Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, February 22, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Home Songs
M-O-T-H-EVR. '
Mother O'Mlae.
Little Gray Mother.
Dw Old Ma.
rUHetura Mother Darling to
Let Me Bear ths Sobs My
Mother l ied to Blag,
rm Homesick for Mother wd
When Mother Comes to Me
hi Dreams.
Ton Cut Reps the Debt
Yow Owe to Mother.
Whea YoaYa Loaf, Long
War From Home.
When My Golden Hair Is
rmraed to Stiver Gray.
Tho the Silver Threads Are
Among the Gold, I'll Lot Tom
fast the Same.
SUTer Threads Among the
Mother Machree.
I.!zsic sd Phcto Hesse
PER52Nf1L ill? LOCAL i
M. Dunn vent to Trek tbia morn
ing on a business trip.
Early teed potatoes. Pardee's
Grocery. 681
Rev. Melville T. Wire and Eclus
-.Pollock spent the day in the Central
Point section. "? f ;
I H. A. Hinshaw, general freight
Marriage at Jerome Prairie :
Hughle York and Miss Nina Soy
terth, both of Josephine county,
were married on Sunday, February
10, at the home of John Soheri, Rev,
Charles II. . Hosts officiating.
Mr. Savage a Candidate
fl. Xf. RaTkita tthn arvn1 a
.agent of the Southern-Pacific rail- of th bMri of com.
"The Heart of Blue Ridge."
'' r Star
"Cal Marvin's' Wife."
Feb. 2 J, Wednesday Music club
. concert, Italian evening, commer
cial club rooms.
Feb. 25, Friday Baptist ladies will
serve a 25o supper. 674
road company, is In the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. Corliss topping and
little daughter, Beverly, are spending
the day in town.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Patrick and
two children. John and Dorrts, ot
Powers, Ore., are visiting the form
er's - parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Patrick, who
visited relatives here, returned yes
terday to their home at Roseburg. .
Mrs. M. N. Johnson, ot Baker,
spent a few days la the city and left
this afternoon for 'Ashland, expect
Ing to return later.
Jas. W. Ltndser and wife, who
vtslted T. T. Dean and family, left
this afternoon on their return to
Klamath Falls. Mr. Llndsey is a
brother ot Mrs. Dean.
Mrs. M. S. Bailie, ot Santa Crui,
Cal., who spent a day here1 with her
son, M. A. Jennings, went to Rose
burg this morning. . . ,
Bargains in ladles' and misses'
One-halt regular price. Mrs.
E. Rehkopt. , 682tf
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaynour. who
spent a few days with the Britten
and Howard families, left north this
morning on their return to Breeds
ville, Mich.
Attorney E. B. Blanchard has gone
Feb. 28 and 27, Saturday and Sunday,
Col- T. W. Scott, ot Seattle, Wash., to tae new hall of tbe Rojnie nr
. provincial officer
mis&ionera to fill out the .unexpired
term of Commissioner Barlow, will
be a candidate tor the republican
nomination at tbe May primaries.
Automatic - Electric WaMier
Price 60 and up. No unnecessary
complicated machinery.: Bush Eleo
trio Shop. 677
Former Resident Dire '
Alex Mitchell, a resident of Grants
Pass tor many years, died at Lang-
ley, Kan., February 14. His daugh
ter, Mrs. Laura Clauson, arrived this
morning from Portland to spend a
tew days. looking after property in
Engtewood Dairy, Telephone 223
Purs milk from healthy cows. 67tt
Visits Pomona Grange ,
C. D. Thompson, county agricul
turlst, today visited Pomona grange,
held in the hall of Rogue River
grange, and on Wednesday and
Thursday will visit farmers in the
Wtldervllle section, going to Kerby
to meet the people at the teachers'
Institute on Saturday.
Clark M Holmaa, Undertakers
, Licensed embalmers. Phone SO.
Washington, grange, where the Pomona grange
Is in session today. Mr. Blanchard
is master of the county grange.
; J." Pettlnglll and family, who ar
rived from Salt Lake city Monday,
Feb. 29, Tuesday Topay-Turvy party ( left this morning for Medford, where
at Presbyterian church. - Mr. Pettlnglll will be located tor the
Oregon and Idaho for the Salva
tion Army, will be here. ;
Feb. 26, Saturday Local teachers'
' Institute at Kerby.
Mar.. 3, Friday De 'if oss orchestra.
Berlin, Feb. 22. That a Zeppelin
was shot down last night near Rl
yigny was officially admitted today.
' The above apparently refers to the
same airship which the Paris war
office last night claimed bad been de
stroyed. ,
Keen Kutter tools and cutlery at
the Rogue River Hardware. 660tf
Legal blanks. Courier office.
Oregon-Utah Sugar company as agriculturist
Grants Pass
This is Edgar Firth
From Redding
yoa know
Bought the Shilling Store
and will open the store
I am marking- ;
The Goods
at Such Prices
as I would
be glad to pay
for them myself
We will do more
Than win your
We will deserve It
We are not sprinters
but very good
In a long race
i VTi A. Van Scoy, the moving pic
ture artist who has been In the city
for a number of days, left Monday
evening for Portland, taking with
him the Alms made here for develop
ment at his studio there. Mr. Van
Scoy came primarily to get a picture
of the stunt at the theater when
scnool children were admitted to a
matinee performance upon the pre
sentation of a quintet of spuds, the
tubers being later turned over to tbe
Salvation Army for distribution un
der its direction. This picture was
made as a feature of tbe Pathe News
service. Mr. Van Scoy also got an
excellent series of pictures of the
breaking of the ground upon the site
of the new sugar factory, ss well as
a number of mining views. The
loiter ,a laVon o tfia Tjiron nlaear
mine and the Waldo mine, and show
operations In southern Oregon hy
draulic mines. Mr. Van Scoy is con
tinuously on tbe bunt for interest
ing features for his company, and
visits all portions of tbe northwest.
"Grants Pass bas got the llvest bunch
of fellows in It of any town on the
coast," is the way Mr. Van Scoy
stated his Impression of the Rogue
metropolis. "The spirit of the people
is marvelous in Its unity, and every
one I saw Is filled with faith in the
future of the community. This Is
sure some town."
Patriotic Program Tonight
Gen. Logan, poet and relief corps
will give a patriotic program tonight
at 8 o'clock at the Gaiety theater,
in memory of Washington's birth
day. Superintendent Hull will give
the principal address and there will
be recitations and musical numbers.
The high school orchestra will give
several selections, and R. S. Bush
will give a cornet solo. There is no
charge for admission and all are In
vited. .
Lost on Monday Morning
, Fountain pen. Finder please re
turn to Dr. Bywater.
Dyer Employes Organize Club
The officials ot tbe Dyer Construc
tion company, who are here to super
intend the building of the new sugar
factory, have leased the Kesterson
residence property on North Sixth
street, and will maintain tbe "Dyer
Club" therein during the season. Tbe
property has been taken furnished,
and. the eight or ten gentlemen will
reside there while the factory is be
ing built, will employ a housekeeper
and enjoy all the advantages ot
home. About the first order given
for the new. establishment was for
the delivery of the Dally Courier to
the premises. ,.
Automatic Electric Washing Machines
Fully Guaranteed for Five Years
i Six modsls, 60 and up . ; . ":
No complicated machinery; hence, lower in pries .
Each machine Is equipped with spluodtd motor specially design L '
ed tor this purpooe; protected from water and has plenty ot power.
New Life Vibrator, $10 to $25
"Buy Electrical Goods at the Electrlo 8hop"
Back from Eastern Oregon
M. J. Anderson returned this
morning from eastern Oregon, where
he-has been transacting business for
several days past Mr. Anderson says
that It was a great relief to escape
the snow banks of eastern Oregon
tor the springlike weather ot the
Rogue valley. !
Mr. Sherman Returns
W. B. Sherman returned today
from Astoria, where he had been call
ed by the death ot his son-in-law.
Mr. Sherman announces that he will
at once open up his offices in the
corner rooms ot the Josephine hotel
Mock, where he will again deal In
Rogue valley real estate. Mrs.
Harder, Mr. Sherman's daughter,
and her baby, will arrive In the city
In a short time and make their home
Prepare for fleet riantlng
The farmers ot the valley are tak
ing full advantage ot the , weather
conditions for spring farming, and
many an acre Is being turned over
every dsy now preparatory to being
planted to beets. The officials of the
sugar company have ordered one car
load of beet seed delivered here with
out delay, ft planting can commence
now as soon as the land Is prepared.
The new tractor recently ordered by
the sugsr company arrived last night
over the Southern Pacific, and Is
standing on the car near the Sixth
street crossing.
Red Letter Day Stamps
will be issued from the Premium Parlors
At Schilling's old stand
Sperry & Hutchinson Co.
Mrs. Caroline Burns and littls
daughter left this afternoon for Mon
tague for tbe summer.
Robert Mansfield spent a few days
In tbe city with old friends, return
ing to Ashland this afternoon. i-
Cash Store
Dr. A. A. Wltham to Reside Here
Dr. A. A. Wltham arrived this
morning from Oakland, Cal., to lo
cate In Grants Pass, havlnar leased
office rooms In the Hah building,
corner Sixth and I streets, expecting
to open bis offices March 1. The
doctor's family will arrive in 'about
two weeks, after he has made ar
rangements for a residence property,
and his household goods and automo
bile are expected to arrive soon. Dr.
Wltham was a resident of Lake
county for 15 years, but the past two
or more years have been spent in
travel and study. He visited Grants
Pass in December last and became
Interested in this section as a borne.
Ion Tonisht -A-
Lai and Wed- f
r Broadway Star Feature
SEUG -Chicago Tribune War News
Genuine pictures, made on actual battle fronts, by the Chicago
Tribune staff photographer
First Performance 7:30.
Admission JO and IS Cents
two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 60c;
one month, $1.50, when paid In
advance. When not paid in ad
vance, 5c per line per Issue.
FOR SALE Five-room - bungslow,
strioty modern, large lot, first
location. 12,100; terms.
A. J. McCorkle, a former resident
of Grants Pass, who ' returned to
(Llbby, Montana, last fail, when Ms
health was fast falling, passed away
on the Hth Inst., and the following
obituary notice was published la the
Llbby News:
"Captain Andrew J. McCorkle,
aged 72 years, died Monday evening
at 7 o'clock, at the residence ot bis
daughter, Mrs. David Davles, on
Main street, after many months of
terrible suffering from cancer. Up
I until about four years ago Captain
McCorkle resided In Llbby, and was
at one time heavily interested in tnln.
ing properties In this vicinity. His
large holdings ot later years were
with J. H. Town In the Hazel T. mine,
now owned by tbe Lukens-IIaxel min
ing company, .
"Mr. McCorkle was born in Cam
eron," Missouri," 72 years age. 'and
when a young man was appointed
captain of the Missouri Volunteers,
Company I, U. 8. A., that fought dur
ing the civil war. Mr. McCorkle was
Four-room bungalow, modern.
11,500; 1100 down, small monthly
payments. Isaac Best. 679
TYPEWRITING or any kind of book
work done. Phone 141-R. Mrs.
Bush. ' 664tf
WANTED A Curry county ranch on
easy payment plan. Address J. F.
Santee, Connell, Wash. , 681
FOR RENT - Neatly furnished
house, close in; 'rent $12 per
month. Also new bungalow, South
Fifth street; rent $10, 683
FOR SALE Homestead, 160 acres,
14 acres cleared, 7 acres in crop,
house, barn, chicken house, 800,-
t 000 feet saw timber, 4 miles from
R. R. station, 13 miles from
Grants Pass, $300. Inquire 707
South Fifth street. . ' i 681
a gentleman of splendid character
istics, a good cttlien, kind and reli
able friend, and was very highly
thought of in this little community.
His hearth baa been falling for a
number of years and not until lately
did he finally give op the brave fight
that he has made and so patiently
endured his suffering the past nine
teen months. Besides his wife, who
u rvlces him, there are six children
and several grandchildren. The chil
dren who mourn bis loss are Mrs.
Arthur Hall, of Blsbee, Arliona, Mrs.
J. E. Ferris, ot Tonopab, Nevada,
Mrs. Ellis Beggs, of ' Canyon City,
Oregon! Mrs. David Davles, of Llbby;
Prank McCorkle, of Grants Pass,
Oregon: and Charles McCorkle, ot
Canyon City, Oregon.
"The funeral was held from the
Davtos home Wednesday afternoon,
at 2 o'clock, under the auspices ot
the local lodge of Odd Fellows, of
which the deceased was a member
for over 80 years. Interment wss
made In tbe Llbby cemetery."
If your washing is bothering you,
oome to our store Wednesday, Feb
ruary 23, and see how easily the work
could be dona with a Tbor electric
machine. Rogue River Hdwe. ' 2t'
World Film, Corporation presents 1
, i' America's Leading Motion picture Artiste, In , '
FOR SALE Thoroughbred white
Leghorn rooster. Also new
' woven wire bed spring. ' Phone
,. 234-R. . 681
California Land Orant Lands.
' Three maps, showing all tracts In
; Douglas, Josephine and Curry and
Jackson counties, with general de-
: scrlptlon and status ct said lands,
I for $1.50 for each map. Township
', ownership plats, 2-Inch per mile,
! of Coos and Josephine counties,
I showing government, private and
! grant lands, at 75o per township;
, other counties In preparation. I
sell the Anderson maps you know
them. M. J. Anderson, Grants
Pass, Ore. ' ' 701
FOR SALE Derrick, almost as good
as new, cheap; also a number of
ladders. Inquire 714 I street. 677
The Heart
of the
Blue Ridge'
In Five Acts
A strongly dranmtlo offering,
the scene of which Is the rug
ged depth of the Cumlierland
mountain district,
A drama of telling iMirta and
Intense ' situations, in which
Clara Kimball Voting's supreme
artistry Is employed In a diver,
slty of emotion and powerful
acting opportunities,
Note, In the recent New York Times popularity contest Clara
Kimball Young won out over all rivals with over a million votes,
' i See her tonight .
, Price 10c and 10c