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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1916)
page Forn lt.V VWiVK RIVIU nil i; Till 'IISIt.IV, JAMAUV 7, 1010. How to Get Good Kodak Pictures By learning your kodak or camera. By being; instructed by as how to set it By not taking the advice ot your amateur friends. They may know their camera, but not yours. By having your fllma developed and printed by us. By learning why your tad pic tures were not good. By getting pointers from us it you do your own work. By loading your kodak with wastman N. C. Films and having your prints made on Velox Paper. By bringing your kodak troubles to us. Mask and Photo House f 4 m -l.V PER52NAL LOCAL GRIFFIN FERRY Some Coming Attractions at the STAR THEATRE William Faversham, in "One Million Dollars." Francis X. Bushman, James J. Jeffries and Miss Beverly Baynes in "Pennington's Choice." Mary Pickford, in "Esmer alda." Margaret Clark, in "Ilelene of the North," Ethel Barry-more, In "The Final Judgment." Cyril Maude, noted English actor, in Ibsen's "Peer Gynt," AMISEMEXTS TONIGHT Bijou Clayton. Star Poor Schmaltr. J. H. Williams made a trip to Med ford this morning. Special 25c merchants' lunch at the Mocha, (54 Mrs. C. H. Dcmaray went to Med ford this morning on a business trip Roll rim enameled all white baby baths (or 12.65 at Cramer Bros. 63 Miss Leone Ray more went to i land this morning (or a short bus! Iness visit. , A. D. Smith, who spent a few days here on business, left this morning (or Roeeburg. Royal Club coffee at Pardee's. 654 ! Otis Tetherow. o( Prma. Idaho, jvvho visited relatives In Grants Puss, left north last night. I Mrs. S. D. Williams, of the Country Club orchard, Is on a trip to Eugene and Portland for a short visit. Bargains In ladles' and misses' coats. One-half regular price. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. i 622tf Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. Marshall went to Leland this morning to finish mov ing their household goods to Grants Pass. New oil mop, with long handle, , only 50 cents, at Cramer Bros. 655 I Rev. A. J. Montgomery, D. D., state superintendent of Presbyterian home 1 missions, Is in the city from Portland, the guest o( Rev. Williamson D. Vater. Pardee sells Royal Club coffee. 54 Frank S. Braiuwell, o( the Ore'gon- :Ctah Sugar company, went to Med jford this morning to spend the day with Mr. Storey, who Is in charge of ; the company Interests in that district 1 LIsk ware is four-coated and every piece guaranteed. A Saturday spe cial: $1.83 tea kettles for $1.50, at Cramer Bros. 655 Arrow collars at Bishop's 403tf Mrs. F. S. Peak, of San Francisco, wno visited Mr. and Mrs. Amos Myers a (ew weeks ago, returned this morning (rom Seattle and will visit the Myers family before returning to San Francisco. Special bargain in a LIsk seamless 'tea kettle on Saturday only for $1.50 at Cramer Bros. 655 jC.0. C. Trains Run on Time- Trains are now running according jto schedule, and on time, on the C. O. C. line railroad between Grants COMING EVENTS 'Pass and Waters creek, the termin- us of the road at the present time. J . , , . I Train No. 1 leaves this city at 7 Jan. 26 Wednesday-Music .o'clock etery week day morning, .r concert Indian and Japanese even-1 r,ving at Waters creek t g oclock .tag. at Commercial club rooms, j r, ,t leaveg at g.,. and promptly at 8 o'clock ' he8 th,9 d aQ hour Jan 29. Saturday-Cooked food sale. tlme tQ connect wUh the trana on ladies of the Christian church, the Soutneril Paclflc- The afternoon public market. 655 jtraln ,eave8 here at 2 0,cIock arr,v, Jan. 29. Saturday-Children's story ,ng at Waters creek at 3 K ,eave8 hour, 11 o'clock a. m., at the public ;the latter gtatlon at 5 for the returQ library. Mrs. Beldlng story teller. arrlvlng here at g The Sun gche. Feb. 1. Tuesday-Surper at Baptist 'dule ls the game that for the week church by young people's union. daygi exceptlng that M mornlng Feb. 4, Friday Senior supper. 5:30. 'tralns are cancelled. Newman M. E. church, 35c. 661 1 Feb. 11, Friday Valentine party at fiapaneie aI1(, ln(1Jttn Musll.aie the Commercial club rooms, given I The Commercial club assembly by Ladles' Auxiliary. r0ora was filled Wednesday night Feb. 18. 19, 20, Friday-Sunday wlth an audience that received great oiaie r.. convention in UraniS , nlpan-.irn frnm tho i.rnm irlvon Pass. A Schoolboy's Story of Jonah. A school board boy, competing for one of the Peek prizes, evolved this confusion of widely different events. Be had to write a short biography of Jonah, and he produced the following: "He was the father or Lot and bad two wives. One was called Isnmale and the other llagber. Lie kept one at home and turned the other into the dessert, when she became a pillow of salt in the daytime and a pillow of fire at night" From Wbeatley's "Literary Blunders." Cutting, Bapplelgb Robson is the biggest hhs in town, but hi wife Is the cleverest woman I know uw present company excepted, of cwire. Miss Keen Yes, In both coses. Bo ton Transcript A. N. PARSONS Seasoned Wood I OH CASH Mark Oak. $2.50 Tier Fir $2.25 Tier Pine $2.25 Tier When box factory start, prices for Mocks and kindling same as before FOR CASH. Phone 9-Ji or 101-R by the Music club. The entertainment was in the nature of a Japanese and Indian musical, the performers be ing dressed In accord with the cos tumes of the countries whose songs were rendered. The program In cluded a group of Japanese songs by Mis3 Marguerite Wlble; a clarinet duet by Messrs. Joe Wharton and Lynn Sabin; paper on Indian music by Mrs. Dunne; Indian Cradle song, Miss Louise Pinkerton; Indian songs, Miss Mangum; selection from the "Bridge of the Gods," Mrs. Dyer; In dian songs, Mrs. Vater; Indian song, Mr. Cass; quartette, Indian Moun tain song, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Ireland, Mrs. Woodward, Miss Wolke; "Hia watha," Music club chorus. Y. P. C l Supper At Baptist church February 1. Benefit C. E. convention. Tickets 25c. Mr, HamiMhlr to Portland John Hampshire, of the Twohy Brothers company, left this morning for Portland, where he will remain tor several days. Ho states that Judge Twohy and Robert Twohy will probably arrive In the city within a few days. Robert has Just recovered from a severe attack of grippe that kept him to his bed for about 10 days Dance Saturday Night At Waldorf hall. Tickets 50c. 655 Fatty" Arhuckle Star, Saturday, In two-reel stone, "Fatty's Plucky Pup." Key-655 W. It. C.-. A. It, Installation Preceding tho Joint installation of General Logan post and corps at the W. O. W. hall Friday evening, Janu ary 28, a supper will bo served In the dining room from 6:30 to 7:30. All civil war veteraus and visiting post and corps members who may be in the city are cordially Invited to be present at both supper and installation. Just Received Fresh salmon. Fresh halibut. Fresh black cod. Fresh oysters. Phone 52 for quick delivery. City Market. 654 Dr. and Mm. By water Home Dr. and Mrs. Ed N. By water ar rived home this morning from their trip to the east, coming by the south ern route. They experienced some difficulty in the flooded sections of California and Arizona, and Just es caped being caught in one big wash out that would have tied them up for some time, their train being the last one over the piece of track that give way a few minutes after they had come safely over. While In Chicago the doctor took postgraduate work in the Indian cataract operation and in Dr. George's muscle operation for strabrlsmus or crosseye operation. The doctor will be in his office again Friday morning. Tho death ot Haydcu Deau and that of Mrs, P. T. Kvenoo has cast a feeling of gloom over this com munlty. The (unernl services of Mrs. liver ton were held t the family homo on Wednesday, Elder J. I Green con ducting the service. The remains were laid at rest In the Grants Pass ' I. O. O. F. cemetery. The school on the west side open ed again Monday, after being closed two weeks on account of the deep snow. V. O. Clark and J. J. Gillespie, of Kugene. arrived on Tuesday to attend tho (uneral services of Mrs. Kverton, who was a sister-in-law of the former. Grandma Robinson returned a few days ago from northern California, where she was with her mother, who was very 111. Mrs. Robinson has since received word of the death of her mother. ENGLAND TO CURB IMPORTATIONS Sjxvlul Meeting Tonight- Elder U. G. Clark, of Eugene, will preach at the Church of God chapel, corner Third and J streets, tonlgnt. AH will ibe welcome. London, Jan. 27. Tho government has decided upon a partial prohibition of importation of many articles not absolutely necessary to the nation In order to relieve the shipping situa tion, President Runclman of the Board of Trade announced In the house of commons today. He said the whole British mercantile marine will be placed under government con trol. Xeutral nations, particularly the United States, from whence comes most of the prohibited products, will be tho hardest hit. Imports of wood pulp, glass and tobacco will be permitted to enter In limited quantities; possibly later the government will prohibit Imports of furniture, woods and other raw ma terials, and exports of rags and other Items from which paper Is made, as well as several other products. Tonig'ht and Friday 3jcg K3 Daniel Frohmnn presents the Irreprefsiblo King of Mirth Sam Bernard in tho faroo'corneily Poor Schmaltz Pricos 10c and 15o. Performance 7 M0 ami 8 :45 STAR ft Till! IIOMK OF FKATI HCH K A IZ FIND IIODV OF KUUITH VICTIM OF OHIKA WRECK i AI STItl.W E.MI'EltOU in seniors CONDITION Seattle, Jan. 27. The eighth tfcl Homo, Jan. 27. Emperor Francis Mm of tho Core snow slide disaster, Joseph of Austria suffered two was J. 8. Wilson, of Vancouver. 11. C. roea of apoplexy and Is In a serl- aiul his body was found burled In the " rendition, according to reports snow at tho scene of tho wreck yes-1 received by diplomats here today. terday afternoon. 11 ' rumored, too, that the vail- All victims. It Is now believed, are 'an hd heard the aged emperor Is accounted for. During tho flvo days' jinking rapidly. search hundreds of tons of snow I were shoveled and blasted awsy in an effort to locate the missing bodies. 1110 FOl It CLKRKS AND FREIGHT HANDLERS OUT WOMAN INDICTED FOIt KIDNAI'INU OWN ( A GRIPPING SERMON BY HACKENSACK PASTOR Hackensack, N. J., Jan. 27. Him self chilled and feverish, his w(e ill with tonsllitls, his kids with whoop ing cough, his furnace out and 300 parishioners down with tho grippe, Pastor von Schlldcr preached on the text. "As grippe grlpB all Hackensack, so God grips the world." Portland, Jan. 27. Tho grand Jury today returned an indictment against Mrs. Mollle Bowers for kidnaping her own five-year-old daughter, while the little girl was a ward of the Juvenile court. "Every time I get a chance I'm go ing to tuke my child away from any person tliut has her," declared the mother defiantly when Infoimed that she was under Indictment. "I'll do It it I have to kill some one. If they are going to tako Marlon away, I can't live." Mrs. Bowers Is In the county Jail. When she went to the detention homo last week to visit her child sho took the little girl with her and fled to Washington. Her offense is punish able by a penitentiary sentence, Indianapolis, Jan, 27. Clerks and freight handlers of the Hlg Four sys tem here went on strike today to gain their demand for the rluht to or ganise. Organizers said that tho trouble would probably spread over the entire system, affecting 3.600 men, but not injuring the passenger service. Oflklols said they would crush tho union, and the walkout followed dis charges of clerks for Joining the or ganization. MA M III SEEKS RELEASE I'llO.M PAROLE AT PORTLAND Portland. Jan. 27. J. W. Matthes, former vbo-consul from The Nether lands, today tM'can bU Unlit for re lease from parole. ' Convicted of Irregularities In land deals. Matthes was sentenced to one 'to 10 years in the penitentiary and paroled .by Judge McGinn a year sko. Hlnce then, he claims, his family has iiittdti restitution of about 120,000. GLYCERINE AND IIAIIK PREVENT APPENDICITIS Co'' Po:-c!S'oi. A "urn win. ili (' in t iiwi'xx hiniMrir erionuh i lini ilimi'i'cciililc 1 1 1 1 1 1 - without vMttic uisii'kn if nicer mil clouicr "Hiiiiteiiiiiii e hi lU-rci'itlile tine "iiiMcii liiiris nf Jin an I expiiiisKu r I'lmiitcmiiur I m the merry uf every artful knuve or peri I'oxeomh The former will provoke or plciixp you by ilcsluii. to eiilt li mi Ctiiiriletl words r Ioo!;h, by which lie will faslly ilerlplicr tho secret of voiu heart, of which you should keep the key yourself ami trust It with Ho mail living. The latter will by thl nil- surdity and without Intending It pro duce the siirne discoveries of which other people will avail themselves. Lord Chesterfield, The slmplo mixture of buckthorn bark, Rlycerlne, etc., known as Adler-l-kn, astonishes Grants Pass people. ' Because Adler-l-ka ni t on BOTH lower and upper bowel. ONE 81'OO.N. r i i relieves almost A.W v"AHiS con stitution, sour stomach or uus. It removes such surprising foul matter that a few doses often relieve or pre vent appendicitis. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. Tho INSTANT, easy action of Adler-l-ka Is astonishing. Tho National Drug Co. NEW TODAY Oreciin tnliilr. laws. 40c, Courier Mining blanks, Courier Office. CLASSIFIED Al HATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 60c; one month, H.SO, when paid In advance. When not paid In ad vance, 5c per lino per issue. FOR RENT-nve-roo'" " fimiished cottage. Inquire of Mrs. O. P. Jester. 215 O St. IMione 168-R. tf WANTED - Second-hand bicycle saddle. Address No. 2 3 HO, care Courier. 655 BIJOU w TONIGHT Itoblx-rs Get Away With Clothing The police have obtained no clue to the party or parties who 'broke In to Fred Roper's tailoring establish ment some time Tuesday night and helped themselves to six suits of , tailor-made clothes and an extra pair jor pants. Tho thieves entered the .building from the rear by removing a pane of glass, after which they j crawled through the opening thus 'made. The suits taken were of as j sorted sizes, large and small, and In j eluded ono full dress suit. The goods In the shop were all looked over by jthe thieves, they taking time, evident ly, to make selections. Early in the evening of the robbery two strange men entered a local cigar store and asked regarding the location of the tailor shop. They did not appear at the shop during business hours, and have not since been seen, and It is suspected that If they could be found they might know something of the affair. Announcing Opening 4 Days' Engagement of And His Own Company 7 PEOPLE 7 -:- MOSTLY GIRLS Brunski & Zeuroff Premier ClaKhlquo Dinners prcttcntliiK Folklore mid Classic Dunces of curb Nation In National Costume Marie Frye Dainty Hongt and Fancy Dances Offering Brahms Hun garian Dance I Ml IPSA How and Arrow Dance from TcliMcliowulskl and other IleauUful and Wonderful Dance. CLAYTON The Man Who M'tied the Orient of lis Mystery He Knows Ask lim Anything Arthur Bean Prince f Ragtime Selim Abood Oriental Magician The Season's Treat to People of Refinement Offering Ilnrcnrollo from Tales of Hoffman, Ooiinoud Neronndo and other Oriental Hpeclaltles. "The Broken Coin" A Tip, come early, seats are limited 15c and 25c