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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1916)
Wi;l.l 8lAY, JAM AltV 12, 1 1)1(1. imu.v wan t., .iirr.i: roruint PAGE TRUES NO DRY BATTERIES. Thoy AH Contain Moisture or Thoy WoulJ Ct Ltolcis, M.I Called ill'y hllttui'lc (iiv In cuUlllloll UNO for Hlllllll flfl'tlll' Cllll IM'II SyHll'IU III) II'VIIU tcll'lOUe C Ullt WtTtf Used xiounIvi)' fur Ignition mi earlier make of uutomohlloM Applying (lit word "dry" 10 the huticry I mislead liiit. for there la mi mull itiluu a a "dry" battery. TImtv never wua. nor will there- evcr.Ui If tt wre dry 110 current would generate, aa It rt'iiilc iiiulitmru to pro due chiitiilco-elcctrle activity when, ttio circuit completed from the plus 10 tilt' llltllll elctlU'lllH Tho so culled dry iHiitcry U really an "Inclosed wet huticry," which retain IU Moisture to IU limit or life, whcth tr in service or uoi. Tbe limit of UN di'iiilii on Hit itiori'il capacity, bow froi)iuuitly tin- circuit In applied to It. vnHirntloii due to uge nod (loterloin tlou tif (lit conducting clcuiciiu. The lottery consists uf h rln cyllu dor cum containing 11 ciirlHin u the center, tin Intervening space iHled In with 11 paste ciiiitHiiiii. of iiiif mrt slue oxide- one imi hhI 11 m mon inc. three purls pl.tster of purls mid two purls witter. , Tlit itiisiitlihw are great cr UN tin eupucli.v of ilu buttery la In creased. A NiHiti n H circuit in completed 11 chemical Inn started, iiml tli' current Hows from the lutcriiul purl of tlu xiiic 10 the carbon, then out from tile carbon to llie appliance li returuit to the rine. The external teiiiiliiiiU of t!i ! : .:icrv tire the re of the luii-mul When the Uiiiei i u cli,iiinl It can I recharged I' ; ,:(,: uncut Into It from it ili-.e circuit buttery. uib us a nunc ur sulphur.e m id n-.l Tour liift water through a kiiiuII hale nt the top of the buttery 1 no iil'l to the re turn of It life, hut neither thin nor Uie former will restore the buttery to IU urltfltinl clllclcncy - New York World. THE MYSTERIOUS EAGLE. Curloui Aneitnt Monument to(t to Us by the Indians. On itio broad top of 11 atony, rain gullied hill 111 middle (icorgla there lie a very In rue euxlc, concerning which conflicting stories are told The one Milut thul seem to le certnlu I tlmt the Indian left the eagle aa legacy to the state A hundred year from now It will probably t found lying oil It hin k. wllb ouiNireiid uIiik and mil, even tin It lie today For It In innde of ptarta rock hj cunningly placed (lint It would require n pick In a strong mnn' IiiiiuIh to iliiiu p any one of them. The rock In ft n;id over bip In luii li 11 iiiniiiii'r ux lo reprencni frillliiTK No I'ciocnt IioIiIm I In-Ill III jHwliliui, Mild 1 he NloticH vury In Htze, welk'hlut! from a In If ioiind to three or four ptimid. The linuue reNta 011 u ery tlnn fouiidailou, for the atone work t-meioN et-rul feel Into llie Cnuiuil Onee, M'iha tie. neiiHure week Inj! vniidiiln doj; Into 1 In- li-n,i .if the Qttii'v. hut llii 1:1, i 1 hove I'lovctl Ion l-tlm,i!i. ,f 1 I', - i-,-. ;:;n' e up " 7 t - .riv 1 . .1 If c yyy by taking the "grind" , ly of typewriting I sy AND smile I For ' machine that makes it easy for any stenog rapher to turn out MORE letters with less effort in the ordinary working day. The new Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's work and sets the pace that pays I Built hr "Big Business1' and its Great Army of Expert Operators These hew features of the Royal add to the sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-style typewriter subtracts--peeJ The speed with brains behind it the all-day speed of the expert typist in the day's work. Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the other kind, Get the Facts t 8end for tbo " Royal vfc. fJOQ man- ana bsk tor DEMONSTRATION, Or writ us direct for oar now bro chure,-"0elfer SrvVc,"and book of facta on 7bucA typfaf-aentfreato typewriter users. ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY IIOGUB RIVEI) OOUIUBH, AgoaiU Gninte Pa. ism lofora tbey hud rcudied the hoitom Inyer of oi'crluipliiK atone ltouh'li but fulrly accurute menaura OMMilii of Hip bird ahow tho leiiKtb of the emtio from the middle of Hut tall to Hid bend 10 he Wl feet and from tip lo Hp of ouiMpreud wIiik 1-0 feet. The leiii;tli of the beak Im leu feet, and the liclcht of the body ut the ceil ter of the Liciott I ten fct Theeaule Ilea with Km heud to the WeL Trmllilou ilm-a not give uuy Mailnfue tory extiluiiMrlon of the uite or tu meiinlnir of the itreiit atone tuoiind. It Uiuy hit ve had rolltfloim HlKiilllcoiut lo the rtd men who built It. and It uiuy bo I liu luirliil plucv of mouiu jtrcul chief It Ih one of the 11101 myNterloua und luout Intereatlnu of rehltorlc tnoiiu uieui In the Untied Ktuio. Youtb'a Coin put) ton. "Plna and Noodloa." After txdiik for it hmu tlmo In a con atraliitxl nttltudu u K'ullnr uutiibues ami pricking tire often felt In (be urm. leg or foot Till la cuod by oute Interruption to the circulation and cun uauiilly bo removed by rubblnif or ex ercUo The reuou of Hie aetmtttlon. which Im decidedly iincoinforltthlo wbllo It IdnIm. i Hint preHuro for a certain leiiKih uf tlmo dt-uduita the Kemdblllly of u nerve. When tbla prcsnure la sud denly removed. 11a atrulKhtt-tiliig out tho leg nfter alttttii.' wltb It doubled undcrneuth the body aenalblllty grad uully return to the nerve, and hh wk b nerve fiber coiiiiminIiik the trunk re gain Itn iiormnl condition of ttciulhll Ity 11 piicUIng eiiiittnn la felt, and theae hiircciisivo pricking from the aufcciotlvc nwnliculug of the iitimcr ouh flhcn If; vp pot lnnpl!.v been cnllc J 'plim 11 nd ticcilii- " Why Wot Land Is Cold. C (1. UopkltiN, Moll cxH-rt. snya that five dine tt much bent I required to evaporate water from the surface of a aoll na would bo needed to rnlao tho temperature of the name umount of water from tho freezing to tho boiling point, aaya Fnnn mid Flrewlde. Tbla explain why wet and poorly drained oil arc cold Tile drnlimgo remove the exce or w titer Then the beat of the aim Is able to make notno headway tn warm lug the aoll. Hut if the noil I con tlutittlly Hiiturutcil with water tho con atant ovitporntlun Uccpit the tempera turo down In aplte of the uu' warmth Whon Your Eyos "Snap." When you rend In lqoU and tblugK that 8o-iindo' eye "aim pped" wltb excitement or uup-r you utv not to upKse that hi tor her) orb tiiinle u auitpplug Hound tlx they glnncctl nhout the room. We have It on no ies uu authority than the Journal of tho American Medical A)oclntlou that the eye of man "ran move accurately, liehtKly, with the greutest precision . to any object lii any part of the Held ! of vlxlon " Ovrplodgd. "LeiMi tnc flu, old uiiiu I pledge you , m.v wurd of honor I'll piiy. it buck next Haturday " "Surry, but I loaned you tirtecu on ' m Nivnrliy a month nco. I'll have to ' ink jut) to put up Noincihinii more tan I i.iliie th! tlnn" Mttslnirjrh I'reaa - nv - ij v . i. 1 -1 m-l r 1 1 1 t "SPEED UP!" to 60 minutes an hour here at last is the master $12S Simple Remedy , for Catarrh Jut llretho llyoiiiel Four Tlinea a imy aim im iwueveu If a few yean ago Nome one had aald you could troat catarrh by breathing air charged with healing liaUani, the idea would have been ridiculed and it remained for that eminent lnvtlgalor, It. T. Booth, to discover In Jiyomol thla wonderful method of treatment. Ilyomet baa performed almoat nilr aculoua reiulta In treating catarrh and la today recognized by thoimanda of people u the only advcrtlaed rem edy for catarrh that can he relied upon to do JuHt what It claims. Tbe complete outfit of llyomol la Inex petmlve and conalats of an Inhaler, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyomol. Ureal he the air of Hyomol through the llttlo Inhaler druggists furnlah with It for a few mlnutw four times a day and It will belli the worm case of catarrh, It aootbea and haala tbo mucotia membra'ne of the air pass attea, prevents irritation, and effects complete and lasting relief. In !rants I'aas there are scores of well known people who have been relieved of catarrh by llyonn-1. If It does not help you C. II. Uemaray will return the money you paid for Hyo mol. This Is the strongest evidence that can be offered aa to bis faith in this remedy. FORESAW HIS DOWNFALL Napoleon Had Planned to 8eur a Home In This Country. When Jottcph Bonnpurte left me, tbe Impren-ilon on tny mind was Utat bad he not been Napoleon's brother be would have passed for a very remark ablo man. , 1 bud almost forgot to mention that the conversation having Incidentally turned toward his chateau at Borden, town be mentioned as the principal reason for choosing that situation a conversation with Napoleon, I think immediately or not long after Napo leon's return from Russia. Tbey were alone together, and his brother, laying a large map of tbe United States on a table, aald: " 'Joseph, it la very probable that the time Is not dlxtunt wben you and I will be forced to aeek an asylum in the United State. Come, lot us look out tho bcHt spot' "After a careful examination tbey decided that tho most dcRlrnble place was somen here between the Delaware and HudHon In tbe state of New Jer sey. Naitoleon was destined to a alow and painful sacrifice, but Joseph found refuge In the United States and waa governed In bin selection of a home by the recollection of tho prophetic inter rlcw with his brother'-From an Un published MantiKcrlpt of James K. Paulding u Harper's Magazine. BANANAS AS FOOD. The Bast Way to Serve Them Is Baked Whon Full Rips. Children under three years of age do not chew their food thoroughly; they bolt It. For litis reason they should not have hmiumis to cue uncooked Bananas are nutritious, but they are an Indigestible food unless they are well masticated. They are more easily digested when cooked than when euteu raw. , Tbe most digestible form or cooked banana Is tbe baked one. This Is pre pared first by washing the fruit, then cutting a small piece Yrotn each end of tho bananas ins when preparing a sweet potato for bnklug) I'lace tho bananas to be baked ou a tin pie plate or similar dish In u hot oven. When tbey fool tender after pricking with a fork they are well baked. Dark brown or brown stained bananus (not the bright yellow ones) are best for eating, either raw or baked. After tbe fruit Is baked tt is placed on a plotter and served as a meat It Is not. however, turned out of tho skin. Whon ready to eat it split the akin and banana lengthwise of the fruit; season tt with aalt pepter and n llttlo butter. In warm weather linked bananas may be used to take the place of meat at a meal. Philadelphia Record. Roller Skates. Tbe earliest roller sknte waa patent ed by a Frenchman lu 1810. About 1804 tho craze for roller skating made Its first appearance iu Engtund. In 1S00 the "rinklng" fever broke out lu Australia and thence proceeded back to England and then to tbe United 8tates. There has been uu "Intermit tent fever" ever since, breaking out at Intervals Into tbe roller skating fad. Both Ways. "What on earth it re you doing sneak ing around In the room tbut way. Ma rlu. when you know I en n't bear to be disturbed?" "1 was looking for tin egg to make tho enko Icing with." "Well, bent lt!"-rnltliuore Amerl can. His Plan. "IIo's one of our most successful bual ness men." "That lot Wbafi his secret?'' "Well, in the first place be insists npon his clerks selling his customers what they want, not what the clerks themselves wear." Detroit Free Press Whnt men want la not talent. It Is pnrpo"1: nut the power to achieve, but the will to labor Rulwer Itton, NURSERY STOCK Bring, write or pbone your tree orders to George II. Parker, 403 West D street, Grants Pass. Phone 285-Y. Ten years in the business. 642 BERKSHIRE sows In pig to Laurel Champion, tbe aire who outranks all others in tbe world In tbe sbow record of bis get F. R. Steel, . Winona Ranch, Route 1, Grants Paaa. tf FOR BALIS OR TRADE 8x10 im proved Empire Bute camera, tripod, backgrounds and complete professional outfit Trade for wagon, stock or farm Implements. Address W. J. Evans, Wlldervllle, Oregon. (48 FOR SALE 1450 mortgage drawing 8 per cent Interest. Good security. Will sell at a liberal discount. Call or address Joseph Moss, 204 North Sixth street. 638tf DOG LOST Young collie dog, white ring around neck and tip of tall white. Finder please notify C. N. Culy, route No. 2. Phone 612-F-3. TO EXCHANGE MOTORCYCLE, with side car, offered in trade for land In or near Grants Pass. Will trade In as first pay ment. Machine is in good condi tion and would be convenient and quick transportation for suburban resident. Seo A. Jackson, Courier office. tf EXCHANGE I have several choice California residence and ranch properties to exchange for Grants Pass modern bungalow or close in acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par sons. 630tf TO RENT FOR RENT 240-acre farm with buildings, on Illinois river. About 70 acres under cultivation and ir rigation, Joseph Fetzner, Grants Pass. 648 FOR RENT Five-room house, with larn and two acres of ground, $9 per month. Apply to Joseph Moss. 204 North Sixth street. 642 VETERINARY SURGEON OK.. R, J. BE3TUL, Veterinarian. Office in WInetrout Inn-lenient Building. Phono 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. ASS.VYERS E. R. CROUCH, Asaayer, chemist, metallurgist. Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. Argentina's Natural Bridge. In Argentina there Is a natural brid-.'e that i one or the most wonderful lu the worm It spans iin m,, .MhiiiIom uiul Is known us me lu-i rld'.-e. But it Is the work ol muui-o, says the Set entitle Aiiiertcuu. ami not. us was pup ulnrly supposed. i the Imus The roud on which It on-ura was probably a colonial hlKbwn.v made by tbe Peru vian Incus, who took advantage of the pbeuomenon by leading their roud over this natural viaduct Origin of Spoons. Two natural objects seem to have furnished the model for tbe spoon to primitive nian-the river or sea shell and the leaf of plants In southern China shell siioous are still used that are closely reproduced In tbe familiar porcelain spoon of that country, while metal spoons are round In India on which are reproduced even tho velus of tbe leaves from which they were copied. Faint Hop. Doctor icuttlnglyi- Are yon to be al lowed to drink beer, eh'' Didn't I tell you Just h week nuo to let the stuff alone? Patient-1 know, doctor, but. you see. I thought there mighl have Decu some progress in tneiUcnl science since. New York Post Moan Follow. "Your wife has n muscular affect ion whfch renders her speechless I enn cure her. but It will take time" 'Take all tbe time you want, doc,' responded the mean mnn Kansas City Journal. Too Fond ot Them, "la he fond of outdoor sports?" "Yes Ills wife complains that be even Invites them home to dinner." Cleveland Plain ivnter In Motor Circles. 'Now, ma," cuutloncd pa, "don't force too much tin your guests at din tier." ,, "What then?" sniffed ma "Make It a sociability run und not tin endurance contest " -Louisville Cou rler-Journal Mining blanks, Conric office. Oregon mlnltg laws, 40c. Courier Classified Advertising TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast Eailroad Company (The Oregon Caves Route) Effective Monday, Dec. 20, 1915, Train 1 It. Grant Pa7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek t :00 a.m. Train 3 Ir. Waters Creelu8:15 a.m. Arrives Grants Paaa. 1:16 a.m. Train t Ir. Grants Pass. 2:00 p.m. Arrives Waters Creek t:00 p.m. Train 4 Ir. Waters Creek.l:00 p.m. Arrives OranU Paaa 1:00 p.m. All trains leave Grants Paaa from the corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at tbe office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or pbon i38-R for same. Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day in the week. MAGIC OF IRRIGATION. Story of th Rico Fislds of Southern Louisiana. In 1883 lowlands lu southern liulst anu near the I ayous suitable for grow big sugar can, cum und cotton eould be purchased for KJ..V) an acre, aud tbe prairie lauds back from tbe bayous could be bought for tl an acre. With almost tbe first crop under IrrlgaUuu. bowever, the values showed a marked rise and have continued to Increase In the first five years the value of the best rice lauds rose to $10 uu acre, und soon after that It rose to &W' and eveu $50 an acre. The first people to plant rice lo south era Louisiana, according to tbe Unit ed Suites geological survey, were tbe Acad hum, wbo. after their expulsion from Nova Scotia by the English in 1755. settled in considerable uuinbers in Louisiana. Their cultivation or rice, almost primitive in Its methods, was confined to the lowlands along the bayous, tbe prairies affording pastur age for tbe Acudlaus' herds of cattle. Few of tbe lowland areas admitted of satisfactory drabuure. and tbey were too small for profitable cultivation. The crops frequently failed lu years of deficient rainfall Attempts were made to create additional water supplies by building levees across low sags or coulees ut Kluts higher than the cul tivated areas, but generally either the rainfall proved ileiicient or tbe reser voirs were loo smalt Little ui'.vuti'-e was made over the Acadia:) tuet::octs uiitil recent years. Experiments in unusually wet years bad shown that tbe sobs of the prairies were adapted to the growth of rice if sufficient water was at hand. This led to the trial of purov" aa a means of raising water fjvui tie bayous to the rice fields. So si-cecful waa the test that pumps were at once Installed at many points, and In A few years tens of thousands of acres of previously al most useless land, lying ten to seventy feet above tbe bayous, were put under cultivation. Tbe first large pump was Installed In 1S94 on the Bayou Plaque mine, In Acadia parish, near Crowley. OUR UNRULY SUN. It 8oems to Ba Trying to Dilatn to tho Bursting Point The French astronomei ruiscux has bevu busying hiuisell wuu the consti tution of the sun lie tluds I hut. In stead of condensing and shrinking lit tle by til tic. as waa formerly supiosed. the sun is constantly dilating more and more und reaching the polut of burst ing. And If the sun blew up there would be no more need for us poor mortals to worry about worldly af fairs. Hip suits every whit as iuiHrtant In their owu constellations as ours are frtxntpiitly victims of an explosion. There was one In the nmstellutlon of Perseus early In IV1. ami sluv then two at least have occurred In other celestial groups. Ubscrrutlon has shuwu long sluce tbut the gtvui orb which Is our all In all is n most uncertiiiu character. Sun Kpots. tire blasts tinU such like phe nomena are by no means the most of which he is capable. Tbe manner in which the sun throws off atomic ener gy and transforms tbe heavy Into light elemcuts, hydrogen, helium, nebullum, archonlum and wbut not spells nothing good for this world, and a mere noth ing might lead to a disaster any day. In short, it is bound to come at some time or other. Onfortunately acience cun give us no idea as to when. Cen turies and even huudreds of centuries are us but a moment lu the history of tho uulverse. says Professor Plntnma rUm. ii oil for nil we know the sun may buve millions of years more life before It No mini i-eii toll, tlimtul). and. Just as the sii'oim'o i ut cm ure struck dowu In it tiini:;ciii i't mm powerful pluu- el uiny glvi, nip i,i ,m i .-lo -mil when It does i i ct:- ,. "t . i work of all of ti"" ' t -ooti Tran script ' Tho Reason. "Flow Is it thai one never forgets a love affair?" "Hceonse thnt W something one learm by h".'it t, ' ijHstnn TMnscrlpt. , PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice ; limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, and on ap pointment. Office phone 62; resi dence pbone 359-J. 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Res. phone 1(9; office phone 182 Sixth and H. Tuffs "Building. J. P. TRUAX, ii. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 125; residence, 124, Calls answered at all hours. Country calls at tended to. Lnndeburg Bids. F. H. INGRAM, D. C, D. O. Men tal, Spinal, Nervous and Chronle Diseases. Office, 215 North Sixth street. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Other hours ' by appointment. Phone 7. Res. pbone, 248-J. DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m., to 6 p. m. Phones: Res. 234-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. 8TRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing, tf. DEST1STS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., First-class dentistry. 109 South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliot, dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rule building. Grants Pass. Ore. Pbone 265 . M. R. BRITTEN, Dentist Rooms 2 and 3, Lundburg building, opposite post office. Hours; 9 a, m. to 12 m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 12 m. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorn.y-at-Law. Practice in all State and Federal " Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIG & WILLIAMS Attorneys-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKETAttorney. Practice in all courts. First National Bank Building. EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-. at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. B LAM CHARD. Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at frieght depot' A. Shade, Propr. F. G. Isham, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clarke & Holman. No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch BroB. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up in 5-gallon glass Jars and delivered' at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial test as sure that this water is pure. De livered in five-gallon bottles. E. Beckwlth. Order 'by phone, 602-F-3. 459tf LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M. Stated Communica tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethern cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. O. F., meets every Wed kc nesday eve in I.O.O.F. -2r hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially invit ed to be present. W. H. Ryan, N. 0., Clyde Martin, Secretary. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANOING, graining, paint ing. For the best work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. O. Plant, South Park street.