained to the minute and
would welcome a chance to Join their
Stove Polish
Villi c
Should the
Tffl illffurent from
I nthara hocAUui mnra rnr
U fair nil In tha muklnof
and the materials used are ov
higher grade.
Black Silk
Stove Polish
Mnk a brilliant, illliy potlnh thnt dnoi
Dot rub off or dunt oil, udthi hliit1M
lour times at long at ordinary itovo
pollah. Ud on mpla lnv and sold
bjr hardware anil g-rocrry d1r,
Ail mm hi Msirini. umh
rm yonr vuuk ptava,
rn. If mm
ytnir pnrlor itw of ynr
(Hul l nnn ic tn
uanl, fuiir iimliirla aiMhwIuM lo tw
m.nin, Iri.l.l jm lllai-li Killi Hfova I'olLh,
Mad la liquid or pula-on qiutlur,
Black Silk Stove Polish Works
't ftnrl tha BMM atava Bttllah nu Avar
SUrllnf , llllnola
TTm Black SHh Atr-Drrl( Ira (nana) nn
frat, rvla4M,'i-anta ruatirur,
Tjw alaa. (Ilk Matai PaUih fnrillr, nlrkal
ororaaa. It hai no agual ftar oaaoai auUnoMli.
r' iwiii" """1
V 1
comrades "over' tbV border" if Villa
gets' through th hills and held Into
Portland, Mar, 11. Today's mar
ket quotations were: 1
Wheat Club, 88081; bluestem,
Oats-No. 1 white feed, 23.75
'Uarloy Feed, 3?.
H0g lloht live, 4.25$ 9, J3.
Prime steers, 8.250 8.50; 'u,Tr
cows, 7: best calves, 3.
j Spring lambs, 10,
j Uutter City creamery, 84; coun
try, 81 82.
Eggs -Selected local extras, 19
ittai. , . ' .-
j Hens, H016H; broilers, SOtfSJj
goese, 10C 11.
j Copper, 384.
Paris, Mar. 21. Gorman attacks
have galued more ground on the west
bank of the Meuse, it was officially
admitted today. Assaults were 're
newed during the night along the
Abancourt-Malancourt lino. Germans
occupied a southeastern part of the
Malanoourt road.
German attacks were noticeable for
their lack , of power, the war office
said. Hcfore an Infantryman show
ed his helmet tho French trenches
were bathed In a swirl of artillery
Ore, Then liquid fire was streamed
upon tho foremost French defenders.
Hehlnd this curtain of flame came the
gray legions. - . '
The oiiKlitugtit's first ruali carried
French soldier from the south
eastern part of the woods 10 idilea
northwest of Verdun, but the famous
"sev'enty-flvea" seut a storm of shells
crashing among the trees and do
foatcd all German attempts to de
bouch from the forest.
Elsewhere on tho Verdun front
both sides wore Inactive.
(Continued from page 1.)
At 9:15 a. m. today General Gavlra
said he bad not been advised of the
result of fighting at N'amlqulpa. An
atmosphere of suspense was notice
able in El Paso military and civil
A belief ,waa growing tbot the re
ported engagement would not prove
I decisive.
Asked if Villa had been killed or
captured, Gavlra replied "no" to both
questions. .
General Garcia . visited Gavlra's
headquarters at Juarei to learn how
the battle came out.' He was told
that communication with Maninlpa
had been cnt off. Gavlra said he did
not know where the break was, hut
asserted It was preventing the ar
rival of any news from the battle
field. " : " : "
The train dispatcher of the Mexico
Northwestern railroad located near
where tho fight was reported as oc
curring said he had received no word
since last night. It Is not ascertain
ed whether the wires hare been cut
or whether Qarrsnzlsta officials' are
withholding Information.
LooitfOB notices'. Courier office.
Cflppfol 1 iund Wriling Paper OCn
UpcUal Good Quality LOl
jTlds was piirehaacxl before advance In price, end we can not
"1 s , , "duplicate ft .
QBTFnQ of ah
.fttatViY, march ar. mi.
ti n limit i"
Aftdr drip
Winter Colds
Bad Blood
Yon are rale, thin, weak with little
vitality. Your liver is sluggish and
the bod blood causes your stomach
muscles to Iimw thsir elasticity aud -'
become flabby and r tUctt
Indigestion. ., . ,
Doctor Pierce's CoMcn Medical Dis
covery, purely vegetable aud free from
alcohol or narcotics, Is the great and
powerful 1Uxh puriiW of to-day, V.x
tracted from American forest her!
and roots. Contains no alcohol. Iu
gtxlleiita printed on wispper.
Take it m directed end it wilt search
out impure uid poisonous matter
throughout the system and climluate
it tlituunh tho natural c-lmiincls.
All tit-alert in uietlicinrs can supply
Dr. Pierce's Golden Mtilicai Ulteowry
In liquid or ttllct frm, or acud tea
cents in oito-ccnt stumps to Dr. Fierce,
Invalids' Hotel, lltillalo, N, Y., for trial
package of tablets.
Eugene, Oregon. ."In raising tnv
family 1 nave al
ways (mind that
I coul.l depend on
Ir. Pierce s rem
mllea lor all aiU
j merit. I gave
them the ' (iolduo
Medical Ditteov
1 ery ' for tonallltls.
sore tnroai, una
coughs and grip.
'and It always
cured uiein. 1
ahto gave them,
the M'leaaani
Pellets' for sick headache, uilioiumoM
and constipation. I am glad to recom
mend thtMti."--MKti. Caiuuk Picas, 11
N. Lawrence Street.
The Armenians.
The Anneutsua ure not .toman Cath
olics, but are members of the Arroe
nlnu church, one of the very oldest of
the can tern churches not lu communion
with the orthodox Greek church or
with the Church of tome. The doe-trim-
of tho Armeiilnti church, i.'io nl
ttiottt Identical with ttioae of the ortiio
dox Urvet ciiiirth. Tho Euchurlst l
UiiiiuiNtered In Imtli kinds .to nil
church uemtwra, nml tha clergy tuay
marry ,Ufore ordlnailou,-Nuw tork
Ot-t ting tt boort.
"Jmle, I tt-'i ! iiitiUe adKlavIt tbai
I killed u Niiuiie Inst 'wK (hot was
nine feet tium I killed thu unk
a Held imck of my bam. klllinl It with
a tun' whirli l ixiit ltaei In Hi) aprliiit
of Hip) I wn laru"-
"Hnld .111V .velpcd the J. I. "You
needn't make the atfldavlt as long a
the fsky rtitH,."-KanHaa City Jour
nal. ., v
WU1TIY. IXIa.fclsfc
fcllaaaj Oaad. faaMt C., M. gaWai
Sheet Metal
Hydraulic and Irrigating Pipe
' Galvanised Iron Tanks
Mntrrl and Workmanship
Drug and
Stationery Store