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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1916)
WKDXESDAY, VVM. I, PAGE FOUR UAILY IXOGVU UlVKU COIR1KII " i Free Concert Tonight Christian Church 8 o'clock Friday NigKt Methodist Church " ' AMI SEMEXTS TONIGHT Bijou "Colorado." Gaiety "Not Guilty." Star Pennington's Choice." I 4- results. COM3XG EVENTS 1 Goo. Iwis in the Race ' Geo. W. Lewis, former chief of Feb. 9, Wednesday Free concert at!polkc w,u bft ft candMata for the the Christian church at 8 o'clock. 1 republican nomination for sheriff of Feb. 11. Friday-Free concert at the osephln(J county Mr. Lewis was Methodist church at 8 o'clock. jthe runner.p ln the 1914 primary Feb. 11. Friday vaienune paw the Commercial club rooms, given by Ladles' Auxiliary. Feb. 12, Saturday Valentine sale of cakes and candies by the Ladles' Association of Bethany Presby terian church at Demaray's drug store. 662 Feb. 12, Saturday Local teachers' institute at Merlin. Feb. 18, 19, 20, Friday-Sunday State C. E. convention in uranis Pass. Feb. 26, Saturday Local institute at Kerby. Feb. 26. Saturday Cooked iooi sale oy lames 01 m. cnurcn souiu, public market CHARGE THAT DOYLE 111 . n Tviiu. Klamath Falls, Feb. 9. William Doyle shot and killed Mrs. Mary A. Wilcox and her daughter. Maggie Jones, with a shotgun, a coroner's Jury decided this afternoon. ' There was only one shotgun on the ranch where the shooting occur red. This was seized by the sheriff and coroner, who arrived In Langell valley, 50 miles from Klamath Falls, this morning. Testifying at the inquest, Doyle said the women tried to drive him from the ranch, which he had leased from them. The Jones woman, he asserted, rushed at him' with a rifle. He took this from her. Mrs. Wilcox seized a shotgun and attacked him, Doyle asserted. The three grappled for possession of the gun. Both bar rels were discharged, killing the two J women. Doyle maintains that he did 1 not shoot them deliberately. I The prisoner will be brought Klamath Falls for trial. to U, TRACK TEAM MAY LOSE STARS! Eugene, Feb. 9. The future of the University of Oregon track team Bung In the balance today because of charges of professionalism preferred against Chester Fee, Glen Wheeler and Glen Dudley. Around these three Trainer Bill Hayward had built his hoDes for a sood (rack team this sea- -nn Fee. Wheeler and Dudley nlaved recently in a game of basketball with Lyle and Carson Blgbee, the University of Oregon brothers wto have signed with the Portland Beavers for 1816. Hayward professes to believe that the Pacific Northwest Athletlo asso ciation will not bar the athletes be cause of their escapade ln Joining the University of Oregon "outlaw" basketball team. KILLED TWO WOMEN PER52N1L 4. 4 . Mra. R. K. Cowgtll. of Medford. was in the city today on business. J. M. Kemp left south this after noon for California points and busi ness at San Francisco. Watch for the great 1 cent sale at Clemens, the- Rexall store. 666 Dr. S. Loughrldge went to Glen- dale this morning, having been called lor consultation with Dr. Knott. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Seovlll left this morniug for Portland, expecting to make that city their home. Bargains In ladies and misses coats. One-halt regular price. Mrs. Mrs. D. S. Annls returned this mnminir from Rogue River, where she visited friends. Mrs. S. P. Long came down from Evans creek this morning to spend a few days at her home In this city. mi Man lie Henderson, of Al- bany, arrived this niofnlng from San ntpeo. where she spent the winter. and will vtsit Mr. and Mrs. b. v. Smith. Arrow collars at Bishop's. 403tf rm " - j Archie Williams fell from a load of hay which he was assisting to load at the Southern Pacific siding ""!at about noon today, the fall rendor- lin Mm temnorarlly unconscious. There were no broken bones, how- ever, and the young man Is recover ing from the shock without serious -eIecUoll lzg geC0nd to Sheriff Smith, who was renominated at that time. The vote then was split np among five republicans, Smith re ceiving the nomination with 499 votes. Lewis getting 360, Walter Har mon 263, J. M. Clemens 138, and A. F. Knox 128, a total republican vote of 1,390. ., Mtm& IJnro,n j. i A number of Josephine county re publicans will go to Medford Satur teachers day evening to attend the Lincoln ' Aav "hunniipt to be etven bv the re- publlcan8 of jackson county. It Is cxpected that nearly 300 members of the party will participate in the af fair, starting off the campaign In southern Oregon with a rush. Gov ernor Withycombe will be one of the speakers of the evening. Chairman Bert Anderson, of the Jackson county central committee, asks that Jose- 1 phine republicans be urged to attend land co-operate in the work In this ! portion of the state. f 1 . rlPT PAm PflEv j fU A I llH If I L UULO TO In a game marked by the large number of baskets made by both teams at the rink last night, the Methodists came out victors with the score of 38 to 32. The game was fast in spots, both teams showing up brilliantly at times. The Methodists established a lead at first, but the Baptists worked hard and managed to keep the score where Is might prove dangerous to the Methodists. The line-up was as follows: Meth odists Hansen, center; Cornell ana Presley, forwards; Harmon and Mar tin, guards; Ament and Fallln sub stituted for Cornell and Harmon. Baptists Twllliger, center; Smith and Douglas, forwards; Teel and Mc Cracken, guards; Pettlnger substi tuted for Teel. Physical Director Scott Hamilton - deserves credit for his able handling these affairs. He acts as coach for the practices and as referee at the games, and makes the boys play bag ketball all the time. Any tendency to wrestling or any roughness is promptly and effectively dealt with, and the public can know that the games will show up first-class sports manship. The next game will be Friday even ing, between Presbyterians and Bap tists. This should be a good contest, as the teams are more evenly match ed than the percentages indicate, ue- fore the main event the Juniors will play a short preliminary game Htanding of the Clubs Methodists 1.000 Baptists 667 Christians .. .333 PreBbyterlans 000 Keen Kutter tools and cutlery at the Rogue Elver Hardware. CCOtf METHODISTS LOCAL New 'Hollo" Girl on the Job A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Wetterborg Tuesday night, the little one tipping the scales at 9H pounds. Woman's Association Meeting The Woman's association of Beth any Presbyterian church will hold its regular business meeting Thurs day afternoon, at 3:30, In the church parlors. Whist Tourney Closes City Treasurer Geo. Jester has the distinction of being the captain- of the championship team of whist play ers, the recent tourney having been decided by the contest Tuesday ulght, when the Lister team went down to defeat by a margin of seven points. Jester's team had three points saved up in the previous coutests of the series, so wins by ten. The defeated ten are now arranging for a banquet, in the providing for which they claim to be more adept than In playing whist Clark & Holnian, I'ndertakers Licensed embalmers. Phone 50. Valentine Tarty Friday Night Music, cards, refreshments and a general good time will make up the program for the Valentine party un der the auspices of the Ladles' Auxi liary Friday evening. From 8 to 9 o'clock a musical program will be rendered, then will come two hours of cards and som'r'set. followed by refreshments. The proceeds of the party will be used for the purchase of trash cans to be placed about the city, and the attendance of the public will aid a most worthy cause. The invitation is general. Kstate Is Settled Frank Stith, postmaster at Kerby, the. Illinois valley metropolis, Is In the city settling up the Hopkins es tate, of which he has been adminis trator for the past 14 years. Mr. Stith was appointed guardian for Chas. Hopkins, who has just reached his ,majorlty, and the property of the estate is being turned over to the young man. Mr. Stith states that no difficulty was experienced In coming through from the Illinois val- lev. there being no snow now to bother, though it has not yet all die appeared from Hays hill. A Rogue Valley lleet Evidences of the establishment of a new industry ln the Rogue valley are seen In the activities ln the va rious stores, and tools and Imple ments used In beet culture are now displayed in the show windows. One of the most novel displays was that of the Grants Pass Hardware store, where a giant beet, remarkable ln the naturalness of Its appearance, was displayed In the window sur rounded by the hand tools used In beet culture. The deception of the big beet was aided In the fact that a head of kale supplied natural foliage for the artificial vegetable, and some were fooled into believing that it was a real sugar producer. An Inscrip tion gave the Information that the beet was "raised by Jackscrews." RIJO.U ' TAVIPI IT TONIGHT "House of No Regrets" Hobart Bosworth In Augustus Thomas' Dramatic Masterpiece COLORADO A MaHtcrful Drama of the IhiKKcd West Perfect Photography llMtutiriil Hotting 10 find IS Cents ToiiMirrow "The Ilrokcn Voln" r : PeiMington's Admission 5c and 10c First Performance at 7:30 'yj 1THE HOME OF FEATURES Tuohy at Medford Judge John Twohy and son, Robert, the latter president of the California & Oregon Coast railroad, went to Medford this morniug. They will return either to Grants Pass or Portland this evening. I let urn to Grunt Pans Messrs. Schell & Schell, who have been located in Medford for the past threo or four years, have decided to return to Grants Pass and will again place their rock crushing plant in operation. They are also contem plating the opening of a brick yard In connection. WILSON CONTINENTAL AltMY PiaX IX DANGER (By United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Feb. 9. Worrlod over the fate of his continental army plan, President Wilson today benan a series of conferences with house leaders, from which he hopes to de vise soma plan for Its passage. Recent advices to the executive have Indicated that the plan Is In Jeopardy, though the remainder of the administration preparedness pro posals appear secure. lUUTIKII (MIUIIHOX IX XO PAXXiKIl OF C'AITtKR London, Fob. 9. General Towns hend's British garrison at Kut-EI-Amara, Mesopotamia, Is In no danger of capture, said dispatches today. Though they are surrounded, they could Join the Aylmer rollof expedi tion, 20 miles to the east, with only slight losses. SEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25wordi, two issues, 25c; six issues, 60c; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid In ad' Vance, 5c per line per issue. MEDFORD PROPERTY FOR EX CHANGE 9-room house, modern, lot 160x180, on paved street, all kinds of fruit for family use, good lawn and shade trees. 7-room house, modern, lot 60x150, paved street, shade trees, small fruit, nice lawn. C-room house, lot 50x150, nice shade and lawn, paved stroet. Lot 50x100, 6-room bungalow, nice lawn and ahado trees, paved street. Lot 60x100, new 4 -room bungalow, nice lawn and shade trees, paved streets. All In Mod ford and rented, to ex change for Grants Pass property. What havo you to tradeT Isaac Beat. 666 TYPEWRITING or any kind of book work done. Phone 141-R. Mrs. Bush. 064tf WANTED Residence lot, north side, Sixth street preferred. Must be bargain. Answer quick. No. 3461, care Courier, 606 FOR BALE Two fine bronze turkey toms, two years old. Seven dollars each. Also one yearling, Ave dol lars. Address Illley Davis, Wil liams, Oregon. 666 THE HOME OF FEATURES THEATRE Tonight Metro Pictures Corporation Presents Francis X. Bushman Undisputed Sovereign of the Soroon, supported by Miss Beverly Bayne Orowned Queen of Filmdom, and James J. Jeffries Former champion boxer of the world, in the fascinating, red-blooded, interest-teeming feature in 5 reels Of E (Uy fulled Press Leased Wire.) Now York, Feb. 9. The 5,35 8-ton British pusscnger liner Orlssa, plying between South America and England, Is believed today to be at the bottom of the oceau, a victim of a Ueruiau commerce raider. The report that thla vessel had been destroyed arose from a London cable to a Wall street firm, saying that "a large passenger steamer had met with a terrible accident In the north Atlantic." The Orlssa was last heard from at Rio do Janeiro nearly a month ago. Shipping men are convinced that German raiders have sunk or cap tured several British vessels In addi tion to the seven captured with the liner Appam In mid-January. The British admiralty has In structed liners to watch out for raid ers, and while, ofllrers scoffed at the possibility of danger, shipping circles are more concorned over the marl time situation than at any time since the Lusltanla was sunk. W. D. Evorth, second officer of the BrttiHb steamer Author, bolieves that German raiders are ln or en route to the Gulf of Mexico to waylay Brit ish ships. He declared that the Ger man raider which accompanied the Appam part way across the Atlnntlc might easily have encountered the Orlssa, being not more than 500 miles away from Norfolk when the Appam docked. Shipping circles were boslogcd for Information all day concerning the Orlssa, but they had no news; more over, correspondents' cables to Lon don remained unanswered. Tho Pacific Steam Navigation com pany, owners of the Orlssa, said they had no word of hor January 10, though she was due ln Lisbon Janu ary 26 and in Liverpool February 1. She carried probably not over 60 pas sengers, the company said, but did not know whether Americans were aU)hri. Most of the crow were Brit ish. Fears are folt here for at leant seven big British and French liners and sevoral Cunard freighters, now at sea. LEGISLATOR WOULD DANISH DOGS FOU nAIUES Albany, N. Y., FeU 9.H Repre sentative Walker's hill becomes law, it will "strike at the very foundations of our aoclal structure" by excluding dogs and permitting babies to live In Now York'apartmont houses, "Ooodmsn" and "Qoodwomsn." A pleasing form of address that was common In the seventeenth century bns gone quite out of use, probably because of Its restriction to "Inferior persons." The "Mr," was then a pre Ox to which only gentlemen were en titled, nml among tho Purltnu father of New England the deprivation of the right to he so nddresMnil wiih Inflict' cd as a punlNhmetit. "Gnudimm" i: "Ooodwoniiin," by enntriK'tlon Goody.'" whs the mldroMH of Uiomc low In the so clul hcuIo. The tun.) Is preserved In some old songs. 0R1SSA INI COMMERC RAIDER C ft Choice 9f T UTitoriti vriovH fou x.ivy VAICDS PASSED ItY SEXATIJ Washington, Feb. 9. Tho senate this afternoon passed the bill appro priating $500,000 for increnslng the Mare Island navy yard equipment, and $10(1,000 for the New York navy yard, together lth tho provision that senators and representatives may ap point three navnl radots Instead of two. -The bill had already pancd the house, DKXY KITCHENER WILL (JO TO F.GYIT London, Feb. 9. Well Informed persons denied today Earl Kitchener, war lord of England, Is going to Egypt soon, or that Iord Derby Is to succeed him In his present post. It was said no chango In the ministry Is contemplated. STEAM THRESHING ENGINE Ht PPLIES SCHOOL HEAT Sanger, Texas. Feb. 9. The local schools wero left without heat when the steam pipe froie and burta. A steam threshing machine was backed up to the school, proper connections were made, and soon comfortable caloric conditions prevailed. Jl llY PAYS MAX'S FIXE FOH THRASHING ANOTHER Shelbyvlllo, Jnd., Feb. 9. A Jury fined Charles Stafford ono rent bo rause he w hipped the man who caused Mrs, Stafford to leave homo. Then the Jurymen paid the fine, took no foes for thomsolves, and paid the court's costs. Tonight at the GAIETY THEATRE The Eastern Play Company B, Clamon, Manager will present IT GUILTY Our Last Night and Our Feature Play 60 Free Boats with Merchant's Tlckot Reserved Boats, 20o and Mer chant's Ticket. Ileeerved Seats 8 So without Merchant's Tlckot. Doors Open nt 7:30 Curtain at 8 , r A.