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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1916)
PAGE TWO. DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIER MONDAY, FPHU AItV BH, tola. Daily Bogue Hirer Courier. Aa Independent Republican News paper. UnlUd Press Leased . Wlra Telec'pn. 8ervloa A. X. VOORHira, Pnb. and Pre. . WILTORD ALLEN. Editor Enter! at ths Grants Pan, Ore gon, Postofflce m second-class mall Matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear tlx Month . .ts.eo .i.Ot .1.50 Three Month! One Month .80 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1910. OREGON WEATHER ' f Tonight fair south, rain or . snow north portion; Tuesday f fair vest, rata or enow east 4 portion; westerly winds. BUILDING A SUGAR FACTORY. The magnitude of a beet sugar factory can be comprehended when It 1s known that 74 car loads of ma terials and machinery hare beenV . dered out tor shipment to Grants Pass to be used in Its construction and equipment These 74 car loads are in addition to the materials that will be obtained In this region, all of them coming from the east Two cars, carrying structural steel, haTe left Minneapolis, and are coming through on schedule time, hating passed Council Bluffs several days ago. The shipments of steel from Minneapolis will total IS cars. The sugar-making machinery wiU come from Alabama, Pennsylvania, and Ohio makers, and 20 cars hare been listed for shipment as they are or dered out by the factory builders. From Pennsylvania will come two cars of pumps used in pumping the beet juice through, the factory, and five- cars of piping will be required. The (boilers will fill eight cars, and the engines two cars. A certain grade of fire brick needed will be ob tained In Pneblo, Colorado, seven cars of which will come. ' - Much of the material for the fac tory will be obtained here, Including the timbers, while quantities of crushed rock, common brick, cement, etc. will enter into the building. A local linn has already contracted for the supplying of 3,000 barrels of cement NORTHWEST LUMBER STATISTICS Xinety-three per cent of the lum ber produced in 1914 in the north west was represented by seven spe cies Douglas fir, . western yellow pine, redwood, hemlock, cedar, white pine, and larch covering in amount 7,600,000,000 feet Of the total lumber cut in the five northwestern states for 1914, Doug lar fir contributed four and three quarter billion feet, or 58 per cent of the total. The state of Washington produced In 1914 over three billion feet of Douglas fir, or approximately sixty five per cent of the iJouglas fir pro duced by the five northwest and coast states. In the government figures on lum ber cut in the northwest tor 1914, mills having an annual production of over 10 million board feet reported 83 per cent of the total lumber pro duced. ' For the 1914 government figures on lumber cut, 408 mills reported from Oregon and 612 from Washing ton. From California 17S mills re ported, from Idaho 140, and from Montana 124 mills reported. BERLIN EXPECTS VERDUN WILL FALL Berlin, Feb. 28. -The fall of Ver dun, possibly within a fortnight, was predicted by military critics bere to day. They pointed out that no fortress since tho war started has withstood a German attack once a breach was made In the outer defenses. . "Douaumont was in ruins Tours- If Asparagus From the Sacramento river, California, islands, and gath ered and placed la the oaas Just before sunrise dally during the parklnf season. Pineapple Canned under the sunny skies KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First day, the day before the Brandenburg forces stormed it," said the Vossiche Zeltung correspondent today. "Four of our heavy shots hit the bull's eye of Douaumont and explosions in the interior followed. "A second tort nearby blew up Just as did Fort Loncoin at Liege, the re sult of a single large caliber shell crashing Into an ammunition maga zine. "Our artillery opened a murderous fire on the morning of the list Thanks to the splendid activity of our fliers, the aeroplanes of the en emy were unable to observe our ex tensive preparations. Our fire raged with Increasing fury until late after noon, crashing trenches and tearing entanglements to shreds. At 5 p. m we advanced. Our artillery had de stroyed the wilderness of barbed wire in the woods. Consequently the Infantry rushed in with but slight losses and toy 8 p. m. the woods were firmly in our possession, and like wise we held the strongest redoubt in that sector. "The offensive gradually spread to Ornes and by following the same clock-work co-operation of artillery and Infantry, the Germans took new positions. "The offensive shifted again to ward the so-called Brabant position. Mortars and iowitiers spread death and destruction against the strong field fortifications. On the 22nd we took this position. The driving power, endurance and discipline of our troops were in comparable, while our losses, hap pily, were not very great." Getting His Orders. 'So you're summoned as a witness. hey? Now you be krfo!. "Keerful about whatr "I see a ledce rebuked a man fer not coming Into court with clean hands. Look out fer that and also be keenm to wipe your feet" Louisville Courier- Journal Empty but Flattering Title. Friend of the Family William, can It be possible that I beard you say "Hello, governor.1" to your father? William Yes; It pleases poor dud. You see, he never really has any say In anything at home; mother's the real executive. Boston Transcript A Revenge Nevsr Enjoyed. After a stormy attack on Lord Gran ville on one occasion Lord Randolph Churchill had a stormy passage across the channel and was nearly dead with seasickness. , "How Granville would like to see me now!" be gasped. Lon don Standard. A V.ry Old One. "Sue and ber new husband have started on their bridal trip In a veri table ecstasy." Is that one of the new makesr Baltimore American. Happiness consists In activity. It Is a running stream and not a stagnant pool Good. It is Said That A Watched Pot Never Boils But it does In Mexico while President Wilson both watches and waits So It will on one of our i Monarch Malleable Ranges With this difference, that there It requires little waiting and no watching. Neither Is It material what kind of pot or Its shape. Our aluminum pots, Iron pots, enameled pots, coffee pots, tea pots are all to 1U liking and sure to please you. The Monarch Range we recommend absolutely. Grants Pass of the Hawaiian islands VERDUN BATTLE WORLD'S BLOODIEST Paris, Feb. 28. The Verdun woods may go down In history as the world's bloodiest battlefield. Tralnloads of wounded, shattered men are reaching here, giving evt dence of tearful carnage north of Verdun. Other trains are steaming eastward with reinforcements and munitions to fill the gaps made by the German offensive. "There must be 30,000 wounded men dying In awful agony In the rain and snow, simply because their com rades can not reach them," said a surgeon today. "The percentage of dead will ex ceed that of the Champagne offensive last September, because la this battle there is no lull, and no chance to withdraw the wounded under fire." Thousands of dead and wounded men lay In the open on the plain north of "Pepper heights," under a hurricane of shells. Other thousands are among the stumps of Caures' forest, the wounded In a living death, the dead left to rot, while the killing continues. On the plain north of Dousumont the slaughter is frightful. Surgeons reported that some regi ments on both sides hsd almost dis appeared, so awful is the battling. All agree that never before has there been known a cannonade comparable to that by the Germans. Though the tragedy of Verdun is written on the faces of the Parisian men and women, they are neverthe less cheered by the latest advices In dicating that the French left holds the "Pepper heights," while the cen ter and right are counter-attacking from the ruins of Douaumont Officers assert that the French have accumulated so strong a reserve of ammunition for Just such an offen sive as this that the German losses soon will be so great that the offen sive must halt from sheer exhaus tion. AUSTRHNS CAPTURE RIFLES AND CANNON AT DURAZZO Vienna, Feb. 28. Twenty-three cannon and 10,000 rifles were taken in the Austrian capture of Durazzo, Albania, It was officially announced today. GERMANY PROTESTS SEIZURE OF INTERRED LINERS Berlin, via Sayville, Feb. 28. Germany has protested to Portugal against the recent Portuguese seizure of Interned German liners, It was an nounced today. Old papers at the Courier office. Hardware Co. TPHE Dumbest Oyster can make a better pearl than the brightest man. The oyster uses Nature's methods. HI b3 V "V' rriiTTniiiM niiimimi L NOTTO BE TORPEDOED Berlin, Feb. 28. Germany will not torpedo passenger liners without warning, even after Tuesday, when ber warfare against armed enemy merchantmen 'becomes effective, the United Press was reliably Informed today. Germany will endanger human lives only In case a steamer attempts to escape, to Are on a submarine or to ram it Berlin, Feb. 28. President Wil son's letter to Senator Stone has sud denly shown officials bere that the German-American situation Is seri ous. , "These are Impressive words," said a high foreign office official, af ter reading press versions of the pre sident's declaration. The president's sentence declaring he had no choice, In honor, but to take the position he has taken struck home. The foreign office, however, is puzzled at his declaration that sub marine attacks on armed enemy ships are violations of international law. "Surely he has not received the Woodfleld proof," said one, referring to the alleged secret British orders, IR found on the British steamer Wood flold when sunk by a German, to at tack submarines. "Surely by those orders the allies have violated Inter national law first and are thereby en dangering Americans." The difference between the past and the future submarine warfare will be that: Armed ships will not be consider ed legitimate peaceful trading ves sels. Commanders will not torpedo ev Lit . ' to, i Srtoorsizsf rl6JQW TOBACCO mwr. V.. r- WHEN I'm maturm tobacco for VELVET, I take a page from old Mother Nature V Book. Nature says smokin tobacco don t arrive at its full, hearty maturity until after two years maturin'. Some folks may say: "Why wait on Nature? We can do it quicker." Im strong for Nature's way the VELVET waytwo years' mellowing in big, wooden hogsheads "ageing in the wood." What do you say? Well, fill a pipe with VELVET, an draw in the cool, mild smoke that's so fragrant an rich that but what's the use of trying to describe a my word lor VELVET io iry a piperui, ana you to take anybody: word after that. So Mctal-llasd Bags JWffftM X(m & lOeTlns One Fowls' Glass Haunisers Comktht 19 iS mm mi mmmn r? i ery ship encountored, trusting later that they may prove them vessels armed for offense. Commanders will not violate pre vious instructions to warn passenger liners before sinking them. Germany Is not courting troublo with the United States, tout if a fu ture accident endangers Americans, Germany will consider she Is not re sponsible, Inasmuch as she has warn ed Americans and the American gov ernment officially. Officials and the American colony read with surprise President Wilson's letter to Senator Stone, Leaders were astounded that the armed enemy ship controversy had been linked by the president with a question of America's "national honor." As the hour for the new campaign approaches, the question of a possible break Is receiving more considera tion, as both officials and the public believe the attitude of the United States government in the negotia tions Is unfair and unfriendly. Location notices. Courier office. Typewriter Agency 'Corona Folding Typewriter" (Call for demonstration) ueiiittray v. t ;r m : Mr WT i t J . i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimrmnrr taste f Take long enough won t neca M-r&P m in mm m mm l uuia WAR ARDOR COOLS AND YOUTH RETURNS TO V. 8. Portland, Fob. 28. Vladivostok was as far as Petroff Durachenko, 20 years old, got when be set out to Join the grand duke's army in the Caucasus. Today be Is back in Port land and wants to take out citizen ship papers Immediately. Sight of all the war nreparatlons at tho berla port chilled bis b'-tat sd. f 7 J. Ms TET(lEROff . Sheet Mefaf Works Hydraiillo and irrigating Pipe flalvanlzedl Iron Tanks Material and! Workmanship Guaranteed RIllItON j carho PAPER SECOND SHEETS mtUSIIES OIL SUPPLIES Hniflf anrl lIHg uuu Stationery Store