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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1916)
tux. OVM.V liOtil K Kit l Ut UUCU Bl'NDAV, IKIHUAHV BO, 1010. 172 iiu F We never do things here in a half-hearted manner-but in a determined and strenuous w Stock and get in line for spring trade we are going to offer the heretofore unheard of discount of One-Half Off on All Vmfcegy Goods This is just one clean sweep, and it is your buying opportunity! Don't think a while, but act now. Later may be too late. Winter Weight Flannel Shirts Underwear : $1.50 Values : 50c Values 75c 25c ' $2.00 Values $15 Values $1.00 . ' 62vic $2.50 Values , $2.00 Values ei oe $1.00 51,425 $3 00 Values $3.00 Values $1.50 $1.50 ii Overcoats $15.00 Values $7.50 $20.00 Values $10.00 $25.00 Values , $12.50 Sweaters 75c Values 35c $1.50 Values 75c $2.00 Values $1.00 $4.00 Values $2.00 $5.00 Values $2.50 Winter Weight Trousers $2.50 Values $1.25 $3.50 Values J1.75 $4.00 Values $2.00 $5.00 Values $2.50 Winter Weight I Caps Values ranging from 75c to $2.00, your choice 50c One lot odd sizes, values $15 to $27.50, your choice $7.50 ' We are receiring shipments of bright new Spring Goods daily, and in addition to the wonderful sacrifices on win ter weight goods we will allow you a 10 per cent discount on all Spring and Summer lines. SALE COMMENCES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21st And Continues During the Month Cash Buys Cheaper Than Credit" 11 TTT T7M YHtS TT , , T7 I U VI I VI I II I VI CLOTHING COMPANY 21 II Men Wear It We Have It" Sewing Club Entertained Mrs. Lester Coburn entertained the members of a sewing club Thurs day afternoon. Those present were: Mesdames Bertha Goettsohe, Eva Coe. Pearl Wilson, Clyde Martin, and the Misses Battle Jewell, Leah Slover and Jessie and Reba Smith. The time passed quickly orer the sewing, after which dainty refresh ments were served. ' The Oregoolans Meet "The Oregonkuis" were entertain ed at the home of Mrs. Louise Dixon on North Sixth street Monday after noon. The time was spent in conver sation and fancy work, after which delicious refreshments were served. A feature of the afternoon was the exchange of valentines by the hostess and her guests. Invited guests of the club were: Mrs. Max Tuffs of Kerby and the Misses Lee Clardy and Beulah Crocket of Grants Pass. la St. Valentine's Memory About seven-thirty Monday even ing a number of young people gath ered at the M. E. church, where they spent most enjoyable evening in memory of St Valentine. The rooms were prettily decorated for the occa sion. A heart hunt and other amuse ments filled the hours until refresh ments, which consisted of fruit Jello and wafers, were served. A Fireside Luncheon Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Walker enter tained Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wood ard and the Misses Grace Penn and Annette Prltzkau at an informal fire side luncheon at 7 o'clock Thursday evening. A real picnic supper was served in front of the fire, being pre pared over fireplace and chafing dish. XelglilHira Kurrte Mrs. Smith Friends and neighbors of Mrs. R. O. Smith most pleasantly surprised , her Thursday afternoon by gather ing at her home on East D street. Five hundred was the amusement provided. ' Belle Williams Hostess Miss Marguerite Wible's Sunday school class spent Tuesday evening at the home of one of its members, Belle Williams, on Washington boulevard. , Som'r'set and other games, together with Victrola music, later followed by refreshments, made the hours pass quickly. Male Rebekahs IV) the Honors The male members of the Rebekah order entertained the ladles at their regular meeting last Monday night After the initiation of candidates, the crowd sat down to a fine supper, which consisted of baked halibut, macaroni and tomatoes, creamed potatoes, raisin pie, with cream and coffee, prepared and served by the men. 1 Valentine Party for Newly-Weds A most pleasant leap year valen tine party was the reception held at the home of Mrs. Elisabeth Hammil Pool Tuesday evening, in honor of the wedding of the previous evening. The self-invited guests gathered at the home of a neighbor and pa tlently waited until assured the time for action had come. Quickly sur rounding the home of the newly- weds, the wedding march (not Men delashon's), accompanied by the "or chestra," soon brought the happy bride and groom to the door, and the callers were cordially invited in. After greetings and congratulations bad been showered on the happy pair, refreshments were in demand. No preparations having been made, the smiling groom handed a five dollar gold piece to a "commlUee,, which quickly exchanged it at a down town confectionery store for candy and nuts, said candy being largely com posed of cupId motto hearts, which with much advice to the newly-weds how to "live happy ever after" gave a most enjoyable evening. Those present to help celebrate the happy affair were: Mrs. S. Ahlf, H. A. Booth, Norman Caldwell, Jessie Cahlll, Mrs. Etta Close, Jessie Clone, Mrs. Margaret Counts, Arthur Close, Mrs. R. L. Cole, Bernlce Coon, Mrs. Ida Coon, F. L. Coon, Virginia Creager, Mrs. Viola Dickinson, Mrs. A. M. Ererton, Mrs. W. A. Fern, Mr. and Mrs. D. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. .Geo. Howard, Lena Hlldreth, Glenn j Howard, Mrs. Mary Lewis, Thelma : Lewis. Mrs. Francis Martin, . Janle Powers, Clara Rimer, Mrs. C. W. Steel, Pauline Swacker, C. S. Sanets, tiaen spauiaing, Airs. . m. isyior, Susan Tolln, Laborn Tolln. Willie Tolin, Mrs. W. W. Tolin, Mrs. O. Wlnetrout, Mrs. E. Wertz. Society Itanccs Forty-eight couples danced at the Waldorf hall Friday evening on in vitation of the ladles of St Luke's guild. From the Jollity and good fellowship shown many pronounced the evening the "best yet" this sea son. A few were entertained at cards. Punch was served during the evening. Social Afternoon On Thursday afternoon between 50 and 60 ladles gathered at Bethany church and spent the afternoon chat ting and sewing. The Idea of the valentine season was used in decora tions. Each month the Woman's as sociation of this church entertains members and friends, and the one (Thursday was in the nature of a re ception oy tne omcers to the new members. Coffee and sandwiches were served. Young Gfrls Sow Miss Marie Bauer entertained a half dozen of her friends Saturday after noon at her home on K street. These little ladles meet every Saturday at the home of some member and make the afternoon a profitable one sewing and talking. ENGLISH REPULSED SOUTHEAST OF &TRES A Puzzled Artist Achenbach, the Gorman artist enjoy ed a vogue some years ago. A certain collector bad bought from an art deal er a seascape represented as a genu ine Achenbach. Afterward It was pronounced to be a copy. The buyer brought an action aaalnst th Aeur. who turned the tables by declaring mar nis picture was genuine and the other was a copy. . Achenbach himself was summoned by the courts to tell which was which. Amazed at the ab solute slmllnrlty of the two paintings, he gazed at (bora for a long time, In spected them closoly, front and back, sniffed them and then frankly admitted he could not tell which was the orig inal and which the copy. (By United Press Lessed Wire.) Berlin, Feb. 18. New English at tempts last night to recapture lost ground southeast of Tpres were re pulsed, said the war' office statement today. Southwest of Altkfrch the Germans penetrated and destroyed defense works and took some prison era. Legal blanks. Courier office. DR. FREDERICK COOK. Returned VYhsn British Wouldn't Allow Him t Climb Mt Everest c I ( Women and the Arts. I believe that woman loves the arts better thsn does man. She is better ground for the development of great artist for she approaches art with sympathy, while the great bulk of men approach It with fear and dislike, shrinking from the idea that It may distort their self complacency.' The prejudice goes so far that while wom en are attracted to artist as lover, men are generally afraid of women who practice the nrtt or tbey dtsllke them. It is not a question of sex; it Is a question of art-W. L. George to Atlantic The Mixture In Havana. "Havana has Just the right mixture of old and Dew," said one traveler. "1 like mediaeval forts and sixteenth cen tury cathedrals as well as anybody, but when nlgbt comes aroond It Is pleasant to return to a cool, up to dote hotel, enjoy a wall cooked supper'and spend the evening walking on the electrically lighted Prado, dancing at the Plaza or Mlramar or watching the roof garden movios.New Tort Post ' v Pelishlng a Steel Knife. If a steel knife Is much stained take a ploce of raw potato and dip It In powdered bath brick, adrisea the Sci entific American. Rub the blade of the knife well with this and then dip It In hot water and wipe dry. You will be surprised at the brilliancy of tbesteet ' ' ' ' ' SENATOR LEWIS i CllfCDO iin HllUlf LflO I in RDQ T Washington, Feb. 10. Addressing the senate on the "Hypocrisy of Statesmanship," Senator Lewis today answered the recent criticism or the administration recently mads tbv ax- Senator Ellhu Root. He declared the New Yorker's assault on President Wilson as "a weak and Impotent exe cutive" was unnecessary and lacking la sincerity. "Concerning Germany. Root said that we need a president who will appeal to something else than words." said Lewis. "What else la possible? Early warT If the Issue la that Pre sident Wilson has not gone to war, let him, aay so. if he plans to elect a president under the covert Purpose of war against Germany, I will ex pose that hypocrisy.' . Senator Lewis said that Root's re cord showed him' always against intervention. "Why this change now and this hypocrisy?" queried La wis. ""Nomination petitions at the Courier office. Photo by Amsrlcan Prwi Asuoclutlon Jitney and Taxi Service . Special calls in city, 10c Special calls to beet factory site, 20c for one or 10c each for party Trip to either cemetery, 50c for one or 25c per passenger for party Special arrangements to regular pntrons. PHONE 2G2-R