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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1916)
tiknday, FFHIUWUY K, I0HI. DAILY WMU-R K1VKK COVIUKU PAGE TWO ' . "11 I ' 1 ' i IBM olralo character, when they may enter ed or purchased, etc "This circular Is intended to reply to these letters of Inquiry and to give out sueu Information relative to these lands aa may now be stated. "A list of these lands by township and range has been prepared tor each of the several counties within the ' " ' Z "Z Roseburs land district containing Entered at the Grants Pass. Ore-1" .u MMl .ntmA. Wuu-v.-o, . mere,y aa ftpprox(lua,e 'area of such lands In each township, j based on the list of lands given In ,the decree of the federal court i County Usta on Request ttx Months 3.00 "This list for any county or eoun- Three Months ; 1-50 !Ues will be furnished on request One Month - "This office has no map for distrl- hntlrtn. nor does It prepare nine Daily Rogue River Courier. Ax Independent Republican News Paper. United Press Leased Wire Telegraph 8ervtee A. I. YOORHIE8, Pub. and Proj.. WILFORD ALLEN, Kdltor gon, Postoffice as matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year . tS.BO Payable fat Advance. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1918. nrints. hut will furnish townships j plats showing location of all vacant land and unsold railroad land at il ! 'per township. In ordering township piats both the range and township OREGOJT WEATttEK number must he given, and rcmlt- Stance 6hould be made -by certified Tonight and Wednesday un- -'check or United States postal money settled, probably rain; colder 'order payable to R. R. Turner, re east portion tonight; south to , reiver. Personal checks may not be vest winds. received In payment l "This office is not In a position to ' I give sdvlce as to the character of the i land In any locality, and can not at GOLXG AFTER BEET ACREAGE. tempt to kMm ono m this re- The spirit of work has taken hold card. Special This Week Men's Dress Shirts, with Color Guarantee, Collar and Tie $1.00 KINNEY & TRU AX Furnishings Department RUN BANKS PULL Perfect Health Is EveryWoman'sBirthright A PrascrlpOor Tal OlrHwod to Old Ai IU Been a alciilnf, lo Womanhood, Portland, Feb. 8. Every river and st renin In wesleru Oregon wus run ning bank-full today, but dolug Mtlo damage. Tho worst conditions were report ed at Brownsville, whore BO sheep i . .... wero urowncil ncn ut . mi'vu cnwiKye im.i. .... ...v h K,,oii i,r.,kn Mwriods of life wlwn health and slrengtlt river overflowed Its .bank broke a w ri wk , When plil iHComr a woman, linn a wfliiittil heroines .1 neither. when a womnn jwe through lle chances of niid.llo lli'e, mo the three of the people of the Grants Pass dls-1 "As to the disposition of these .lamia nntfilnv n ha Antarmlneri nit- tricL The committees from the Oom- """" " . . "til congress shall act in the matter. mercial club did not stop when theu probftWft that turn action will announcement came that the sugar be taken some time within the next factory had been located In Grants, six months, and until such action Is Pass, but took the announcement ! Information can be give by . . , u this office. We would suggest to par- taply as an Invitation to get Into the lntereeted to watch the ly harness with renewed energy. The papers, as whatever action congresa factory people are building a larger may take will be given therein before and better factory than had at first this office has official information been contemplated, and more acreage 'thereon to give out. must be supplied. The local commit- Approximate Acreage uiui. w luwun. ,u vumm" "Based on the list of lands given teea met Monday evening, and after in tne decree of the tourtt ap. fully discussing the situation, went 'proximate acreage of unsold railroad in a body to the meeting held by the lands in the several counties of this district at the time the suit was In stituted was aa follows: Lincoln, SELL IMPERIAL VALLEY SYSTEM El Centro. Cal., Feb. 8. The Cali fornia Development company was auctioned off to the Southern Paclflo company by Receiver Holablrd today for 13.875.000. Only one other bid was made by the Boax-Duncan bondholders. It was for fl.BOO.OOO. Holablrd conducted the auction standing In the rear seat of an old automobile in front of the court house. ORANGE HEAD Beavers, the merchants' organization. where, after a discussion, every man !, .A . .... , . ,. ! 1,040; Benton. 27,716; Linn, 14,620; present voted by rising vote to lend x, 800.110; Douglas, 607.360; personal aid and support to the new coos, 100,620; Curry. 8,400; Jose campaign to be opened at once for. phlne, 172,460; Jackson, 444,560; acreage. The district heretofore cov-j Klamath, 13.440. Total. 1.690,326. ' . . ... "In addition to the above lands red In the campaign for five-year' . ,, . . . . : there are other railroad lands In sev contracts will again be canvassed for jj of the countle8 named that at the one-year contracts, and it is ex- the time the suit was instituted were pected that several bnndred acres of unsurveyed, and hence not Included land will be added In the' Immediate ven ,n tne 8U,t' but 00,116 .... . , , as well under the decree. The ap- viclnlty of Grants Pass. While the , . . , , I proximate areas of such lands are as factory 1b now assured, the dtlsens jfoIlowB. is.ooO; Douglas, 65.- of this district feel that It is Incum-ooO; Josephine, 17,000; Curry, 15,- bent upon each individual to help to, 000; Jackson, 20,000 El Centro, Cal., Feb. 8. The plant, equipment and goodwill of the Cali fornia Development company, Im perial valley's great Irrigating sys tem, went on sale today at public auction conducted from the steps of the court house here. With a representative on hand to do the bidding, the Southern Pacific company was believed to be prepared to pay from $3,000,000 to 14,000,000 for the property. Lord Alfred Moseley, a British cap Itallst with extensive Imperial valley holdings, was also said to be repre sented among the bidders. tiring the fullest measure of success to it the first season of its operation. The more beets the more prosperity for the entire valley. "There is still a certain amount of unsurveyed railroad lands in several of the counties, namely: Curry, Doug las and Josephine. These lands when surveyed will come under whatever plan of disposition congress may provide." AVALANCHES THE CASCADES GERMAN AIR SQUADRON ATTACKS BRITISH CAMPS A MILXJON MORE AUTOMOBILES. More than 1,000,000 American citi zens will buy automobiles in 1916, according to the estimates of Detroit manufacturers who have made prepar-j Berlin, via Sayville, Feb. 8. A ationa to supply at least 550,000 of , German air squadron has attacked the total number. Detroit's antomo- the ta"on " PoPeringbe and Brian camps between Poperlnghe and Dix blle output last year was 425,000 an offlc(al announcement cars, valued at approximately $400,- today. British flyers engaged them, 000,000. More than 75,000 men now are em ployed in the automobile industry at Detroit alone. This number is steadi- ibut the German flyers returned safely. I "In heavy fighting south of Somme last night," said the official state , ment, "two small pieces of conquer- ly increasing. The average number ca trenches were lost, but a counter attack re-conqnered them." of auto employes throughout 1915 was about 60,000. Auto prices will not be lowered . .. l- J 1 .LI. S A..-. uiucu timing iuib jetti, uiauuiituiureio declare. In fact, some of them pre- VOlICC An ' m all trVti tnoAn a a Tio arAa rra price of all pleasure automobiles sold Cheese IS good, but not in the United States during 1915 was fa coffeej The airtight scyz. LAgm years ago me average price was $2,123. Statistics compiled by manufac turers show that the proportion of automobiles to the population of the United States is 1 to 48. For every mile of road in the country there is one motor vehicle, according to these statistics. (By United Press Leased Wire.) Seattle, Feb. 8. Small avalanches occurring at frequent Intervals in the Cascades caused grave apprehension in all railroad offices here today. The Great Northern early aban doned all efforts to route trains over its own tracks on the mountain divl slon and annouced that all traffic would be detoured by way of Port land over the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railroad until the danger Is past. Two slides on the Milwaukee line near Kechelus were reported today shortly after the arrival of a through passenger train from the east at 5:45 o'clock. Officials said they hoped to be able to cope with the situation without great delay. Two lives were snuffed out in Seattle last night when a mud slide swept away the face of Magnolia bluff. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gurney, of West Garfield and Jollet streets were burled in the mud and their home crushed. Street car lines were all In opera tion today for the first time since the snow blockade closed local traffic week ago. No great damage from floods resulted from yesterday's thaw. (By United Press Leased Wire.) Sacramento. Feb. 8. The orange Is California's leading fruit, with the peach a close sevond, according to the report today of George P. Weldon, deputy state horticultural commis sioner. There are 168,453 acres of orange trees In the state, 144.SSS acres of peach trees. 116,244 acres of prunes, 60,840 acres of apples, 55,451 acres of apricots, 54.315 acres of walnuts, 36,670 acres of lemons, 34,075 acres of almonds, 37,438 acres of pears, 27,316 acres of olives, 22,161 acres of plums, 12,463 acre of cherries, 10.580 acres of berries and 8,122 acres of figs. This report the only accurate one ever secured shows that 78,405 acres of land in California Is devoted to fruit growing, and of that total acreage 543,203 acres produced fruit In 1915. Santa Crua county stands wsy out in the lead In apple tree acreage with 16,400 teres; Santa Clara county leads in apricots with 8,826 acre; Los Angeles county in berries, 4.296 acres; Santa Clara county in cherries, 2,862 acres; Fresno county In figs, 2,919 acres; Los Angeles county In lemons, 8,659 acres; Butte county In olives. 4,000 acres; San Bernar dino county in oranges, 41,107 seres; Fresno county In peaches, 35,000 acres; Sacramento county in pears, 5,000 acres; Placer county In plums. 5,500 acres; Santa Clara county In prunes, 58,460 acres; Los Angeles county in walnuts, 15,441 acres; Yolo county in almonds, 4,600 acres. Santa Clara county, with 82,736 acres of land in fruit trees, leads all counties of the state. LAND OFFICE GIVES alC GRANT FACTS The officials at the Rosoburg land office have Issued the following let ter dealing with the Oregon & Cali fornia land grant, the disposition of which is now before congress: "This office is dally in receipt of a number of inquiries relative to the Oregon A California railroad grant lands, asking Information as to the status of these lands, their location, tiAs in which Schilling's Best is packed not only hold-in its fresh, rich fla vor, but keep-out the gro cery odors it would absorb eagerly if unprotected. It is sealed in these tins in the hour of roasting as soon as it can be evenly ground and freed of bitter ish chaff. If you judge coffee by good-cups-per pound, Schilling's Beit is economical. Schilling's Best AMERICANS NOT TO LEAVE BERLIN Berlin, Feb. 8. Reports, widely circulated, saying American Ambas sador Gerard bad advised Americans to quit Berlin because of the serious nesB of the German-American situa tion were denied today at the em bassy. . Ambassador Morgenthau, of Con siantlnople, who conferred with For clnn Minister von Jagow and Under Secretary 7-lmmerman before leaving for Washington, will take to the pre sident a report, supplementing Col on el Hoiiflo's, as to the submarine warfare attitude of the central powers. For tho most part, the newspapers are awaiting the Washington decision before discussing the Lusitnnla case, The impression, however, is that Oer many Is maneuvering successfully to cast responsibility for a break, if there is any, upon America. ' AT OF FRUIT LIST small levee and flooded half of tlio city. In twelve hours this river rose twelve foot. The Willamette was fulling at Eugene today, after flooding a wide section of farm laud, lowmiuis around Salem wero under water. Mill creek over (lowed Its banks, flooding! ono car lino. A launch house was broken from Its moorings lu Portland and dashed to pieces RKulttHt a brlduo ptor. Tho flood situation around I'endle- mvl distress often canned by severe Clonic disturbance. At thw critical times women are best fortified by the two of Ir. 1'lcrce's Favorite Prescription, au old remly of proved worth thnt keeps the entire lemnle system perfectly regulated and lu excellent comlillu. Mothers, If your daughters on weak, lack ambition, are troubled with hrU schrs, Isuitmle and are pnle sml sick ly, Dr. Pierce's l'avorlto l'ren-rljitlott U jiwt what they need to surely bring the Uooiu of health to their cheeks and make th m trong and healthy. l or all disrates peculiar to woman, . i rv u . ; . f I 1 1 J . . ton. in eastern Oregon, was reported 3"th. U acnte. Tuttllla creek sent down a ten-foot wall of water and residents of Pilot Rock moved from tneir homes In anticipation of a flood. Some took quarters In a school house and a church. A warm rain was falling on three feet of snow at Hood Klver and fruit there was damaged as a result of tho thaw. CALIFORNIA CATTLK III YKU IA Ml'RPKRKh Half Moon Bay, Cal., Feb. H.-investigation of the murder of James Kearns, a wealthy cattle buyer, led officials today to believe he had been robbed Wore his body was thrown Into the swollen waters of Purlsnlms creek. Marks of violence were evi dent, and his pockets had been strip ped of $150 he was known to have had when he left Peecadero for home , on January 28. So years It has banished from the lives of tens of thousands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress caused by irregularities and diseases of a feminine character. If you are a sufferer, If your daugh ter, mother, sister need help get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form from any medicine dealer Unlay. Then address Doctor ricrce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and get confidential medical advice entirely free. Yoa caa also obtain a book on woman's diseases, sent free. Dr. Pierce's Pellets mralata ami In vigorate stomach, liver sad oowtls. Keep the body dean inside aa well as outside, yki:k. man f.U'W nilLI (HAHMK V Yreka. Cal., Feb. Sixty-year-old J. II. Wilson faces a charge of child stealing because of his alleged runaway trip with 15-year-old May Penrl Ttoaih. Officers say lie dressed ! her In men's clothes and took her to his cabin at Weed. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Feb. 8. Market quota tions today were: Wheat Club, 95 1.00; bluestcm, 1.0701.12. Oats No. 1 white feed. 26.60 28. Barley Feed, 29.25 31. Hogs Best live 7.70 7.75. Prime steers, 7.50 7.75; fancy cows, 6.75; beBt calves, 7 8. Spring lambs, 8.60 8.75. Butter City creamery, 34; coun try, 25029. Eggs Selected local extras, 36 38. Hens, 15 17; broilers, 15 17; geese, 10 11. For the New Year V Blank Books Filing Devices Olficc Supplies Demaray's M ationery Store MS can do so without using Sacramento, Feb. 8. A requisition was Issued by Governor Johnson to day for the return to Oakland of George W. Town, who Is under arrest in Lcwiston, Oregon, on a charge of arson. Washboard or Washing Machine without injuring the finest fabric, and oonsquently without wear and tear on herself or her clothes, by applying at Mrs. Itehkopfs millinery store for Kalomite Laundry Marvel She will he given a 15c package, sufficient for three washings, by merely signing statement that she will pay after nso If satisfied, or will permit us to demonstrate to her that Kalomite will do every, thing claimed for It before she returns the unused portion. THE WILCOXONS ' Murphy, Oregon "The Road of a Thousand Wonders is Trains Daily from Portland Six Months Round Trip Tickets On Sale Many attractions for the visitors to California In Fobruary. Bathing at the beaches, picking oranges and lomons, motoring, playing golf or tennis. The beautiful exposition at San Diego oicn the WI,?on' Pa trl, to Catallna or Santa v.u .d.ouuo. yciwiium me aoor oi .nospitniity stands open for YOU. Ask your local agent or write John M, Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC j