Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, February 25, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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FWD.iir, PEiutrAitY
C. It Pamaray Guaranty Uwt llro
met Will Italleve TImj Worst
Cases of CaUrrah In Granu
Whn one of the most rvpntablo
concern In Grant Pass guarantee
that a mcticln will produce benefit
or He will rrfund the money, It
apeak volume! for the merit of that
remedy.. It U In thin way that C. if.
Deninray la soiling llyomel, tho treat
ment, that hai bellied eo many caiea
of both acute and chronlo catarrh In
Uranu Paaf and vicinity.
llyomel la not a pill nor li It a spray
or lotion that must bo rubbed la. It
la an oil, the air of which you juit
brealho in your none, throat and
lungs by tho aid of an Inhaler that
cornea with every outfit. Ileneflt
will usually b eon from the very
first treatment. - ; -
The air deetroya all germ life in
the air peasant) and lung and en
riches and purlflos the blood with the
additional otone It uppllos. it ban
Ishes catarrh of the head and throat
and resperatory organ
these mucous membrane contain
catarrh germ, there llyomei will do
He fork of healing,
.The complete llyomel outfit I In
expensive and Include an Inbalnr,
dropper and aunkleut llyomel for
several weeka treatment.
Itemember that if llyomel doe not
relieve you C. II. Demaray will re-
fund your money.
Some Queer Ones
Conductor pretwd button and elided
sliding door of bobble tklrt car ou wo
' nan In Uruoklyn. for which Jury gav
ber f&ooo
Clock of frwutu enow ctmliiUilng thi
footprints were taken home by Con
nectlcut farmer tu prove lie saw a bl
black bear.
Itoy swelled Uke balloon lit Illinois
after wound In neck, exhaled air
lodged tulde bht kttt. end doctors bad
.to puncture him.
Employ of Kentucky roll mud nave
been officially notlflrt! to veflse flirting
with women In town through which
train pas, u husband are complain
Card have Uwu received by lot
Flunlitng i.N. Y.i girl rending:
"Nliiotecu atxtrai bHug leap yeuj.
Mr. Clinton R. Smith. Jr.. beg to an
noume that be I villi a bachelor.
"N B.-W nntl(tic furniture gne
with blm.". ...... '.m : ...... ,.
II tin mvlviHl thirty acceptance
ud eveu,v nne M juliie about the
$25,000,000 IN JEWELS
New Year Find United Statee Only
Market For Cams In the World.
Will In m U. Trvndwcll, the govern
tucnt'a dlnumud cxiTt m tho apprais
er' ton eMtlmniCH that lmtort of
precious slouch during the year will
reach 23.(HKJ.J0. Owing to the greet
falling off In the liuportntloni of
-precious atom Inmicdtnicly following
the war the figures for IU15 are re
(arded a remarkable, nnd cuxtoru offi
cial are or the opinion that 1010 find
the United States the only market for
the nlo of precious etotica. ' ,.,.,
h Since under the practice of the trwt
try department practically all precious
ton Imports are entered at the New
York appraiser' stores, where they am
apprnuwd by recognised esierta, the
port figure are substantially the eu
trie of gem for the entire country.
The figure for the yeur how a gain
over the total for 1014 of 10,000,000.
While pearls were brought In In great
er numbers than a yoar ago, particu
larly medium grnd gems, diamonds,
as usual, predominated In the year's
Imports. Sapphires continued In 1015,
according to Kxamlncr Trend well, to
no strong and remain fuvorltos, ns
. they have been for the Inst two year.
"With tho general demornllxntlon
that baa cotno to Europe a a reault of
the war and the general economics be
ing practiced In the belligerent coun
tries It may be predicted," auld. Mr,
Trend well, "that the United States will
eatlly be the lending purchnner of gum
In 1010. Emeralds alwny have friends,
but good atone of this clans ere hard
to gut Still tho demand ha to be mot.
and Importer have Utorally scoured
the earth to supply their customers
with the prlzod atone. Ituble show a
falling off this year. This decline bo
been In evidence for somo years, ow.
tng to the large production of aynthotlc
gem of tbl kind."
The Prettiest Feet.'
A Swiss professor atate that not one
woman In a acore Una a-pcrfoct foot,
owing to the wearing of high heeled
boot and pointed too ehoe. ItusHlnn,
German, American. Austrian and
Dutch women, he says, hnve broad
feet tvhllo those of Engtlnhwomon nro
too nnrrovr to fulfill classical nnd
lienlthy conditions. The women of the
Latin races, excluding Frenchwomen,
hnve the bent formed nnd therefore the
dottiest feet. - the profossor sny.
I.ondon Mall,
Old papura, tor. itartlng Are. 6o
per bundle. Courier office.
! 0H lilttv nWif'D nnrrn swim,, 1 j
i . , . . FAGa THTiFB
Portland; Feb. 2S.Today'a mar
ket Quotation were:
Wheat Club, 94 098; bloestem,
Oats No. 1 white feed, 25.600
Barley Feed, 28.60.
Hons Beat live, 8.
rrluie ateeri, 7.60; fancy cow,
t.50; bet calvea, 8.
Lambs, 8. '
Dutter City creamery, 34; coun
try, 25028.
EggsSt'loctod, 20.
Hen, 18; broiler, 18; geese, 12.
Copper, 28H.
A masquerade wa given at the
Spcnce ball on February 22. All In
attendance roport a very enjoyable
time. Forty-four nnmbora were Bold
nd uri.M awards tn thm h.t
1 ,v . .
autalned character, the prUea being
captured by Mlu Lettle Bo well a an
Irish washerwoman and Don Cam
eron a a Spanlah cavalier.
William Cllmore la now running
tnfl wagon from Kerby to the
valley and around Waldo.
. J, E. Wilson has purchased the
(mine and the adjoining Osgood prop
erty irotn Mr. Wright and la now
operating the mine. Jesse Wright
baa returned to California, and Mr.
Wright expect to depart aoon.
Mr. Mauhby wa called to Med
ford by the Illness of bis wife.
A party was given at the home of
Mr. Slagle on Monday night. Those
present spent a pleasant evening.
Mlaa Grace McCann Is in Grant
Pas for a time.
A daughter waa born to Mr. and
Mr. Jack McCandlea at MeCloud.
Cal., this week. Mrs. McCandlea I
a daughter f Mr. and Mrs. D. 8.
W. It. Whipple and son, Henry, of
Grants Paaa, are doing aurvey work
In Takllma. - '
w. s. Ring, or Grant rasa, is a
Takllma business visitor. '
Mr. Ford ha rented the Bennett
place and moved his family there thla
week. - '
The ore teams have , started to
haul ore from the Waldo mine after
few weeks lay off on account of
bad road.A . ;-.,ie-.v " , ;. : '
The farmers are beginning to plow
for their aprlng grain, and If the
fine weather continue will aoon have
their work under way.
Mlaa Easle O'Brien, who ha been
suffering from a severe attack of la
grippe, Is Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Green and P.
T. Everton and sister Maggie visited
the Dixie Sunday school Sunday.
Mrs. A. C. Ford, superintendent of
the Grlffln Ferry Sunday school, visit
ed the Pleasant Grove Sunday school.
Mlaa Dorothy Overton ha returned
to her home tn La Center, Washing
ton.. Miss Overton has been with her
slater, Mrs. E. C. N'eely, for the past
three or four months.
MUa Maymlo Branan spent several
day with Miss Josle Hlller, of the
Pleasant Grove district, last week
T. J. Everton was taken sick at the
home of his aor P. T, Everton, Mon
day night. Doctor Loughrldge and
some of the rolatlvea were summoned.-
He Is now on the mend.
Miss Orpha Green came home the
19th from Merlin, where ihe had
been working in the Merlin hotel, but
returned on Tuesday on account of
Mrs. Grlftln having taken quite sick.
A. C. Ford, J. L. Green, D. G. and
F. N. Robertson were visitors to, the
Pas Wednesday. . . '
A special effort is being made by
the Mapleton school to clean end im
prove the grounds. Mr. Shelley and
pupil are endeavoring to attain a
standard chool. t
All services, including the Sunday
schools in both this district and the
Pleasant Grove, are called for Sun
day, the 27th, that those from both
places might attend the preaching
services ot the Grlffln Ferry school
house at 10:30, followed by bap
tismal aorvlee.
"Do you think Ills Intentions are seri
ous r
' "They must be. It cost him 80.W
taxi fare to bring mo home from the
party the other night, nnd he asked me
If ho couldn't call ngiiln." Detroit
Free Pros.
His Tsrm.
"Hnve you been married for long!"
inked tliognlitiy party. , ;
"No," responded his neighbor. "Just
,fe.M-nuffnlo, 'Exprena. ; , , ,
Oregon mining law, 40o. CourM
1818 Roee Festival Deelgn Advertleee
Scenery of Famous Columbia River
:t r
Portland' 1918 Rose Festival poster
Is the first publicity, national In soope,
to go forth advertising the beautie of
the Columbia river. The festival will
be held June ?, 8 and 9. Opening day
will witness the national dedication of
the Columbia river highway. The
poster carries the slogan "For Ton a
Roee In Portland Grow." The poster
waa donated by Fred O. Cooper, tor
mer Oregon boy, now famous a an
artist The dealgn will aoon bang In
transportation office all over the
United SUte.
E-Tretisurr of Ptrsia Go to
Orlsnt on Rsportsd 8crt Mission.
Political Cards
(Paid Advertisements)
Republican Candidate for
Nominee for
. County Clerk
Present Incumbent
Republican Candidate for
Nominee for
Assessor V
Present Incumbent -
Republican Candidate
Nominee for
Of Salem, Oregon
Republican Candidate ;
. Nominee for
Presidential Elector
Congressional Dint No, 1
Republican Candidate
Nominee for :
County Clerk
WILL a smith;
Republican Candidate for
.nominee ior
Present Incumbent
Republican Candidate' for
,- Isonnnee fax
State Senator :
l '?- ; , . '
( 1
40 ACRES 4 H mile. from GranU
Pass, no ImpiovemenU, for sale
at 940 per acre. Under ditch aur
vey. Address No. 2415, care
Courier. . 67tf
1 HAVE four vigorous7c7Brown
Leghorn cockerel to sell at f 1.50
each. They are from high scoring
cgg-laylng strain. Nothing better
in the state. Tbeo, P. Cramer,
Grant Pass, Ore. Phone 384-Y.
Day-old chick f 12.60 per 100.
Eggs, fl per setting of 15. 56tf
FOR SALE 61x-room plastered
bouse, close in, lot 100x100, good
shade. Address No. 2413, care
Courier. ' 657tf
MORE BERKSHJRES were exhibited
at the Panama-Pacific exposition
than all other breeds ot swine put
together. Get a start In the most
popular breed. F. R. Steel, Wi
nona ranch, R. 1, Grants Pass,
Ore. 61tf
196 EGGS per ben if the average for
my entire flock of breeders. Mated
to 200-egg (train O. A. C. cockerel.
Chick 812.60 per 100. Eggs $1
a setting. Geo. P. Cramer. 691
FOR SALE 26 acres bottom land
near GranU Pas, all under fine
Irrigation system. Inquire 2601
Courier, 694
FOR SALE Horse, 9 years, 1100;
mare, 7 years, 1100, with good
barnees, 8200. at old Gething
place, 4 miles south Grants Pass. 80
FOR SALE: Homestead. 160 acres,
14 acres cleared, 7 acres In crop,
bouse, tarn, chicken bouse, 800,
000 feet saw timber, 4 miles from
R. R. station, 13 . miles from
Grants Pass, 8300. Inquire 707
South Fifth street 681
FOR 8AL& Thoroughbred white
Leghorn , rooster. , Also new
woven wire' bed spring. Phone
'234-R. " 681
California land '" Grant Lands.
Three mapa, showing all tracts In
'Douglas, Josephine and Curry and
Jackson counties, with general, de
scription and status ot said lands,
for 81.50 for each map. Township
ownership plats, 2-inch per mile,
of Coos and Josephine counties,
showing government, private and
grant lands, at 75c per township;
other counties In preparation. I
1 sell the Anderson maps you know
, them. M. J. Anderson, Grants
, Pass, Ore. - 701
. i
FOR SALE Five-room "bungalow,
strlcty modern, large lot, first
class location. 82,100; terms.
Four-room bungalow, modern.
81.500; 8100 down, small monthly
payments. Isaac Best. ' 679
three-speed twin Excelsior, fully
, equipped. Cheap. Inquire No.
288, care Courier. 682
FOR SALE- Asparagus roots, one
dollar per hundred. Will Scovllle.
Phone 602-F-14. 682
HOUSES For sale at 8300 and up;
lots at $50 and up; small payment
. down and, Installments for foal
ance. Improved ranches. Inquire
1 of Charlea Morrison, 622 L street.
If yon wish to sell, list property
with me. 683
FOR RENT Light housekeeping
room. Modern. No children. In
quire 666 North Sixth street. 679
FOR RENT 8-room brick bouse, H
.street. 815, Modern 6-room bouse,
North , Eighth, 110. . Three-room
house, West K, 25. I A. Launer.
PALACE HOTEL. Grants Poets, to
lease for term of years; furniture
for sale. Retiring, on account ot
Uf health."." Address W S. Wood,
City. 603
WANTED A competent girl for gen
eral bouse work. Inquire No.
2516, Courier, C71tt
WANTEiP-A Curry county randti on
eagy payment plan. Address J. F.
Santee, Connell, Wash. 681
. h. ckuovjh, Asattyer, chemist,
metallurglat. Roms 201-203 Pad
dock Building. Grant Pass.
HI Own Bo.
After a man has succecdcd'ln grati
fying a long felt desire to be bis own
bos ho Is likely to find that he ha
taken ou a burden of reiionHllilllt,v
which mars the Jn,v rvpr bin auoeess
Albany Jounml , ,' . .
DR. R. i. BE3TUL, VeterlnariaB,
OOlce la Wlnetrout Implement
Building. Phone 113-J. Rest
dene phone 205-R.
ABSTRACTS When buying 'prop
erty or loaning money, protect
yourself by insisting on an anthen
tic abstract. We make them.
CranU Paaa Abstract Co., W. E.
Hanson, manager, Albert building,
opposite post office. Phone 2 2 6-J
Belgian school of violin playing.
E. R. Lawrence, 215 I street. -
California and Oregon Coast
Railroad Company
(The Oregon Caves Route)
Effective Monday, Dec. 20, 1915.
Train 1 It. Grant Pass 7: 00 a.m.
Arrives Waters Creek-8:00 a-xn.
Train 2 lr. Waters Creek.8:li a.m.
Arrives Grant Pass .... 9:16 a-m.
Train 8 lr. Grants Pass.2:00 p.m.
Arrives Waters Creek: 8:00 p.m.
Train 4 It. Waters CreekB:00 p.m.
Arrives Oranu Pass .f: 00 p..
On 8undays trains No. 1 and S are
All train leave Grant Pass from
the corner of O and Eighth streets,
opposite the Southern Pacific depot
For all information regarding
freight and passenger service call at
the office of tbe company. Public Ser
vice building, or pbont 138-R lor
Train will stop on flag at any point
between Granta Pass and waters
Creek. Passenger aerv'ce every day
in the week. -
' . ' "
Lat we be hearf ul without r-
grst for the past, with entnt-
mant in tht prnt and with
trong hop for ths futur. ,
! .-w V-?;'.;:i8
aw m
IS KJiS li
li "The Machine
It rUfVA sv
is n ;.. m
8 1 rersonauty '
I j TilO matter what your I
l 1M touch this new !?
ftJ Roval Matter, i
H Model 10 Will fit it l
ft Just turn the set-screw
J and regulate the touch
ft of this new Royal to
52 it light and smooth as
velvet or nrm ana
Jj snappy as you like.
1 Built for "Big
Business and its
Great Army of
I Expert Operators
g I . Every keen-witted tten-
I ographer every office mans
I ger every expert operator on
1 the firing line of "Big Buti
8 neta " will graip the enormous
9 I
9 I
S Wft'Savmf value ot tbe new
wais sp rm J ' w vat tm
that take the "(rind" out
of typewriting I
But the new Model 10 baa
many other big, vital new
feature, Invtstigalt Iktml
Get the Facts!
SjSJ Send tot the "Royal man"
B and aak for a DEMONSTRA- 1
TION. Or write u direct for 8
I J our nwbrochuresl"firrf
J SVC,"-and Ons fro
J2 bltm Solvd a postal brings
I them free of charge.
B 1
3 j COUUIEIl, Agent (
La sivmsiivwssiim shff wwsasiaell
1 I
- U-yii Qjl J
. O. CLEMENT, M. D.- Practice:
limited to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Glasses fitted.
' Office hours 9-12, 2-5, and oa ap
pointment. Office phone 62; resi
dence phone 2 5 9-J.
S. LOUGURIDGE, M. D., Physician
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or night Res.
phone . 869; office phone 188
Sixth and H. Tuffs Building.
J. P. TRUAX, M. D Physician and
Surgeon. Phones: Office, S2S;
residence. 224. Calls answered -at
all hours. Country calls at
tended to. Lundeburg Bldg.
DR. ED BTWATER Snecialist on
diseases of eye, ear, nose and
throat; glasses fitted. Office hours:
9 to 12 a, m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones:
Res. 284-J; Office, 2 5 7-J. 8chmldt
Building, GranU Pass, Oregon.
DR. F. D. 8TRICKER Diseases ot
children and general practice. Tela-;
phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build
in it.
E. C. MACT. D. M. D..Fint-claj
dentistry. 109 South Sixth
street, Granta Pass, Oregon.
ern dental work. Marguerite H.
Elliott dental assistant Rooms i
and 5, Golden : Rule building.
Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J.
H. D. NORTON. AttonovT-at-Law.
PracUce In all SUte and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Big.
COLVIQ 4b . wnJJAMS Attorneys-
at-Law, GranU Pass Banking Co.
Building, GranU Pass, Oregon.
E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practice
In all courts. First National Bank
at-Law. Offlo Masonic Temple,
GranU Pass, Oregon. " 1
W. T. MILLER. Attornev-at-Law
County attorney for Josephine
County. Office : Schallhorn Bldg.
. S. B LAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Law,
GranU Pass Banking Co. building.
Phone 270. GranU Pass, Oregon.
V. A. CLEMENTS Attorner-at-law.
practices in state and federal
courts. . Rooms 2 and 8, over
Golden Rule store.
kind of drayage and transfer
work carefully and promptly done.
Phone 1S2-R. Stand at trieght
depot A. Shade, Propr.
F. G. Isham, drayage and transfer.
- Safes, pianos and furniture moved
packed, shipped and stored.
Phone Clarke 4b Holman, No. 60.
Residence phone 124-R.
.Bunch Bros.
MOVES; so do we.
Transfer Co. Pbone
CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In
5-gallon glass jars and delivered
. at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary.
Telephone 293-R and water wagon
will call.
NOW is tbe time to have your trees
and rosebushes sprayed. If you
want prompt and careful work
done, write P. O. Box 847 Pbone
, 350-J. 681
and refreshing. Bacterial test as
sure that this water is pure. De
livered In five-gallon . bottles.
'.V. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone,
602-F-3. "fS9tf
GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F.
A. M. Stated Communica
tions 1st and 8 d Tuesdays.
Visiting brethern cordially
invited. A. K. Cass, W. M.
Ed. O. Harris, secretary.
O. F., meets every Wed
nesday eve In I.O.O.F.
ball, cor. 6th and II. SU.
Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit
ed to be present I. V. Howell, N
G., Clyde Martin, Secretary.
PAPERHANGING, graining, painty
Ing. For the best work at lowest
prices phone 295-J. C. O. Plant,'
South Park street.