Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, March 13, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    M().n.v, march i a, joio.
Architects' ari Engineers' Supplies
Drawing Paper '."'."'
Tracing Taper - !
Profile Paper ,
Cross Section Paper
IUue Print Paper
Tradng Cloth
Lettering Fens
Pens, lligglus' Ink, Pencils, Water
triangular Scales,
Washington, Mar. 1 J.Two con
elderatlon are stilt butting the pro
pound American Invasion of Mexico;
lu pursuit of General Villa.
First: Tho government desires Pro
rUlonal President Carranxa's con
sent, grudging or otherwise, before
the boys hi khaki are sent over the
Second: General Funston, rathor
than "go off half-cocked." 1 holding
his men bark until he la completely
ready to smash his hardest.
' Within a day or two the Invasion leans more," he declared, adding that
will certainly begin, It Is believed. J even if the first chief agreed to the
The army officials predicted the : American expedition ho would be un
Amer leans would enter Mexico on 'able to control his soldier. Ho said
Wednesday, at the latest.
President Wilson has returned to
Washington from a week-end yacht
ing trip. He has eniiagemenU today
with Secretary Lansing. Senator j
Stone and other leaders, to frame a I
reply to Camilla's request for per
mission to Invade America 'himself
In pursuit of bandits In return for
allowing Americans to Invade his
country. ' '
That this request will bo granted
waa considered sure. Homo officials
declarod Carranxa's bellicose tone,
with a hint of possible war,
largely for. home consumption,
was regarded as being designed
meet Mexican popular opinion op
posing Invasion, or "Intervention and
to give Carranxa legal and 'moral
grounds for consenting to the Amer
ican move.
A more ominous vlow was taken
by others who considered the mani
festo's tone offensive. They asserted
Carranta waa establishing a pose, de
signed to make blm, In case of In
ternational difficulties, the Mexican
popular hero, Instead of Villa.
The government waa disposed to
grant his request because a denial
might force oonaoq'uences which the
president la most anxious to avoia
Intervention, or the open hostility of
the de facto regime.
President W'llson believes be has
authority to grant Carransa's request
without congressional consent. He
may go before a Joint session of the
house and senate, however, and ask
direct authority to negotiate a formal
military reciprocity treaty.
Some congressmen talked as It
they were disposed to Insist that the
White House co-operate with ' con
gress In Its Mexican dealings. In
creased Mexican opposition to the
.... a . 4m m Iha
peaition aaaea a r i
altuatlon. ah reports iom oi arm
ing antl-Amerlcan sentiment.
As a first move In its "little war"
on Villa, the administration placed
an overnight embargo on shipments
of army munitions to Mexico. y
Even mine explosives were barred.
Individuals attempting to cross the
line with weapons will be halted by
American sentries. A million rounds
of Carrantlsta ammunition Is held up
at Douglas. It is bolleved Carransa
will soon register an emphatic pro
test agatnst this embargo.
(Continued from page 1.)
the Mexican National railway, with
soveral Americans aboard, was hold
tip by VIlllatBS. They were beaten
oft (utter a aharp fight with 30 Car
ranzlsta guards.' ' ' ' ' .
' El Pnso had Its first opportunity
to display a martial spirit lost night.
, Tho remainder of the Twontleth in-
fantry,' about 700 strong, " passed
through the city aboard a long troop
train bound for "somewhere on tuo
border." Cheers from the soldiers
' were tho citizens' first Intimation of
tholr presence. , Thousands of clvl-
' Hans answered cheer tor cheer.
Scores of excited men swarmed
around the slowly moving cars, yell-
v Ing: , '', ; :', ''. '
Rett Rook ""
Drawing Inslrumeut
Protractors s ,
T "Square
Straight Mgea
Colon, Brushes, Ruling Pent,
Thumb Tacki
Drug and
Stationery Store
111,-; , ,.. '" " 1 Vf?rl of the VUUsta raid on Col-
"Cllve those greaser hell." jumbiis, N. M., and the subsequent
i, i.a ....i imAM.n. .' developments. Later editions , car-
'going about the streets. Tboy fear
that .tho deflection of the garrlHoni
hre may -encourage Mexicans to at
tack Kl Paso.
General Pershing, In command,
told the city authorlttea the town
would bo protected. Many deputy
sheriffs were sworn In and aot to
patrolling tho streets, carrying auto
matic rifles.
Reports that the Carranzlsta gar
rison at Juarex was mutinous and
making threats against Americans
caused'apprebenslon. A former Car
ranslata official here asserted all Mex
ico would rlso agatnst Invaders.
"The Carranxlstas hate the Vlllls
taa, but all Mexicans hate the Amer-
he was positive that Carranxlstas.
and not Villlstaa, would shed the first
American blood If the Initial expedi
tion swept toward Juares to take over
Mexican railways.
with a rebellion on bla hands, Car-
ranra. according to this official,
would eeaso to regard the move as a
j"frlendl Invasion," and tho United
state would bo compelled to conquer
mot of Mexico Instead of merely cap-
turlng Villa. v ,
The Carranxlstas manifested no In-
cllnntlon to co-operate
with . the
down the
Americans In running
"scourge of the border." If they do
work with tho Americana, It was con-
ceded fewer regulars will be needed
and Villa will be more quickly ex
terminated. However, United States
army men display contempt for Car
ranxa's military abilities.
It co-operation Is arranged and the
Mexican people do not rise against
the Americans, the biggest man hunt
In history will open when - Uncle
Sam's boys march over the Interna
tional boundary.
Carranxlsta Is redoubling his efforts
to apprehend Villa lilmself, and thus
to render the Invasion unnecessary,
lie Is reported to have sent 2,500 men
toward. Corralltos. Two thousand
more have Just arrived In Juares.
They will be rushed to Palomas.
Twelve thousand Americans are
mobilising for the hunt. This will
make a total of 16,500 trained sol
diers after one man, provided, of
course, the Carranxlstas work with
the Americans. While Vllla'a force
la variously estimated to be from
3,000 to 4,000, he alone Is believed
to be the object of the expedition.
When he Is killed or captured, Its
object will be practically accom
plished.' ,
The American mobilization is
shrouded In mystery behind In offi
cial censorship. Soldiers are Ignor
ant ot their destinations. Crews of
troop trains are ordered to "keep go
ing until the commanding officer says
Half a hundred war correspondents
already are on the ground from all
parte of the country. They threaten
opon rebellion against the, war de
rmrtment's drastic regulations re
stricting their aotlvltlea.
While the main Invading expod!
tlon may avoid Mexican cities to pre
vent trouble with non-combatants,
part of the initial Invading force is
exnocted to enter Juares and seize
tho Mexican and Northwestern rail
way, Its, line leada Into the moun
(Bln .where VII a Will maKO nis
. f , ..
Americans will leave their troop
trains at Guzman, 00 miles below the
bordor, according to army plans. A
second detachment will detrain aomo-
where farthor south. Simultaneously
the cavalry Is scheduled to dash south
from Columbus and Douglas, In an
effort to 'cut off Villa's flight to the
Sierra Madres. The columns will de
tach small parties to watch all water
holes and railroads and to guard the
lines of "communication while the
principal forces endeavor to envelop
Nomination petitions, at the Courier
-Mi... i I . '
Mexico City. Mar. 13. Vcnustlano
Carranza, provlaloaal president of
Mexico, today summoned bla cabinet
to meet Immediately at Queretaro,
100 mllea north weit of here, to con
ilder the Mexican-American situation.
No action will be taken by the cabinet
until Secretary Laming replioi , to
Carranza's request for .reciprocity In
the matter of military movements.
It la believed here banning will
readily ice the Justice of this request
and that the crisis will soon pass.
Shouting of newspaper extras on
tho boulevards Sunday was the first
;rieain new. oi -
" y
Americans here are not exhibiting
any great alarm.
Trials of a Congrtisman In Taking Ur
His Old Profeiion.
In the Ameriittu Mucsxliif' ! im in
terview, with n tiifijiUv tf the I'liilt-i!
8 la tin lumw of n-iu'H'.itall.,i. w!i.
tells of the ohii"M IimtIciw
betweon him mil lii- id profciwlou.
the law.
"After I lidil btvii lu nmniv a cou
ple of term I dctUbM ttmt I would be
happier and Hint my fumlly would be
vsHtly better off If I were buck home
practlclug my mifft!n." be said.
"So after the udjourtmient of congresn
1 act out to rebuild my ucKlcvteU law
"I .wns nxtouudud at nbut a Job It
was. My practice was not merely
run down or temKmrlly absent. It
was Koue! Now. I bud not yet be
come a topimtclier In my profession
before going to couivsm. In order to
make a comfortable Income I bud not
becu able to depend nloue on the bet
ter grade of legnl huHluesa, but was
obliged to do some of the more trivial
work, such as every young lawyer Is
glnd to gel. . Tbts cluts of bUMlucsa had
gone from me In ray absence, along
with the rest And It did not come
back because of a reason that I bad
not thought of. During my terms In
congress I had come to be looked upon
aa an important figure lu the commu
nity, and everybody regarded me aa
above such things aa performing legal
services of a trivial or minor charac
ter. Thus 1 did not get the small busi
ness, and the big business was being
taken care of by other lawyers who
had been constantly on the job."
Political Cards
(Paid Advertisements),
Republican . Candidate for
Nominee for
County Clerk ;
Present Incumbent
Republican Candidate for
Nominee ror
Assessor ,
Present Incumbent
Republican Candidate for
JNominee ior
State Senator
Republican Candidate - for
.Nominee tor ..
Of Salem, Oregon '
Republican v Candidate for
Nominee for
Presidential Elector,, '
Congressional Disk No, 1
Republican : Candidate for
Nominee lor
County Clerk -
Republican Candidate for
Nominee for
Present Incnmbent
Republican Candidate for
' , Nominee for v
State Senator
; Classified '(: Advertising. :.
40 ACRES 4 miles from Grants
' Paas, no Improvements, for sale
at 940 per acre. ' Under ditch sur
vey. Addreae No. 2415, 'care
Courier 667tf
I HAVE four vigorous 8. C. Brown
Leghorn cockerels to sell at $1.60
each. They are from high scoring
egg-laying strain. Nothing better
in the state. , Theo, P. Cramer,
Grant Paas, Ore. Phone 364-Y.
Day-old cblcka $12.60 per 100.
Eggs, f 1 per aettlng of IS. 656tf
FOR SALE -8lx-room , plastered
house,' dose In, lot 100x100, good
shade. . Address No. 2413, care
FOR SALE: 26 acres bottom land
near Grants Paas, all under fine
Irrigation system. Inquire 2501
Courier. ' 694
California Land Grant Lands.
Three maps, showing all tracts In
Douglas, Josephine and Curry and
Jackson counties, with general de
scription and status of said lands,
for $1.50 tor each map. Township
ownership plats, 2-inch per mile,
of Coos and Josephine counties,
showing government, private and
grant lands, at 75c per township;
other counties In preparation. I
sell the Anderson maps -you know
them. M.. J. Anderson, Grants
Pass, Ore. - 701
MR3. BURTON'S spring stock of mil
linery has Just arrived and the
public la cordially Invited to call
and inspect K. 407 N. 6th St. 704
FOR SALE 80 acres, alfalfa and
boct land, at bargain price. Also
10-horsepower electric motor, al
most new, 75 per cent actual
value. Address Grave Creek Ranch,
Loland. Oregon. . . 708
100x150 on B St., $500; 100x100 on
B St., $500; 77x100, with modern
cottage, on B St.. $2,000; 100x100
on A St., $500; 100x100 on A St.,
$600; 60x183 on A St., $500. Each
parcel ot land is high and dry and
Is a bargain. For partlculara ad
dress No. 365, care Courier. 708
FOR SALE Seventy fresh milch
, cow's and calves, and forty young
catUe, located at Jesse Lemo's
. place, near Big Springs, Shasta
valley. Address . Miss Margaret
Reeser, Ashland, Oregon. 693
IRRIGATED farm to lease or sell, on
Slate creek,'. 100-acre pasture In
closed by wire fence. Good house
and barn. 1 V4 miles from Water
. Creek station. Joseph Fetzner. . 14
ANGEL CAKES supplied for any oc
casion, 60c each. Phone 190-J. 83
BLUB PRINT plats ot Grants Pass
' for sale at Courier office. $1.50. 93
A SNAP for some one. For cash, it
sold in the next two months, four
. acres, house, fruit, guaranteed well
over fifty feet deep, cased . and
. pump, one mile east of the beet
sugar factory on Pacific highway.
John Ross, Box 93, R. F. D. No. 3.
Grants Pass. 715
stelns and Percherons. High class
ydung stuff tor sale at all times!
Individuality, fcreedlngy produc
tion. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch,
Route 1. 62tt
BEAUTIFUL bungalow, Tiew, fire
place, built In furniture, In heart
of best residence aectlon, fine gar
age; $2,700, terms. '
Two choice building lots, suitable
tor apartment house, on corner,
close to business section ot city;
terms. , '
Suburban home, five-room bunga
, low, water and lights, one acre of
.land; highly improved, all kinds
,of fruit, best of soil, and irrlga
tlon.: Price $1600. .
For above see JOHN A. DALE,
corner Sixth snd G. Streets. 693
FOR SALE One .lot with six-room
.house, north, side, good location;
$500. Or two lots with two
houses, $800. See Joseph Moss,
204 North Sixth street. 692tf
FOR SALE Seven young well-bred
Jersey cows. 'W. C, Long, Box
' 497,. Grants PasB. 697
BARGAINS I have soveral bunga
, lows, residence lots, business prop
erties and good ranches for sale
cheap. Investigate these before
1 buying anything. A. N. Parsons,
514 F street. " 697
FOR SALE Edison phonograph and
86 records. $10 cash. Phone 19,
or Inquire 467. car Courier. 697
TEN ACRES, 9 miles Irom Grants
.Pass, improved,' no. incumbrance,
six-room house, barn, for sale, or
will exchange for Grants Pass re
sidence property. Address No.
471, care Courier. '-. (93
FOR SALE Modern home, all
rooms, plastered, close In and well
located. ? ,10- gfcMv; closet,
, pantry, bath and all conveniences.
Only $1,500; terms. Address 468,
care Courier. , , , 623
FOR SALE This week only, choice
strawberry plants, $2 per 1,000.
' Gold Dollar and Magoon. Dig them
yourself. Orchard avenue. W; E.
Beckvitb. 693
WANTED to hear from owner ot
good ranch for sale. Send cash
price and description. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn. ' 710
WANTED Modern house, Ashland,
Grants Pass or Medford, for 10
acre Irrigated orchard near Med-
Ford on P. & E. Rich soil. $6,000
Address Owner, Box 59, R. 3, Med
ford. 695
WANTED Gent's second-hand bike,
20-Inch or 22-inch frame., Must
be In good repair. Cash. Address
No. 447. care Courier. 692
PALACE HOTEL, Grants Pass, to
lease tor term of years; furniture
for sale. Retiring, on account of
ill health. Address ,W. S. Wood,
City. 603
E. K. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist,
metallurgist. Roms 201-203 Pad
dock Building. Grants Pass.
AES7UACTS When r buying prop
erty or loaning money, protect
yourself by insisting on an autben
tic abstract. We make them,
Grants. Pais Abstract Co., W. E
Hanson, manager, Albert building,
opposite poBt office. Phone 226-J,
FOR RENT Five-room bungalow.
Furnished. Garden spot. . Good
well. Inquire 605 West C street. 93
FOR RENT New seven-room house
on five acres of first class sugar
beet land .under ditch, close in.
Isaac Beat'-.; 693
CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up la
5-gallon . glass jars and delivered
at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary
Telephone 293-R and water wagon
will call. . .;. .;' ; '
TEAM work done, 60c per hour. In
quire 928 D Btreet, Or address N.
O. Johnson, city. 696
BREED to type and brains. The
pure bred Percheron stallion,
"Harley". will stand Friday, and
Saturday during season at
Brownie's Livery, . Grants Pass.
Terms: $15, insure with foal. C.
S. Etnler, owner. 718
PRIVATE AUTO service leaves Jose
phine hotel dally for Kerby, Hol
land and Waldo. Marve Jordan,
phone 332-J, or Oldlng's garage,
phone 45-R. 709
D. A. FITZGERALD Contractor and
builder. Plans and specifications
a specialty. Houses built while
you wait. Phone 117-J. 708
PAPERHANGING, graining, paint
ing.. For the best work at lowest
prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant
South Park street.
California: and Oregon Coast
Railroad Cowpany , ,
(The Oregon Caves Route)
Effective Monday, Deo, 20, 1915.
Train 1 lr. Grants Paas.L.7:00 a.m.
Arrires Water CreelE 8:00 a.m.
Train 9 It. Waters Creek 8:15 a.m.
Arrivea Grants Pass....9:15 e,m.
Train 8 It. Grants Paes......2:00 p.m.
Arrives Waters Creek.S:00 p.m.
Train 4 It. Waters Creek..M5:00 p.m.
Arrives Grants paas..:00 p.m.
On Sundays trains No. X and t are
canceled. '
' All trains leave Grants Pass from
the corner of G and Eighth streets,
opiinstie the Southern Pacific depot.
For all Inforniotlou regarding
frlnht and Oassenger service call at
tho office of the comnony, Publln Ser
vice building, or phone 1S8-R for
sa n e. ,'-.
Train will stop on flag at any point
botween Grants Pass and Waters
Creek. Passenger service every day
in' the week, i '. . , .',''.'.',
U O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice '
limited to diseases of the eye, ear, ,
nose and throat Glasses flttso.
Office boors 9-12, 3-6, and oa ap-i
polntment Office phone (2; resi
dence phone 8 6 1-J.
3. LOUGHRIDGEM. D., Physician
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or night Res. -phone
219; office phone 183
Sixth and H. Tuffs Building.
P. TRUAX, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon. . Phones: Office, 326;
residence, $24. ' Calls answered
at all hours. - Country calls at
tended to. Lundeburg Bldg.
DR. ED ' BTWATER -Specially 01
diseases of eye, ear, nose .and
throat; glasses fitted. Office hours:
9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones:
Res. 234-J; Office, 2 5 7-J. Schmidt
Building, Grants -Pass, Oregon.
DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases ot
children and general practice. Tele
phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build
ing. . . , ' tf.
A. A. WITHAM , M. D., Physician and
Surgeon. Office: Hall Building,
corner Sixth and I streets. Phone
116; day or night. Honrs: 9 am.
to 4 p. m. '. .. , , ., .: ;.. ..
E. C..MACY, D. M. D-, Flrst-clasa
dentistry. 109 ft South Sltth
street Grants Pass, Oregon.
ern dental work. , Marguerite H.
Elliott dental assistant Rooms 4
and 5, Golden Rule building.
Grants Pass, Ore. . Phone 265-J.
H. D. NORTON, Attornvy-ftt-Law.
Practice In all State and Federal
Courts. - First National Bank Big.
at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co.
Building, Grants Pass, Oregon.
e S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice
In all courts. First National Bank
' Building. ' ' " :. ' .
at-Law, Offlc Masonic Temple,
Grants Pass, Oregon.
W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law
County attorney .for Josephine
, County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg.
O. S. B LAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Uw,
: Grants Pass Ranking Co. building.
Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon.
V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-law,'
practices In state ' and federal
courts.' Rooms . 2 and 3, over
Golden Rule store.
Belgian school of violin playing.
E. R. Lawrence, 215 I street
Mrs. E. R. LAWRENCE will receive
a limited ' number of piano
students. Residence studio, 215
j West I street ;v '; 691'
kinds ot drayage and transfer
' work carefully and promptly done.
Phone 133-R. Stand at frieght
depot A. Shade, Propr.
F. O. Isham, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture moved '
i packed, shipped ; and stored.
Phone Clarke ft Bolman, No. 50.
Residence phone 124-R.
THE WORLD ... MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
and refreshing. , Bacterial tests as
sure that thla water Is pure. De
livered In' five-gallon ;- bottles.
W. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone,
'602-F-3. , '459tt
GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F.
A. M. Stated Comminlca
tlons 1st and 3d Tuesdays.
Cr VloUing brethern cordially
" XT f , , . m .
iuvuu. a. iv. vaso, W, M.
Ed. , G. Harris, secretary.
O. F., meots every Wed-.
C-V nesday eve V In I.O.O.F,
w1 hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts.
Visiting Odd Fellows cordially invit
ed to be present. ;L V. Howell, N,
G., Clyde Martin.' Secretary.
DR. R. J. BESTUL. .Veterinarian",
Office In Wlnetrout Implement
Building. Phone 113-J. Rest-
' dene phone 30B-R. ' '