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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1916)
PAGE FOUR DAILY ROGUE RIVER COUIUKR MONDAY, FEBRUARY OH, 1010. In Every Home where there are children, there ought to be a Columbia Graphophone And also in every home where there are do children only more to. CmpUteOvtfUa from 20 to $200 and tarns are easy. Coma In and ask. RowelTs Music House : KDO"NflL LOCAL : ' AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT - Bijou "Comrade John." Btm "The Explorer." f 4 Medford and Ashland. Rev. J. H. Harmon went to Ash land this morning tor a stay ot two day. - Mrs. V. U McDonald went to Rose burg to visit relatives ifor a tew weeks. Mrs. II. C. Bonnte returned to Medford Sunday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wood. Mrs. Leah Barrett, alter visiting Mrs. L. J. Perdue, returned this morning to her home at DUlard. Howard Ash, who spent two months In this section with his brother, left Sunday on his return to Minatare, Neb. Mrs. J. C. Bigger and young son returned Sunday afternoon from Portland, where they spent the past two weeks with relatives. W. L. McDonald left this after noon for San Francisco for several 1 weeks on work connected with the I Brotherhood of Locomotive engin eers. ' . W. H. Spencer left Sunday after noon for his home at Watsonville, Cal. Mr. Spencer had spent the put 11 months with his mother, Mrs. M. I M. Spencer, and his sister, Mrs. J. R. ' Canning. I Early seed potatoes. Pardee's .Grocery. 6S1 Col. T. W. Scott, of Seattle, pro vincial officer of Washington, Ore gon and Idaho for the Salvation Army, who ocupied the pulpit at the Presbyterian church yesterday morn ing and spoke at the army hall In morning for Clark & Holnian, Undertakers- Licensed enibalmers. Phone 60. Until a A. M Dance at Murphy Saturday, March 11, 11.50, including lunch. 6S3 lllKhop Howe Will Hpoak Bishop Rowe, missionary bishop ot Alaska, Mrs. Uowe, aud Dtshop Sumner arrived from the north this morning and are vending the day with friends. They will be present tonight at the administration ot the sacrament ot confirmation by Rev, Mr. Baker, following which Bishop Rowe will speak of his work in Alaska. Riverside Park Poind Sunday was another of those giori ous southern Oregon days when the! balm ot the sunshine attracts thous ands out tor walks, picnic and auto rides. Riverside park had a throng In It all day long, while nearly the entire population visited the cite ot the new sugar factory. Every auto in the .country was on duty. For Taxi Phone 100. 10c In City "Brsmwell ft Gunning. 67Stt Banco Frum 9 till 2 At Murphy,- Saturday, March 11 Englcwood Dairy, Telephone 23 Pure milk from healthy cows. 7tt Attend the Masquerade lull R- R. V. Orange tall March 17 Music by Lawrence orchestra. Tickets II, Including lunch. t COMING KVKNTS Mrs. Edith Rehkopt and Mrs. Mary (Browne returned Sunday night from Weed, where they spent the past Dance at R. R. V. Grange Hull Friday night TlckeU 60 cents. The Beat Satisfied People are ordering their clothing from the representative ot Ed V. Price ft Co, and the Brownsville Woolen Mills. Geo. S. Calhoun, 603 Q street. 6S1 A Good Investment In Residence Property. There are many In Grants Pass. If you have been sav ing some of -your earnings In the A .three weeks with their sister. Mre.jav,nf8 f partment of th Jowphlw wn. wi wi0ounty bn you can now make a wvMaB vwiihh awa va aaa save Timbers Here for Bridge The timbers for the repair ot the bridge over the Rogue on the line ot the new' railroad have arrived and the structure will bo ready tor traffic again within a tow days. The new piling has already been driven and only the repair of the upper timbers Is now necessary. A part ot the timbers for the bridge were ordered from Woit Creek, others being cut by the Edgerton mill Is this city. Here from AIukhIm Mr. and Mrs. H. Brewer and son of Almeda, are in the city. They say that the efforts to find the body of Edgar Batty, drowned last week, had as yet been unsuccessful. M'ARTHUR SUPPORTS CHAMBERLAIN BILL Feb. 29, TueedayTopsy-Turry party last nines. They were accompanied I Jayn,ent down "d get at Presbyterian church. jhy Mr Doertus and T. J. Saul, the I jiXaM. ( lUUliHilg'' ' VvUl'lcBvUer aj va wiai au -wiuq uivujmi association meeting will be held at here for burial. Central school at 3 : 3 0 o'clock. . I - home. yourself a 6S1 Mar. 3, Friday De Moss orchestra. TWO INJURED IN PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE FIRE aif tTVnirr a bimraf wr r- u'"u '"" Portland, Feb. 28. Two were In- PEACE EFFORTS COXTDfTJE jured and six Inmates of a rooming jhouBe were rescued ty firemen early San Francisco, Feb. 28. Efforts to ( today when fire gutted a two-story bring peace between the republican frame building at Fourth and Stark state central committee and the "In- 'streets. dependent" republicans will be con-1 Frank Noland. fireman, fell 36 feet tinned here tonight A committee from the roof 'of a nearby building from both organizations will confer. !ana- waa seriously hurt Mrs. Lula This Is the outcome of overtures from' McCullough, landlady of the room the state body Saturday and a pre-!jng house, was badly "bruised when limlnary peace session, after the "In- ighe fell downstairs trying to escape dependents" nad resolved upon a '.the flames. 1 Funeral of Mrs. Doerfu The funeral of Mrs. F. B. Doertus, who passed away at Weed, Cal., Fri day evening, was held at the home of her sister, Mrs. Edith Rehkopf, this afternoon. Rev. Charlaa Wllmn rBaker conducting the service, the interment being at the I. 6. O. F. cemetery. The floral tributes were of unusual beauty, a lovely wreath being sent by the Altlers club ot Weed, a pillow ot choice flowers from the Ashland lodge of Elks, and an other from the K. of P. lodge of Washington, Feb. 28, Congress man McArthur ot Oregon today en dorsed the Ferris-Chamberlain bill dealing with the California-Oregon land cases. L. "The proposition to soil timber lands , worth f 10,000. to $20,000 quarter section tor $2.60 an acre Is ridiculous," he told the house public lands commission. "The proceeds should go to the school and road funds." Chairman Wilson withdrew his bill, which Chairman Ferris had de nounced as "loaded." PORTLAXD MAX'S BODY FOUND ON 8. P. TRACKS Medford, Feb. 28. The mangled body of the young man found on the Southern Pacific tracks near here yes terday was Identified today as that of Fred McArdle, of Portland. He was on his way to San Francisco to visit his mother, Mrs. Clara McArdle. Riding the brake beams of the SIsson, in each of which organizations Shasta Limited, he fell from his In Mr. Doertus holds membership. A secure position and was crushed to wealth of flowers was also sent by'desth under the wheels of the train, local friends. slate of republican national conven? tion delegates imbued with the Idea of backing a progressive candidate for president and also uniting the G. O. P. and Bull Moose factions of this state. The cause of the fire is unknown. JUDGE GRANTS SEVEN DIVORCES IN HALF HOUR 151 JOU TONIGHT Pat lie presents Beautiful Ruth Roland Star of the "Who Pays" Series In Comrade John in Five Parts From the Famous Novel by Harry Ketchell Webster Portland, Feb. 28. Seven divorces were granted in half an hour this 1 morning (by Circuit Judge Ganten bein. None of the suits was contest 1 ed, the decree went to the wife in each case, and the 12 children in ivolved in the seven suits were awarded to the custody ot the ; mothers. ' Keen Kutter tools and cutlery at the Rogue River Hardware. 660tf NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 26 words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 60c; one month, $1.60, when paid In advance. When not paid in ad vance, 5c per line per Issue. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hail Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Phone . Hours: 9 a. m. to 4. p. m. SUB-SOIL plow for rent, 50c per day j or $2.60 per week. Inquire of 1 'Ross Bailey. 681tf FOR SALE Good wood and log timber, close to transportation on good land. Address No. 239, care Courier. 682 Were you ever In a disappointed Pathe Gold Rooster Play? You'll find this no exception Added Attraction: Pathe Scenic Prices 10c and 15c WANTED 10,000 grain sacks. Must be good sound sacks and free of holes. Grants Pass Stock ft Grain company, successors to Main & Armentrout. 681 FOR SALE 164nch slab wood at Edgerton and Adams sawmill. Price $1.00'"per tier. Four-foot cordwood, $2.25 per cord, at mill. The Tobsy-Turvy Party To be Tuesday evening at the Pres byterian church Is to be topsy-turvy in every respect. Dress in some In appropriate way. Backwards, up side down, or any, except properly. Come and enjoy yourself. Ladles 10, 15 and 20 cents. Men free. 682 Attention, Ladlcn Those ot you who contemplated visiting our store on Tuesday to see the "Thor" electric washing machine in operation are requested to post pone your visit until Saturday, as we have sold and delivered the ma chine we had to Mrs. H. C. Lawton. We expect, however, to have another machine ready for operation by Sat urday. Rogue River Hardware com pany. 681 PROBE VIVISECTION ' AT CALIFORNIA U. Buy Vestinghouse Mazda Lamps B7o and up Kvrrready Flanhllgtits, llatterica ana Bulbs. The advertised kind New Life Elm-trio Vltu-ator Electric Sewing Machine Motor Appliances, Etc, Wiring and Repair Work Bush Electric Shop Buy Electrical Goods at the Electric Shop MTRIKE OF FRESHMEN ENDORSED BY STUDENTS Portland, Feb. 28. Freshmen at the University ot Oregon Medical college today still refused to attend the classes of Dr. John D. MacLaren, Furthermore, the entire student body has endorsed the freshman "strike." The class declared a boycott against MacLaren Friday. MacLaren had refused to apologise for compar ing the gray matter ot Archibald M. McDonald, a student, with that of a frog. McDonald la a graduate of Whit man college and a married man. Trouble had been brewing between MacLaren and the students for months. any man seoking It with the Idea ot getting what It will bring Is an "au dacious fool." MONTANAN SUGGESTED AS CIUI4JAN AMBASSADOR FIND BODY OF CAPTAIN OF LOOT LINER DIDO London, Feb. 28. The bodies of the captain and eight sailors of the Wilson liner Dido, 4,800 tons, sunk early Saturday, were washed up to day on the Lincolnshire coast. Washington, Fob. 28. Senator Walsh today suggested to President Wilson that he appoint Dr. E. D. Crelghton, ot Missoula, Mont., for the Chilean ambassadorship. WHEAT DROPS AGAIN Chicago, Feb. 2S. May wheat dropped four points today, to $1.0$; and July wheat 4 to $1.0$. WII-SON WOULD BE m ... ASHAMED OF RASHNESS Washington, Feb. 28. "I would be as much ashamed to be rash as I would to be a coward. Valor strikes only when It Is right to strike." This Is President Wilson's view point as published today from the text of his Saturday night speech be fore the Gridiron club. As for the presidency, he declared This is a Good Time In Grants Pane to laugh ' Therefore, aee "Fatty and the llelreaii,' another JrwU Keystone romedy with "Fatty Arbutkle, Mar theater Tuesday and Werincftday. Also three other Mutual reels. San Francisco, Feb. 28. Investi gation of the vivisection of dogs at the University of California research laboratory was undertaken today by the S. P. C. A. to determlno if any cruelty is practiced. SUPREME (X)UHT TO HEAR "WOLF OF WALL KT." CASE 0Stap Tonight Washington, Feb. . The su preme court today agreed to hear the whole case of David Lamar, "Wolf of Wall Street." on its merits, thereby automatically suspending sentence to! Atlanta federal prison for imperson-j atlng former Congressman Palmer. I JKKSK L. LAHKY piv-iil Lou-Telleg'en The IiuihImiiiic, International roiimntfr tnr, In the great Paramount nix-reel feature 'The Explorer1 UmlorMMl by Woman's Home Comiutiilon Lnrgn audience InNt night enlliiiKUtNtlc Legal blanks. Courier office. FOR SALE Maxwell runabout. In good repair, for $160 if taken at once. Call on Mrs. L. C. Perdue, Lawnriage avenue. Phone 648-R. WANTED Single man betweon2B and 30 years of age to travel with advertising crew. Must be a work er. Roply No, 333, Courlor. 682 FOR RENT Furninhed coltAifn. three rooms, and sleeping tent. Phone 235-R. 8fi v; -m I " v ' ; if3 V MY)? Vr if 11 1 - a m w. vwk 1. a a - . i..w 1 a a ' m mi. .u v jr. , Ti - f ' t -f.w I . .. jw-ii. , , ..;.. , II 1:1 II I . ! 1 IT. Il l' I r ' 41 ! I 1 1 " ' If ' I .1 0 1 II III t ; iu m, ay' n , . . . . '' .HI QK LYRIC BARDS Mi J,l,,; y .4' h I mt, 7r., ti''. :i- . . .. .. ... r . . ,1 : 5. '.' . ' V 'mmmMy Opera House Jarcli 3i'ii Auspices Senior Class, G.P.H.S. Reserved Seats 25c and 35c ..inn ti 1 w I'tfTa f