Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, March 06, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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In Every-Home
where there are children,
there ought to be
And also in every home
where there are no children
only more to.
Cooplat OntfiU from 120
to 1200 and terms are
eay Com In end mIu
Music House
"The Spender."
, ; . Star. ;
. "The Fatar Card.
March 7, Tuesday Meeting ! the
Society of Arts and Crafts, with
Mrs. C H. Demaray. v"'
March S, Tuesday---Study section
of Music Club' meets at 7:30,
chorus rehearsal at 8: 1?,' Commer
cial club rooms. ;
Petrograd, Mar. 6. Russian torpe
ping in the harbor of Trebizond, sink
do boats have raided Turkish snip
ing several vessels, it was learned to
day. The raiders operated within easy
range of the coast batteries, which
developed only a weak fire. It Is be
lieved most of the coast batteries
have been dismantled to save the
guns from possible capture from ap
proaching Russian armies.
Political Cards
(Paid Advertisements)
Republican Candidafe for
Nominee for
Ppunty flerjc
Prevent Incumbent
Republican Candidate for
Nominee for
Present Incumbent
Republican Candidate
Nominee for
Of Salem, Oregon
Republican Candidate for
Nominee for
Presidential Elector
Congressional Dist. No. 1
Republican Candidate for
Nominee for
County Clerk
' Republican Candidate for
Nominee for
. Present Incumlxsnt
Republican Candidate for,
Nominee for
1 State Senator '
P. Boone vent to Sattl Sunday
D. W. Otte left last night lor En
terprise, Ore. ;
Miss Alice Spalding left Sunday
night, returning to Bend, Ore.
George Peck, ot Med ford, was in
the city Sunday, calling at the Mary
E. Dodge home.
Rev. Melville T. Wire went to Cen
tral Point this morning to spend the
day in that section.
Mrs. Jessie Flanders, who spent
several weeks with the Metschans and
Mrs. Xelll. left this morning on her
return to Salem.
Mrs. Monte Brlggs returned to
Ashland this morning, after spending
a few days with her cousin, Mrs. K.
M. & Nelll, at Ardencralg.
O. H. and C. J. DeArmoud, who
spent several days with their sister,
Mrs. C. E. McLane, and other rela
tives, left this morning for Salem.
Cornell's Gold Nugget '
When a cltlieu of Grants Pass
loses Borne of his valuables his first
thought turns toward the Courier
office. He knows that the sure
method of . recovering the lost is to
advertise In the classified ad column,
So when A. B. Cornell lost that big
nugget off his watch chain this morn
ing, he hot-footed it for the news
paper office. Then he remembered
that earlier in the day he had been
In the Courier composing rooms tell
ing "Mac where he wanted the Ore
gon Ufe ad ran in the afternoon
paper, and he back-tracked himself
through the department. There," ly
ing in the middle of the floor, .where
it was being booted about like a foot
ball, lay the nugget Not a printer
on the force had a speaking acquaint
ance with gold nuggets, and the dull
yellow hunk failed ot recognition.
That is why A. B.'s nugget chain, his
pride and his glory, is again com
plete. 1
Washington, Mar. 6. -Upholding
Florida and Washington laws aimed
at trading stamp and "free coupons
companies, the United States supreml
court today handed down a decision
practically maintaining states' rights
to stop the use of such stamps and
coupons by prohibitory legislation.
two issues, 25c; six issues, 60c;
one month, $1.50, when paid in
advance. When not paid In ad
vance. 5c Iter line per Issue.
WANTED I . expect some pa tries
here from the east soon who will
buy irrigated alfalfa And beet land.
Price and terms must be right. If
you have any to sell, come and
see me. John A Dale, corner
Sixth and G streets. ' 687
DO YOU want to rent a house, buy a
bungalow or small snbnrban prop
erty? Prices and terms to suit
See J. A. Dale,' Sixth and Q Sts. 87
ALFALFA hay for tale, $18.00 per
ton at ranch, phone 609-F-12.
Lougbridge ranch. 68$
FOR BENT 6-room house, famish
ed or unfurnished'' Good well,
slflo city water. " Large porch. In
quire 709 D street ' $92
'The Spender''
A Five-Act
Pathe Gold Rooster Play
George Frobert
and an All-Star Cast, Is one of
the best pictures we have
ever shown
The production is a big one,
full of realism, tome comedy,
and a sweep of Intense situa
tions and thrilling action.
Edwin C. Smith. Psea Away
Edwin C Smith, a pioneer ot this
district died at Ma home on C street
today, at the age ot S3 years and t
months. Arrangements for the fun
eral are not yet completed.
Clark & llolman, Undertakers
Licensed etnbalniers. Phone 50 tt
Pleasant Creek Ketddcnt Diee
Win. K. Ingledue, a resident ot the
Pleasant creek section, near Wlmer,
died on Saturday, March 4, aged 79
years and S months. The funeral
was held at Rogue River this after-
noon, with interment In the Rogue
River cemetery. .
Automatic Electric Washer
Best medium priced machine ob
tainable. Strong, steel stand for ex
tra tub; swinging, reversible wringer.
Terms. Bush Electric Shop. 6S7
C.-O, Officials In City '-
H. a Stoddard and H. L. Walther,
of Medford; P. O. Crawford, of Los
Angeles, and Mr. Shepherd, officials
of the California-Oregon Power com
pany, are in the city today looking
over the company's property. They
go to Glendale tonight on No. 16.
For Taxi Phone 180. 10c In City
Bramwell ft Gunning. 678tt
Beet Seed Is Here
The carload of beet seed arrived
from Salt Lake city yesterday. ' and
was unloaded today, being place'd in
the wareroom at Wlnetrout's estab
lishment. The seed comes In large
jute bags, the bags toeing much
larger than the ordinary grain sack.
Club Trustees Meet Tonight
The board of directors of the Com
mercial club will meet this evening,
at 7:300 o'clock, at the club rooms.
This will be the last meeting of the
board before the annual meeting ot
the club next Monday night, at which
time new officers for the club for
the ensuing year will be elected.
Save the Babies
n si xi T" .
ay iceuiug iuciu pure cugiewuua
Dairy milk. Phone 232. 685tf
Big Deed Is Placed on Record .
There was placed on record in, ytbls ,
county todsy a trust deed Involving i
property worth half a million dol
lars, the document having been exe
cuted in Salt Lake city, and running
from the Oregon-Utah Sugar Co. to
Geo. C. Spencer and the'ZIon Savings
ft Trust Co. of Salt Lake. The exe
cution of the trust deed was Inci
dental to the sale of the bonds of the
sugar company, which was financed
in Its entirety In the Utah city.
Just Received
Fresh smelt, Ee per lb.
Fresh halibut
Fresh black cod. u
Fresh oyster.
City Market. Phone 52 for quick
delivery. 687
Resident of Gallce Dice
Thomas E. Garrett died at Galice
March 4, of tuberculosis, aged
27 yean and 7 months. The funeral
will be held Tuesday afternoon, at 2
o'clock, at Hall'a chapel, with Inter
ment at Granite Hill cemetery.
Thomas Garrett was born at Ad,
Ohio, May 23, 1879, and with hit
brother, W. W. Garrett, went to
Gallce In the fall of 1904, where they
engaged In mining, being owners of
the Keystone mine. He It survived
by his father, residing In Pasadena,
three brothers, W. W., at Gallce,
George, of Portland, and Fred, of
Los Angeles, and a sister Mrs. W. C.
Ewlng of Ada, Ohio.
For Taxi Service
Phone 262-R. Ross Bailey. 684tf
F. W. IlusseU Sr. Diet at Pt. Angeles
The Josephine County bank . re
ceived a telegram from the coroner
at Port Angeles, Washington, at noon
today,, asking for information of
Capt. F. W. Russell Sr., who It was
stated had died there suddenly last
night. Mr. Russell left here about
February 26 for the north, having In
his possession a certificate of deposit
In the Josephine County bank, and It
was through this that the coroner
wires the bank asking for informa
tion. No particulars have been re
ceived other than that contained in
the telegram, though F. W. Russoll
Jr. will leave tonight for Port An
geles to take charge of his father's
body. The elder Russell, who. was
an old sea caitaln, had expected to
take passage on a vessel going south
to San Francisco for the trip, and It
Is believed that he was In Port An
geles for that purpose.
Dr. Loughrtrigo was called to see
Mrs. H. K. Miller, who has been very
sick with rheumatism. '
Mrs. R. 3. Blalock, ot Rogue River,
stopped off on her way home from
Roseburg to visit friends In Leland.
John Peterson, Thomas Young,
Fred Septon and the Misses SeVton
and Helena Peterson ot Hugo, attend
ed the dance Saturday.
Chas. Ellis went to Rogue River
Saturday to visit friends for a few
II. K. Miller made a business trip
to Grant Pass Saturday.
Wm. Light went to Grants Pass
Friday on "business.
Sam Alderson made a business trip
to Grants Pass Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. Light and Miss Gladys
Swackcr went to Grants Pass Satur
day to visit frlonds over Saturday and
Will Blalock went to Wolf Creek
Saturday to work with the Southern
Paclflo bridge gang.
Orvll! Light made a business trip
to Wolf Creek during the week.
Mrs. Winnie Bagly, of Hugo, came
over Sunday to visit her brother, W.
New York, Mar. 6. Willing to
hear any proposal for the relief ot
traffic congestion, representatives of
nearly every big railroad started for
Washington today to attend the In
terstate commerce commission hear
The New York Central railroad
representatives Issued a statement
declaring that cars were plentiful.';
but that the tracks were jammed east j
ot Chicago because ot congestion .
along the Atlantic seaboard. The i
New York Central said:
'Show us' any reasonable plan for;.
moving freight raster and wt will
adopt it, no matter what the cost."
, Washington. Mar. 6. A sweeping
embargo on all freight, and tempor-
ary Increases of storage and demur-, "There has been no open corn
rage charges were suggested today plaint or criticism ot the president's
by Howard Elliott, president of the
N. Y., N. H. ft H. railroad, as rente-
dies for the traffic congestion in At-
lantlc seaboard states.
Elliott was one of the first wit-
nesses at the interstate commerce j "I believe that if a majority of (he
commission hearing seeking relief members expressed their own opln
for the congested conditions. More ions, they would say that Americans
than 200 representative! of railroads, ought not to 'complicate the situation
traffic associations and boards of
trade were present
Paris, Mar. . Violent artillery
fighting on the left bank of the:
Meuse, west of Douaumopt, and on.
the Woevre plain was describe! In
portent Infantry operations were re
ported. The French heavily shelled
German positions In the Cheppy
woods and alone; (Jbe AvocourV
MaJancourl roadt Elsewhere the
battle front was calm last night.
Berlin, Mar. C. Minor engagements
on the east bank of the Meuse, east
of Verdun, were reported in today's
official announcement. The opera
tions of last night resulted In the
capture of 14 French officers and 934
men, It was announced.
Cement Shipment Arrive
The first shipments of cement for
the foundation of the sugar factory
have arrived, and Is today being
hauled by auto trucks out to the fac
tory site, where work upon the foun
dation it progressing. Messrs. Moon
ft Williams have the contract for
supplying 8,000 barrels of cement
for the building.
Nomination petitions at the Courier
Sheet Metal
Hydraulic and Irrigating Pipe
' Galvanized Iron Tanks and Workmanship
1 -..' - .
That you can't get are worth lea than
One Acre of Sugar Beets
That you ran get by ulng latest style and best constructed
Garden Tools
"Fighting It out on this line, if It takes all summer," should be
your motto, , Bright, sharp, hUu quality tools, at the right prices,
are tn our stock, ready for your acKtlon.
Grants Pass Hardware Co.
At your service
Architects' and
Drawing Paper
Tracing Paper
Profile Paper
Cross Section Paper
Blue Print Paper
Tracing Cloth
Lettering Pent
Pens, Higglns Ink, Pencils, Water Colore, Brushes, Ruling Pens,
Triangular Scales, Thumb Tacks
(Dentin led from K )
attend to Us own constitutional
duties, and the president to his, be-
'llevlng that if the .president wants
the house to act he must come before
t and say so.
action from the republican side. A
resolution was dropped In the basket.
Nobody ever read it or heard of it
, until the president asfed that the
house take action.7
by traveling on armed liners
Amidst the applause, Gardner ask
ed Mann if tie fought the United
States should abandon' to their fate
Americans who traveled on armed
ships In, the even p warping to
keen of them. '
Mann replied.
"When that situation arises, we
ought to meet It I hope we will
never j)f p,i V the fjest pi dociflnj
whether we ought to fight because
tome fool lnvolvee us."
Boise, Idaho. Mar. 6. With an
open plH between factions of (b
paramount ' photoplays are
shown only In the leading
theater of each city
Charles Froliman, Inc., presents
Miss Hazel Dawn
Mr, John f Jason J
In the superb
First Performance 7i80. t
Engineers' Supplies
Field nooks
Drawing Instruments
T Square
Straight Edge
Drug and
Stationery Store
party threatened at a result ot the
ijlght tor national committeeman be
tween Robert II. Elber, present com
mttteeman, and Jerome J. Day, of
Moscow, the democratic central corn-
mttee met today to Pm the time
an(j pace for holding the convention
't0 ngmB delegates to the St Louis
The Day faction It Insisting on a
preferential primary If this Is
denied, It It understood a separate
convention will send a contesting de
legation to St. Louis.
The jtliotoplar "8mahlng fiie
Vice Tratt," ' scheduled to be
esbjbited tufUgty th JU
theater, will not be shown In
Grant rats,- '
Mls Haad Dawn and John
Kaeon, supported bjr an all-star
rant. In the clean, wholeeqtn
Paramount sjx-recl feature,
fTtMS Fatal flard'wlll be fine
attraction tonight This (4c
ture pleased a large audience
last night
J. I 8CHWEXK, Manager.
Creator of the title rolo In "Hie
' Pink Lady"
One of the authoritative figures
of the stage
Paramount offering
Adiiilnslon 10c and lffc
f"" :