) DAILY ROGUE Rirai COURIER PAGE THREE SHOWFR OF BODIES AS SHIP BLOWS UP AT DOCK Classified Advertising MvJ' liVm. p. rTT "4 I'lioto liy AiiK'riiuil I'ltm AiH.ItU)n. Tint Nnrwi-uliiii lriiiiii nil liiuK summer Axtec, at bur dork lit Erie Duhiii, HriM.lil.vii, suddenly was rent asunder. rUi was loaded with uU fur Frnuct. Tbo botllea of her crew were burled blub In the air and fell on ueurUy ulilpa. Xho wi'iv klik-il mid umuy Injiu-vil. flutiom wcra sunisottud. Tb boto((ruih kIiown tin- xlilu afii-r iUv vxkIiimIuil RELIEVES THE WORST OF Think "lljoini-l tho Mtwt Wonderful Treat incut for Catarrh Kver UlarovwrU" Do not try to rur catarrh by Jii Inu iraa or lottoni; It can not lie cured In that manner. Tbe only way In which thta too common dlieaae can bo fully relieved la through a direct application to the aflocted larta that will kill the bacilli of catarrh and pre vent their growth. Hreuthlnu the air of Hyomel U the only known method of treatment that can really accomplUh thta. It la the atmplcttt, moat pleaaant and probably the moat reliable treatment for catarrh that baa ever been dli roverod. Tho complete Ilyomcl outfit la in oxpenilvo and conitlRta of an Inhaler, dropper and aufftclont Hyomel to lat aeveral wooka. Thla will effect In atant relief In ordinary cutea, but for chronic and dcep-aeatcd canon of catarrh longer ua may be necessary, and then an extra bottle of Hyomel can bo obtained fpr a trilling; aum. It la not alone tho beat (It might bo called tbe only) method of treating catarrh, but It la alao the moat econ omical. ' a H. Demaray baa ao much confi dence In tl o power of Hyomel to re lieve catarrh that ho will for a limit ed time aell tt.!a medicine under hit personal it tin ran too to refund the money If tho purchaser can aay that It did not benefit. Any Nw Mtthodtf "Ain't It airnnvi' th' way Juck beat a but wife?" "I dunno. IItw dtwa be do Itr-Clevelund Under. Ha Can't Blob Womiiu u a conundrum. Slob And man never aeema to want to (rive her up.-l'hllndlihln Record. ' Warned. The Poet It'a but a atop from the ubllmo to the rUllculoua. Tbo Girl Watch your Htcpl-Judge. Proof of It "Jack la apoona on Oliidya." "Yea, and abe area to It that be forks out" Baltimore American. 8piod Cake. When makliitt spired cakes alwaye alft tho spikes with tbe flour. Tbey will be more evenly distributed. Htredlty. EuRenla But dou't you bellovo In heredity? Clnreuce-8ure! Tbnt'ahow 1 got all my mouey.-Kxcbanee. Tame. "Have you a BportlnK Llfef Bookstall Clerk nt lonely country tatlonNot veryl-Punch. 8ttro Fire Pumps. The flrat Ore engine In which ateam waa used to drive tbo pumps waa that of Braltbwalto In 1820. Authera, Tbe nnmter of poor authora la aa great aa tho utimber of authora who re poor. Omnha World-IIorald. Qsodesy, Oeodosy la the name given to the clence of meanm-lug tbe aurface of tbe earth. Burning OUsiss.. . Tbe use of tbo biirulutf lona to gen. erato Ore wax known to the ancient 0 rooks. Atrial Navloatio. . Roscnrchea Into tbe principles of aeri al uavlKntlon date back to the four teenth century., . , . Crooodile Hldts, Tbe domnnd tor tholr bides In 8outh Africa Is met by hatching crocodiles In lncubntora. Not to Be Broken. "Una your husband n strong will?" "My deor. his will Is Incontestable." t Harper's. " Most People. When most people cIiooho food for tbouiiht they take a prcrilw'Nted varl et.v, ".Indite CHICHESTER S PILLS SOLD BY DRUGGISTS niKllICRC LITERARY HYPOCRITES. Here's a Writer Who Frsnkly Admits Ht'a One of the Clan. I Jtiw uiuny of us If wo were really (jiMit-: i diild imiko a tint of great iMMtks iln.t v.e have tried to enjoy eoi ituli!'t rK- to? We have for our own part a greater aln tlinn (lint on our conscience. There are a number of (Kioks thut we habitu ally pretend we buve reud which we have never rend at oil. They are great books, we stipinxe. Al least we've heard u lot about theiu and read a lot about i hem, und people who axsume to know Miy they ere gtvut books. 8ome of thetu we have tiled to read and couldn't rena. but we buve pretended at one ilmo or uuother to bare reud all of tlicta Here Is our llxt of shuuie: "Tom Jom." , Wo buve tried to reud It four times uud could uever gel live page It.to li "The Vlea- of Waketleld," We hav attempted It at Icunt nix times and taken the i-ount In the (Irni round every time. "Dante's .Divine Comedy." We tonve been uolug aguliiHt tbe Cury truiiHlu lion, which we hear Is u kihkI one. at least once a year for twenty years, and we ran t get Interested In It Yet up to tbe protein moment we have always pretended that we had rend all of It and liked It. -Don Quixote." We buve read a lit tle of It. nud we know nil tbe usual thicks that are said about It, and we even wr;te some stuff about it one tim. saying all tbe things that are UHUully said about It, for which we got 123. but we dou't really like It' It puts us to sleep; It seems long drawn out and clumsy to us. ' "Bos well's Life of Jolinon." We never reud any of It But we have pre tended to and have pretended at times to quoto Incidents from It and have got away with the Incidents. We have always preteuded that we were fumlllur with Walt Whitman's poetry, but us a mutter of fact we never rend anything through, except ing "When Lilacs l-nnt In the Doo yard nioonied."-I)on Marquis tn New York 8uu. THE TREE ON THE ROOF. An Old Building Custom to Propitiate tne Pagan Gods. Did you ever stop to think why a bit of ornament hi tbo form of couven tlounUxed fruit grain or Bowers is al most Invariably added to the gable of a Gothic building and very frequently to the gable of auy other type of build ing? Do you know Why tbo lightning rods of our grandfathers were branch ed at tbe ends like little trees and why tbe old fashioned 8caudluuvlun. Dan ish and German contractors contrive to fasten a branch of a tree or an oar of com to the topmost pouk of a house that bus progressed so far In the course of construction that tbe rafters are In placer Dsunlly the contractor laughs sheepishly when be Is asked about the matter, giving no other reason than that bis fnther ulwaya provided tbe blrda with some grain or offered them a green braucb to rest tn. The fact Is that the birds buve nctu log whatever to do with the custom It is purely religious In Its stgulQcuuce and entirely pagau. It had its begin ulng before Christianity was "Inflicted oh the tmrlmrinus of the north." The gable of a building was exposed te both wlud and lightning, so the gods must do propitiated. Kor Wotnn there was a small evergreen tree and for Tlior there wus it bunch of (lowers. . If tbo favor of the god had been Invoke.) while the house wns still . Incomplete tho ceremony must be finished the duj the house was done li.v the burning or the llttlo tree or the withered flowers Then a bunch of grain was tied to the gable to feed the while horse of the death god, so tl.nt he would hasten un bis Journey without -'stopping at that particular bouse.- Kt. Louis (Jlolte-Dem ocrut Well ttttej. "Tea, grandma; I am to be married next month." "But, my dear," said grandma ear nestly, "you are very young. Do you feel thnt yon are fitted for married life J" . "I am being fitted now, grandma." explained the prospective bride sweet ly. "Seven gownal"-Konsaa City Jour nnl VICTORIA'S LETTERS. Royal Secrets That Are Stored Away In Buckingham Palace. "We may wonder If tbe world win ever be allowed to see tbe private cor resHiidouce amussed by tbo Inte Queen Victoria." says a writer. It Is stored awjty in a strong room built Into the walla of Buckingham (mlace. and tbe queen shared her confidence wltb no one. So long as sbe waa physically able to do so sbe opened aud closed tbe safe herself and arranged Its contents. When she was too feeble to do this she employed an old and trusted secretary, but eveu be bud to work under the royal eye. He wax never allowed to keep tbe keya uor to read the tetter that be bandied. Queen Victoria waa always a voluml nous letter writer, aud she was tn con atant communication with uxwt of the royalties In Euroe. Ever)- domestic secret and privacy of royalty during half a century is said to be represented by tbo contents of this wonderful safe, aud It Is easy to believe that the mod era historian would Mod bis bauds full If be were permitted to brows among these letters But probably be will have to wait a few hundred years, and then bis pop ular audieiK e will be a languid one. It Is one of the Ironies of life that we can never have a thing when we want It Pittsburgh Press. A Royal Snake Slaughterer. The "secretary llrd' Is one of the most precloiii bird lu South Africa It In royal ouue, uud any person de Mtroylug one is liable to s l.ne of Vi M:ijestle loo!;;i: birds liiey stand shout three feet lilyli nwl ttetiertilly go In pair They are of drib color, with tilni'U. feathery Ic-'h, uii. are valued for i heir propensity for Killing suukes Where J he nccreiar.v Ur.l is neui there are sure to te mnu.t reptiles aUmt The liitd leafs dnwii its udversnry tirM ivltb one wlni: and ilien with the other, in the same time trampllim on It with its feet until the snake Is sutli cleutly stunned to catch it by the bead with its cluws. Then the bird rises ro up In the air and drops Its victim to the ground to be killed. By this means thousands of venomous reptiles are de stroyed. London Scraps. Political Cards (Paid Advertisements) EUGENE L. COBTJRN Republican Candidate for .Nominee tor County Clerk Present Incumbent ECLUS fcOLLOCK Republican Candidate for Nominee for, Assessor Present Incumbent A. E. VOORHIES Republican Candidate for Nominee for Representative CP. BISHOP Of Snlcni, Oregon' Republican Candidate for Nominee for , Presidential Elector Congressional IHst. Xo, 1 J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Clerk WILL 0. SMITH Republican Candidate for Sheriff Present Incumbent FOil HAL. 0 ACRES AVt miles from Grants Pass, no ImpiovtfuenU, for sale at $40 per acre. Under dltcb sur vey. Address No. 2415, care Courier. 657tf I HAVE four vigorous S. C. Brown Leghorn cockerels to sell at $1.60 each. They are from high scoring egg-laying strain. Nothing better in the state. Tbeo, P. Cramer, Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 364-Y. Day-old chicks $12.50 per 100. Egg, $1 per setting of 16.. 666tf roil SALIC Six-room plastered bouso, close In, lot 100x100, good shade. Address No. 2413, care Courier. 657tf MORE BERKSHIRE were exhibited at the Panama-Pacific exposition than all other breeds of awlne put together. Get a start in the most popular breed. F. R. Steel, Wi nona ranch, R. 1, Grants Pass, Ore. I 661tf FOR SALE A good Jersey cow, fresh in about ten daya. C. R. Brechtbill. 671 FOR SALE Durham cow and heifer eight months old and three small calves. Inquire P. Olsen, R. F. D. No. 1. Phone 500-R-2. (71 IF YOU have a snap In property, list it with me, as I have calls for sev eral places. Cbas. Morrison. 671 195 EGGS per ben is the average for my entire flock of breeders. Mated to 200-egg strain O. A. C. cockerels. Chicks $12.50 per 100. Eggs $1 a setting. Geo. P. Cramer. 691 FORD FOR SALE Five-passenger, equipped with electric spot light and presto tank, trunk rack, spare tire carrier, for quick sale. Address No. 2432, care Courier. 671 FOR SALE One splendid grade Hol stetn heifer, 22 months old. In fine condition, daughter of a four gallon cow. F. A. Wilson, Three Pines, Ore. 672 FOR SALE 26 acres bottom land near Grants Pass, all under fine irrigation system. Inquire 2501 Courier. 694 FOR SALE Confectionery and pool business, two pool tables, chairs, lamps and other fixtures, and about $200 In merchandise. Doing a good business every day. H. Bleg low, Kerby, Oregon. 674 FOR SALE Typewriter and desk, range, kitchen safe, wardrobe, toilet, sewing machine, lounge, writing desk, book shelves, morris chair, beds, heater, , commode, books lawn swing. 408 E St. 471 BARGAINS Some One ones on easy terms in residence property. Ad dress No. 2512, care Courier. 67 TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE I have several choice California residence and ranch properties to exchange for Grants Pass modern bungalow or close in acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par sons. 630tf TO RENT FOR RENT Seven-room house cheap. Partly furnished. Inquire of H. M. White, 721 North Fourth street. 671 HOARD AND ROOMS. ROOM and 'board In private home, . 411 North Sixth street. Phone 207-J. 673 ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS When buying prop erty or loaning money, protect yourself by insisting on an authen tic abetract. We make them. Grants Pass Abstract Co., W. E. Hanson, manager, Albert building, opposite post office. Phone 2 2 6-J. ,. Ml'SICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco- Belgian school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 215 I street. ELKCTUICAL REPAIRS ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK done at reasonable prices. Bring down the. iron you thought was worn out and perhaps I can repair it. R. 3. Bush. Phone 14 1-R. 664tt ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist. Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. VETERINARY 81'RGEON DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian Office In Wlnetrnut Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. Old. papers, for starting fires. 6c TIME C.UU California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregon Cave Itoule) Effective Monday, Dec. 20, 1915. Train 1 lr. Grants Paaa...7;00 a.m. . Arrives Water Creek 8:00 a.m. Train 2 lr. Waters CreekS:15 .m. Arrives Grants Paas9:16 a.m. Train t lr. Grants Pass 2:00 p.m. Arrives Waters Creeks 1:00 p.m. Train 4 lr. Waters Creefc6:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 p.m. On Sundays trains No. 1 and 2 axe canceled. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 1J8-R for sane. Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day In the week. REGISTRATION i All naturalized citizens must ex hlbit FINAL citizenship papers when registering. Do not ask to be registered, unless you comply with the above. Wives of naturalized citizens, no matter where horn, and, children born in a foreign country if naturalized by father must present their fathers' or husbands' "FINAL" papers. . E. 'L.' COBTJRN, 675 County Clerk. Oietilled Water. lUsiiiii-n water nftcr baring iwen ex hisn tn tbe sir Im mie of the int a iiiiiriutiM of drink Its daily ose In i!i('j:sured tiautltie In helpfal In -sei ot dyspein and greatly assist the general function of the Imir Ever;, inrjre steamer rarries a water dlxtillinj; apparatus by wblch sea water 1 niudf fresh. In tbe days before steuiueis primitive distilling apparatus was used on warships and vessels currying pas sengers. !.ocatlnn notices. Courier office. r MSMMmmM" ... ri t4 4 !ft1 J' S-r ' SM-- -f- ma fWTSsOitj?B5 baMstuaatMN tDBsj9naiisj mnm "l HiislieHaiMatsiaisstskaiibM I i a n SSea(9f9Bjipsjsjwnf I cBtaseBianB"T niBsisisjiixtukSsiastas.ti It I $31 "The Machine with a ?! Personality" NO matter what your t j touch this new Royal Master- M Model 10 will fit it i Just turn the set-screw c MS .1.- t. I ! anu nuiuie tne tuuen o J fit YOURSELF! Make i j Sat it tight and. smooth as i mm vcivci ui mill auu gj snappy as you like. Built for "Big ft Business" and its Great Army of . l Expert Operators p... v.. . j ..... i $ i i 9 l' en - - ST S)S ogmpacr every oiuce insna- m I ger every expert operstor on tne bring line ot " Ht Bun- ii. 1 4 as CSJ w s: a i U3 nrk-MPing value ol the new I Roysl's Adjustable Touch i that takes the "(rind " out of typewriting! i But the new Model 10 bat ff I msny other bifl. - vital new 1 1 features, lves(igatt thtml Get the Facts I J Send for ths "Royal man "if if sndaskforaDEMONSTRA tftf TION. Or write us direct for I sfll mif nsturKrnr tin ran 9RRT"TK.R BV SERVICE," and One Fro. I n II them free of charge. rss f I 3 11' CI f I M ! : ROYAL TTPEWRITElt CO, IMXiUE 1UVER COURIER, Agent I I be. physiciaxs I O. CLEMENT, IS, D.-Practlc limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, and on ap-' polntment. Office phone 62; rest' dence phone 359-J. 3. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Res." phone 369; office phone 183 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. ' J. P. TRUAX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones; Office, 326; residence, 324. Calls answered at all hours. Country calls at tended to. Lundeburg Bldg. F. H. INGRAM, D. C. D. O. Men tal, Spinal, Nervous and Cbronle Diseases. Office, 215 North Sixth street- Hours: 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Other hours by appointment Phone 7. Res. phone, 197-J. DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res". 234-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt BnUdlng, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. 8TRICKER Diseases ot children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing. . tf. DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D First-lass dentistry. 109 Sontk Sixtk street. Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. ; Marguerite H. Elliot, dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rule building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attonuy-at-Uw. Practice In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIG & WILLIAMS Attorneys-at-Law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank Building. EDWARD a RICHARD, Attorney-t-Law. OnW Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. .. . W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County . attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCH ARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-law, practices in state and federal courts. Rooms 2 and ' 3, over Golden Rule store. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All ainds of dray age and . transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at frieght depot A. Shade, Propr. i . F. O. Isham, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped ' and stored. Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 60. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bres. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In B-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial test as sure that this water is pure. De livered In five-gallon , bottles. W. E. Beckwlth. 'Order by phone, 602-F-3. 459tf LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84. A. F. A. M. Stated Communica tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethern cordially invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. G.' Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. ttrmn. , O. F., meets every Wed x n8day eve in I.O.O.F. w hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. VUltlng Odd Fellows cordially invit ed to be nresent. I. V. Rnwnll. N. iG.. Clyde Martin, Secretary. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGING, : graining, paint ing. For the beet work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant, South Park street ' A