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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1916)
FRjbAt fedruari BS, jH6. ' ' . DAILY nOGVK RIVER COURIER .... ........ PACT FOUR - - ' ' : DAILY rt&Gi'E March Columbia-Disc Records Now In Rowell Music Store One to Guide Him' Another Great Two-Reel Key stone Comedy, with Syd ChapUn STAR, Satoday Night Also three other Mutual Reels AMl'SEMEXTS TONIGHT r Bijou .. 4' 4 "The Broken Coin." ! .. . 4 ' . SUr ' 4 4 "The Case of Becky." "4 4 COMING EVENTS 4 444444444444-4444 Feb. 26 and 27, Saturday and Sunday. Col. T.W.Scott, of SeatUe. Wash., provincial officer of Washington, Oregon and Idaho for the Salva - tion Army, will be here. Feb, 26, Saturday Local teachers'! Feb. 26, Saturday Cooked food sale y the ladies of M. E. church outh at the public market 679 Feb. 29, Tuesday Topsy-Turry party at Presbyterian church. Mar. S. Friday De Mos. orchestra. NOTICE Story Hour at Library Parties who took chain off of boat j The story hour at the public li on river above Eighth rtreet please brary will be at 11 o'clock Saturday return and I will not prosecute. I morning. Mrs. Cass will be the story have names of parties who took teller, chain. - J. L. GIVEN. I - ' PORTUGAL SEIZES MORE GERMAN VESSELS (By Hnlted Press Leased Wire.) Frank Stone and Miss Frances Lisbon, Feb. 25. Following selz-. Aubrey, both of this city, were mar nre of 36 interned Teuton ships In rled at five o'clock Thursday even the Tague river, the Portuguese gov- Ing, at the Josephine county court ernment today seized eight German house. Rev. Melville T. Wire offl-' teamers in Saint Vincent harbor. Keen Kutter tools and cutlery at the Rogue River Hardware. 660tf - '. , If a Pin last night bad dropped on the floor of the Star theater dun Ing the exhibition of the Lasky Belasco-Paramount six-reel fea ture of dual personality, en titled "The Case of Becky," the Surge audience might easily have heard it, so deep was the silence engendered and so pro found the Interest awakened by the peculiar, original story, with its swaying mazes of plot and counterplot, and By the powerful, realistic and convincing acting of Blanche Sweet, Carlyle Black well, Theodore Roberts, James Nelll and the other members of tbe all-star cast. "Tlie Case of Becky" will be the Star's offering again to night and the management hopes that those who did not see "Becky" last "night, will not be so unfortunate as to be com pelted to forego witnessing this great picture tonight. Incidentally, "Becky" Is highly endorsed . by the Wo nan's Home Companion, Isaac Best made a trip to Ashland this morning. A A. 'Fly an trip to Med ford this afternoon.. Mrs. Harry Hull went to Glendale ;thla morning to spend a day. ! Mrs. P. II. Robinson went to Rogue Klver this morning to spend a few 'days visiting. I Mrs. Dick Bland went to Jackson ville this afternoon to visit relatives 'tor a few days. L. c. Armstrong and family came (mm AiMeda una aueruoon 10 spend several days In town. Miss M. McEwaa arrived this ruora intr from Strathclalr. Manitoba, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murphy. Earlv seed potatoes. Pardee's 6S1 J. B. Hughes and family, who spent a few months in this section, left this morning for San Francisco. C. L. Clevenger Is In Medford to day attending a meeting of the California-Oregon Company Electric club, Mrs. C. 0. Reymers and little son returned to Roseburg this morning after spending a week here with re latives. '. : ' " ." - '. ": .' Miss Myrtle Lee left this afternoon on her return to Uvermore, Cal., after spending several weeks In the city. Wm. Huselton returned this morn ing from the Soldiers Home at Rose burg and will spend the summer at his place at Kerby. Mrs. R. B. Dunlap arrived this morning from Portland and will visit her sister, Mrs.. Andy McCarty, and other relatives. V, a r. v.... f ftm.h. e Rogue River valley from Demo Mr. and Mrs. F. Evans, of Omaha, . . TV rri,; r.Zr T "1 V::;,:: south .this afternoon. ' ' Bargains In ladles' and misses coatst One-halt regular price. Mrs. UV1' . ,, , Mrs. E. A, Sauera and family left v . .they will reside Mr. Sauers previously gone mere wun a car 01.7 .K008 - N. Scott, of Ar-," - - -- ."", . iM1 . ... m Angelee, stopped off here this morn-) nag 10 syeuu a iow uj and Mr8 j H Harmon. j Mra. E Griswold, who spent the pagt flT(J month8 wlth her tlgt(ttt Mr8. u M Webb( ,eft ,ast night tor ncr home at Gre&t Fall8( Mont.t called 'there on ftCC0Unt 0f sickness In the family. .Clark Holman, Undertakers Licensed embalmers. Phone SO. Local Couple Weds I Frank Stone' and elating. Dance at Murphy Saturday, March 11, fl.50, Including lunch. 9 till 12; 680 Basketball Tonight A large crowd promises to be pre sent tonight to witness the games at the rink. The Presbyterians and Christians will play first and the In terest In this game Is very high. The high school and Phoenix will then play, and a good lively game Is an ticipated. The proceeds will be di vided between the high school and the church teams. For Taxi Phone IflO. 10c In City I Bramwell & Gunning. 678tf Ham and Bacon Special Sugar cured hams, per lb., 15c. Sugar cured fbacon, per lb., 15c. These prices are for Saturday for cash only. Phone 62 for quick de livery. City Market. 679 R, E. Wllmot Dies In Chicago R. E. Wilmot, formerly of Grants Pass, died February 21, at Chicago, after a short Illness, leaving a widow and three sons, all of whom live in or near Chicago. Mr. Wilmot came to Grants Pass about three years ago from Lfttletown, New Hampshire, in company with the Nutting family, and left here about 16 months ago. The funeral occurred Wednesday, February 23, the body being cre mated. Englewood Dairy, Telephone 222 Pure milk from healthy cows. 67tf LOCAL Boy at Walter Harmon's A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harmon on the 19th lust. Pineapple Special 2 H -pound, can extra fine pine apple 15c per can. Josephine Gro cery Company." California Creamery Butter Two-pound roll, 65c. Josephine Grocery. ' 679 Clearing Factory Site Rapid' progress Is being made In the clearing of the site for, the sugar factory In South Grants Pass, the tractor recently received being used to good advantage In the work. The exact site of the main factory build ing has been marked out, and the building of a elding from the rail road wtll proceed at once that the cars of material may be set out in position as soon as they arrive. The first three cars of steel from the fae tory are expected next week. Tim ibera are being gotten out at the mills for the repair and reconstruction of the bridge over the Kogue, and this work wtll be hastened by the rail road people. , y Don't Walt for Good Luck To make you money. Most men will make It quicker by getting a job and staying far it. Then save a little each month and deposit it in the Josephine County hank. 679 Th Wolf Creek Lumber Co, D. 0. Hinderleiter and H. A, Shaffer, who have recently' come to polls. Alabama, and have purchased the Garner sawmill ul timber In the part of Josephine county, expect to commence logging operations within the next few days, and will work the plant to Its full capac ty. Both l" "U1, u , . ,, . the new owners of the wolf Creek -inrnnirt Mnerieneed lumbermen. M 'HlnaerieIt;r htTlBg W man- ager and Mr. Shaffer assistant man- - OVl ... 1 1,,-v.. onmnanv " for i 5 year,. The new company will be known as the Wolf Creek Lumber company. Special Sale Saturday Plate boll beef, per lb., 8c. Chunk iboil beef, per lb., lOo. Beet pot roast, per lb., 12 He. Mutton, veal, chicken, fish, all kinds of smoked and salt meats at reasonable prices. Grants Pass and Temple Markets. Grocery For Saturday Oregon Creamery Butter, fresh full weight er square 55c Liberty Oat Flakes 23c Liberty Wheat Flakes 2c Golden Rod Wheat Flakes (Premium) oc Puree Tomatoes, per can. Oc A good can of I'eas..........10c Spring Is almost here High time to plant Sweet Peas M e have the" Spencer variety In bulk White, Blue, Red, Pink, laven der, and Maroon Free on Saturday To every lady making a pur chase of Flower or Garden Seeds we will give a one ounce package of extra choice Sweet Peas. White House SPECIAL Take your choice. You will never buy shoes made of leather so cheap again .So L, 2C Cieater F. Fowler Passes Away Chester F. Fowler, aged 69 years, 10 months, and 8 days, died at his home on North Eighth street Thurs day evening, after having been In falling health for many weeks. The deceased was a veteran of the civil war, and had resided in this district for tbe past ten years. He was a prospector and miner by occupation. The funeral will be conducted by the Grand Army post, but the time will await word from a daughter who resides In tbe state of Washington. NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 60c; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid In ad vance, 5c per line per Issue. TYPEWRITING or any kind of book work done. Phone 141-R. Mrs. BuBh. 664tf MRS. BURTON'S spring stock of mil linery has Just arrived and the public Is cordially Invited to call and inspect it. 407 N. 6th St. 704 EXCELSIOR motorcycle in good con dition, Presto lights, tandem, two speed twin, for sale. Price right. Address No. 804, care Courier. 680 FOR SALE Team grey horses, weight 2,100, in good condition, harness, hack, plow and cultivator. A bargain. See K. Hammerbacher, R. F. D. No, 2. 680 NOTICE I have bought the John Relschel spraying equipment and am prepared to do first-class work in this line. ' See me before hav ing your spraying done. Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed. Phone 48. 684 FOR SALE Horse, buggy and har ness. Horse good driver and saddler. Cheap for cash. Phone J. M. Crenshaw, Wlldorville, Ore. FOR SALE MeU roadster, rebuilt for light delivery. Cheap for cash. Phone J, M. -Crenshaw, Wlldorville. FOR EXCHANGE Small house and two lots in Turlock, Cal. Phone J. M. Crenshaw, Wllderville. 680 WANTED Horses or iburros, also saddles suitable for packing. State approximate weight, condition, price and whore can be seen. Ad dress Mr. Fluhart, Glendale,' Ore gon. 684 FOUND Auto side curtains. Inquire No, 314, care Courier. 680 At TOP ONLY' Howard & Foster Men's $5.00 Shoes v tj).9! -the--my nil paii- A J' OF ALASKA IS COMING The Rt. Rev. Peter Trimble Rows, D. D.. missionary bishop of Alaska, a 111 accompany Bishop Bumner on his visitation to St. Luke's church next Monday, February 28. Blshoi) Sumner's visitation Is for the purpose of administrating the Sacrament 'of Confirmation to the class which will be prewnted by Rev. Mr.V Baker. Tbe sefvke will take place in St. Luke's church at 8 o'clock p. ra., following which Bishop Rows will speak on 4iis work In Alaska. His address promises to be one of great Interest. He Is a man of wide experience, a splendid talker and possessed with an almost limit less fund of Information regarding Alaska and his wonderful work. He was consecrated as the first American bishop to Alaska in 1895. Bishop Rowe will tell of how he travels over his diocese of 600,000 square miles by train and boat In the summer time and of the toilsome and often dangerous journeys he Is obliged to make by dog sledges and snow shoes In the mid-winter, when all Is Ice and snow bound. The people of Grants Pass are cor dially invited to the confirmation ser vice and especially to take advantage of this opportunity of hearing Bishop RoVe's lecture, which will teem with Interest and Information. GIRL CHARGED WITH BEING HOLD-UP ACCOMPLICE (By Unltsd Press Leased Wire.) nhtnn fni rah. JB. Charged with being an accomplice In a hold- nn 17.vonr.nM ninriv TlObertS WSS arrested, after an alleged confosslon that she aided In luring me victim to a park. WANTS GOVERNMENT TO MARK GASOLINM l My United Press Leased Wirs.) Washington, Feb. 25. A resolu tion urging President Wilson to rco- ommend the immediate government manufacture of gasoline was Intro duced hy Congressman Randall, of California today, It said that not withstanding the existence of a meth od to produce "gas" half as cheaply as now, tbe pries continues to ad vance, ' ' "" " - BISHOP WE A Y rm AG 13) IONEEIt WOMAN' OF OIIKGOV IS DEAD (By United Press Leased Wire.) Tacoma, Feb. 25. Within one year of the century mark, Mrs. Aba gall K, Graves, a well known pioneer woman of Oregon, Is dead today at McKenna. For more than 23 years Mrs. Graves was a'resldent of Port land. During the last three years she had made her home with her daughter, Mrs, C. II. Zeeney, at McKenna. A son, W. II. Graves, of Portland, and two daughters survive her. . r 1UOU TONIGHT lk yon rememlcf "BART," the first comedy ever shown In the Itljoti, with HARRY MYERS and ROSEMARY TIIKI1Y? , Tonight The enunl, If not better . 'FATHER'S CHILD' In Three Reels With the same Famous Stars A picture you will remember and talk almut long after the ordinary picture Is forgotten The Most Sensational Episode of Thd Broken In this episode a huge ocean liner Is blown up and destroyed One-Reel Drama "Thoriit and Roses" 0 RKELS (I LAST NIGHT THE BKHT VAI'DIOVILLK SHOW KM PHKBB CIRCUIT evei - brought to this city, Watch 'dates on next one, '