WW DAILY EDITION vt : 0U vi.j a J 47. niUNTH PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEB.' 10, 1816. WHOLE .VOIDER 1071. No Other Town in the World the Size of Grants Pass lias a Paper With Full Leased Wi re Telegraph Service.. mm ; i 't ,-.1. lit 10 ill FOR &elto Cetne Wilkin Next 20. Days, and Conlwtors Are Already Sending Ex perts Here From Utah 'ij. rut .?.-. tl MiStr'iCfuH no t i") on., j; r ol ! '! i t uae Id ;o lut sugar rr - ivi l!a tho tin i j,avfot re- riivJ ut Un lit, : be Ci I'.rornln 4 ' rt j u ( --t f.-'roat.. V Migrant tiiluM to H. 0 i.i I , of tho ti attic ii-t.itti-'i.t( fiom 1M Lake fii'y, .ti3t(J lh;.i n f.iH.;ii iHi fur the hiuJlai of uititii!u ve ih I'ne be rMtl hi ihit Hivt mn ni delay, mid wuit! tiit.t ' iu t)l iil.J begin ti tirr!'i fur tl " oiwru -tl'iii vlthln ,'"; -I.J. .. V, Iiwi-ft,ir i-hief en-'glrtn-r for iS' !.o- ra;r.w!, has ar U-l fi'DM i'ltl f -10. !''. hf.d It .firm-ttsji r;ntr .tnU ' ifowinont u; ,a a.lriad vr'iUf rhf struc tic --t'i b niiily ; ti. j :',hU with in S. ff fl U; , Htic t.ii -3 v lil 'ho no rtfi'if ii hai ll't. u r ti f rijiU for t Srrio'jr..' A1 hvud i Hi? -"Mrae-Kts rri tn ie-'Uiutu tht 1 cation tf it l f i ad t : : n r . ?W' will be V ''81 tie lc'to,v ijw(t.- switch' l U tlnnii f ,'i't ! t:.'" f le. J W, lrif r-toii ii'd !fr.d two : u h i. trr.vi,! u. i. r.ntt '.. thli jinrr.;i(jji (ro,n Mll.i.!, 'uh, and m-rt tim-rt hwn. It.sntliih 1.nlug the fl;t t tfi.jr (Mi to na'. .liiu their hiitc )"r. rUMu 1 iMt here h.v tli "onien-, t' "tut.'ctor wlo ri u t'lillt t .o frtcHiy. He ha Imcu iu th i of tlo l ;f people ft f the puiit ;' ii Mrs, in:-: been - ?tnmtR of ti.t- cuiwusry .orV upon a tiew faciorj.lfinj hjil! a Mldvale i))' th Dyfln. He !!". b" ' i.iployed uiiQii the tiu'lar)' hT. i;. i'utterson tlKt a hmnv.v oi l iht-r people ''.V. ariivo tincjrc.-i'v ildvale, Jli'-r- h iVluK 'ku iJ In t'ji p,.rty that !' I'rai for; franta r.w. th Dthera uCwPPitiv or fur ft ! In Portland. ArrjvUi,; tornonw will bo v.'r. 011 iim. tor yoatB ltli ; tb ; Dyer poi'l1. sort Mr llri:i anJ family, Mr tnf.ft.'.j lnvli.t b?o u ot) master f.r fie c..;iirrti't'jia In t;tnU, The Dycr Mf nt tlii' ..r.-.tn! ilrj? crect )dk Uwfrt n'nv fft. loi'mr in Vua, two )tbor t.imea the on at MM and ibo Qrnntj l'ai.s factor:' v.T give ti om 'Joiir under ruur;ii of "ni.Btrur tloo at tho Rie titm. Hvpirts In various brncln' of th irk f re be UiH tnkea from tbe factcrlo there .n, sent to Grmitu tas to dlnct work li"r. AMI 10 kit (IVr t'iiltd TruM Lrtui -d vvire.i MvMhln;.ft-m, IVV K," Tho state flf poftiutivt at'vN.i.l toi.tv that Auiorlflftii ' Aort)u4a lor . 'Mnrye of rMiograd i resifcurtd. I ho formal rexUnatlim la exintctJ in ft days, Til ho'th Is aimlgnid a the reason tor 'his quitting. j No puwcutor will t Ciiimii'cred un til Lanslns wU Cm ftruml rlgna Mary", 'onrflrlv n ;aiif'r.l-.n, had mad Mm lnvr.e in nunc Ume In Wanlilutfto'i iM-friv IoIiir ' .ipiiolnted to the iviroffi ui po-ti, ':n Mm he loon ti.'t B.fi'tury Wulm i f Oak UmI Tin raqntri'iii"M;i of vac times 'yipofln.l .Midi h sIimVi n Mr rye that health w.nn luipn :ril Ami h do '.IJt(l io i"lt- . ; , Tint "ilcnry M. I'tulf n, if Peoria,' ..'I frnr." tinted for t h I'fHf,, may rl oicn nM' t vuni'Ufd 1k;, FACTORY upoannn mmwn RUSSIA GNS no is COLLIDE San FrancUco, Feb. !. Two per- aom woro serlouiily Injured and acore of persons were severely bruised today when two street cars on Hayes and Buchanan street collided.. Mo- torman George Stead man sustained broken log. fractured wrist and probably internal Injuries, and John Martin, a passenger, received severe contusions and a broken thumb. Stead man lost control of his car and it crashed Into the car ahead. A panic followed the crah. One car was running down the Hayes street hill from 8tanyan with about 50 passengers. The rails were slip pery and Motorman Roy Akin bad difficulty keeping control. Another car came In behind It. Dew on the rails caused this car to slip and it swept down on the car ahead with great speed. A panic resulted, men and women passenger fighting each other In their efforts to escape from the wrecked cars by the front door or through the windows. One of the niotormon declares some men pas sengers Ignored the rule "women and children first" In tholr efforts to save themselves. STORM STOPS WAR ON WEST FRONT (Dy United Press Leased Wire.) London, Feb. 16. Stormy, rainy weather put atop last night to the appalling artillery fire along the west ern front, though furious Infantry attacks were made around Yprea and In th Champagne without important results. The Berlin official statement de clared: "The English three times attacked our newly gained positions southeast ot Ypres, but were repulsed and we took 100 prisoners. "In the Champagne the French again tried to recapture positions northwest of Tahure, but their at tempts failed." The Paris war office did not claim any Important activities in this new struggle. As for the eastern front, the Berlin statement said that deep snow had prevented fighting there, . NEW SPIRIT EN WAR (by Untied Press Leased Wire.) London, Feb, 16. England is now putting her whole soul Into the war. Announcement today of Issuance ot two new orders in council preceded an intimation from the government that the nation haa decided on a series of aggressive measures design ed tor a more vigorous prosecution of the war. " At the same time, officials recall ed that the king's message yester day advocated unlimited efforts to make the war a smcceBS, The orders gave the government control of practically all merchant ships after February, and at the same time laid a ban on importation ot ma terials for making papers, upon to baoco, furniture woods, hard woods, ENGLAND TAKING veneers and elate. Issuance of these decrees followed the statement of Premier Asqulth to parliament that England is prepar ing to exert her maximum war strength, and therefore is investigat ing her financial and industrial re serves, as well as enforcing the con scription measures. He pointed out at the same time that the financial drain is enormous, but he asserted his faith ln England's ability and readiness to go to any proper length to aln victory. '' it:..- iOCH PROPERTYLOSS B! FIRES THROUGHTHEEAST Two Ships Are Burned at the Whanes in New York, En tailing a Loss of Four Million Dollars, While Mysterious Fires Destroy Buildings at Fall River, Toronto, and Other Points Along the Atlantic Coast MYBTEIMOl'S FIKE8 OX TUESDAY NIGHT . Two ships burned in Brook- 4- lyn and pier near them Ignited, with loss estimated at 14,000, 000. Bomb plot suspected. Fire, starting from explosion in basement of a Fall River, Mass., store, did f 1,500,000 es- tlmated damage. Small fire, apparently incen diary, found near laboratory in Chicago where poison of a sus pected anarchist plotter was being analysed. Fire destroyed American club at Toronto. Started with an explosion on top floor. 'Mysterious fire on the Hoi- land-American oil-laden steamer 4 Van Dyke, extinguished late last 4 4- night after she put back from Unaccountable 'blaze did over 4- $100,000 damage on sugar- laden steamer Dalton at Phila- 4 delphla before she was due to sail for England. I New York, Feb. 16. Fed by In flammable oils, parafflne and gaso line, the steamships Bolton Castle and Pacific were destroyed early to day by fire which spread to the Brooklyn pier 36 between them. The flames at dawn were still eating through this structure, while ice coated firemen coped with them. Four million dollars damage was done, but it was learned that there were no casualties. It had been fear ed earlier that some men from the two vessels had perished. This tear was dissipated, however, when 50 naked men were rescued from a sand 'barge. Authorities set to work today on the theory that the lire was due to a bomb plot Members ot the crew were gathered for examination, but little information was forthcoming. The fire, the worst the Brooklyn waterfront has known in years, start ed soon after 1 o'clock. Billows ot flame and smoke rolled above the doomed vessels as the inflammable material took fire. For a time the fire seemed uncontrollable. Soon it spread to the pier, while all available firemen and flreboats in the Brooklyn service were called Into action. The bomb, theory was strengthened LUSITAN1A CASE SETTLED, WAITS OH mm. WARFARE Waslngton, Feb. 16. Germany's decree ot warfare against armed mer chant vessels has entered Into the Lusltanla case, and settlement ot the latter will not be reached unless fu ture submarine warfare conforms to International law. This was made plajn at the state department this afternoon following the Lansing-von Bernstorft conference In which the German envoy transmit ted Berlin's reply to American sug gestions for changes in the LuBltanta settlement phraseology, , It It had not been for the merchant ships edict, the Lusltanla case prob ably would have been settled today. Ambassador von Bernstorft said the United States could easily arrange for the postponement of the decree and Secretary Lansing said he would con sider the suggestion, though he In- by the story of Joseph Jobnaon, en gineer ot the Bolton Castle. He told of hearing a heavy explosion in the hold while walking on the forward deck. Instantly the ship became a furnace, and the flames quickly spread to the freight-strewn pier. Johnson leaped overboard and swam to safety. Twenty-five coolies from the Paci fic were missing, along with six sail-! ors from the Castle, but they appar ently fled home. While the fire was at its worst, a fireboat crow, at risk of their own lives, drove the vessel alongside the Paclflc and towed away a gasoline- laden llnhter on which sDark ai-l ready were falling. Another iiBmift rf wn th re over a rope (bridge by firemen of more1 tion 50 stevedores and their famUIes I"00'" failure was because of the pre sleeplng on six lighters near the ident's temperament and the fact burning vessels. A number of men lumped over- board and swam to safety from the scows and lighters surroundlnsr the two ships. A few smaller .vessels were Ignited. The Pacific waa a i.661-ton tpmpI Of the Castl? ljne, whil th'e BpUqn,dlP1J,IDl' "affairs; and "adequate Castle waa a 8,689-ton ship of the same line. Both are English, but bad been engaged in the Russian service recently. One explanation of the cause of the fire was that a short circuit at the dock campany'a office was re sponsible and that the flames swept along the 700-foot pier, setting: fire to the steamers while the crew were asleep. Officials also had under Investiga tion today a strange lire on the oil- laden Holland-American tanker Vanlwh'cn "i" only Btron leadersh,P Dyke, which put back to port yester day after heading for Rotterdam. This blaze was controlled after many hours' 'work. Fall River. Mass., Feb. 16. -After i Haf"? flght 8aln8t ,1'500,:lime. recognized t,y the American vvu uiv, lun uuuiumou apparatus oi the New Bedford, Taunton and New port departments checked It early to day. Starting with an explosion ln the basement of the Stelger department store, the Are burned over an entire square, including the Lenot hotel. and just missed the city hall and St. Mary's cathedral. A shift in the wind tor a time (Continued on page 2) tlmated he would not ask for a delay at present. It was explained that a new point has arisen rwhether the decree af fects the promises given In the Lusl tanla agreement proposals. The state department knew that the decree waa to be lBsued long 'before it was announced in Berlin or Vienna, and this decree is tending to delay Informal negotiations between Berns torft and Lansing. Washington, Feb. 16. Germany's latest proposal in the Lusltanla case was presented today to Secretary of State Lansing uy German Anvbassa- dor von Bornstorff. Its acceptance or rejection is now up to President Wilson. (Continued on Page 4.) nun nr ur ulh TO BE ASSAILED New York, Feb. 16. Unmeasured censure of the democratic foreign policy, coupled with criticism of its economic Ideas, will be the republi can conservatives battle cry In the coming campaign. ' This tact was admitted by repub lican leaden today when they recon vened for their state convention af ter hearing ex-Senator Root, as tem porary chairman, sound such a slogan last night. "No flag is dishonored, and no citi zenship not worth the claiming in Mexico, but ours," he said. Of the policy toward Europe, he said: "Our diplomacy has lost Its author ity and Influence because we have been brave In words and irresolute In action, We have been blindly stumbling along the road that, con tinued, will lead to Inevitable war." At the same time he criticized the administration for falling to have already provided proper prepared- ness for such an outcome. The fact that the United States did not protest against violation of Bel gian neutrality was excoriated. Root declared the democratic administra ihat be tried to "govern wun cluV Restoration of tbe republican Party to power, he said, would result .ln moderate but adequate" protec- 'tion to American industry; a jrans: and fearless, and honest dealing in preparation "ft Amerln PP" for heIr own defense, I . NEW UPRISING ' THREATENS MEXICO Washington, Feb. 16. "Mexico is seething with a threatened uprising, send the Carranza government to ob livion This was the dire prediction con tained today in semi-official mail in formation to the state department, saying that-the Carranza govern ment Is crumbling rapidly. The re- .government, has lost a vast amount of ground ln the last two months, It was stated, and appears to be facing ! serious financial troubles. The latter idea was evidenced from the state- t h&t con8ul and lnterlor Lfflclala ,re not pald wgularlyi whll8 thfM con8ul8 ,n the Unlted R4teB 9 , arrear, of the,r offlce , RAILROADS PAD PROPERTY VALUE Portland, Feb. 16. (Anticipating government ownership, railroads are attempting to Place & abnormally high value on their property with a view ot dumping It on the govern ment, declared Clyde B. Altchlaon, chairman ot the Oregon railroad com mission, upon his return today from the interstate commerce commission value hearings at Washington. There is a -difference of $8,000, 000,000 between the maximum estim ates of the commission and the lowest figures furnished by the railroads as to the value ot railroad property ln the United States, Altchlson said. BRITISH DESTROYER , YTKIXO WAS AFIRE (By United Press Leased Wire) New York, Feb. 16. The British destroyer Viking was ' towed into Dover, England, afire, January 29, ac oordlng to reliable advices today. Two of the crew ot 70 were rescued, hut the fate ot the others is unknown. nr nnniTC IU mm 0 FRZEHIS CAPTURED City in Turkish Armenia FaBs Into the Hands cf the Russian Troops Under the Grand Dcke Nicholas London, Feb. 16. After uncon firmed reports bad chronicled the fall of Erzerum, Turkish Armenia, into Russian hands, later Petrograd re ports tonight said the capture of the city was confirmed. v London, Feb. 16. Unconfirmed re ports from Petrograd today said that Erzerum, Turkish Armenia, had fall en before the attack of Grand Duke Nicholas' Russian forces. EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGE AGADiST METEVGT HEAD (By United Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Feb. 16. -William Noyes, president ot the Presidio Min ing company ot Presidio, Texas, will be held to the superior court on a charge ot embezzlement, according to announcement made today by Police Judge Oppenhelm. -'Noyes was recent ly charged by Captain woivenon. U. 8. A., who represents minority stockholders, with Juggling stock and mishandling the affairs ot the con cern, '--'f Ttt;.j. ; J?.- : . POINT AT HEARIIiG (By United Press Leased Wire) Washington, Feb. 16. Louis D. Brandels, President Wilson's nominee for the supreme court, gained ground today in the senate sub-committee hearing as to his fitness tor the office. Under cross-examination. President Wlnslow of the United Shoe Machin ery company, who had suggested Brandels acted in bad faith toward that concern, could not recollect de tails of his break with Brandels. Finally, however, he gave Brandels what many regarded as a clean slate. He admitted that Brandels had in formed him in 1907 that unless the terms ot the shoe company's leases were changed, that he (Brandels) would cease to be attorney tor the company. . This, he admitted, hap- nanAjl ttaftM !RvnAAfa bait aHfiOrAil the leases as illegal either before con gress or ln behalf of other clients, and before Brandels had charged that the company was a trust. Challenged to name once when Brandels had used Information gain ed as counsel or director ot the com pany to attack it later, Wlnslow said that he had told ' Brandels secrets about the leases ln 1906; and that several years later Brandels appeared before congress on behalf of the other companies. At the same time, how ever, Wlnslow admitted that the leases were publlo and that Brandels did not need inside Information con cerning them. ', ' SHERIFF AFTER FORMER VILLISTA SOLDIERS (By United Press Leawd Wire.) Tucson, Arls., Feb. 16. To capture 12 former VUUsta soldiers who took possession ot an American mining camp at Rosemont, in the Santa Rita mountains, Sheriff Forbes ot Pima county left here with a posse this af ternoon. The Mexicans had (been em ployed at the mine and, according to the sheriff's. Information, seized the works, drove out the superintendent and took food and ammunition from the commissary camp. ' BY SLAVS RRAIIDEIS GIS .'. i. .. :