weim:hiay, jam amy an, ivia, DAILY IIOOCB RIVER COURIER . pack xnnxa ILL FATED PERSIA, WHICH SANK WITH HUNDREDS . ' ' h. i - 'i YV." - 1 I' rt I I I !. i 1 S V '.Mi " I. . . Classified Advertissng - - ." hVV " A Chlld'iVrtyw : If the mother would tench Tier cblld to pray atu roust Unit know bow to pray tomilf. 1 TlMn If ! 'kuwla by bor child's Wxl nud lu Kimplo wonli commlia Uvr huiiwholj lu tlio 'kr'vpliiii or uliu wbu'tttuiuUTM nut nor almpa bor child will luti'b tuituutltUitf of bl motlivr'n ililt n lid inixtrulwiw mid to Uvav, Ivuruluu to Julu wlib tti iitotlur la tho word im h1ii ulrvudy Jollied with her lu tlio lrlt of rt-rcroinu and tvvom, wilt lirnru to iru,v,' Tim niutber who bua ho Hucb vxiwrlt'iico caiiuot lu a(tlre II la licr clilld. hut uium Ifara It to be k1vi by kuiiio uiiv bottr i)ulp pod lluiti liiTM-lr.-Uvmuu Abltoit Ilk Outlwik. Tha Hlppepotamua. In aplte of tin cluiimy build the lil Hiwtaimm mn tnt fnt Tlmt nliy bo la called "tUn ura." The bio' fi'ot uw kept f;,r Uii1 ti.v t! u-iij.-UmIj' mid iiiHkt Hitli with u rl.'.c down (lit inlililli'. ifroi:ii!!i U ut ninv IIIii hwIiii wry well, but pt i' .n1i jh'tttit tM-il ivlii-ii ihry ' im ijsiM ii atiirnz tho Imttmii In .Imllutt wntii Tlit'jr t-nii tity tiiiilrr vnifi ii imiu tlini', and wln-n thi-y ftiiuc in tin ur faco tlii'.v iml Httli' Jtt "t Hpmy from their nuHtilh l'Ut iuv I b vvititl to th in If Tlu yoiiiiu um atnmlN on Iht iiink n th motliut awlum dVrut and Ho Person. Tho IVriiin t ltt tin"' f Cyru worv .oiiiii-irluiiii Tbi iVixluu re lloii wh iirinililvfi.k inuiMiiln'Wtiiv and they iilluwod uu ulola or oIIht um terlnl ayinhoU of tlolty In tlu-lr leui plia Tbvro n'tia Wn futility i-ii t hi part of tho 'Ivivh nuiiluti tho I'ithIuu :hnn Htialiml Ihu other cn-at imtluiii with a bom tliry itnio lit inutm-i. diu if- AND tmiht f For r machine thA mnlrpfl See cm rapher to turn out MORE letters with less effort in tho ordinary working day. The new Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up tho day's work and sets the pace that pays I Built for "Big Business' and it Great Army of Expert Operator These new features of the Royal add to the sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-style typewnter subtracts speed! The speed with brains behind it the all-day speed of the expert typist in the day's work. Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the other kind. Get the Fact t Band forth "Royal man" and ask for a DEMONSTRATION. Or write us direct for our naw bro chore,-" Bat ler 5arfe,"and book of (acta on Touch 7Vp'nr-ntfreato fvc. $100 ,r r typewriter users. ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY ItOOUfo ItlVICn COUItlRK, Aifrnta Ornnta rtuut. probobfj; tn' ' Mm 1 liiotiolbelKin wliii'b J chitni' tiTlu'd tho ivraluo rfllnion. 8o Cyru. ifhiitevKr olxo nmy bo mild of htm. wn rftrtaluly not an Idolntor. 4'brlHi lau lloruld. ! , , Napklna, . . I Napklua Ixti-aine popular In Prune aoonrr tbau In EiiKlnnd. At ono tlmo It wax ruHtoninry m irrcnt French din tier U ('bango be nnpklna at every ourn. to rtprfunw them with rMe wa ter atvl to Imvf them folded a dllToroni way fr oai b imowt , ' Halcyon Oaya. A tin Icy on la a kliik'Unher. mid "hai' cyon daya" aro o iiilled becaux it wa aiippuiicd t tut t tbo wont her wan alwny iK'aeefnl wImmi tho klniftlHher iraa breed Ins. Hardly. Mn. Knwier-lNi you eoiiHHler Allco very cihmI tiMiklmrf Mr Wumlerhy-. Oh. Alice In pretty eiiouuli. but I auiild not rill her mi Adonla - Itoiton riiniMiiiii "AShJnoln vory Droit" 0t a m today frwa yetr karaiware r gro ry 4atmr. "SPEEDUP!" to 0 minutes an hear by taking the "grind1 out of typewriting! here at last is the master If ov fnr onw stunner. )0 a" ''- '"-a $125 in Canada .xantr.: b (MP ilk s - ADVENTURES. OF - OLD K!NG PETER li. f...l, Jv 1! i.I Bravs Monarch Insisted on Sharing Army's Dangers. THK vullant old kliiK. Peter of 8crvla. bus found a warm wel , come In Uwi'i), wbere be has urrlved after rnuny adventures. Some of tbcm tire dc riled by Slguor Frnccurotl. the correHpondout of a Milan piiiM-r. who nays: Klnif I'eier wjjs 111 even before the war. It Is beciiuHe of bis Ulnen that the supremo comuuiud of tbo opera tions bnd to bo lut rusted to bis son Alexander, tbo beir to the throne. The klni( was undergoing medical treat itieut at Tvpulu. As soon as be felt convinced that RulKurtu would attack Servla the old king. Ill as be wns, de clared bis lutcutluu to proceed Im mediately for tbo frontier uyalnst the HulKnrs. Ills physician opiioscd hi in and forbade blm to go. Tbo fcliitT resulted at first; then be scented reslBtied. " ery well." be an swervd the doctor. Two days Inter he left without tulllus the doctor. lie ar rived In Nina in o motorcar and went to And Paula h in bis bare study of the palace and nsk blm permission to visit tbo frout Pasltch wpa aniHxed to see the klni; so 111 and anxious, with eyes like burning coals, the face thin and drawn. And the question astonished bun. . Why should the king auk for a penult? , "I am n soldier." explained King Peter. , ,"TUere Is a voivode In command of our armies; hence I must ask for permission." They telephoned to Kraguyevats. Putnlk waa still In Kraguyevata then; The doctor was also summoned. The voivode begged the king, tho doctor commanded him. not to go. But he went nevertheless. Perhaps the old king waa hoping for another miracle. Last December Photo by American ,Prcs Asaoclution. K1MO l'Ki'U AND HKIIVU.N OFl'ICIUIS. It wus lie who hud iut new courage lu bis soHllers when they Were rettt'lug before the ilcimo musses Austria had pouml nci'osK the Dnuulie niul the Save. lie luid to be ciuiled to l.;istri vntu, In the first line of Stefatiovlt. h's unny, where he wont Into the t:vinh of the Second regiment., the famous "Iron Regiment," helping himself iiloug with ii stick. There he' exchanged tho stick for a title and said to his 'sob; titers: "My children, I know you are very tired. You have fought llko he roes. Hilt our, country la lu danger, llu who cuu reslnt no longer enn go home again without fear of being pun ished. Hut tho country Is In danger, mid 1 have come here with you to dio for our country. ' Let thono remain who wish to die with the'.r king for BervlH." Then be lifted his rifle mid (Ircri. The words of the old kltitf iwlio had left bis . , , . - I ;v .-,-r--t -'.;.. .- . ' ffy I & V7 v3A it w&m r" '01 (Sff Apr rOtt'SALft BERK8IIIR1S towi In pit to Uurel Champion,' the air who putranki all otben In (he world In the abow record of hla get. F. R. fiteel, Winona Ranch, Route 1, Grant Paaa. tf SACRIFICE , SALE 80 acres, im proved, paying lu of n way. Small payment down. Address 238S, care Courier. 663 TO EXCHANGE 183-ACRE RANCIIOver $4000 new improvements, less than one-ball mile to N. P. Ry. station, store and post office, near achool; about '35 acres of clover, more ground ready for seeding in spring, and nearly all can be cultivated. Spring water piped to buildings, free range for stock. , .Will exchange for smaller acreage close In Grants Pasa. Must tie good land and well improved. Send complete description of your , property, Address pwner, t F. E. Seers, Stevensvllle, Mont-V, , EXCHANGE I' have several choice California 'residence' and ranch properties- to exchange for Grants Pass modern bungalow or dos4 In acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par sons. , ejotr TO EXCHANGE 160-acre farm in Alberta, Canada, 70 acres in cultl vatlon, bouse and barn, for ranch In southern Oregon. Address No. .2380, care Courier. 657 WANTED WANT LOCAL HOUSE for Portland house equity of 8800. Mortgage 8300. Box 312, Route 1, Port land. 655 WANTED An energetic active man tovstablish permanent business. Whole or part time. Health and accident Insurance. Immediate cash returns and future. Address National Casualty Co., Detroit, Mich. ' .653 VETERINARY BURGEON DR. R. J. BE3TUL, Veterinarian, Office In Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 805-R. AS8AYERS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist.' Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. -- bed of pain to fight in the trench elec trified tbe soldiers. . They threw them selves forward without hesitation, and twelve days biter not an Austrian was left on Servian territory and Belgrade was retaken. ,, , Now. the king was hoping for a rep etition of the miracle. Again he vis ited the first line trenches, remaining with his soldiers for two hours, lifting laboriously tbe rule to fire. But he appeared very sad on bis return to Msb. The ministers hud already de parted. He decided to return to Kra llevo. ' ' At Krusevats he saw the ear which waa carrying tbe Uenernllsslnio Put nlk. the old. uever beaten voivode. whom all Servian soldiers call affec tionately "grnndfntber." . Putnlk wa coming from Krnguyevntz. which the Germans were en the Klnt of enter be. and the old voivode. III. like the king, but untiring, had to ahnmlon the place. The two ears met and came to a stop, At the lime Kruspvnt vn Jtrlcken by the fear carried like n ou aglon by the columns of refugee fiMin N'lsh and from the north The road was obstructed by the people, the peasants' carts, the oxen. Some one recognized the onrs. and two names passed along the crowd, "The king, the voivode!" And suddenly that crowd was silenced as If by innglc. They made a road for the cars to puss, lin ing the sides. The men lifted their cups: the women looked on with heavy, fascinated eyes. None snld a word Not a cry wns uttered. The two mo torcars moved ou slowly, and it seem ed as if a funeral procession . were passing. A Strict Trqmctie Consor.' Ylcimu once povcKscil tlie ntrlctei 'M'auiatle consul ever known In the person of Viaiix IWgclln. who held Hull ioh u ihu AustHiin nipltiil ill tbe beginning ut the last century tlocgcllu published ii tmiimiii for the guidance of censors. "A pair or lovers should never he allowed i appear on tbe stiige alone They must always he accompanied by u third person of mature years." Marriages out of ouo's class were also strictly forbidden by Uocgclln on the stagu. and he quotes an Instance of a piny which ho re-, fused to pass bocauso tho author uuule the hero, Count Vnldeumr, marry a gardener's daughter. "Such misalli ances have unfortunately been knowu to occur In veal life, but that la no rensou why they should be allowed on the atage," he said. M " " TIME CARD 1 J Ivr-ij, CahfonM'dpregpTi; . ttouroad uozspany . (The Oregon Cares Roote) . ! Effective Monday, Dec . tO, . 1915. Train 1 lr. Grant Pai1.7:00 a-k.' ArrlTM Walere CrwelL.1 :00 a.m. Train J Ir. Waters Creelul:lS ava. Arrives Grsnts Paaewl:lS a-m. Train t Ir. Grmnta PaaauJ:00 p.m. Arrlvea Water Creek l:vo p.m. Train 4 Ir. Waters CreekI: 00 p.m. Arrive Grant Past 1 :00 p.m. All trains leave Grants' Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. .For . all iniormatton regaraing freigbt and passenger service call at the office, of the company, Public Ser vice building, or pnon , i88-R for same. . ' , ,. .... - : . , v Train will stop on .flag at any point between Grants Pass and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day In the week,;,'-'; 7... . "v7". REGISTRATIOX ' All natnralizd cltlsen must ex hlbtt "FINAL" citlienshipi. papers when registering. Do not ask to be registered unless you comply with the above. !'",;'. - Wive of naturalized Citizens, no matter where born, and children born in a foreign country if naturalized by father must present their fathers' or husbands' "FINAL" papers. I E. L. OOBURN. 675 County Clerk. THE GOOD WIFE." A Treasure, Holding In Her Hands tke Destiny of Posterity. When a woman enters the marriage relation ber sphere of Influence Is at once extended, and ber horizon la no longer bounded by tbe people and cir cumstances of tbe moment . She Is building for posterity. In the Joy and thoughtfuluess which charac terize ber mind In the new relation there is a prophecy of unborn genera tions. Iler life Is to color other lives; ber aspirations rtre to fix to a great ex tent tbe position and future of hus band and family; ' . r : If she Is cujtured. pure and refined these . qualities will characterize tbe home which she creates. The higher the degree of ber culture, her purity, ber , refinement, the more will these qualities characterize the borne of which abets the center. ' '.. - The personality that a woman takes with her In her marriage Is her real dower... If ber dower can be reckoned in numerals only, no matter bow many they be, wrecked indeed will be ber husband. Impoverished ber children. But if she possesses industry gen tleness, self abnegation, purity and In telligence, combined ' with capability, aho la In herself a treasure of treae u res. New York Weekly.' FAMOUS PLACE NAMES. Why 8houtd They Not Be Callad Alike All Over the World? - ' It Is perhaps too much to expect that a universal meridian or universal time will ever be established, still less that we shall have universal money or a universal secondary language. All these things might be brought about If ,we could only get rid of our preju dices. ,, '.' ",. , ',..,; It b not. however, too much to hope that ' the present confusion of place names should be got rid of.; ' Why the English and the French should per slstcntly describe ns Cologne and Mnyence, cities c which their own . In habitants never call anything butKoln and Mains, It Is dlfllcult to understand, and there Is fertalnly no excuse for our pronouncing the name of the Ba varian capital as "Munlck." as if In scorn of the dwellers therein, who Call It. us nearly us English letters will reproduce the sound. "Mlnchen." Why should nu Italian gratuitously misname London "l.ondrn?" We really ought to know how our own cnpltnl should he called. As to Polish place names, also Prze mys nud the like, only an Internation al commission could decide. London Globe. ( . Spoiled tho Cotomnity. -' Joseph fl. l.'hoate when ainlliissiidoi to the court of St. ., Inmes and Mailt Twain were together lu " St. Ueoige's cbtipel, Loudon, one hot day, both seemingly sobered by the solemnity of the pluco. "What an awful thing It Is"- Twain began In n whisper. Mr. Choate leaned closer to catch some ponderously sad expression from the humorist. "What nu awful thing It is," Twain repeated, "to be shut up In a place where one cannot smoke!", Vary Roiourooful. "And Is your wife a good house keepert" t . "Oh, perfectly, mother! She can be" coffee perfectly lovely with an electric curling Iron." Louisville Coii-riot-Journal, ' , .ruvsiciiss , U: O, CLEMENT,. M. D.Practfc limited to disease of the eye, ear, not and throat. I Glasses - fitted. - Office hotirs t-12, 2-5, and on ap "polntm'ent.' Office phone 62; resl jAVM Phone t(M - r'n: : :i V. I S. . LOUGHR1DGE,- M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country call attended day : r night Re, phone - 369; - office .'phone 183 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. i J.- P. TRUAX; M. D.? Physician and Burgeon. Phone: ' Office, r 325; residence", 1 824.'' 'Call answered at all hours. Country call at tended to- Lundeburg Bldg. F. H. INGRAM, D. C, D. O. Men tal,- Spinal,-- Nervous and Chroiiic Diseases. Office, 215 North Sixth street Honrs: 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Otter " hours by" "appointment Phone 7. Res. phone, 19 7-J. DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on diseases of eye,' ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hour: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phone: Re. 234-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, .Grants .Pass, Oregon DR. F. D. 8TRICKER- Diseases ' of Children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic bulld- ' mg. . tf. hi:: ; DENTISTS . E. C. MACY, D. M. D Firat-claa .i dentistry. ,109 .South Sixth street, Grant Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliot, dental assistant Room 4 and 5, Golden Rule building, Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265 . M. R. BRITTEN, Dentist Rooms I and Z, Lundbnrg building, opposite post office. Hours; 9 a. m. to 12 m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 12 m. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attomvy-at-Law. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIG ft WILUAMS Attorneys-at-Law, .Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E S. AN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank Building. EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. W.- T. MILLER, . Attorney-at-Law County attorney - for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCH ARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grant Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All Slnds of drayage and .transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand, at frieght depot , A. Shade, Propr. F, G. Isham, drayage and transfer. Safes pianos and furniture moved packed, -shipped and stored. - Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. THE , WORLD MOVES; so do we. , Bunch Bros. Transfer .Co. Phone 15-r. . ' rri ' ', MISCEXiLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water ,put up in 5-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial test as sure that this water Is pure. " De , livered in five-gallon bottles. W. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 602-F-3. 459tf LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. ' H . A. 'M. Rlofa Pnmmnnlra. tlons 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethern cordially A. XV. VSSB, YV, iU. Ed. ' G. HarrlB, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE. NO. 78, 1.O. 1 "' O. F., meets every Wed- l nesday eve In I.O.O.F. V' hall, cor. 6th and H. Sta. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be present. I. V, Howell, N. G., Clyde Martin, Secretary. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGING, graining, paint ' ing. . For tho best work at lowest prices phone 29G-J. C. O. Plant, South Park street r