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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1916)
SUNDAY, IKimUAItY BO, DAitir JioccB mrnn cornrKn Corns GcmDOS,, LilioDcoaPccl Wonderful Simple "Gsts-It" Jfmf Jails to B moT Any Cora Easily. '"Wouldn't U' Jar yout Here I've lion Ktn ftlun for jrM. with one UiorU eorn fur another, trylnif tp t rtd of thm wuh tlvm Urt few IlMtUt.l I'M Hnr "Orts-lt" for TJ,nM turn ad V f tlf ml ur Tom I iit off th low, tp that' slick to h iockln. bnil unci illra that iti nrkB f too, "7" in blmul-brlrmliig rasoM and aula or. Thon I trlT ,Qw-l Jul u,,0 unit you ouitht lo hava an llmt corn com off Ju Ilk ft banana, pocl." It clmiil. wonderful. It's lha nw way, plnJ. ptHl In fw? second. nv. Nothlii lo iir on tlx corn. Nvar fall. Quit ha old waya for onea any. ! T.n.l try "Ueta-lF tonhtht. ICor coma. cilluos. warta and bunions. "tU-ll" la sold ovary yrbar. I&o ft bottlo, or tant dlraot.ty li twruc A Co., Chloaso, III. Sold In Urnta Pa and room mended m tho world i boat oora remedy by floo. 0. Babin. STARS AND STRIPES WILL NOT PROTECT (Uy rolled Prose I,casd Wire.) London, Fob. 19. Germany must .1 A I l ..K t u Ik. ,Al.tlNiF UIKM AU v . . - for her own salvation unless the allies soon agree to peace, tho Times today quoted Maxlmllllan Harden, a fore moat Gorman writer, m declaring In Die Zukunft, publication of whlh haa been resumed under government per mit. , "If England yearna for proof that we can wound her heart with sub marines and aircraft, and If ahe will not discuss peace until this has been proved," tho Times quoted Har den, ."the United States must re concile luclf to the conviction that no further hesitation will cripple our submarine warfare and no stars and stripes will protect a ship In the war tone." He declared Germany would have been content with defensive mea sures six months ago, but that now sun care not wait upon sucn a course, but Instead must pursue an often slve to prevent her own extinction. . In thla connection, he wrote that while Germany's economto position Is not yet embarrassing, other har vests and fresh supplies of raw ma ' terlals will become Increasingly dlffl cult to obtain It Germany does not reach out for fresh conquests and strike heavily. , t "There la atlll a short' space of time In which 'Germany might come to terms," he said.' "Theea peace offers might lnrludo a little disarma ment, a little International socialism and a little proposal to pool war ex penes. If these proposals are re fused, Germany will have paid the Innt debt she owes the world and humanity, and can proceed to be more frightful than oven her enemies ........... ..' i ... ii an iinu hit ui uftvuift uui-u. LA ON THE WAR PATH La Grande, Fob. 19, -The only La urando member oi tne uow ueong tong Is In & critical condition at the hospital today as a result of the tong war between the Hop Sings and allied 1 tongs led by the Dow LoongB. Determined to got revenge for the shooting of one of their members on the streets of Portland Thursday night, two Hop Sings pounced upon old Eng Chon, a gardener, who for years has trlod to conceal his affilia tion with the Row Leongs. Eng was shot In the leg. When he fell the Hop Sings beat him over the head with their revolvers and kicked him. Lorn Quong, a young Chinese cook, Is under arrest as one of Eng'i as sailants. Nomination petitions at the Courier office. i CHICHESTER S PILLS f 'hl-i'kM.trl llmanJTlraniA , I'lll la Hri Mil Uuld nifiallk W I Bonn, Mini with Jllua KIHhiii, V i'aka alkrr, Hut aT jrnnr " rifl-l. Akf"r 'III.I'lfV.a.TEB'n IIAMOnD IIHAMI l'll.l..lnr1 vmii k nown M llK. Hftflit, AW'i v i'M' ' 1 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS tVRy!,'!!;.'!!; GRANDE CHINESE VW S3 CHURCHES Presbyterian Church Dlbl school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, sermon by Her. 0. T. Ilurd, of Klamath Falls at 11 and 7:0. Uuloo Christian Endeavor service, 8:30. Cloning man meeting of tho ttatfl Cbriatlan Endeavor convention at 7:30. Mid-week mooting, 7:80 Thurs days. All welcome. Williamson D. Valor, Pastor. . (taint Luke's Church Corner Fourth and D Streets geptuageslma. Holy Eucharist at 8 a, m. Sunday school at 9:45 a, m. Morning prayer at 11. Evening prayer at 7:30. All are cordially Invited to these ervlcos. Metliodlst 1:iInwuU Church At 11 a. m., O. Everett Paker, of Portland, will occupy tho pulpit. The evening preaching service and the Intermediate ami Hpworth leaguoe will bo dismissed on account of the Christian Endeavor convention. Sunday school as usual at 10 a. m. Melville T. Wire, Pastor. First Churrli of flirlnt Kclentlat Christian Science services are held every Sunday, In the W. O. W. ball, at 11 a. m, Wednoeday evening meet ings at 8 o'clock. The subject for to day Is "Mind." The reading room Is open dally from t to 4, p. tt., except Sunday. The public Is cordially In vlted to attend the cervices and to vlstt the reading room. ; M. E. Church South Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; Preaching at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Hiding from God." v There will bo no evening service, on account of the Christian Endeavor convention new being held In this city. , , A cordial invitation Is extended to the public to attend our services. O. A. Taggart, Pastor. ChrlKtlnn Church llible school, 9: SO a. in. Song service, 11 a. m. 'Sermon, 11:80 a. m., Paul T. Brown. Solo, James IT. McCallum; duet, "He Was Nailed to the Cross." Mrs. J. II. Harmon and James H. Mc Callum... , , , Communion, 18 o'clock. , Evening Union aervlce at Presby terian church. J. II. Harmon, Christian Minister. Haptlat Church Sunday school at 10 a. m. Dr. W, P. White, of Albany, will preach on the "Second Coming of Christ" this morning. No other services today, as we Join In the Christian Endeavor meetings at the Presbyterian church. S. A. Douglas, Pastor. IS BY (Oy United Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Feb. 19. Working so swiftly that police wero unable to keep up with their trail, auto ban dits up to an early hour today had committed five daring hold-ups dur ing the night, but gleaned only a small amount. Their operations culmlnatod with an attack upon Thomas E, O'Brien, a candy Btore proprietor, whom they battered severely. Because of O'Brien's plucky resistance they fall ed to add any cash tp their haul. Just as O'Brien reached si spot near home at about 2 a. m. three men Jumped from an auto. One pushed a re volver Into his face, while others trlod to get the cash receipts he was carrying. O'Brien knocked the re volver aside and started to fight. Throe times he was knocked down, and finally the bandits left him bleed ing on the aldewalk and fled. Police believe that there were at least six men In some of the hold-ups. The other bandit attacks were: Charles P. Chamberlain, account ant, held up at 11 o'clock and rob bed of his watch and chain, a scarf pin, and other valuables and $8 In cash. H. 8. MoClollan, attacked at 11:30 and robbed of his watch and 75 cents. Richard J, Cloment, robbed of 128 about midnight. , , ' Arthur Wells, hold up at 1 a. m. and robbed of $2.50. Old papers, So per bundle, at the Courier office. FRISCO RAIDED lI TACOr.'A TO GET DBDCK (ity United Press Leased Wire.) Tacoma, Foj. 19. A great dry dock, large enough to accommodate even the largest dreadnaught In the navy, costing more than ft million dollars, is planned for, the near fu ture, through an agreement an nounced today between the Tacoma Smelting company and the Metropoli tan parh iboard. A company Is to be formed, after the nocessary permis sion has been obtained from the gov ernment for the uso of a portion of the water front of Point Defiance park, and after the dry dock has been completed It will be leased by the company from the park board. Tho smelting company has agreed to build a breakwater 1,000 feet long, using slag from Its furnaces. The park board's proposition has boon laid before Major Cavanaugh, United States engineer for this district, at Seattle, and he has promised to take the matter up with the war depart ment for Its approval of the project. Political Cards (Paid Advertisements) DR. J. O. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for State Senator J. C. HANDLE Republican Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff Served as constable greater part of the time tor 20 years past rrimarle, May 10, 1010 EUGENE L. C0BURN Republican Candidate for ; Nominee for ; County Clerk Present Incumbent ECLTJS POLLOCK Republican Candidate for Nominee for Assessor - Present Incumbent A.E. VOORHIES Republican Candidate for Nominee for Representative GEORGE H. LEWIS Republican Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff Primaries May 10, 1010 J.N.JOHNSTON Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Attorney W.T.MILLER Democratic Candidate for . Nominee for County. Attorney Present . Incumlent OP. BISHOP Of Snloni, Oregon Republican Candidate for jNoimnce lor Presidential Elector ' CongrcMilonal Disk No. 1 J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate Nominee for County Cleric for WILL O.SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for . - Sheriff Present Incumbent GEO. 3. CALHOUN Republican Candidate for Nominee for Treasurer GEO E. LUNDBURG Republican Candidate for Nominee for State Senator m $ 'J-1 - FOU SALE 40 ACHES 4 miles from Grants Pass, no Improvements, for sale at $40 per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 2416, care Courier. . 657tf I HAVE four vigorous S. C. Brown Leghorn cockerels to sell at 11.50 each. They are from high scoring egg-laying strain. Nothing better In jtne state. Theo, P. Cramer, Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 364-Y. Day-old chicks $12.60 per 100. Eggs, $1 per setting of 16. 666tf FOR ; SALE Six-room plastered bouse, close lo, lot 100x100, good shade. Address No. 2413, care Courier. 657tt MORE BERKSHIRE3 were exhibited at the Panama-Pacific exposition than all other breeds of swine put together. Get a start In the most popular breed. F. R. Steel, Wi nona ranch, R. 1, Grants Pass, Ore. 661tf 195 EGGS per hen is the average for my entire flock of breeders. Mated to 200-egg strain O. A. C. cockerels. Chicks $12.50 per 100. Eggs $1 a sotting. Geo. P. Cramer. , 691 FOR SALE 26 acres bottom land near Grants Pass, all under fine irrigation system. Inquire 2501 Courier. 694 FOR. SALE Confectionery and pool business, two pool tables, chairs, lamps and other fixtures, and about $200 In merchandise. Doing a . good business every day. H. Bleg low. Kerby. Oregon. 674 BARGAINS Some fine ones on easy terms in residence property. Ad' dress No. 2512. care Courier. 675 SUNNY DALE strawberry farm for sale, 98 acre, 25 cleared, 2 in strawberries, 8 sub-Irrigated, un developed water supply, house "and barn, three miles from Merlin. Ad dress W. a Butler, Merlin, Ore. 76 FOR SALE One farm team, harness and wagon. One 12 b. p. steam engine and saw outfit Three cows. " Inquire of C. A. Wlnetrout. , 677 FOR SALE Manzanita wood, $1.75; fir, $1.70 per tier. All sound wood. Price good for one week. Orders received at the Josephine Grocery. Phone 114. 678 TWIN INDIAN motorcycle for sale cheap tor cash. See R. S. Bush, . store next to post office. . 673tf FOR SALE Fine Jersey male, four months old, sire from Smith River dalryk mother extra Jersey milker. Ten dollars. Address W. J. Wlmer, Waldo, Oregon. 6.74 TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE- I have several choice California .residence and ranch properties to exchange for Grants Pass modern bungalow or close in acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par sons. 630tt TO TRADE Five-room residence, water, bath and lights, on pave ment. Want vacant lots or acre age. Answer immediately. Owner, 1 1nquire No. 2538, Courier. ' 674 WANTED WANTED A competent girl for gen eral house work. Inquire No. 2516, Courier. 671tf tJOLLELTlONS NOTICE All persons indebted to the firm of C. P. Bishop & Co., are ; hereby notified to make arrange ments for immediate payment to .0. U Ragan. Persons , with ac counts against the firm kindly send ' (bills at once. C. P. Bishop & Co. 76 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On improved farmlands. V. A. Clements, room 2-3, Golden Rule building. . 677 ABSTRACTS ABSTlvAvTS -When buying prop erty or loaning money, protect yourself by insisting on an authen , tlo abstract. . We make them. , Grants Pass Abstract Co., W. E. . Hanson, manager, (Albert building, : opposite post office. Phone 226-J. ( MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN " INSTRUCTION Franco Belglan school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 215 I street. ASSAYERS . R. 1 CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist. Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BE3TUL, Veterinarian, Office In Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 118-J. Resi dence phone 805-R. TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast . Railroad Corsjany (The Oregon Caves Ikmte) Effective Monday, Dec 20, 1916. Train 1 iv. Grant Paae7:00 a-m. Arrives Waters Creek.t:00 am. Train 2 Ir. Waters Creeks 8:15 a-m. Arrives Grants) Pass :16 a-m. Train t Ir. Grants Pas.: 00 p.m. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 p.m. Train 4 lr. Waters Creak 6:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Paae :00 p.m. On Sundays trains No. 1 and I are canceled. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 1J8-R tor same." Train will stop on flag at aay point between Grants Pass and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day In the week. REGISTRATION All naturalized citizens must ex hibit "FINAL", citizenship papers when registering. Do not ask to be registered unless you comply with the above. , Wives of naturalized citizens, no matter where horn, and children born in a foreign country if naturalized by father must present their fathers' or husbands' "FINAL" papers. T ' E. L. COBCRN, 675 County Clerk WOMAN IS "MAI 8eattle, Feb. 19 With "Robert" Gaffney still wearing male attire, the county authorities are In a quandary today what the next move should be In the case of this strange woman who lived as man for 18 years and married another, woman four years ago. A conference will be held In tbe afternoon between "Robert." Prose cuting Attorney Lundln and Deputy Prosecutor Palmer. It any prosecution Is to follow be cause she "married" under false pre tenses, Palmer belieree the case must be tried in Spokane. In the mean time, "Robert" is held in the juvenile detention cell alone. She Is suffering today from bruises about the neck and face which were Inflicted upon her toy an enraged wo man in the same cell last night, who mistook her for a man.' The woman is being held for examination as to her sanity. The moment "Robert" was left in the same eel lwlth her, she flew at her and beat her up severely before "Robert" could be rescued by deputy sheriffs. "Robert" was laid up in bed all this morning. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Feb. 19. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wheat Club, 96 1.04; bluestem, 1.07.1.!3. ... ...w..: v . Oats No. 1 white feed, 26 27. Barley Feed, 29. Hogs Best live, 8.15. Prime steers, 7.76; fancy cows, 6.50; best calves, 9. Butter City creamery, 34; coun- try, 25 29. , Eggs Selected local extras, 26 2S. Hens, 14 15; broilers, 14 (Q1 15; geese, 10011. v - . Copper, 28. . HUGE COMBINE TO FIGHT U. S. STEEL CORPORATION New York, Feb. 19. Creation of a huge combine to fight the United States Steel corporation - was fore seen today by Wall street following the announcement that the Bethle hem Steel company had acquired the Pennsylvania Steel company. It 1b believed these concerns will Join the MldvaIeJCamibria combine. , HOPEFULNESS. Hope maana th trlmmlno of the lamps and the girding of the loins and ths reaoluts atti tude of strife It la help and comfort, hop and Inspiration, that w want even mora than knowUdg. Location notices. Courier office. YEARS PIIYSICIAX3 U O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, and on ap pointment Office phone 62; resi dence phone 25 9-J, 3. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Res. phone 269; office phone 182 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. J. P. TRUAX. XL V., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 225; residence, 224. Calls answered at all hours. Country calls at tended to. Lundebnrg Bldg. F. H. INGRAM, D. C, D. O. Men tal, Spinal, Nervous and Chronlo Diseases. Office, 215 North Sixth street Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 6. Other hours by appointment Phone 7. Res. phone, 197-J. DR. ED BTWATER Specialist on diseases of eye, ear, nose . and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. Phones: ':' Res. 224-J; Office, 2 5 7-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic bulld- ing. tt, DENTISTS E. C. MACT, D. M. D., First-class dentistry. 109 South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R, ELLIOTT, D. M..D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliot, dental assistant Rooms 4 ' and 6, Golden Rnle building, Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265 . ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, . Attorny-at-Law. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIG & WILLIAMS Attorfteys- at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E? S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank Building. . EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. OfflcJ Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. W. T. , MILLER, , Attorne-at-Laar County attorney tor Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-law, practices in state and federal courts. Rooms 2 and 3, over Golden Rule store. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL. TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at frleght , depot. A. Shade, Propr. F. G. Isham. drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clarke & Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 12 4-R. THE , WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water ,put up In 6-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. . PURE MOUNTAIN WATER-pClear and refreshing. Bacterial test as sure that this water Is pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles. T. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 602-F-3. isttt LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M. Stated Commanlca tlons 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethern cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. O. F., meets every Wed f nesday eve In I.O.O.F. hall. cor. 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be present. I. V. Howell. N. G Clyde Martin, Secretary. DECORATORS ANdVaiNTERS 7 PAPERHANG1NQ, graining, paint ing. For the best work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant, South Park street.