vitiMnAV, niii. . PACK TWO DAILY ItOGl'K 1UVKU OOlIUKIt I L1 ' ;4: - v 8- It i! ft' g Daily Rogue River Courier. Am Independent Republican New Paper. United Presa Leased Wire TelerPb 8errtce I. VOORHIE8, Pub. and Prov. WILFORD ALLEN. Editor Entered at the Grant Pase, Ore gon, Poatofflce aa second-class mall att or. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear J 15.80 Six Months . .1.00; Three Months One Month Payable te Advance. WEDNESDAY", FEB. 0, 1918. OREGON WEATHER 4 Tonight and Thursday rain; 4 southerly winds. . LAND PRICES AND BOOMS. With the erection of a sugar fac tory involving the expenditure in building and in beet culture ot con- ciderably more than a million dollars In the next fe' months; the contlnu- traltty violators, declared today they lng of railroad operations upon a have nothing to tear from the govern- znost extensive le; the develop- f' .Both M . A 1V , . , their hands are dean; hut govern ment ot tributary mining districts, I officials Intimated In return .that and various other industrial actlvi- tne cage gainst these men and the ties assured or anticipated, there will many others indicted is "air-tight" naturally be a focusing ot public at- Business circles were stirred at tention upon Grant, Pas. this spring. 0 1 tte !na,f . !of the most prominent men in ship This wlU bring many people to the, ng &nd rthw Mb( here are Mmed district to investigate and to invest. M neutrality violators in connection The knowledge ot the natural ad-( with the expeditions of the steamers vantages of the valley, its scenery, its Sacramento. Olson and Mahony, Re- ii i. ifM -tPttnnn trlever and Mazatlan, as alleged sup climate, and Its manifold attractions, , , , ply ships for German war ressels. added to the industrial awakening.' Named ,n ,ndlctment8 charging will make people want to live here, 'conspiracy to violate the Sherman And they should be aided in realizing anti-trust law by attempting to dyna their ambition. Real estate prices mite munitions plants and thus will undoubtedly advance, but they ,t trade, and IhH with setting on foot a "military ex- ni, rtn iJiniKi uvnnil roaflnn. Tne . ...... "ipedltlon" into Canada to dibsi ran- communlty should protect Itself from 'way tunnels were the following: Ger anything on the order ot a fboom.'man Consul Bopp; Vice-Consul von There is real substance behind this Schack; Attache von Brincken of the . . . . al .M local consulate; Johannes H. Van new activity, but lands must .be sold " " , ;Koolbergen. alleged German spy. npon the bssis of producing value. eM tQ been CT?raRed to bla8t and the purchaser must be able to tne tunnels, but now held by Cana- buy at a figure where he can make'dian authorities as an alleged forger; good upon his Investment One of!c C. Crowley, consulate detective, the things that has been the matter! T'.TZll . M i Cornell (both of whom are under with the west during the past fivelprevlou8 bomb p,ot ln(jlctment) . years of depression has been the fact I uBt of alleged neutrality vlo- that the land boom was years in ad- lators, as announced by United States vance of real development, and many District Attorney Preston were: vi tfca1 Vice-Consul von Schack; Chancellor investors were unable to weather the . , .. Henry W. E. Kauffman, of the Ger depression and await the time when g,,,. Turkish Consul Hall; Industry could catch up in the race. Local Manager Robert Capelle of the North German-Lloyd Steamship com- JACKSON COUNTY REPUBLICANS pany; John and Julius Rothschild, prominent local grocers; George and ijames Flood, well known shipping The republicans of Jackson county men. Attorney J. E. Bien; Dr. Simon are early ln the game and will enter tain at the annual Laucoln Day ban th. ouet Saturday evening. distinguished guest will be Governor Withyconlbe and other of the state flfflcials. and It Is expected that the lican gei-wgemer . l" etate. Theyearisie wmoearepuD- llc&n year. Republicanism and pros- perlty go hand in hand, and if Ore- gon wants to get In on the prosperity , game she will do her full share when ; It comes to voting. The brethren of j Jackson county are to be congratu-. lated upon having seen the advisabll - Ity of being prompt, for a glance at the returns from the last general election shows that our neighbors present an excellent field for mls- tlonary work. The republican candl- j date for governor ran some inousanas of votes behind his ticket, while the candidate of the party for congress man would have stayed at home if Jackson county had been left to de termine tho result. With the activity that Is now being manifested, how ever, there is no danger that the dose will be repeated. GRANTS PASS CONGRATULATED. (Telegram.) That the Oregon-Utah sugar beet company has let the contract for a $600,000 sugar refinery to handle the beets that are to be hereafter grown in tbe Rogue River valley of southern Oregon is good news not only to this section but to the entire state. Grants Pass Is to be congratulated upon securing the factory location. That was made possible by the prompt action of the enterprising farmers of that vicinity la signing agreements to plant enough acres In beets next year so that the factory would be assured of profitable busi ness. It has been clearly shown by soil analysis that southern Oregon, es pecially the Rogue River valley, is jwell adapted to growth of sugar beets, and the factory at Grants Pass mar be one of several In that sec- itlon, provided the farmers will plant ii. v. Vntkln lui hn K (100 acres will warrant the establishment ot a factory, but the success of the first one wiU provoke a rivalry among the farmers ot the various sections. tlNOTUG TO PEAR SAYS CONSUL BOPP San Francisco, Feb. 9. German Consul Bopg and German Vice-Consul von Schack. indicted in a wholesale .cien - uD" of bomb plotters and neu Reimer; C. D. Bunker & Co., customs ! brokers; Northern ft Southern Steam- ship company; Swayne & Hoyt, sblp- pers aua cumduib irruneiB, auu iuui vldual, R H Swayne and John G nova of the company; President . Thayer of the Northern & Southern SteamshiD company; C. D, Bunker 'and Jos. L. Bly, of C. D. Bunker ft ;company; Captain Anderson of the g. Benn0 Kie, Adolph wimmel. Gustave Traube and T. R. 'Johansen, of the 8acramento crew, Coffee . often T package of Coffee half rMiii Half-full, not of coffee, but of coffee-flavor. It means the same to your pocket-book you're paying for flavor flavor counts in your cup. Here is the economy of Schilling's Best: Scaled In airtight tins, none of the rich, full flavor can leak away. Schilling's Best COMBINATION SPECIAL THURSDAY 1 Sack Guaranteed Hard Wheat Flour and 10 lbs. Cane or Beet Sugar For KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First and Fred Williams and George Phillips. As In the recent Hamburg American neutrality violation cases at New York, the defendants here are said to be charged with use of false clearance papers in their alleged out fitting ot a German squadron by send ing out supply ships from the Pacific coast Hints that Bopp would be In dicted had been current tor some time. Washington dispatches recent ly Indicated, however, that the fed eral government was withholding ac tion until such time as the Lusltanla case was settled. 'Announcement of the indictment against him followed directly upon word of a satisfactory ending to the Lusltanla negotiations. This is the first indictment ot a high foreign afflclal since the govern ment started probing alleged nation wide bomb plots. In most of the cases the federal officials will merely serve notice of the indictments as soon as they are publicly recorded and rely upon the prominence ot the defendants to Insure their remaining in the city for hearing later. Washington, Feb. . The state department must know more details about the cases In which German Consul Bopp of San Francisco, Vice- Consul von Schack, Chancellor Kauff man and Turkish Consul Hall have been indicted before any decision will be made about cancelling their exe- quateurs. It was stated today. Copies of the Indictments have been turned over to Secretary Lansing. It Is as sumed he approved of the Justice de partment's course In bringing them at San Francisco, as It had been un derstood previously that the state and justice departments were co-operating with each other ln bomb and neutral ity Investigations. Justice department officials regard the San Francisco cases as baring two of the boldest neutrality violation matters since their investigation started. Confessions of "Count" Van Kool- bergen, now held as an alleged forger In Canada, were the basis for the In dictments. Koolbergen, it was al leged, contracted to blow up Cana dian tunnels for the German con sulate at San Francisco. He gave In formation, too,, about the "Sacra mento expedition," it was said. rtoftivrriude Caa. Spanlsn peasants living In rns crk oak region use homemade gas obtulned from cork refuse As desenlted l.y authority, the process consists In CH lug several large teakettles with tbt waste bark and placing escu In turn over the fire during tbe evening, burn lng tbe volatile gns as It em. upon fruUi tbe spouts. Tbe carbonized residue forms tbe fine black-brown pigment known to commerce ss "Spniilxh brown." Hl flolf Prlxe. When the Duke of York wr lit lng in Edinburgh In 1081 be was told Hint u certain shot-maker tin mod Piitersone was the bent golf player In ft :isni and blin, the duke, biter Jnniex 11. i.'Ihmc ns partner In a foursome, win nhiKU bUKe sialic He promptly tunic I uvcr tbe money to I'literMnne. wlm forthwith hi'Ut a lim; In whirl; ;!,, duke plucetl m itont with a I'ute.xuii.' rrcst Ix-iirliiu t!ic motto, "Far rn-'l Sure." Aiwaya Wrbiivi. .Siinnttcr I'm tflwiMeil will) ',' i;,;.fikM thai new mui, uuikc: IU lic'.o everytlilnit Imllcil ii A'sIhUio Mi: nil. 'Mi'-C!i. vu'll. sonic or mc h.-.,1 or? t!)n; wny til tin' In j:imil;:i; lie rruiy lir!n homo tlis- Iiikoii yet Miiiinfcr He won't iiii!.""h m.-iki hint r hntii. .liiiltro. . Hi Mciiv-.. it 1 1 tV c . illd yon I'fiiiiiuli a )ci' mid theft fif'or yon lui:! Juki ricpii tic quilled of rlic flrnt imc? Pi iwouer -1 hud to imy my lawyer, your honor. ftoMton TrunxerlpL Their 'Work. "What a nolNy clutter children d keep up at the tablet" "They certainly do put the dip. to Jlnoer."-Hlt!mort American. Legal blanks, Courier office. 82.00 WOMAN'S LIFE THE STAKE IX STEAMER'S HACK San Francisco, Feb. i. The liner Great Northern today won a race with death across the Pacific from the orlnet. The lire ot Mrs. C. E. Van Nest, wife ot a Minneapolis mil lionaire, was the stake for which the ship and tho grim reaper played. Stricken in mid-ocean with appen dicitis, tho ship's doctor, Robert J. McAdory, could not perform an oper ation because the heavy seas disturb ed his hand. The Great Northern's engines were loosed and she was driven across the ocean at top speed. On the ship's arrival In port an ambulance, sum moned by wireless, met the boat and rushed Mrs. Van Nest to the oper ating table of a local hospital. W1LLARD-MOUAN FIGHT ARTICLES ARE SIGNED New York, Feb. 9. ArUcles for the richest ten-round fight In the his tory of the prize ring were signed here this afternoon when Frank Moran and Jess Wlllard closed tbotr negotiations. They will meet here March 8. Wlllard is guaranteed $40,000. be sides a bonus of $5,000 and $2,600 expense money, while Moran receives $22,500. Present at the closing of the negotiations were Tex RIckard. Tom Jones, Jack Curley, Promoter McCracken, Ike Dorgan. Bob Vernon, Frank Moran, Willie Lewis, movie men and reporters. Pointers For TREE BUYERS' "Advantages nn old KMabllMlied Nuraery gives you." Most, if not all, large estab lished nurseries work on the established principle "that one thing at a time and that done well" Is better than en deavoring to do several things and excelling In none. Large nurseries devote their entire time, thought and energies In producing GOOD TREES. You can get all your trees from the same source trees that are all grown under the same conditions of soil and treatment, insuring you uni form trees a uniform orchard. Established nurseries, by rea son of their being established, Insure you getting trees from them that are TRUE TO NAME. Large, established nurseries are not frequently changing management, selling out, dis continuing business, etc., like the "boom-tlme-skln-'era-qlck-and-get-away" fellow. Permanent nurserlea are In terested ln you making a sac cess with their trees, and in ad dition to furnishing you GOOD TREES are able and willing to give you helpful advice and in struction on the fcest varieties to plant, how to overcome some difficulty with your trees and various other features of im portance to you. The large, established nur sery publishes and distributes, usually free, lnrgo catalogues containing valuable informa tion for your aflRlstance; they give you the benefit of their wide experience. Except for tho lnrger nur series, you would todny not hove many of tho best varieties, Tnko, for Inntan, the Lambert cherry, the Ideal Apple and the Vrnoman Frnnquette Walnut, nil recognized as the bout of their kinds, were. flrBt Intro duced and distributed by our company, Therefore, remember when next buying trees, thnt for QUALITY, SERVICE and SAT ISFACTION tho HEST PLACE Is the Oregon Nursery Com pany, Orenco, Oregon. t Oregon Nursery Go. Orenco, Ore. LUSITANIA. (Continued from page 1.) dent and hauls for International law to govern submarine warfare. T4e Immediate ratine of this sntls faitory termination of a dangerous controversy Is known to have been the report Colonel House forwarded as President Wilson's personal en voy. i While the contents of this report may never bo made public, It is un derstood that House emphasised con ditions he found In Germany to have been; ! A spirit that Germany had made her final concessions, i A growing demand for resumption of unrestrained submarine warfare as a result of the feeling against America. A feeling that severance of diplo matic relations would Inevitably re sult in war. Ambassador Gerard also forward ed pessimistic reports ot what would happen it the president did nut ac cept Germany's "last word." The two sets of reports, therefore. convinced the administration that Germany would not offer any fnr- ther concessions In an effort to settle the case. While the German proposals are acceptable in spirit to President Wil son, their wording Is not exactly as he desires, The forthcoming reply from Ocr many. It Is understood, will not con tain the word disavowal, thoufj the administration all along aemanaou that there must be a disavowal. In stead, it will set forth la effect that belligerents can not legally order any act, even a reprisal, that endangers neutral lives. It does not specifically admit that the Lusltanla incident was illegal. In the matter of reprisals, America held they may be Justifiable some times, but never legal. In this con nection, however, Germany has For the New Year ffl jmmm KISS Sliim ' n " ' i V Demaray's ram 11s con do so without using , Washboard or Washing Machine without Injuring the finest fabric, and consequently without wear mui tear on herself or her clothes, by applying at Mrs. llelikopf'a millinery store for Kalomite Laundry Marvel She will be given a Ific package, sufllclent for threo wnshlngs, by merely signing a statement that sho will pny after uso If satisfied, or will permit us to demonstrate to her that Knlomlte will do every tiling claimed for it before she returns the unused portion. THEWILCOXONS Murphy, Oregon agreed to admit that reprisals aro unjustifiable when involving neu trnls; and this nutans, therefore, that the Lusltanla sinking was lllrul. . America pointed out that Illegal acts Include unjustified ads, and, therefore, the administration accept ed Germany's admission that tho I.UMttaula ce was unjustifiable aa equivalent to an admission that the ano was llleKnl. Portland, Feb. 0. Market quota tions today were: WheatClub. 93S; bluestem. 1.06 f 1.09. Outs No. 1 white feed, 20.609 27.60. Hogs Ilcttt live. 8.00. Prime steers, 7.60 7.76; fancy cows, 0,600.76; best calves, 7(058. Spring lambs, 8.76. Butter City creamery, $4; coun try. 25 41' 29. Eggs Selected local extras. 83. Hens. 15ti'l; broilers, 15016; geese, 10 (fit. KXPWT ITALY SOON s TO WAR ON GKUMANV Undon, Feb. 9. Italy Is expected to declare war on Germany and an nounce her participation in the Bal kan campaign as a result of Premier Brland'a trip to Rome, Paris reporta said today. Brland is leaving Pari for the Italian capital today. TKII'KIl PliKAIW NOT Gl'ILTY TO Ml'HDKIt Buffalo. N. Y., Feb. J.JohB Telper, Indicted Tor tho alleged mur der of his mother, pleaded not guilty today. HU mother and brother werw killed recently, and Telper claimed a negro had attacked them while they were repairing their automobllo on a road near here. PORTLANDMARKETS "Good News for Lovers of Mystery" Says Dependable Cauphe Maid! nnouncinf VAI.UADLK KKWARUM for tho who find "Furt O" In PmlW CoffM, ta. xtrtu. plm or Pahtng Folr. TTitr r four impurUnt UMuroo A, B, C wi Dlmll)l product, nd totdl!y liwUtl Coflt. Oc P. Tht flnt lhn t wll Known to ll tovtm of "th tup tht ch." Ilr thy rr "Fralurt A" Frfnly RoontM "FMtur Bn InvlMlbl Htrtnth "FfAlur C" 0HaU FUw -Fwiur rr ? "Nobody but th tfcpMuUblt Popk thtmwlvn know pos( tlrfly sbout Fritur D. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR DETAILS Blank Books Filing Devices Olfice Supplies Jrug and Sationery Store v l: