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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1916)
DAILY KOGCS RIVER COl'RIER r AGE TWO. Daily Rosne Biverffiji?r. Aa Independent Republican"; Newe- ., raper. uaiiea rreeei Wirt Talg-apa Berrica A, B. TOORHIX8. Pub. ud . Prop. WILPORD ALLEN, Editor Day i ifctered at tha Grants Put, Or g6arPototne')u'MCofid-cltu mall latter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Yew - .$M0 Six Month! Three Months One Month .S.00 .1.50 Payable im Advance). TV BSD AY, MARCH 14, 1016. OBK(X WEATHER Tonight and Wednesday fair. frost tonight interior and south- east portions; northeasterly winds. ANNUAL CLUB REPORT. fo( tnft ciUD a iso worthy of recognl-'..- The following report of Secretary jUon. Tne aut0 camp adjoining the Quialan of the Commercial club, cor-'y parfc( Which furnished accommo erlng the club activities for the past Rations to close to seven hundred year, was submitted to the club at tourists during the past season, was ' its annual meeting Monday night, and jdue t0 t ciUD committee, which rent ahows in a graphic manner the work!ea and pala tne for the grounds "of the organisation 'for the period: jpersonally; the Seventh Day Adven "In accordance with the provisions J Uat camp meeting, through which of the laws of the club, I beg to sub- con8iaerable favorable advertising for mit report for the past year. , jthe cjty wa8 secured by the club; the "In presenting this final report as Twohy reception, although designed your secretary, I feel It will not be,t0 tow only due respect for the out of place to express to the mem- kea(js of the company, was far bers at large the appreciation I feel aCbjng jn its effect and has resulted for the splendid support accorded me aireaay in unlimited good to the com as such officer, which position I have munity; the reception to the house been honored with at your hands at I approprjauons committee, from eacn annual eiwuuu iur w pm, lour years; xne pasi wree 01 wu, I am very proud to admit, have been without opposition. uw v. w wj,r . ; Trarine the four years It has beenLf my good fortune to serve under nve'vpn en raced in. ' .. . . . . . j I presiaenxs ana tour inmt?e uowua, who have been most active In the In- terests of the club and community jjugt Btarted, and with the increase and In bringing lo a successful con-'ln tfle pr,ce of iumber, and also In elusion all that has been accomplish- jcoppeTi these two industries bid fair ed for this community; and if I may iQ deniand considerable and increas lay claim to having been of any a-'lng attenUon. The sugar industry slstance In bringing about, with mujjt not fee ,05t alght of Belng a the trustees or the many committees new lnduBtry ln the valley, and new to appointed for the various purposes. jmMt of the growet there Is much the good things that have come to:yet tQ don8 ,n order tnat gucce89 the valley and vicinity."! can relln-jcan rMult t0 all concerned. There flnish the office with a feeling of full Bnou,d be a stronger demand for satisfaction. and more attention paid to home "The past four years have not been ; duct boti, manufactured and overly prosperous or promising. nO0,wn: our tnll measure of success that ronrtltlon.' now nast. will no doubt cause us all to appreciate to a ' greater degree the bright and pros perous times now upon us. And I am pleased to state at this time that the outiooK s most encou ng every particular for the entire nUy the outlook' is most encouraging In ana tnt surrounamg cpun.r, -- rtaalty t0 again show the resident. JW the state what hospitality is and "ST rLUeans. The convention will be held . - A . il MMtia4 mnA Inn through the payment of back dues by the members who desire to again V . !- . ik.. .,v t. LfCUUlC HVUIO 1U 111. m " " t i sharing ln the better times feeling, not been unmindful of the club s fln "The club and the officers whom ances; and as a result of their watch you elect to represent you and the illness in that direction, I am pleased community are entitled to your to be ln a position to report they have united support, and unle.s such is secured a settlement with the South freely given resulU should not be ern Pacific company of the 1910 com expected. munity booklet contract, through "A commercial club, through its which the indebtedness to the com offlcers. is called on to and must of Pany, amounting to $1,430, is wiped .. n.f T?i. this antlnn tha plnh In now necessity engage in many inings oi which the public, or even the mem hers, are not informed publicity In many cases would prevent' accom plishment or the desired result for the public welfare. This causes your officers frequently to engage In matters that are a long time matur ing, during which time the members and public are apt to feel that noth ing is being done and the club Is of no benefit. I think I can safely as sure you, however, no matter who you place ln the various offices, they will have ample to engage their at tention, and they are entitled to your support If you expect them to make gpod. "Two things have been recently brought to a successful conclusion through the efforts of this club and Its committees, either one of which should be sufficient to Justify the club's existence and satisfy the most critical. First, the encouragement and assistance given Dr. Reddy In his efforts to promote the new railroad to the Illinois valley, which was further assisted by the passage of the bonds through which It was possible for the doctor to Interest the Twohy company, through whom this section of the state will soon have the tong deslred and patlently-walted-for rail road. "The other big accomplishment for which this club Is entitled to the glory of securing through Its com- Saturday, March 18 Watch Our Windows We handle only the best SUNKIST NAVELS TfTWTv o rrnTTAV nDiiri?i)V Quality mlttee is the beet sugar factory former investment could be made, pro- jGrants Pass, ana to iui nd to those who so unselfishly - as- itattd them Is due more gratitude tot their untiring efforts and excellent !fanit in their campaign for beet , , - ,,. (acreage contracts man b oiuc. 'committee. Some of the other work jnom we nope jaier 10 secure imu in the matter of harbor appropriation for. Crescent City, and the reception to" Governor WIthycombe are some VXU v liw m-. - vft tvinM TOur committees have "There is much yet to be accom- ,. . d . tne work ia cut will not result unless there is a .stronger feeling of co-operation de veloped and applied. The state grange has been in vited and has accepted the invitation amentum in Grant, ... Bn OD. 'tt May. While endeavoring to secure new industries and other advantages for this community, your trustees have out. By this action the club Is now out of debt to all. except J. H. Wil liams for rent of the rooms. "There Is an increasing demand for literature relative to the scenic attractions of this section, including the caves, Hell Gate, Crater lake; and when funds are available no bet- None Are so Blind s those who do not want to see," but even their eyes are opened when they hear of the staying qualities of LOWE BROS. PAINTS Some owners paint for looks, some to make a sale and some Derange the neighbors o. LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD OUR ONK GRADE OF I'AINT Is Jiiht what each one of you should have, for none but the very licit ran afford poor paint. Grants Pass At Your First vlded the climatic and sccnlo attrac tions are presented. "Respectfully submitted, 'W. I QUINLAN, "Secretary." i AUSTRIANS LOSE TWO DESTROYERS Rome, Mar. 14. An eleven-hour naval battle off the Albanian port of Durazzo preceded the sinking of the Austrian destroyers Llka and Trig lav, it was learned today. The ministry of marine recently announced the sinking of the enemy war craft. A letter from Frani Lugano, an Austrian sailor of Italian origin, from the Austrian prisoners' camp, to relatives In Italy, brought details of the action. "Coming out of our naval base to bombard Durazzo, our fleet encoun- jtered the Italians." Lugano wrote. two destroyers, thanks to Italian bombs. Destiny marked out my own boat, the Lika, tor one of the victims. "The battle occurred Just off Dur azxo. The first shot was Bred at 7 a. in. and tho fighting lasted until six In the evening. Shrapnel was bursting all over our deck, and I do not know how many men I saw die. The dying were calling for help, but there was nothing we could do. In the midst of all this the Llka was struck. Her boilers and munition magazines exploded and she leaped into the air, breaking in two. "Of 110 men on the Llka about 50 were saved. Ten of us were picked up by Italian lifeboats. I had been floating on some debris for two hours. The others were hauled aboard the destroyers with ropes. Balanced Rooka. In Acushiiet.' M tire two rocks pe culiarly altunted nn a ledae and nnpur- ently placed tbtre by u glacial action. The larger rock wljjtw prolmttly sever al hundred tons. riuI yearx ngo. it Im said, this could be tilted by puablng against It. There are evidences that some time smaller ruck were placed as wedges to kevp the great rock mo- tlonless. Indluuauoll News. GOTHIC - an COLLAR a tor 2u IT r ITS THE CRAVAT cluctt, wioar a co. mo., nm to preserve the building, some I Hardware Co. Service zip H A HYGIENE NOTE. How to Claar tha Complexion Without Dosing Your 8yatam. A glass of bot lemonade takeu night and momlng U a poU tbltig to clear the complexion. Siueer.e half a leviou into a tumblerful of bolllug water, sweeteu very slightly and drink a soon as it is cool enough. Another tiling u girl with a muddy complexion should do is to liave a quick nil mtr oui ami water wusti every morning wltb very bot water and then a sponge down wltb cold, ending up wltb a good rub wltb s rough towel. As to food, don't eat rich.' blgbly seasoned things. Light bumemadi) pastry doesn't hurt; neither do plain cakes, but don't go ln for tlnued salm on and lolcter. curry or rich, heavy cakes, and don't drink much coffee or cocoa. Now. as to the way to irest your face itself: If youf skin Is reslly very thick and muddy It is an excellent thing to wash It every night at bed time with very bot water and "green soap," Lather your face well and you will find the soap brings away black heads and la most cleansing, but It Is only suitable for really thick skin. It la apt to irritate a One or thin skin. Let the soap remain on a few tnln otes, then rinse It off In very hot wa ter. In the morning sponge your fsce with cold water and then wipe It over wltb ean do cologne and water or a little camphor and water. , How to Avoid Nervousness In This Rackety Ago. No one can help feeling nervous at times ln this age of rush and racket, but every woman should remember that the more sbe controls this feeling the longer sbe will retain her beauty. It Is quite poeslble to put on the brake, as It were, and not let the nerves run away with ns. If people fret yon It Is not necessary to be rude to them. Try Instead to avoid them. Don't read books that irritate you. Books are plentiful. Therefore put away the offending Volume und chooso another. If a noise nt night worries you don't let It continue to do so. Get up and see to the matter and put It right Don't let yourself get Into tha habit of being bored. It Is not worth while. When you feel It coming on plunge at once into some task that will take all your tlmo and euergy. It Is better to ran awaV from certain things than to let them Irritate you. How to Provide a Suitable Raooptaole For Soiled Linen. A wicker hamper is perbiips tho Ideal laundry coutulnor. Hut II tuiiHt In kept clcun. One enameled white looks so clean that It Is burd to remember tlmt It may harbor Impurities, eveu terms. It must be washed In bot wa ter occaslontlly and dried In the sun shine, and then occasionally It-can be further refreshed with it clean enat of enamel. t How to Remove White Spots en Your Pot Mahogany Furniture. The white spots which hot dlsbea often leave ou tables and other wood en surfaces can be removed ly apply ing a mixture composed of equal pnrts of alcohol, olive oil nnd pure rider vinegar. Shake well before using. Rub well with s woolen cloth and pol ish with another soft woolen cloth. OifM" ol Oolljr. The dollar vm urlytimily u .lochim ilmler jiiit.lni 'ri.-t; hen Hm that mime wm (in1 for seneiiil twe, miit It win nfi ili'ivu i tlmlcr nlilch wax lrnnsitenit."t Into i'i. pi twin form Il eoiili! iki W elthei ii itiiMeii or a KruHt lieu li"tiine file gtiMi'ii tmil al-wiiv- I'ceii liiililtst of tftilrt It not a Krosclieii. Iicviim.' Mint olu wn r tU.I vtiii;i'. r" I tia I'.'.o MfM t oinliliit'il The o.i-vnil;il I'nil ( tin1 mine w .ii-hlinHi:i!. or Jouchlitihiil. u It l now .telle,!. iln .lomlilm viille.v. In AiiKirlii. frtusi wlileh tbf fllver vm lie rived fur t'ip iiiIuMuk of tliln lari'e culn, An thin emit ultver mine l i-itiei' In itolteiiilii. tlu- iM-lulni'l tlmler won tlit- Uoliemliiii ilolliie Tlnfe kII wr inli;ef luvo lme ntti'lneil world wide fiit:i". lieniiM l!ey in the mouit of rnillmii. but the tloliHr i oiihh elmtfr home to moat uf int. Protecting "Bob White." . "Hob white" lw iwvivfil eotnpleie prutcvtlon in h number of mm, and In nmn.v oilier luHtHiiees'llie wunoii Is a xlmrt one. 1'erluil' his lefciiele condition In l lie other ntnte ulioiiltl be ret-ogulxed a a tribute to bin iniwcrs of piiKslve resistance! Ill rhlef cue mien, lifter all. are not hnuinu helm. Polecat, weasels, ftnte. mink unit common rata nceoinit for a large mini tier of eggn. 'Coon are eK-clall.v fund of the latter, ami Mr. White bus need of sll bis i-uiiuiiig and (towers of en durnnce If Ms little brood Is to be broils-lit to maturity. - Outing Maga tine Ceylon's Rice Fialdt. It is a snrpriMlug condition In Ceylon that rite la not grown In nearly stinY clcnt quantities for home consumption British India ships considerable qunn titles to Ceylon. There are vast tracts of irrigsble land on the Inland now un cultivated which would be suitable for paddy fields, but how to tiring about the ntlllxutlon of this rich land remains unsolved. Argonaut. Mining blanks, Courier Office. Gives a brilliant aloinr sblne ttiat doel not rub off or dut oftthat anneal! to the Iron-that latta lour tinea aa long aa any otbor, Black Silk Stove Polish It In a clans by Itself, m rt lit m aile and m ml Irnm bitlnr mturull. ll'e more Try It mi ynnt Mrlnr If yml4n't Sntl It I hi, Wat pllMiyoa r uid,jroua nnrdwure or ariMwr dW II illmrlwdtor. fnnd your hii.y. 1rae'a "A MMnmln worn CHiCKESTER S FILLS S kl rtirt-t"' llJllr.'ll I'lH. in 11.4 U,il VV f.L.ff hu !. WO) A.. I lll.t III rll tVioMI I'UiMt l-H.ISM n.a., K. Mini. AUt KiU'ta SOLD W DStGGISTS CtCSiHHr RC Portland. Mar. H. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wheat-Club, 90f95; blucstem 991 1.02. OatsNo. 1 white feed, 24 Q 25.60. Harly Feed. 38. Hoks Host live, 9. Prime steers, 8.10; fancy cows, (1.73 f 7; best calves, 8. Cprtnir lambs, 9.&0. Buttor City rreamcry, J5; coun try. 3 lr3 2. Eggs Selected local extras. 18 f 20. Hens, 17; broilers, 20 ft 22; geessV 104M1. Copper, 2SV4. IMUSEIIVK VOI K EGOS WITH SILICATE OF SODA (WATKIt OLA 88) Eggs are cheaper now than they have been for many a 47. And right now is the time to lay In a stock of them. Silicate of Soda covers them Ilka glass, and Is therefore a sure per servatlve. Pull and simple directions with each package. PORTLAND MARKETS Pints 2rtc, Quart 40c 1 . Half Gallons 00 (? ) nut usuon f i. oo This can not be sent by parcel post CLEMENS Sells Drugs The rtexall Store 23 years at the old stand 21 steps from First National Dank J. M. TETHEROW t. Sheet Metal Works Hydraulic ami Irrigating ripe Gilvnnl.ed Iron Tanks Materi a nnd Workmanship Guaranteed 4 ii