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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1916)
P AGS TWO DA1LT ROGCK RIVER COtlUEIl Tilt IMI.IV. JAM 'MIX C. Oafly Rogue River Courier. An Independent Republican Kewa- nw. United Pre Wire TelerPli Servtoe A. E. VOORHIia. Tub. ud Proy. WILTORD ALLEN, Kdltor : Entered at the Grants Paea, Ore gon, PMtOfflM M MCOBd-ClaM mall UttAT. One Tour tlx Month Tare Months Oae Month I.0I SI THTESDAr, JAXTARY 27, OREGON WEATHER ' 4 Tonight and Friday unsettled. probably snow; not much change in temperature; easterly wind, strong near the coast REACHING OCT FOR TRADE. That the United State la due to come iato its ova la a business way Is Indicated by the expressions heard at the National Foreign Trade conven tion, now in session in New Orleans. Leaders of the American business UJe are participating in the contention, and the business men ot the nation are counseled to go out after trade in the four corners of the earth where other nations had previously ruled supreme. Particularly did the apeak era emphasise the importance of gain- ing fresh trade with South America, holding that "commercial prepared ness' is a vital, throbbing need of the United States: "Foreign investment Is a commer cial preparedness measure, a source of protection for the whole Industrial fabric of our country, should the world recede to political-commercial policies of trade restriction," said President Farrell, in sounding the keynote of the gathering. "It is an element of strength in our influence as a nation should a wiser instinct realize that the true guarantee of the world's peace is the provision of equal opportunity for alL" He declared foreign investment of American capital necessary to meet the keener competition expected In world trade after the war. "The argument that an lmpover "ished Europe will require all that it can, save or borrow for domestic re habilitation overlooks the fact that Europe's foreign investments safe guard the prosperity of her Indus tries. A loan which brings from abroad a liberal interest return, while Insuring employment for a large pro portion of the industrial population, is a doubly valuable domestic asset In this connection the fact may be noted that British manufactures are still being exported at the rate of $150,000,000 a month. We certainly never were in so good a position to take advantage of the opportunities which the world has to offer. Since the war began American exports have exceeded imports by $1,864,612,581. It is estimated that $1,500,000,000 worth of American securities have been re-purchased, with a correspond ing saving bn the annual interest charge we have been accustomed to remit abroad. This achievement, to gether with the rapidly growing gold balance, Increased use of dollar ex change, successful negotiations of loans which have helped to readjust sterling exchange and finance muni tion orders, not to mention loans to Argentine and the Canadian provin cial governments, have afforded some Justification for the idea that the United States is in process of replac ing Great Britain as the 'world's banker.' " ALLIES TO ISSUE JOINT NOTE TO I), S, (By United Press Leased Wire.) London, Jan. 27. Issuance ot a joint allied note, answering trade in terference protests from the United States and Sweden, and setting forth the allies' position toward neutral trade during the war, is contem plated. It was learned today. By uniting the allies in a single declara tion of poller, the government plans an impressive showing to influence neutral nations. The newspapers today applauded the government intimation that It in tends to deal firmly in answering the American trade protest At the same time, they pointed out that Sir Edward Grey had given as surance that the nation is not Ig Boring the Interests of neutrals, and they supported his contention, made in the blockade debate yesterday, that England could notsyield to the United States without jeopardizing the suc cess of the allies. U Concerning the government an nouncement that it will stand for the present on its present technical block ade of Germany, editorials today are widely divergent. Those in favor of an actual blockade fiercely attacked the government and declared that they Intended continuing their cam paign for more effective measures, despite the Grey "stand pat" state ment. On the other hand, the government supporters applauded the decision ot the government to steer clear of any course involving England with the; United States or other neutrals. "Sir Edward Grey's statement," said the Dally News. "Is the final, crushing reply to the wild Incendi aries who, with shameful levity, are Big Demonstration Saturday, Jan. 29 At KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Heinz 57 Varieties You are all invited PORTLANDJMARKETS Wheat Clut, 1.04 f 1.08; blue stem, 1.I4CT 1.18. Oats No. 1 white feed. 17.600 J8.50. Berley Feed, SMl 30.50. Hogs Best live. 7.40. Prime steers, 7.50 (P 7.60; fancy cows, 6.25416.50; boat calves, 708 , Spring lambs, 8 8.35. Butter City creamery, 54; conn try. 5Cf2.' KgK Selected local extras, 85 OS6. Hens. 14015; broilers, HJ16; geese, 10011. K.. SUFFRAGETTES SEE PRESIDENT WL vooi mscoi'Yro THK AMKIUCAN NAVY rviltw tr..ktt v.. J . , (By United Press Leased Wire.) Washington. Jan. 27. The Ameri can navy would be at the bottom of at one time a resident of Applegate. She leaves one adopted son, Richard. The funeral was held Ib Jacksonville the sea In less than 60 days, perhaps Sunday. January 23. sooner. If this country were attacked by a first-class power, General Leon Humbug. Cantrall. of Ruch. attended the Val ley Pride creamery meeting Monday. Mr. Cantrall reports the loss ot five (By United Press Leased Wire.) New York. Jan. 27. President Wilson today told 250 suffragettes that he has not changed his views that the suffrage question ought to be decided by the states, not by congress. The president's remarks to the wo men were on his busy schedule. At. horses, poisoned from first 100 ot them gathered at the growth on the hay. n. u . .. t uuun uu requcwiea an auaience by sending him a note, but he replied that he was too busy in preparing speeches. Thereupon the suffragettes held a caucus and sent him a 'second note, but. as in the first Instance, he refused an audience with them. By this time the numbers had swelled to 250 and the leaders had mounted vantage points in the lobby. arter an afceence of a week on ac- ard Wfw mmm,w nt h M.m count of the "grippe." department, told the house military nttock Bros, are taking advantage committee today. v. . v...K4,., v -.w " with control of the sea lost, he running iwo giants at tne.r mine on Mld lh, pntni mobl fwc cou(, not stop the Invaders, who could cap- IraSparlln of Williams, and Miles tur. Nw Tork and 'h north Mu MAIWHFIrXO JAGH ABB HOLD IV TABLET FORM Marshneld, Jan. 27. An Ingenious drugglHts at Powers, a logging town near here, has discovered how to put ip whiskey In the form of tablets. A logger came to Marshfleld drunk today and told the district attorney that he had dissolved one of the tab 'ets In a Klaus of water and got a genuine kick out of It. The prosccu 'or said this was against tho law and ent an officer to Powers to stop It rt once. where they- fired suffrage speeches at playing with the peril of bringing the traveling men. whole world to arms against Great , It developed that the Congressional Britain." union had engaged a room at the hotel and had determined to go after I the president for an Interview after ithey had failed In Washington, j They smoked him out after three hours' effort and got his statement that he has made no change In his views. U, S, DIPLOMATIC CODE NOT SECRET Berlin, via Amsterdam. Jan. 27. Practically every belligerent In Eu- rope knows the supposedly secret! diplomatic codes of the United States 1 government, it APPLEGATE NORTH CALIFORNIA HAS MORE 8XOW TODAY tic coast, exact tribute, and drive the people to the interior, where they would be defenseless without mmu. fungus nmon Md powd,. plwtii The Pacific coast, he said, Is even less secure than the Atlantlo against attack. "We must eventually come to unl- Reddlnir. Jan. 27. Snow 1 faltln r"1 military discipline along the heavily today In all parts of northern ! 8wln or Australian lines." be said. California. In some sections It Is ac- w re Imn ,n ' r ni cumulating most of the gold, with a proportionate amount of 111 will of the world. I believe we should bo prepared for storms. We are men- Coffee ) When the flavor is none, the coffee is o he. What's left? Ground. That's why we acal Schillings Host hi air tight tins to lock-In the full, fresh flavor, ami lock out prying odors. Why fine flavor in coffee, if it leaks-out be fore yon jjet it? All our care in roasting,' even grinding and freeing of chaffwasted, unless yon taste the flavor they de velop. You can't bur gvd " coffee economlcally ricrpt in airtight ' tint. Schilling's Best' companled by sleet ture Is dropping. The tempera- MANITOBA SOLOXH EXFRAXCIIISK WOMEN' t0 on ,,d'' ""l r,01 1Dtl c Winnipeg, Jan. 27.. jtell who our next enemy will be. and -The suffrsge I what he will do. Tor all I know, nur bill passed the legislature today, thus next war win be with a first clns making Manitoba the first Canadian . power." province to enfranchise women. Lincoln Savage, of Grants Pass, was learned todar. ,nd Mr Roblnwn, of Rogue River. Colonel House. President Wilson's were iness visitors here this week. nrnn1 .nror will lr lh .t.tA He- Mn- M- pping. Ot Laurel Grove, visited relatives in this vicin ity Sunday and Monday. Mr.' and Mrs. Harley Mansfield partment to change its cipher. No diplomatic agent of the United j itt ui made a business trip to Medford last sage in code to Washington with the ' . certainty that Europe will not know ,.... , ..... its contents. 1-.. ... ... , WTille European nations can not I ., . . examine .11 messages, they can and ollowJ m for have, gained information when they th(( eMnlQg R uew 1 11 ttuvauce iui mey were iu ,r . . . . . , . iM. Clute, W. D. Mee, Lester Layton, be transmitted. I . T. ,,-.... Ambassador Penfield of Vienna was j f . mently involved in such an incident. Boon are gpendIng ,ne He telegraphed to Berne that he was ltne,r parenU at Ruch( u telegraphed K in code by the usual route via Berne and Paris. Pour days later the American minister at Berne, Switzerland, wired that the dispatch bad not arrived. Penfield forwarded another version, which ar rived before the original. The ori ginal was mysteriously delayed. There are three codes used by American ambassadors; these are said to be from five to seven years old, though usually codes are changed every two years to keep them from falling into the bands of spies. European agents are said to under stand well the United States' "green" code, supposed to be the most secret of all, while the navy code is equally well known. Foreign assents could sain knowl edge of the code! for Instance, by the fact that the state department at Washington gave out a translation of j an Austrian message, translated lit-! erally from the code. Any belliger ent who saw this translation and then saw the code metssage as It passed through the hands of cable officials i on Its way to Washington would have j little difficulty In working out the, system. Died At her home In Jacksonville, Mrs. Sarah A. Chappell, aged 78 years. A native of New York and re sident of Oregon since 1854, she was and brighten colors DRY CLEANING AT HOME. A Mixture That It Said to Do the Work Easily and Harmlsily. Make a xtock Kolutkm of eucht ounce Mtrnu sniuntiiiH. half an ounce of chloroform and tin If iiu uuuee f etber Cork rlutidv mid heep away from the fai-e. nv the Sclcntlm Aniorlrnn. PIsmiIk m bur ot uailitlin soap In three Kailmi r out water, mid balf a teuspiMiniui e:ib of I'aUttw sm!u. huii uml alum und lliree mule mh) miii nf i lu iituiiniiila i liloriiforiii etber mixture To cleau urleiitm or other rugs to their orlxlimi lirlhtiaiMi muUe a latber and dip n x'-ruli IiiiimU Iu It. shuklu out su)trlluou)i wmer Go over the ru with iul tjniNli. mid the luther dries out alnumt Immediately No burm whatever Is done to the twxt ort eotal rug To sponite spots from cloihlug. eeu delicate ulik uud upliolxtcry, dip a soft Hponce In the lather, wring as dry as possible and sjionge off the spot To wash sweaters, blaukeu or other flanncla let tbe mixture lmiue neanjr cold, soak the garments in It balf an hour or lens. iii(er. dry. rinse lu clear water, squeeze dry uguln and bang up Tbe vartonn Ingredients used not only remove greune and dirt, but set What He Says About His VVite. To bis uefcubor: "You "111 Oud my wife, sir, extretiifly fair and Juki In all matters. I ure ;-ou ' To bis bullet: "Your idInuvm will dlret-l you In everything 8 be Is a perfect boum-keeper." To bis partner: "Yes. my wife Is ex travagant, but bow can I help lhalT" To bis doctor. "You kuow bcr better tban I do." To bis sister: "She Is a wonderful manager, is Adele I never saw wo man who could make a dollar go so far." To bis frimid: "Ych, old irntu. all wo men, as you nay, ere alike, and I guess my wife 1 no worxe Hun the rest of tbein."-Llfe NO OCCASION FOR (CoDtlnued from Tigt 1 ) fwvzMmm 4f&' .T 1 A Refreshing Cup at Any Time ROYAL CLUB Super Quality Coffee Four men were In the water when a band ot Mexicans appeared on the opposite bank and ordered the quar tet to continuo on to the Merfiura side. Wheeler and Pedersen obeyed, but tbe others dived and escaped. Upon reaching the Mexican side, the two men were seized and taken away. Fourteen American soldiers immediately organized a relief expe dition and swam over the river while guns from both sides scattered a cross-fire above them. None of the bullets, however, struck tho swim mers. The relief expedition searched two houses on tho Mexican bank, but j found no traro of their companions. jAs they returned to the American lines, Mexican bullets again sputtered past them. As evidence of his belief that the Americans bad violated orders against crossing Into Mexico.. Gen eral Funston ordered the arrest of Lieutenants Mort, Waldron and Pay- ton, of Battery D. Fourth artlllory. At the structlons I'rogreno, about 30 miles from here. to luvpntliinte. Thoimh t'oloiu'l yulntlnllla, in commaud of the Carrantlntaa across (rout here, uiatiitatnrd no patrol at I'rogreno, ho at once ordered a de tuchuieiit of men near 1'ronreno to hunt tho t'ftptora. The fear ot ottl rials that there mlclit be open rlathes between A merle mi and Mexican troops seemed to have some round from tho fa' t that there has been 111 feeling, particularly on the Mexican itUle of the boundary, Klnce lust sum mer, when there were numerous rnlds In thl section. All commander were ordered, however, to keep a nirl.'t wut rli on their troopn and to to It that there wan tin hontlte art on the part of the Aim-rli an. Recurrence of simmlng episodes will ii I ho be carefully guarded against. What Is Uric Acid ? THE CAUSE OP BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, GRAVEL AND SUDDEN DEATH. Ever since the discovery ol nrlo acid In the blood bv Bchtele, In 1775, and the bad effect it had upon the body, scientists and physicians have striven lo rid the tissues and the blood of this poison. Because of Its over abundance in the system it causes backache, paint here and there, rheu matism, gout, gravel, neuralgia and sciatica. It was Dr. Tierce who dis covered a new agent, called "Anuria whioh will throw out and completely eradicate this urio acid from the sys tem. "Anurio" has proved to be 37 timet more potent than Itthta, and consequently yon need no longer fear muscular or articular rheumatism or Sout, or many other diseaset which are epcndiuit on an accumulation o( nrlo acid within the body. Hend to Dr. Pierce, of the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., for a pamphlet on " Annrio,"or tend 10 oenta for a trial pnrknge of "Annrlo Tablets." If you feel that tired, worn out feeling, backache, neuralgia, or If your sleep Is disturbed bv t4o frequent urination, go to your "best drug store and oak for Dr. Pierce's Annrlo Tablet, lliey are put up iu GO-ccnt Packages. Doctor Pierce 'a reputation is bnck of this mudicliio nnd you know that his "Oolden Medlcnl Discovery" for the blood and liis "Favorlto Prescription" (or tho ills of Women Imvn liiwl . n.l.n. did reputation for tliu past fifty years. Doctor rierco't Pellets are nnoqnalod as a Liver 1'ill. OtlS ftnw NunnrennlA ItiM a Ihie. Cure Hick Headache. iHiious iienunone, inr.sinoss, uonstipa- samo time he Issued In- Hl."V xl'Kfstlon, Bilious Attacks, and .r. eM !1 . ll derangemcntt ol the Liver, BtoluiwU to send a flold officer to and llowols. GOTHIC an COLLASt abraffc' IT FITS TME CRAVAT CLUtTT, ftSBOPV a CO, Inc.. Mkc. There Is no bitttnr coffee at any price. There cannot be became Jtoyal Club Is made from the fin ckI coffees that money can buy. It Is carefully blnndurt, then "neutralized" for a whole year before It Is roasted, cut and packed for sale. Ob, yes thore are coffees sold at a higher price but none of better quality or belter flavor and there's this In It favor Hoy Hi Club I roastud fresh dully In I'ortlund. It's well worth trying. l-lb. (in 40c a-ib. tin B-lh. ln tl.TS LANG & CO. i. The noyal VlaV Ilea. a Fertlaad, Or, mm h tf' For the New Year V Blank Books Piling Devices Office Supplies BUtMILSHiXM Bemaray's Drug and Stationery Store