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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1916)
Rt'NDAY, FEBRUARY 80, JVffl. iimi.v t M;i i: ;ivi:r: cot ii.i PAGE HIE w Home Songs M-O-T-il-lvlt. Motlicr O'Mlue. , Mulo Urn jr. Mother. Dear Old Mm. I'll Return Mother Purling to You. It Mo Hear the Hongs My Mtlnr ViuMl to Slug. I'm lIiMtiMh k for Mother and You. ( When Mother fumes to Mo In Dream. You Cnu't lUfay tho Debt You Ow to Mother. When You're Long, Long Way From Homo. When Mr Uildn IlAlr I Turned to Hllver Gray. Ttio the Stiver Tltrwwls Aro Among the Gold, I'll Iove You lut the Hme. Hllver Tlircada Among tit Gold. Mother Mwhree. Music and Photo House A. A. Flynn went to Portland last Uccimed to Wed AMWICVTS TONIGHT UIJuu "Madame X." " "' Htur "Tb Warrona of Virginia." FINAL RITES FOR OLI 1)00 GLOOM" AT FRISCO (By United Prcja Leaaed Wire) Sacramento, Feb. 19. Sacramento conducted funeral aervlcca today over the body of "Old Doo Gloom," the last sad rttea being conducted by Governor Hiram Johnson on the atate eapllol steps. "Old Doe's" bmly will be shipped to Ban Francisco, where final ser vices will be held, after which It will be dumped In the Pacific ocean. "Doc Gloom's" body- haa boen ahlpped across the country, many cltloa holding "funeral aervlcea." night on a buslne trip. March third. Jo Mons orchestra. Mr. Grace White arrived Friday night from Weed to vUlt relatlvea. rittsburg Perfect fence for poultry, garden and stock at Cramer Droa. Miss Ira Krewaon arrived Saturday ! aftornoon from Drain t to visit with Mra. P. N, Rhodes. Mr. and Mra. II B. Reed came In from Kerby Friday to apend a few weoka In town. Wall paper that will ault you we make the price at Clark ft Holman't furniture atore. Harry Cook returned to Itoaoburg yesterday, after spending a week with bla parent. The Do Mom orchestra will ibe here March 3. ' 671 Garden aecda in packages and In bulk at Cramer Bros. 874 Mla Dorothy Bunnell came down from Medford to apend bom. Petaluma incubators, in all sues, at Cramer Broa, 674 Mr. and Mra. B. 0. Harding, of. Rogue River, apent 8turday In the city. . . Two-year-old roae bushes for 13 per down at Cramer Broa. 674 Mlaa J. 0. Whltaker, of Rogue River, left Saturday morning for a trip to Seattle. R. J. WhKe, of San Francisco, la the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mac Vicar for a few days. The best baby buggies are at Clark A Holman's furniture store. Mr. and Mra. F. F. Floyd, of Kerby, UuKlilo York of Murphy and Miss Nluu Sojforth of this city were grunt ed a llcunse to wod Saturday, Kiiglowood Dulry, Telephone 2-2 Pure milk from healthy cows. 67tf la Honor of George A Washington 'birthday entertain ment will be given at tho Gaiety thea ter Tuesday nlghi, February 22. A fine program has been' arranged for the occasion.. Everybody welcome. Admission free. BIJOU Tonight and Monday play Extraordinary Clark Ilolman, Undertakers : Licensed enibalraers. Phone SO. Ships Car of lio Another car load of bogs waa ahlp ped out Saturday night by Knox and Armentrout to the Portland market. One hog brought in, by C. N. Culy from the Meadows ranch ' weighed Sunday at 653 pounds, It being an 0. 1. C. stag. Photo v In 6 Big Vital Acts-Pathe offers DAME MA MEDFOIll) BOXER IS BEATEN AT SALEM See ls First For electrical supplies, wiring and repair work of all klnda. Bush Elec tric shop. Phone 141-R. 674 Moving Picture Made. A moving picture film of the boys and girls dropping potatoes Into the barrela as the price of admission to the BIJou theater matinee Saturday afternoon waa made, and there waa a big turnout of both young folka and spuds. As a grand finale for the film the officers of the Salvation Army were ahown rolling the barrela of po tatoes away for distribution in are in the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Icbarlty. , 8alem, Feb. II. Al 8ommera, of Portland, and Frank Parslow, of Med ford, who claims the welterweight championship of the northwest, boxed eight lively rounds at a' smoker here Inn night under the auspices of the! Capital City Athletic club. While no decision was rendered, Sommera ap peared to have tho better of the con test all the way, except In the fourth round, when he stood away and al lowed Parslow to box htm. In the In-flghtlng Sommera pummelled bis lighter opponent about the ring and forced tho Medford lad to cover. ! Billy Mascotte, 1 featherweight ohamplon of the northwest, who box ed a draw with Jimmy Fox last Tues day, stopped Ping Bodle In a six round seml-wlndup. El V TiintiBli 1 Good pruning sbcara for 60 cents at Cramer Bros. 674 Win. M. Crow, who was operated upon for cataract two weeka ago, loft for his home afMerlin Friday, v Pdultry tonlo for healthy poultry. Get a 25 cent package at Cramer Bros. - 674 Elmer Yelsler arrived Saturday ! morning from Mt. Vernon, Iowa, and stopped over here on his way to Brookings, Attend Firemen's Ball Waldorf hall. February 22. Tickets $1.00. , 675 By Alexander Bisson. A Gold Rooster play featuring DOROTHY DONNELLY Produced by HENRY W. SAVAGE Dorothy Donnelly is supported by the original cast that helped make this play so famous on the stage the world over. EXTRA-The Pathe News. 7 Biz Reels. lCc zzi 15c MUSIC .CLUB III ITAL1AII CONCERT Keeks f20,000 Judgment- Suit has been filed in the circuit Violet Johnson, Mra. Snively, G. Evert Baker. J. V. Mllligan, Faye A. Stelnmetx, Wm. R. Singlestacy, H. A. Goode. ' ' ": Oregon City Elbert Cbarman. Salem Lloyd Holdwln, Harold E. Akin, Harold U Cook, Herbert G. The fifth monthly Music club con- Darby, H. B. Dorks. cert will be given In the commercial j Albany Roy Dowd, Harvey Curry, club rooms Wednesdsy, February 23, Esther E. Dawson, W. P. White, at 8 p. m. These concerts have been Corvallis Marjorie Hanson, E. W. well attended and enjoyed by all, Bartruff. about 150 attending the January one. J ; Eugene Ira McFarland, Mary O. The February concert will be en-,Hlslop, Edna Whipple, Billie McGee, FIREUAII'S BALL Waldorf Hall Tuesday, February 22, 9 p. m. 'J Sharp Given by GraaU Pass Firemen Dance Ticket Price $1.00 FAIXTS WHEN HE HEARS i FIRM'S BID IS ACCEPTED Urely Italian. The Lawrence orches- court by Mrs. Delia Sh.dlnger, ofitr wiu P,a "T Waldo, against W. 8. King, of same district, in which Mrs. Shad Inger aeeka ludgment for $20,000 from King. Mrs. STiadlnger alleges ht ihn tntnred In thit amount You will like our furniture, and b tctlon wh,ch tn9ututed Walter R. Dimm, C. -A. Phlpps. Newport Harold Wygant. R. not be YOUTH LEADS AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY STRIKERS Ansonla, Conn., Feb. 19. Though till In his 'teens, Joseph Orohol Is the .leader of the American Brass company'! strikers, because be can speak numerous languages. He may wing victory to their aide, it is re ported today. Old papers, Bo per bundle, at the Courier office. our . unoieum. ana ruxa can noi uo . ., ... .uu .IU JUBllV-TJ VUUIl, VtlBIKIUK UW WllU ... u nV A ln man : .. Umnim. Prof. MSCMurTSV. MISS wn- ww va,iu -wn. v. . w - fiftvinir t nrpsrpni'n mm wiin k sun. . i . . Herbert Booth, of Atalla. Ore., in ne d , t wWch M, 8hao. Edith Russell,, part of ihMtc;-.JftU House r ,.nn if rn tiin home . .... . . hiehv.hnnr nrrhiRtr. the "Italia" Forest Grove aJola M. House, .v v-iw... lnffer waK neia oy xne jusnce or ine "- i a 4 . ...I.. 9. w latA-WAAbr . . . .... mIiakmi tnil nthAM I ro VftllVri peace, returned not a true Dill. Creewell Mrs. H Mascagni. and Puccini, and several .Jas. . jicauum Caruso records have been loaned for the evening. " Other numbers on the program will be given try B. S. VanDyke. Mrs. jNichols, Heath Jr.. Misses White, Wolke and Lenox. MacMurray, part of . Portland. Feb. 19. Earl B. New combe waa so excited when he learn- Thompson, ed that the firm he represented was I lowest ibidder for Portland's new au- Newburg Catherine Romig, Grace ditorlum that be tainted. The clerk Roseburg Delpba Edlund, Orlena just finished reading the bids and Dorthea Abrabam, . Eva then announced that Hand Pederson, , of Seattle, was lowest with a bid of Wood, $317,400. j Newcombe, Sunday- morning after a two-weeka1 sojourn In the city. - A. 0. Geyer returned yesterday to hla home at Colusa, Cel., after spend ing a week or more In the city on business. " Place your v order for day-old chtcka and aettlng egga at Cramer Bros. 674 Mrs. Carl Marvin and son Jack left last night on their return to Seattle, after spending a few weeks with the former's ' mother, Mrs. Thoresa Layton. Mrs. Florence Day returned Satur day morning from Portland, where ahe spent the past two months with her daughter, Mra. C. K. Root, s Bargains . in ladles' and misses' coats. One-half regular price. . Mrs. E. Rehkopf. ' etltf Mrs. Ralph BeaJ and son Marion, who visited the C. TL Fifield family, left yesterday morning on their re turn to Portland, stopping off at Roseburg for a few days. Modern Home For Sale Bargain. Inquire Bartlett'a store. reaerson-a roruana representative, was standing in the .I,..,,, tnt nthara Mm. Fanvro oueaaH w. Arouiu. , . couuvu cnutuer wun a vrvwa ui will wear an Italian costume which' Oakland Esther Stearns, Mildred contractors. He collapsed when the ha h-n..rh frnm iiv fow venm Kruse. Ruth Boyd, Lula Boyd, Electa clerk made the announcement Car- ago. Stage ana Horses Collide celebrate the Shakespeare ter- The Crescent City stage put back! centenary. The admission will be to town Saturday morning for re pairs after an encounter with a run away team on the Allen creek (bridge. The auto stage attempted to pass the team on the grade, when the team, being driven by M. C. McGargle, who was walking by Its aide,' became frightened. W. H. WImer. driving the auto, stopped on the grade, think ing to check the horses, but soon the churches in the city will Join in the union services at the Presbyterian found the team forcing his auto down church in the evening, the sermons to Hamilton, Martha Young, Gertrude ried outside, he fainted twice more The March concert will be devoted Young, Jas. Baker, Maurice Hickman, before be completely recovered from to Juvenile music, and the April one!Gr(Ion Hictman, Baxter Davis, Alice the effect of tie news. Davis, Anna Huntington, bsiner pederson's ma was 127,000 lower BmeggleV V-' . than his nearest competitor, and fully Ashland Madge Glover, Alda $100,000 lower than the estimate Heer, Precilla Carnahan, Lilllth ' M. made by the city engineers. Hall, Nellie Peachey. Maria S. Cald-, : ; well. Robert Evans, Mabel E. Russell, ' Valentine Social M. W. Hays, The Eastern Star lodge held a val- Klamath Falls Augusta Parker. 'entjne social Wednesday evening. A Vera Houston. Maud Miller, Ruth program conBjgting of musical num Ball, Chas. T. Hurd. iber8 and readings was enjoyed ty Kogue Kiver Margaret btranan, oBa present. Supper, for which ten cents or membership cards. C. E. CONVENTION. (Continued from Page 1 ) the grade. The railing post saved the auto from going over Into the creek, but the rear wheels of the wagon were left banging on the rear of the auto when the team broke away. The auto was somewhat dam aged, as was also the wagon. ' One more week and this sale ends. Now is your last chance to buy Shoes at a material saving. WOMEN'S SHOES MEN'S SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES ! - v . ' t $1.95 $1.95 95c 2.45 3.45' $1.45 3.25 4.25 1.90 Best make of Boys' Shoes, Shoes that will wear, $2.35, $2.65 and $2.90. All Goodyear welts. R. L. B AK T L E TT be preached by C. T. Hurd and Paul Brown. . . The following delegates from out side points are In attendance at the convention: Portland E. Earle Feike, Ellance Ewlng, Roy M. Tate, Leta Kennedy, L. R. Carrick, W. G. Jenks, Ralph B. Reese, Chester S. Martin, Estella Ford, Francis Miller, J. Sanger Fox, Artie Hatch, Isabel B. Martin Phoenix Lena Johnson, Irene Denser, Andrew Johnson. Hopville Marvin Wells, Earl Stonehocker. Medford Margaret Kerr, Nana M. Seely. 1 Jacksonville Mary Bagsbaw, Jewell Bailey. . vLos Angeles Paul C. Brown. Locsttnn notices. Courier office. partners were found by matching candy hearts, was served in a dining room appropriately decorated with valentine hearts, pussy willows and myrtle. A Call en the Walter. Hotel Clerk-Is this $1,000 bin the smallest thing yon have about yout Departing Guest I am afraid It is. Clerk (to bellboyr-Here, take this bill to one of the waiters and ask him to change it Judge. STAR THEATRE ; TONIGHT and MONDAY The Famous Players Company, Inc. Presents the Beautiful and Accomplished Actress 'HSiL & NCC-fl E ;2 W E ET In Paramount Six-Reel Feature IKPABBEflS W WOi Recommended by Woman's Home Companion u First Performance 7:30 o'clock. Admission 10c and 15c Grants Pass Leading Theater THE HOME OF FEATURES