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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1916)
TVEMDAY, M A IK II 14, 1010. DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIER rAcs three Architects' td Engineers' Supplies Drawing Paper Tracing lper Profile Paper . Cross Ruction Paper Kin Print Paper Tracing Cloth Lettering Pees Pens, Higgles' Ink, Pencils, Water Triangular Scales, EVERYTHING FOll Demaray's ficmtniij Niioicon ay tiomarine. Ill IllN IhxiU I'll fclllitiiuKliiw rimliM'li'U A Tiill'dl h! ih (hut the kiitiiiiHHiii In "I'Iik ll nl!) ih util u the xnilli tll." tllltllPjl ll.' lH' till. fft (HIT with tin statement ilmt ilu majority Of tllCM- t'lTllilH V ! flllllllMlr III foil wi'ili ami niili lii ili'Hlcn, The un lit during expcijlilou ever any geted In tlu curl; day of tln aiilumi Hut i'iiwihI fin- biditiM'lnit NnixK'nii fMtu ft. Helena ll wa auKirenfi-d to a ItrltUli mariner. Cap lulu JoliiiKon. vli niiM In il'lX.M Tlit cuiisiructlon of the hour una be iitiu. Ml on tlii ilny nlu'ii tbe work mi tlit tiuter uliell if copper was to be started NnUiloit) d'cd. Nomination iiotltloTia at the Courier OfllfB. l,l)i'Wliitl ii(r, 'iinfl-r Ottt'', NERVOWOMENI It's The Same Everywhere In Oregon. Portland Oregon, "I was for nix mouths troubled with nervousness, and the doctor I, aula I nod consumption. 'Pi. ....... I. h... -I ',f;l viftrt 11 It fri.rwl f " t.H.k Dr. Pierce's -if Favorite rrraoriM tlon ami wos cow- --o.pluicly cured. I am now in middle .' life and am In ' irood health." Mrs. O. W. Mathis, 1 17(1 E. 8th St., N. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la and haa been for nearly 60 years Just Uie rutHlloitio that every woman needs when passing through tlio changing daya. It ia not a secret prescription, for lU Ingredients aro printed on the wrapper; it's a temperance medicine. hot only does it build op the entire system and make it atrong and vigor ona enough to withstand the organic dlittnrbancei, lint it haa a qnieting effect npon the feminine orgnnlam tliat reducce Uie diatreaa to a minimum. For any womanly ailment, dlaeaae or complaint, no matter of how long ttanuing. we advine anxloni women to get Dr. Ilnrce'a Favorite I'reacriptlon, la either liquid or tablet form. THIS BOOK EXPLAINS. If you will aend three dlnwa or aUmpa. to pay for wrapping and mailing and r-nclme thla notice, Iictor Heree of the iDvalldM HoUU, Buffttlo N. Y will aend you a revised copy of hla Common fanae Mntllcal Adviser, In cloth blndlna. m pairoa, with color plates. Just what you need In caa? of alcknoaa or arrlHnnt. IVnata nf PhvitoloffV. An atomy, Hot problnma. Marrfaffe rolatlona, IlyKluie, Exorclao, Dlaeaae and.iu pre-teollon. Your Eastern Trip Hhonld be arranged vU California so that yon can stop over at San Francisco. Liberal stopovers allowed. The . rost la no more for this privilege on either first or second class tlckete. Og(d en Route Train service ia excellent. . Three dally transcontinental limited trains to Chicago and the East, Latest equip ment. AU atce) observation library curs, through sleep ing cars, dining r service unexcelled. I'rotectcd , by elect i'lc automatic block signals. ; Overland Limited-Pacific Limited San Francisco Limited-Atlantic Express Ask your local agent or write John M. Hcott, flencrnl Passenger Agent, Portland, "Oregon ' ' ' ' . ' ' '." : ' . ' : Southern Pacific-Union Pacific field Books . Drawing Inatmi U protractor Curves ' Triangle T akjuares . Straight Edges Colon, Brushes, Ruling Pent, Thumb Tocks THE OFFICE Drug and " Stationery Store ANCIENT ANESTHETICS. Napanthe and Other Aganta Ware Uead by Old Time 8urneone. Tbiine who ii;;a;;:n that aiirglcal knowledge heguu' with later genera Uoue and that the dlxeovery or chloro. form revDlutlmilrvd tbo actenco abould read an article pulillxhcd by Dr. J, do Feuton In the South .African Journal of Science. Vartoiia aueotbetlzlug media and giethoda were well known both In an tlqulty and during tbo middle agca. Homer mention the aueatbetic effocta of nepenthe: Ilerodotua atatea that the Stythtana obtained almllarcffecta from the vapora of hemp, produced by throwing hemp aeed on hot atones. A Chlneae iibyaletan of the third century, B. C, gave hla patleuts t preparation of benip to make them Inaeutlblo dor ins aurglcal oeratloii. , The moat Important anesthetic of an cient and .medieval tlmea waa, bow ever, wtno of mandraitora. the oae of which la mentioned by a great number of early writers and ia referred to by 8hakAeare. More recently, In the year 17U0, the German aurgeon, AVebu, better known aa Alblnua, amputated tbe foot of Augustus III., king of Po land, while tinder the Influence of man drugora. - ; Two other anesthetizing agencies were employeil In very early tlmea. arterial compression and hypnotism. JOHN P. WHITE. Pretidtnt of the Unittd Mint Werkars of Amarlca. w - 1 T.ecsl Nnnki. Courier office. CHANGED HIS fllXD., Andrew Lang Didn't Like ftevaneeit Whan Thay Plrst Mat Andrew Ung tat tbe unyielding enemy of everything tliut savored of deeodence, lie particularly disliked tbe affected young anUutics of tbe 1800'a. And, although he .awe. aa the world knows, to bo the devoted friend of Hubert Louis tta'veuitou, bbi flrt Im pressions of blni were mont uufarora ble, for be mistook bltn for an aes thete of the aesthetes. In bis tiook "Ou tbe Troll of Hteveti son" Clayton Hamilton gives n record of Andrew Lang's account of bU first gllmpMC of Hteveuson. Andrew Lang. It seems, practiced tlx? conversational ecoiionjy BsiuK'iutcd chiefly. wtn the tm uie of tbe Inte Alfred JlnKle. Y.. Mr. Lang snld-and Mr. Hnmllton Jot ted it down Immediately after In tbe London Undcrgrnund-thcMe thlugii: VlJeutono promen'iide. ftaw him com ing. Didn't like him. Iiiik rape. Long hair. Queer bat queer, llunds-wblte. Uuiy. benutirul. Didn't like the cape. Didn't like the hair looked like q next bete. Never liked aesthetes. Cun't utiiiid them. Talked well, Saw that 8(111 scH'tiied another aesthete Colvln had dlseorer ed. Didn't like him. Didn't like him at all. Lntcrob. yes-but 1 needn't tell you tlmt Didn't like blm at tint Took time." THAT FORTY JNCH WAIST. It Mans Ovsrsating, Undsreasrcising and Tuturs Peer Hsslth. "Beware of a forty inch waist line," says a bulletin from tbo North Caro lina state hoard of health. "Ten to one the mun who la Ove feet eight Inches tall and forty inches about tbe walut will sooner or later have to con sult a doctor for gallstones and kidney trouble and most likely for Brlgbt's or some other serious dltfease, "Forty inches about tbe waist la an abnormal sUe aud condition and shows that he who carrlea such a burden around with him has an appetite of an ahnorma) alze aud proportion. It fur ther shows that something is wrong with bis diet or tbat hla energy la re duced to naught nia appetite la ei ther aeveral sixes too big or he 'alts tight' on exercising. Most likely be eats excessively of meats, pastries and heavy foods, which means overworked kidneys and faulty elimination. There Is usually one.- and only one. dlagnosla to be made of thla class Tat and forty.' Their bulklness, flab blnesa and shortness of breath are oymptoma having for their cause 'over fed and underworked' Tbe bulletin concludea with. "Over feeding contributes more to disease and premature deatha than tinder feeding." . Old papers, 5c per bundle, at the Courier office. Political Cards ' (Paid Advertisements) . EUGENE L. COBURN I Republican Candidate for i . Nominee ior County Clerk Present Incumbent ECItUS POLLOCK Republican Candidate for Nominee for ... Assessor Rreaent Incumbent ' DR. J. C. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for State Senator A. E. V00RHIE3 Republican Candidate for Nominee for Representative x J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate for Nominee tor County Clerk .. WILL C. SMITH Republican Candidate for , Nominee for. Sheriff Present Incumbent GEO E, LUNDBURO Nominee for State Senator S. LOUOHRIDGE Republican Candidate Nominee for Coroner for FOU SALE 40 ACKEft miles from Grants Pane, no Improvement!, for sale at 140 per acre. Under ditch aur vey. Address No. 241S, care Courier. 6?tf 1 HAVE four vigorous S. C. Brown Leghorn cockerela to sell at $1.60 each. They are from high acorlng ' egg-laying strain. Nothing better In tbe state. Tbeo, P. Cramer, Crania Pass, Ore. Phone 364-Y. Day-old chicks $12.60 per 100. Egg. U per settlag of 15. 656t'f FOR SALE Six-room plastered touee, close In, lot 100x100, good shade. Address No. 2413, care Courier. 657tf FOR SALE 26 acres bottom land near Grants Pass, all under fine irrigation system. Inquire 2501 Courier. 694 INFORMATION LANDS. Oregon- California Land Grant Lands. Three maps, showing all tracts In Douglas, Josephine aud Curry and Jackson counties, with general de scription and status of said lands, for $1.50 tor each map. Township ownership plats, 2-lncb per mile, of Coos and Josephine counties, showing government, private and grant lands, at 75c per township; other , counties in preparation. I sell the Anderson maps you know them. M. J. Anderson, Grants Pass, Ore, 701 MRS. BURTON'S spring stock of mil linery bss Just arrived and the public is cordially Invited to call and Inspect ll. 407 N. 6th St. 704 FOR SALE 80 acres, alfalfa and beet land, at bargain price. Also 10-horsepower electric motor, al most new, 75"per cent actual , value. Address Grave Creek Ranch, Leland, Oregon. ' 70S 100x160 on B St., $500; 100x100 on B St., $5.00; 77x100, with modern cottage, on B St., $2,000; 100x100 on A St., $500; 100x100 on A St., $600; 50x133 on A St., $500. Each parcel of land Is high and dry and is a bargain. For particulars ad dress No. 365, care Courier. 708 IRRIGATED farm to lease or sell, on Slate creek, 100-acre pasture In closed by wire fence. Good house and barn. 1 miles from Water Creek station. Joseph Fetxner. 14 ANGEL CAKES supplied for any oc casion, 50a each. Phone 190-J. 83 BLUB PRINT plats of Grants Pass for sale at Courier office. $1.50. 9$ A SNAP for some one. For cash, if sold In the next two months, four acres, house, fruit, guaranteed well over fifty feet deep, cased and pump, one mile east of. the beet sugar factory on Pacific highway. John Ross, Box 93, R. F. D. No. 8, Grants Pass. 715 REGISTERED BERKSHIRES, Hol stelns and Percherons. High doss young stuff for sale at all Umes. Individuality, breeding, produc tion. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. " 692tt FOR SALE One lot with six-room house, north side, good location; $500. Or two lota with two houses, $800. See Joseph Moss, 204 North Sixth street. 692tf FOR SALE Seven young well-bred Jersey cows. W. C. Long, Box 497, Grants Pass. 697 BARGAINS I have several bunga lows; residence lots, business prop erties and good ranches for sale cheap. Investigate these before buying anything. A. N. ParBons, 514 F street. 697 FOR SALE Edison phonograph and 36 records. $10 cash. Phone 19, or inquire 467, care Courier. 697 WANTED WANTED to hear from owner of good ranch for sale. Send cash price and description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 710 WANTED Modern house, Ashland, Grants Pass or Medtord, for 10 acre irrigated orchard near Med Ford on P. ft E. Rich soil. $6,000. Address Owner, Box 59, R. 3, Med tord. 695 TO LEASE PALACE IIOTEL,"" GrantaPass, to lease for torm of years; furniture . for sale.. Retiring on account of 111 health. Address W. S. Wood, . City. 603 i ' ' LOST LOST Saturday evening, on Sixth street pavement, ring with square moss agate mounting. Finder notify Rose WIchman. Phone 160, ASS A ITERS EV R. CROUCH, Aasayer, chemist, metallurgist. Rome 201-203 Pad' dock Building. Grants Pass. rJ KKNT FOR RENT Five-room bungalow. Furnished. Garden spot. Good well. Inquire 605 West C street. 93 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In 5-gallon glass jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and wster wagon will call. TEAM work done, 60c per, hour. In quire 928 D street, or address N. G. Johnson, city. 696 BREED to type and brains. Tbe pure bred Percheron stallion, "Harley" will stand Friday and Saturday during season at Brownie's Livery, Grants Pass. Terms: $15, Insure with foal. C. S. Etnier, owner. 718 AUTO SERVICE PRIVATE AUTO service leaves Jose phine hotel daily for Kerby, Hol land and Waldo. Marve Jordan, phone 332-J, or Oldlng's garage, phone 45-R. . , 709 CONTRACTORS D. A. FITZGERALD Contractor and builder. Plans and specifications a specialty. Houses built while you wait. Phone 117-J. , 708 DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGING, graining, paint ing. For tbe best work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant, South Park street.; TIME CARD Caufornia and Oregon Coast , Railroad Company , (The Oregon Caves Route) Effective Monday, Dec. rO, 1915. Train 1 lr. Grants Paas7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 a.m. Train 3 lr. Waters Creek8:15 a.m. Arrives Grant Pass 9:15 sun. Train 3 lr. Grants Paea.2:00 pjn. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 p.m. Train 4 It. Waters Crek5:00 pjn. Arrives Grants Paw 6:00 p.m. On Sundaya tralna No, 1 and S are canceled. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company. Public ser vice building, or phone 138-R for same. . Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day in the week. ANTIQUITY OF THt HARP. The Instrument Waa In Uae In Egypt 300 Years Ago, Tbe very first authentic record of the harp, predating even the Greek myth of Orpheus, although It to very hard Indeed to assign dates to myths. Is obtained from tbe discovery of Egyptian harps, not unlike the modern In general rteslgu. bearing dates of 3.000 years ago. or COO years before Craftine made his barp of willow. Old Irish chronicles are full of inter estlng references to tbe barp and its functions. Let us select the compara tively modern date V 718 A. D. mod ern Indeed when we consider Craftine. wbo was a contemporary of Sappho which contains these tines from a poem describing the tragic death of Curio MacDulre. king of West Monster at tbe period of tbe Incarnation. They are addressed to Fercelrtue, tbe king's chief minstrel: Stak amusement tor us, O'Donnbo, Beckus thou art tha best minstrel In Krtnn , At pipe or tubes, and at harps, and at poems. And at traditions, and at the royal stories of Erlnn. This extract will serve to show the versatility of the burner of the Mac Dnlre. He seems to have taken tbe place which a whole opera company fills at the present day. including the orchestra and tbe composer of tbe mu sic aud the writer of the libretto. New York Post. Jealousy. Jealousy is a consumption bred with in the structured house of love whon all Its windows are sealed. When we aro Jealous we try to shut ourselves up In a shadowed privacy or tlniia miser liness. We want some one nil to our selves. '.We' fear that If we open the doors and let In the current of others' nn'eetlon or the winds of Impersotinl liitereHt our own share of love may be swept away. A woman may bo Jeal ous not only of her huslmnd'a friends, but of his work nnd even of his reli gion. This means she has kept her windows closed and shuttered, so tlmt she looks always nt the walls of her house of love, never through and be yond them.- Dr. R. C. Cnhot. PHYSICIANS U O. CLEMENT, U. D. Practical limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 3-6, and on ap pointment Office phone 62; resi dence phone 359-J. S. LOUGHRIDGB, M. D PhyaldaJs and aurgeon. City or country calla attended day or night Res. phone 369; office phone 113 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building... J. P. TRUAX, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 325; residence, 324. Calls answered at all hours. Country calls at tended to. Lundeburg Bldg. DR. ED BT WATER Specialist on diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res. 23 4-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing. tf. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon.. Office: Hall Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Phone 116, day or night Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. DEXTISTS E. C. MACT, D. M, D First-class dentistry.- 109 South Sixth street Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rule building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attornvy-at-Law. Practice In all State and Federal Courtu. First National Bank Big. COLVIO ft WILLIAMS Attorneye-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. PracUce in all courts. First National Bank Building. EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attorney-at-Law. Offlc Masonic Temple, : Grants Pass, Oregon. - W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attoraey-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon, V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-et-law, practices - In state and federal courts. Rooms Z and - 3, over Golden Rule store. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco- Belgian school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 316 I street . Mrs. E. R. LAWRENCE will receive a limited number of piano students. Residence studio, SIS West I street - 693 DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of dray age and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at frieght depot A. Shade, Propr. . F.. G. Isham, drayage and transfer. Safes, piano and furniture moved packed, ' . shipped and stored. Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 12 4-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co, Fhone 15-R. - PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial teets as sure that this water is pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles. W. E. Beck with. Order by phone, 602-F-3..-- ; ' 459tf LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M. Stated' Commanica tlons 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethern cordially Invited. A.' K. Cass, W. M. Ed. G. Harris, : secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. : O, F meets every Wed- nesday eve in I.O.O.F. 'V-'' hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be present. I. V. Howell, N. 0., Clyde Martin. Secretary. VETERINARY StUKGEOV. . cXR. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, , Office in Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi ' dence phone 805-R.