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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1916)
!AJLY noocK river COl'ItlER PAGS FOUB Banking Service which makes a satisfied customer and conse quently which makes friends tor us Is our constant aim. , Wo haw safety deposit boxes for rent for a small sum each year where yon may keep your valuables. We ray 4 Interest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, with the interest credited to your account twice a year. ". Any time you contemplate taking trips secure our TRAVELERS' CHECKS, by which you can secure funds for your expenses without identi fication. - AVE CORDIALLY INVITE YOCIt BUSINESS. 9 Grants Pass Clsus Schmidt. Pres. Geo. P. Jester, Vlce-Pres. .0. Safety Careful and Courteous Service THESE are essentials of successful banking. For twenty-six years this bank has been mak ing a record for such banking service. We invite you to open an account with this strong . bank, assuring you of our Interest in each indivi dual depositor and the community. The First National Bank Of Southern Oregon . Member of Federal Reserve Bank 11 BERNSTORFF MAY GO HOME Washington, Feb. 19. "If this un fair propaganda is not ended, a cer tain ambassador will be shipped home." This remark was credited today to a government official in a position to make It good. ' i , German Ambassador von Berns torif, by the logic of the situation, is the ambassador meant. Recent newspaper stories credited to Teuton sources conveying the im pression that America bad changed her position on the Lusltanla case ave rise to a feeling that a rapture might he at hand. This feeling is said to have reached a climax last night when . a correspondent asked Secretary Lansing If it were true he contemplated resigning. Lansing is said to bare regarded the report that he might resign as part of a long campaign of -misinformation about American negotia tions with Germany. While he did not attribute this to the German embassy, he Is said to have felt that It grew out of a series of offenses against the diplomatic proprieties on the part of Bernstorlf in the matter of giving out information from the department The upsboot was to call in Berns 1 llll The Ford a simple car of proved HI quality. A enr anyone run operate, II anyone can care for and a car that HI brings pleasure, service and satinfac- I f tlon to everybody. The car of more . , titan a million owners. Reliable tter y HI ' vice for owners from Ford agents 11 HI everywhere. II Touring Car $493.25; Sunaibout II $443.23; Coupelet $643.25, laid down II in Grants Pass, complete with all HI equipment except speedometer, II JOSEPH MOSS, Agent ' . " ' Banking Go. Marshall Hooper, Cashier Lloyd Launer, Asst. Cashier Convenience torlf and to put the matter to him to deny or admit Whether he ' has done this Is not known. "The Lusltanla case Is not closed," said an official, "and Germany under stands it very well. We felt her armed merchantman decree removed certain guarantees about future con duct of submarine warfare which had been obtained earlier in the Lusltanla negotiations. Until it was certain that these would hold good we can not call the case closed." E A $500,000 FIRE LOSS Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 19. The 12,000,000 plant of the new Du Pont Federal Dyestuff and Chemical company at Klngsport was reported to have caught fire from incendiary causes early today and to have been damaged to the extent of $500,000. The plant was engaged in making picric arid, a constituent of explo sives. The night watchman saw a stranger in the yards, but the latter fled be fore he could be questioned. Fire broke out noon afterward. There was evidence that the plotter had planned to destroy the entire $2, 000,000 plant. Old papers, for starting fires. 5c DUPONTS lira ral mi CHI.1PB ' TO Clllllff Oil FEBRUARY 29 (By United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Feb. 19. With tha Teuton submarine campaign against armed merchant vessels effective on ly ten days hence, the American pol icy toward this new move assumed doflnltenoss today. This will be along the following probable lines: The United States will ask Ger many for assurances that this cam paign will not violate the Lusltanla or Arable pledges. The United States will maintain the right of merchant ships to arm tor deten so as heretofore. She will contend for the right of I neutrals and non-combatants to take passage on armed belligerent ships. The administration will not warn Americans not to travel on armed vessels, nor will It declare any In flexible rules governing defensive armaments. This government will not Join Sweden or any other neutral nation in a joint protest against the Teu ton armed ship decree, nor against AT U. S. ATTITUDE Amsterdam, Feb. 19. Reports that the United States will not sub- mlt to the Teutonic decree of war- (BIO UyUU VUWM. - vessels has caused Indignation In Germany, according to advices today. The Cologne Gaxetto a paper close to the German government, declared that the Teutons will not curtail their right to sink armed enemy ships be cause reckless neutrals insist upon traveling on belligerent vessels. Other papers were astonished at the Washington advices, but for the most part awaited confirmation be fore commenting editorially. In general, however, they declared that Germany will not withdraw the decree merely because England has given assurances to the United States that guns will be mounted only for defensive purposes. They added that such assurances had 'been broken by England and that her armed ships had taken the offen give against submarines. ' GOTCH-SANTELL GO HAS BEEN CANCELLED San Francisco, Veb. 19. The Gotch-Santell wrestling match, sche duled for San Francisco on Wash ington's birthday, is off again. This time it looks like the postponement would really go through. It is even Indicated that the entire match may be cancelled. Harry Foley, principal promoter of the match, today re ceived the following message from Ootch: "Since talking with you last nlgbt have decided to again ask for a postponement. Your conversation does not go with me. This Is final." Foley was furious, declaring Gotch had promised last night that he would leave Los (Angeles tonight for San Francisco. He asserts that, at Gotch's request, transportation for him from Los Angeles to Son Fran cisco was sent to the Los Angeles depot and is now waiting there. MARKEN ISLAND Iff THE ZUYDEIt ZEB INUNDATED Amsterdam, Feb. 19. Markea Is land, in the Zuydee Zee, has been in undated as a result of a heavy storm on the North sea, and great billows are rolling over the island. Those who failed to escape in advance of the flood have taken refuge in the island lighthouse, but fears are felt for them even there. Fresh breaks In dikes holding back the Zuyder Zee are frequent, and while there have been no casualties yet, several towns are submerged and there may be loss of life before long. The city of Hamburg Is reported badly damaged and partly flooded. SAN DUSK V GHtI8 TO STRIKE FOR SHORTER SKIRTS Sandusky, O., Feb. 19, -Girls in candy stores, restaurants and post card shops threaten to strike unless permitted to wear shorter skirts.' nrpffon minif . laws, 0n, Courier per bundle, Courier office. GERMANY ANGERED other ibelllgerenjt interferences with the rights of neutrals. In the meantime, state department experts are studying a mass of pre cedents covering ths many interna tional problems involved in the new position of the central powers. The week end saw a respite in Germnn-Amorlcan diplomatic nego tiations and Ambassador von Burns torff did not plan to confer again with Secretary of State Lansing until he has heard from Berlin as to the foreign office position toward Amer ica's latest requirements for settle ment of submarine differences. In official circles the belief grew that Germany will postpone opera- tton of her decree. Von Bornstorff is thought to have suggested this to Berlin, though the state department showed clearly it would not ask post ponement. The administration Is preparing notes to Austria and Germany outlln tng objections to the decree, but It will not lay down hard and fast rule. concerning armament. New York, Feb. 19. A score of Catholic institutions here are under heavy guard today for fear th'at an archists Involved in a national anti clerical and anti-eoclal plot may at tempt to dynamite them. Authorities are particularly appre hensive that Jean Crones, "poison banquet" conspirator, may make a demonstration In a crowded church tomorrow. The third of a series of letters to the Now York Times purporting to be from Crones was in police posses sion today. In this the writer de clared he had turned anarchist as a result of the Ludlow, Colo., massacre. The letter was mailed at the Penn sylvania station, whilo polico were hunting Crones. The Knights of Columbus ball at Madison Square garden last night, attended by prominent Catholic clergy and high city and state off! clals, passed without any anarchist demonstration, as the police had taken especial care to guard against it : . ? ,; FRISCO ANARCHISTS CHARGE POLICE PLOT San Francisco, Feb. 19. Local anarchists are on record today as charging the Chicago police with making the "poison soup" banquet plot appear as an anarchistic move. In a meeting here they scoffed at the Idea of a national antl-clerlcal and antl-soclal conspiracy, and Inci dentally denounced Supervisor Gal lagher as inimical to the laboring man. OF Tacoma, Feb. 19. Springing to the defense of George Washington, Col onel Albert Joab, a leading citizen of Tacoma, swore to a complaint for criminal libel today , against Paul II. Hasser, who wrote a letter which was published in a Tacoma paper In which Washington was described as "a profane man and an inveterate drunkard." . i This probably is the first criminal action ever taken In such a case. The warrant was sworn out on complaint of Joab by Prosecutor Remann. Joab was furious. "I can prove by statements from Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jeffor, son and others," he declared today, "that Hasser is a falsifying black guard." , ., , ' JILTKJ) YOUTH COMMITS SUICIDK AT PORTLAND Portland, Feb. 19 Jilted by his fiancee and suspected of thoft by the Arm for which he worked, Lawrence Mitchell, 18 years old, is dead today from the "effects of poison which he swallowed last night. The fiancee, Miss Marian Brownell, broke her en gagement with him when she, learn ed that he was charged , with theft. Believing his arrest imminent, young Mitchell went to the girl's home and begged to Boo her once more. She refused. Then he swallowed poison and died on her doorstep, ' GUARDS SURROUND CATHOLIC CHURCHES JUAB DEFENDER GEORGE WASHINGTON WILL PROBE U. S. AVIATION SCHOOL (By United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Feb. 19. Acting See retary of War Scott today ordered an exhaustive investigation of every phase of the administration and con duct of the government aviation school at San Diego. Scott appointed the Judge advocate general of the army, the chief of the war college and the inspeotor-gonoral as the hoard of Investigation in charges of' service inefficiency made by Senator Robinson of Arkansas as an aftermath of the court martial of Lioutenant-Colunol Iouls Ooodior, Judgo advocate-general of the west ern department of the army. "The Instructions of the board are to go into every phase of, the situa tion and to get all details," said Scott. "The board is empowered to remedy any wrongs and weaknesses, no matter who Is hit." The board will begin its work Mon day and it will ask tor all the corres pondence alleged to btva passed be tween Colonel 8amuel Rober, head A, .,. ,.M o,., cw ,n cbkra Qf tu wf0 school. It is hinted that the final action of President Wilson and Acting Secre tary Scott In the Qoodler ease may be held flp pending completion of the investigation. The senate mili tary committee la likely to report favorably on Sontuor Robinson's re quest for an Investigation, after fak ing up the charges Monday, Chairman Chamberlain favors broad inquiry, and there is a possi bility that a senate sub-committee may go to 8an Diego, Goodter was charged with altering accusations died against Cowan. Much of tbo evidence taken In the courtmartlal has been presented to the committee. Robinson claims that letters passed between Itobor and Cowan revealing bad conditions with in the service and efforts to get cer tain appropriations for articles not properly within the province of the avlatton business. TO DROP ENGL GENTLE REMINDER (By United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Feb. 19 The state department admitted today It is con sidering sending England a "remind er" that alio has not answered the American protest against mall sec ures. It was explained, however, that the "reminder" would contain no hint of a time limit within which to answer tho American objections. Instead, it will merely urge that a prompt reply be made, and it will point out that selxures continue, to the annoyance of this government. Secretary Lansing Indicated that the "reminder" will probably be sent Monday If no reply Is forthcoming 'before then. Representations to Turkey con cerning Armenian massacre are ex pected to reach Constantinople next week, and while Lansing explained that these are not a formal protest, objections may bo registered if addi tional massacres are reported. Mining blanks, Courier Office. Now is the Time to have that NO Come in and lot us look it over. Wo tfuamntco our workv Best equipped shop in Southern Oregon. ' Expert machinist in charge FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOP ' PHONK 103 ' Pointers For TREE BUYERS "Planting Inferior trees la false economy." Inferiority and "LOW PRICKS" are twins, They are always found together. It may pay to economise on an article that you expect to us very little and then throw awsy but certainly not when making an Investment In trees whloh art expected to lant all your lira time and then soma. Good, reliable, thrifty treat cost no mora to plant than do Inferior ones; they require no mora time for pruning, spray ing or cultivation. Fewer trees will bava to b replanted, with Ita accompany ing expense, causing an uniformity In your orchard, de layed productiveness, annoy ance and dissatisfaction. When trees are sold at a very low price, there Is some reason; that reason la usually Inferior ity. An old established Nursem one which expects to contlnud" business, destroys rather than sella Us inferior treesat least wa do. We know that our customers will ha better pleased, better served, by us furnishing only first-class trees, even though we may have to charge them a little more than he who la offer ing inferior trees. By us following this policy for the past twenty-five years, Oregou Nursory Company'! trees have become known throughout the entire north west for their unsurpassed QUALITY and RELIABILITY. Whenever you want this class of trws. whether In Fruits, Nuts, Shade, Herrlos, Hoses, etc., Juct write the Oregon Nur sery Company, Orenco, Ort. . If we have not tho kinds you want, we'll tell you. Oregon Nursery Co. Orenco, Ore. You should avail yourself of our landscape Department in plsnttng your borne grounds. Don't fall to get full particulars on this Sorvic ,jfore your plantlug. Dntuzo si Kuor.i)i:i BY AV8TIUAN TROOPS Vienna, Feb. 19. The Austrlans have surrounded Duraxxo, Albanian seaport city, and the surrender of the few thousand 'Albanian Insurgents Inside the town is expected hourly. No Italians are bolleved to be among the defenders, The goodness of the cracker depends upon freshness. Snowflake Sodas are always freab and criip, OKDER nON ANY DEALER Pacific Coast Biscuit Company rettlawiOistfss) car overhauled 4.