Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, February 17, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Till ltHU W, I I IIItl AllV 17, 10m.
Classified Advertising
I'buto br A.inerloiin ITom Aiwoclitilon. ,
TUo b nplUI hlp A nulla U-Ing wnllowed up br the wve iftor blttlnu
wir iiivwl by piri txmti. 83 wre Jrowinxt. ' -
C. II. Dwniu-ay Will Return the Money
If Ml-o-n not Itollove .
Among all tba remetllea In C. H.
Domaray'a popular drug atore there
ar few that he la wllliug to aell on
a guarantoo to refund the money It
they do not cure.
.Ml-o-na, the (antoua dyipcpula rem
edy, dm belped ao uiauy ot bla cus
tomer that he taye "If thti remedy
doea not relieve you, come toaclt to
my atore and I win cheerfully re
turn your money."
Anyone who haa dyapepala. Indi
gentlon, headachea. dUy fct'imge or
liver trou'btPS aliould take advanURO
of this chance to be made well with
out rlak ot spending their money to
no purponu. Ml-o-na will relieve you,
will rcitulute the digestion, will en
able you to eat what you want. If It
d(i not do all thia It will not cost
you a cent. '
C. II. Itomaray haa sold hundreds
of boxos of Ml-o-na and has yet to re
ceive tho flrat complaint from any
customer. Such a record Is simply
marvelous and speaks volumes for
the merit of the remedy.
Do not sutTor a day longer with
disordered d I Kent ton. It Ml-o-na does
not give you complete satisfaction
you have C. II. Demaray'e personal
guarantee to "return your money.
What Started tHa Quarrel.
Young Wlfo (at bomo Hollo, dear
est! Young llUHlmutl iat tb olIlceH
Uellol Woo In It V-hick.
Hard to Say Sometlmea.
Wllllo-Pa. when tin n mnn horw
scnsel ra-Wben ho enn say "Nay,"
my son.-llilludL'lilila Evening Lcdgor.
Very Little Dlffersnoa.
First Childhood Wbet older Mends
or the family coiidi'sccudluKly ask you
how old you ore.
Socond Childhood - When younger
friends of tbo family condescendingly
ask you bow old you are. Judge.
Why He Is Afraid.
"Are you afraid ot douthr
-lea, lam."
"Whyf ,
"Well, I have never heard of any
body who ever licked It "-Detroit Free
, Hstplno Him Along.
J wont to get up, doctor." aaid the
patient In the hospital
"But your heart la weak." replied the
medical man,. " ' '
"On, the pretty nurse la going to give
me bers,M-Yonkers Statesman.
"Did your audience throw you boo
Queta after your apcechl
"No," replied the reckless orator.
They brongbt only useful gifts, such
as bricks and other building material"-Washington
"Father," said tho small boy, "what
la political economy r
"To be perfectly candid,, my sou, I
can't., tel you, 8omotlmca 1. think
there Isn't any such thing." Washing
jp)n Star. '
Not a Pleasant Prospsot
Mrs. Cross This book says that mar
ried women live longer than slngl
Croii lcn vons, woman I Do try to
talk nbout soipothlnff plensnnt-nos
ton Transcript
Object, Matrimony.
"8o you don't believe In iidvertlHtng.
eh?" Hcnrnfu'ly remarked, the up to dale
bualiiesN man.
"No, I don't." tnsltitud his sad eyei'
nelnlibor. "1 got my wife that wny."
A ohstrtul and Qlad spirit st-'
taint to perfection muoh more
rssdlly than dost a mslaneholy
spirit. St. Philip Nerl,
Mining blanki," Courier Office.
Probably tlie Moat Curious Collection
of Volumes In the World.
Tli ri Is pcrbnpn ouo of the morn
curlew collections of bMk In the
world in be found In a sumll town on
tlwctihilwiif of EuroH. tin Lou
don Tit-UK, It Is really a boiiiuUni
cvllM'Uwu. Outwardly each volume pre
scuta the appearance of a block of
wood. and. that Is wluit It actually Is
Out no exumliiutloii reveals the fact
tbnt It is also a complete blxtory of
the particular mn which It represents.
At the buck of (be book the bark
bus been removed from a space which
allows the wlentlllc and the common
name of the tree to be pluced as a title
tor tbo book. One aide Is formed from
the spilt wood of the tree, showing Its
grain and natural fracture. The other
aide shows the wood when worked
smooth ami varnUbcd One end shows
the grain aa left by the caw and the
other the fluety pollHhcd wood. On
openliiK the iKMik It Is found to con
tain the fruit, seed, leaves and other
producta of the tree, the moss which
oiuaily grows umu It trunk and M'v
Insects which feed umi the different
parts of the tree These are supple
mented by a full description of the
tree, la fnct. everything which haa a
bearing upon that particular tree fe
euros a place In the collection.
Richard of the Lion Heart
Dwelt In France.
I'erbaps the loveliest spot tn all the
winding miles of beauty along the
river Peine between Rouen and Parts
Is Petit Andoly. Itagsed and shattered
looking, tho stony hills rear proudly op
above the placid river and sleepy town,
and squarely upon Its crest looms the
rulu of Richard the Lion Heart's Castle
Gallant a greut burst keep and a
few bits of musHlve wall. Once the
castltf daunted Its menacing leopard
standards agaltiKt the blue nnd white
and gold of the FrnnklHti skies, but
tbnt was iKifore Philippe Auguste
stormed and smnshed It and smashed
the townifolk while he was doing It
Now. ghostly and wan. the stark
ruin shimmers upon Its hill, with never
a single spear to gllut from keep or
barbican. The spears nro still grow
ing far below the stout yobng poplars
on the river bank and Island seutlnel
lng through golden days wben tho rtv
er la gleaming Jade; In the tlery sun
seta, wben It mirrors back every
sturdy limb nnd featbory frond, and
all the silent bluo nights, wben the
stars bend crackling down to whisper
and coquette aud the ripples chuckle
softly against the rich brown banks.
Arthur Stanley Rtgga In National Geo
graphic Magnslne.
The Parson Bird.
Among the feathered lubabttants of
New Zealand there Is a bird called the
parson bird, or tuL It Is about the
size and ahapo of a blackbird, but has
a pair of delicate white tufts at lu
throat aud Is a glossy dark green oth
erwise, which looks black In tbe sun
shine: It can be taught to crow, to
speak, to whistle tunes, and. besides
these tricks, It has repertory which
Is not often equaled by any other
feathered songster. At vespers it hn
a note like the toll of a boll or tbe
clear, high note of an organ.. VH can
mimic every bird in the bush to per
fectlon. It will break off In the mid
die of an exquisite melody and In
dulgo In a strange melody ot sound
which nro ImpoHHtble to describe, but If
you can Imuglue. "the eombnotlon ot
a cough, a laugh, n sneeze.' with, tbe
smashing of a pane of plans," It will
lie some approach to the Idea. ,
Prom Medlolne to the Drama.
Tho earlier part of Vlctorien Rnrdou's
career was besot with ninny trials and
dllllcultles. Ills parents wished him to
take up a mod Ion I career, nnd he began
his studies with some zenl, The love
of the drama, however, was tar greater
than tbo love of the plH bor, and tn the
Interval of the other work SarUou wa
busy upon a play. Life was a struggle
for htm, for he tjud little money, though
be tuannged to got Journalistic work to
supplement bis more slender Income.
Ills first play was a failure, and Bar
dou rusbed from the theater vowing
never to enter one again. De fell eert
ously 111, was nursed back to health by
Mile, de Drecourt, an actress who lived
on a floor below, and from that time
his fortune was made.
a uilnw In U Kuellxb viiannel; 300
It la Caused by ths Pressure of Mod
ern Hlch Power Powder.
The use of hluli power powder tn rt
ties bus given rife to a ihenonivitou
which did uot exist III black powder
days Thia Is known as "w hip" and t
due to the prvwure and vibration set
up by the powder It la constant with
given loads and la always In the same
Sights are aligned by tbe manufac
turer to compensate for this whip In
proportion to the powder charge used
In firing auxiliary csrtildgvs it will of
teii be found that the rifle shoots oh
center. As a matter of fact tbe bullet
from tbe auxiliary Is traveling bra
true Hue with the bore, and It la the
sights that are wrong. Tbe tighter
charge of the auxiliary does not pro
duce tbe usual whip, with tbe result
that tbe line In prolongation or tbe
bore of tbe rifle along which the bullet
travels Is not the Hue uJven by the
alignment of tbe sights.
Two other rifle terms that must not
be confused are npsettago aud KeyboU
big. ICeyboltug Is tbe tendency of the
bullet to turn over lu flight, while up
settnge Is tbe slight shortening of tbe
major axis of the bullet due to tbe
forco of the charge. It was peculiar to
bluck powder fired behind lead bullet
and does not exist to any appreciable
extent lu metal Jacketed bullets with
smokeless powder lu tbe latter case
tbe charge burns more slowly and tbe
Jacket stiffens tbe bullet apalust tbe
sudden blow from beblnd.-Otitlug
TlHVl4ie iuiiK "w'n unmr wften
e,ve ciir.oiH tint -uy titlnndlli
t,ve f vo-! Vet a iumtutil author
Itv In plcti-rlir-' ami 1erlblutt e f
ui'iim craft f thi khi'l which visited
Europe iitKl A inert-, u Mut ago a
IS4S nays that ulie pioVwl licrKelf an
excellent xca Imuii. wlt'i Mwers .pt
weutberliiit' a storm 'wpial If not supe
rlor to vessels or western build This
Junk, tbe Keying. U nlxo declared
have made a ruu "equal to tbe time of
the best packet ships of the period.'
Information or this kind about foreign
methoda Is often truly educative to
Americans Inclined to be noastfuL-
Political Cards
(Paid Advertisements)
Remiblican Candidate for
Nominee for
County Clerk
Present Incumbent
, , N ,.. i - H -
Republican Candidate
v Nominee for
Present Incumbent
Republican Candidate for
jNonunee xor
Representative. '
, Of Snlem, Oregon
Republican Candidate for
. JNonunee lor
Presidential. Elector
Congressional Plst, No, 1
Republican Candidate for
XT . O .
JNonunee ior,
County Clerk
Republican Candidate for
Nominee for
Present incumbent
40 ACRES 414 miles from Grants
Pshs, ne improvements, for sale
at (40 per acre. Under ditch sur
vey. , Addres No. 2415,' care
Courier. 657tf
I HAVE four vigorous S. C. Brown
Leghorn cockerela to sell at f 1.50
each. They aro from high scoring
egg-laying strain. Nothing better
in the state. Tbeo, P. Cramer,
Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 364-Y.
Day-old chicks $12.60 per 100.
Eggs. II per setting of 15. 656tf
rXft SALE 8lx-rooin, plastered
house, close in, lot 100x100, good
shade. Address No. 2413, care
Courier. ' 657tf
MORE BERKSHIRES were exhibited
at tbe Panama-Pacific exposition
than all other breeds of swine put
together. Get a start in tho most
popular breed. F. It Steel, Wi
nona ranch, R. 1, Grants Pass,
Ore. eeitr
195 EGGS per ben is the average tor
my entire flock of breeders. Mated
to 200-egg strain O. A. C. cockerels.
Chicks $12.50 per 100. Eggs fl
a setting. Ceo. P. Cramer. 691
FOR SALE-One splendid grade Hol
tein heifer, 22 months old. In fine
condition, daughter of a four
gallon cow. F. A. "Wilson, Three
Pines, Ore. 672
FOR, SALE 26 acres bottom land
near Grants Pass, all under fine
irrigation system. Inquire 2501
Courier. 694
FOR 8ALE Confectionery and pool
business, two pool tables, chairs,
lamps and other fixtures, and about
1200 In merchandise. Doing a
good business every day. H. Bleg
low, Kerby, Oregon. 674
BARGAINS Some fine ones on easy
term a In residence property. Ad
dress No. 2312. care Courier. 675
SUNNY DALE strawberry farm for
sale. 98 acres, 25 cleared, 2 In
strawberries, 8 sub-irrigated, on
developed water supply, house and
barn, three miles from Merlin. Ad
dress W. S. Butler, Merlin, Ore. 76
EXCHANGE I have several choice
California residence and ranch
properties to exchange for Grants
Pass modern bungalow or close In
acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par
sons. 630tt
WANTED To rent 2ft or 3 h. p.
engine. J. R. Rush, R. F. D. No. 1.
WANTED A competent girl for gen
eral house work. Inquire No.
2516, Courier. 671tt
NOTICE: All persons Indebted to the
firm of C. P. Bl8hop & Co., are
hereby notified to make arrange
ments for immediate payment to
O. L. Ragan. Persona with ac
counts against the firm kindly send
Mils at once. C. P. Bishop ft Co. 76
ROOM and (board in private home,
411 North Sixth street. Phone
207-J. 673
ABSTRACTS- When buying prop
erty or loaning money, protect
yourself by Insisting on an authen
tic ' aibstract. We make them.
Grants Pass Abstract Co.. W. E.
Hanson, manager, Albert building,
opposite post office. Phone 226-J.
Belgian school, ot violin playing.
E. R. Lawrence, 215 I street.
at reasonable prices. Bring down
the Iron you thought was worn
out and perhaps I. ctin repair it.
R. S. Bush. Phone 141-R. , 64tt
13. R. CH0UCH,-As8ayer, chemist,
.metallurgist. - Rome 201-203 Pad
dock Building. Grants Pass.
DR. R. J, BESTUL, Veterinarian,
Office In Wlnetrout Implement
,. Building. Phone 113-J. ' Rest
t dence plion 305-R.
, Not Grasping.
"What a gruaptua fellow you are
llawktus! You've bothered me about
this bill fifty times in ten' days."
"You wroiift me. Jarley Pin noi
grstiplnu ' I've bothered you about tbe
bill I ailuiiu but 1 1 naveu't,:t'eeii able
to graap,u.vthlni et," J .
California and Oregon Coast
Railroad Company
(The Oregon Caves Itoute)
Effective Monday, Dec. 20, 1915.
Train 1 lr. Grants Pass ..7; 00 a-m.
Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 a.m.
Train 2 It. Waters Creek 8:15 a.m.
Arrives Grants Pass. 9:15 a-m.
Train S lr. Grant Paas. 2:00 p.m.
Arrives Waters Creek2:00 p.m.
Train 4 fcf. Waters Creek 6:00 p.m.
Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 p.m.
On Sundays trains No. 1 and 2 axe
All trains leave Grants Pass from
tbe corner of G and Eighth streets,
opposite the Southern Pacific depot.
For all Information regarding
freight and passenger service call at
tbe office ot the company. Public Ser
vice building, or phone 138-R for
Train will stop on flag at any point
between Grants Pass and Waters
Creek. Passenger service every day
in tbe week.
All naturalized citizens must ex
hibit "FINAL" citizenship papers
when registering. Do not ask to be
registered unlesa you comply with
the above.
Wives of naturalized citizens, no
matter where born, and children horn
in a foreign country If naturalized by
father must present their fathers' ot
husbands' "FIXAL" papers.
675 County Clerk.
('oral lose luuib of Its beauty Itnnie
dlateiy after It is takeu out of tbe
did you p:i
m- your boney-
"Why. with my wire-Llfe.
The Ostrich.
Tbe averacv oxtncli live thirty years
end yield from two to roar pounds of
pltmn-rt. .. .
... . .
' itefl
W A.. fcitW
.k IX' i l--aT!!
1 -'rw
1 , .
r ".v.-v- tr a
: cai--e
p ; nix yy i
H "The Machine
with a il
O matter what your I !
touch this new z
Koval Master.
Model 10 will fit it
f 31 J ust turn the set-screw
J? and regulate the touch
, I of this new Royal to
J At YnrmxRLFt Make
! J it light and smooth as j !
t velvet or firm and I j
9 snappy as you like. I !
Built For "Bitt It
1 Business" and its
9 Great Army of
I $ Expert Operator
tt Every keen-witted iten- J !
g j ographer every olhce rnans-
V fler every expert operator on
V the firintf line of " Big Buii- j
I ncu " will grasp the enormoui J
rrk-savin value of tbe new !
f J Royal 'i AJjusiait 7WA ! I
g that Ukei the "grind " out i
f , of typewriting I I f
I But the new Model 10 has I
ft many other big vital new I J
feature, tnvtstigat thtml
Get the Facts t
Send for the " Royal man "
ffll and ask for a DEMONSTRA- f
II TION. Or write us direct for 1 1
ournwbrochurts,"Br7'J P
SERVICE," and Ons Pro.
5 tlcm SJlvcd postal brings
its D.Uv)inn
S I KUIAL TirbWKlTUt tU, Int. i I
aw-xe w.' mm ai w MHAW
' lit Tl
1 1
m m aw'xevJSJI ill I Ull
y j COURIER, Agent j
Ln (awn ai at
L. O. CLEMENT, M. D.Practice
limited to dlseaies of the eye, ear.
nose and throat. Glasses fitted.
Office hours 9-12, 2-5, and on ap
pointment. Office phone 62; resi
dence phone 359-J,
. LOUGH RIDGE, 51. D., Physician
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or night. Res.
phone 369; office phone 183
' Sixth and H. Toffs Building.
J. P. TRCAX, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon. .Phones: Office, 325;
residence, 224. Calls answered
at all hours. Country calls at
tended to. Lundeburg Bldg.
F. H. INGRAM, D. C, D, O. Men
tal, Spinal, Nervous and Chronic
Diseases. Office. 216 North Sixth
street Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 6.
Other hours by sppolntment
Phone 7. Res. phone, 197-J.
DR. ED BTWATER Specialist on
diseases of eye, ear, nose and
throat; glasses fitted. Office hoursr
9 to 12 a. m., 2 to & p. m. Phones:
Res. 23 4-J; Office, 257 -J. Schmidt
Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. '
DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases ot
children and general practice. Tele
phone 17 4-J. Office; Masonic building-
,K tt
E. C, MACY. D. M. D.. First-class
dentistry. 109 South Sixth
street. Grants Pass, Oregou
ern denui work. Marguerite B.
Elliot, dental assistant Rooms 4
and 6, Golden Rule building,
Granta Pass, Ore. Phone 265. -
H. D. NORTON. Attonuy-at-Law.
Practice In all State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Big.
at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co.
Building, Grants Pass, Oregon.
E 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practice
In all courts. First National Bank
EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law.
Office Masonic Temple,
Grants Pass, Oregon.
W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law
County attorney tor Josephine
County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg.
O. 8. BLANCH ARD, Attorney-at-Law,
Grants Pass Banking Co. building.
Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon.
V. A. CLEMENTS Atterney-t-law,
practices In state and federal
courts. Rooms 2 and 3, over
Golden Rule store. ,
kinds of drayage and transfer
wotk carefully and promptly done.
Phone 1S3-R. Stand at trleght
depot A. Shade, Propr.
F. G. Isham, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture moved
packed, ; shipped aid stored.
Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 50.
Residence phone 134-R.
THE WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
15-R. , '
CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put np In
5-gallon glass Jars and delivered
at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary.
Telephone 293-R and water wagon
wiU call.
and refreshing. Bacterial test ss
sure that this water Is pure. De
livered in five-gallon bottles.
X E. Beckwith. Order by phone.
602-F-3. 459tf
GRANTS PASS. Lodge No. 84, A. F.
A. M. Stated Communica
tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays.
Visiting brethern cordially
Invited. A. K. Cass, W. M.
Ed. G. Harris, secretary.
O. F., meets every Wed
nesday eve in I.O.O.F.
hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts.
Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit
ed to be present. I. V. Howell, N.
P., Clyde Martin, Secretary. ,
PAPERHAnGING, graining; paint
ing. For the best work at lowest
prices phone 29K-J. C. G. Plant.
' South Park street.