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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1916)
v.; VI' v. DAILY ROQUH IUVKR C0V1UF.H vfini:si.v, jamahy hi, ioi. AGK TWO Unily Rogua River CQurier. A& Independent Republican News Paper. United Prw Lemd Wlra Teleg-aph Service E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Prov WILFORD ALLEN. Editor Entered at tha Grants Pass, Ore gon, Postofflce m second-class mall natter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Yew- ! tx Month Three Months One Month .- Payable ta Advance. .1.09 .1.60 -.50 a posttton In., our affections peculiar only to them, which bo alien Influ ence may approach. Pittsburg Gasette-Tjmes. BUILD MANY VESSELS (Continued trem page l. freighting, and are to be used In the Alaska trade. According to local rumors, Alexander Intends to pur chase ten more steamers, to be placed In service between Faclflc const torts and New York, via the Panama canal. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, OREGON WEATHER f Tonight and Thursday snow, warmer; winds becoming north- erly. A HARVEST OP WILSON'S SOWING Wilson's two years of "watchful waiting" in Mexico hare brought Just what such a policy could be expected to bring. His wabbling diplomacy, touching all sides of all questions and without an effective stand upon any Issue, Is now bringing its natural har vest, distrust and pillage and death. First, the authorities at Washington alienated Carranza and his follow ing by flirting with Villa, making of Carranza a scapegoat and assisting the ibandlt chieftain In his marauding warfare by the moral support of a great nation, arriving almost at the point where Villa was recognised. Then, turning upon Villa when Car ranza was gaining an 'advantage at arms, the latter was "recognized" and Villa was outlawed, as both he and Carranza should have been years before. The consequence is that the United States of America, greatest nation upon the face of the earth, now has no standing whatever in the southland, and the gringo is the hated of all Mexicans. "Watchful waiting" has brought nothing but ridicule to this country. Villa orders the slaughter of Americans. Car ranza may not give official approval to the slaughter, but Villa is doing just what he would have done had he dared. But Wilson may be able to stave trouble off long enough to wish the Mexican question upon the republican administration that will follow in 1917. Hoqutam, Wash., Jan. 13. A $250,000 vessel, said to be the largest exclusively lumber carrier, Is on the ways at the Matthews Ship building company's yards, and other contracts are held up only for lack of yard room. Good progress has been made in the construction of the million and halt capacity steam lumber schooner tor the Freeman company of San Francisco, and work has started on an oil burner wtth a capacity of a million and a third feet for the E. K. Wood Lumber company. Plans are afoot among shipbuild ers here to engage in the manufac ture of submarines. Jl IHiK WOVLD PROVIDE MATES 11Y I-OTTKWY (By United Press Leased Wire.) Faterson. N. J., Jan." 13. -Rachel-ors and bachelor ladles would be mated 'by drawing lots under compul sion If Judge Abram Klenert's plan were adopted. He's a bachelor him self. PORTLAND INKTOH 8KXTEXCKD TO PRISON Portland, Jan. 13. Dr. A. A. Ausplund was sentenced today to an Indeterminate sentence of one to IS years In the penitentiary for man slaughter. He was convicted a month ago as a result of the death In his office of a girl upon whom an mogul operation had been performed. TAFT NOT SLATED FOR SUPREME CXH'RT JOH Washington, Jan. 12. The suc cessor of the late Associate Justice Lamar of the United States supreme court will not be Professor William Howard Taft, a source closo to Presi dent Wilson stated positively today. RL1ZZARD 11LOWIXU IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY I'XABLK TO LEARN HOW LIN Kit PERSIA WAS SI XK Washington, Jan. 13. .Austria has not I nod the state department, It was understood today, that after a full investigation the government has been unable to determine how the llucr Persia was sunk. Portland. Jan. 12. Shipbuilding yards in the vicinity of Portland are running to full capacity on small orders aggregating approximately halt a million dollars. Facilities here are limited, but business apparently is not. The St Helens yard Is constructing three five-masted auxiliary power schooners for the McCormlck Lum ber company, at a cost of $80,000 each, and also have a contract for a three-masted auxiliary power schoon er for Captain Wrlghtson, of Mobile, Ala. The Supply yard Is building the steamer Kitsap II for the Kitsap Transportation company, Seattle. SWITCH ENGINE KIU . 17 MUX IX MAXITORA Brandon, Manitoba, Jan. 12. Sev enteen workmen were ground to bits today while they were cleaning snow from the tracks when a switch en gine plowed into them. COLD SPELL HITS GREAT LAKES DISTRICT Portland, Jan. 13. After the coldest weather In several years, Portland awoke this morning to And herself blanketed with six Inches of snow, and the white stuff still falling. Along the Columbia and Willam ette rivers the snow was driven by a 30-mlle gale, and at times during the night assumed the proportions of a blizzard. AMMUNITION DEPOT EXPLODES AT LILLE Berlin, via Sayvllle, Jan. 12. Seventy persons were killed and BO badly injured in an explosion In the ammunition depot at Lille, France, yesterday, said an official announce ment today. INDICTMENT READY FOR GENERAL Hl'ERTA Washington, Jan. 12. The cold est weather of the season is due on the great lakes and In the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys Thursday night, the weather bureau announced today. San Antonio, Jan. 12. General Huerta, one-time Mexican dictator, will be indicted tomorrow by the federal grand Jury on a charge of conspiring to violate United States' neutrality. The bill already has been formally voted and it will be pre sented In open court as soon as the district attorney's force can finish its intricate details. FOODS THE TUrtKS EAT. Pilaff Is the National Ditn, and but LK tie NUat Is Utsd. Vegetable, fruits uud iiralns are the staples of tho Turkish Utctiou. Ureak fast ou the llosimru consists of a snmll cup of Turkish coffee and a roll At uoon there Is a bowl of sour milk tyaourtt and bread. Thick Turkish coffee Is taken again In Hie aftoruoou to key up appetite for the principal meal, which comes at ulght. This meal includes, probably, pilaff (meat and rice), several kinds of vegetables, pastry and thick coffee. The work man's meal Is still mure simple a chunk of bread aud nu onlou or a bunch of grapes. Thore are. However, some dishes upon tbe Turkish bill of fare which the returned westerner never ceases to regret. Pilaff Is one. It U a rood as uutlonul with the Turk as tbe potato wtth the Irish, us the cabbage with tbe German. It takes a multltudo of forms, but Us basic quality. It quali ty of being pilaff. Is derived from rice being cooked in aucb a way ss to pre serve each gralu tlnu und distinct. The rice Is uupollahetl and lu cooking takes on a gelatinous coat Sometimes It Is bolted In mutton fat. a rich, smooth. For the New Year hnk Books Office Supplies 9 DeiTiaray S Stationery Store " INTERVENTION (Continued from Page 1 ) tho stale department, nor General Garcia, Carranxlsta commander at Juarei, toward avenging tho cold blooded massacre of this party of mining .men of the cuslsulrluchlo Mining company. On every hand thero was denunciation of tho state department, and a spirit of -bitterness toward the Wilson administration, which found expression in sharp pro tests to Washington. Inviting dish. Sometimes bits of roast The fact that General Villa and 16 mutton are mingled with It, when It1 men were at LaJunta two days ago, becomes a meat pudding of delicious ' wthn 15 ,nt, wf tn0 B,,ot ,re flavor, it Is cooked with small cur- tho Americans wero dragged from a mtild mill rln mitu trfsi it l atinl rlu ! It Is tuffed with dates aud flavored ; trtt,u' tTiA of ,Mr c,,)thc,1 "J with orange peel; but. whatever Its 1,ot on u" on,, strengthened the form. It Is one of the treasured memo, belief that Villa himself was In per- ties of a visit to the near east. sonal command of tho bandits. Gen- Eggplant ta tho foundntlou of auoth- vra Rodrlguos and other bandits er favored Turkish dish It U stuffed WMC not , tle nunedUW vicinity, with chopped onion and rl. e and cook- Arnwvwm mtn ,,, ,,re ed In oil. it is nlno stuffed with meat . .... . , marrows and rice and steamed until It ' 10 Bl,m,t 11,0 rorl'" of th b"n bocomes a culinary inspiration. The Ms victims without the formality westerner, furthermore, learns to en- of red tape st the border line. J. F. Joy many of the milk foods prepared - Ryan, representing the C'usl coin by the Turkn. Yaonrt. cultured milk pany, chartered a special train to as thick as sour cream, prepared from ll(,nr th(MU hor(, am, tnlll , ,,ln,P( , the rich milk of the ....milo cow. la . , h( satisfaction to the most pampered dlu- ...... .. , , , er. Chicken bre,t milk, umde from I'tlcally tho entire foreign col- grate,! chicken bream; Jelly-like rice T 'rt' Chihuahua City Is reported milk, starchv middlne. eaten with sm,- to be aboard the funeral train, escort- COMPULSORY MILITARY SERVICE IS OPPOSED PORTLAND HAS COLDEST tVEATHER SINCE lfMM) VALUE OF OLD FRIENDS. As to old friends, they are like old shoes, an abiding comfort and a great solace. If they have not been tried in extremity they have been tested by time and its mutations, and by the wear of years. There is little more beautiful in human experience than long-sustained friendships between women grown far Into the years, for example, and yet who have main tained their communion of dreams and confidences unbroken and un spoiled. There is little more refresh ing to contemplate than friendships between middle-aged or old men that have existed in strength and har mony from boyhood days. Other friendships have these folks of the passing generation, some of them true, some of them tried, but none of them as richly regarded and high ly treasured as tbe old ones. For necessarily there are many things that occur in a lifetime which par or disturb us, which give a different turn to our tastes and disposition, which Introduce changing elements and predilections Into the problems of the day and times of the -present and future can never be the same as In the long ago. Yet the old friends remain, possibly not in the same neighborhood or comunity, nor in the same part of the country, ' But they are ever within the boundaries of our spiritual vlBlon and they are en shrined in the sanctuary of the heart Without them we should be lonesome In a crowd, and sometimes should feel as if we. had been abandoned, though surrounded by our own house hold and loved ones. Old friends, in brief, have a niche all tbelr own, Portland. Jan. 12. The snowstorm which started early last night was unafcated at 1 o'clock this afternoon, and the weather bureau predicted no cessation today. The ground is cov ered to a depth of eight inches. The coldest weather since 1909 was re gistered this morning 13 degrees. It may be a little warmer tonight, the weather man said. Washington. Jan. 12. President Wilson Is opposed to compulsory military service, Chairman Hay of the house military committee today told that body. Aaron Burr's Grsve, Aaron Burr died at Port Richmond, Staten Island. Sept 14. 1836. Ills re mains were conveyed to Princeton. N. J., where, according to his request, be was Interred at the feet of his fa ther and grandfather. Hoth bis father and grandfather were presidents of Princeton college For nearly two years the spot where be lay was unmarked, when one morn ing It was discovered that a small, very substantial and not Inexpensive monument of granite and marble bad been placed during the night over liW remains. No one In the towu saw the monument erected or knew anything whatever respecting It. There was tut stonecutter In the vicinity capable of executing the work The stone Item- the Inscription: "Aaron llurr torn Feb. . 17,'C. Kind Sept. 14. ts:tn " Armenian History. The history uf the later veers of .the Armenian kingdom Is hound si in in.' history of Am. The Ntriiu'!io'd city became the capital of tin- l'..i,:r.itM kltitrs of Armenia In '.Mil 'I'll" Hzan tine emperor cupftircd it in b-i - It was then u hive of many "ic of thousands, n weulihy clt.v ami mi In viling one. The Scljuk Turks niitii-d fire und sword throughout V ! 1 1 J 1 1 ewutecn yours later. I he uiirliki! Georglnns took It tlve times bet ween 1125 and l'."ii). The Mongols uU'ituii It in VIZ'.), and tin curthimke In 1310 completed tho work of ruin. The grtftit cathedral, the most perfect survival, was fouiiib tl In 1010. Just nt the begin nlng of the city's long chain of misfor tunes. Mssls of Chestnuts. , French peasants sometimes mnks two meals a day of chestnuts cooked In divers wnys. San Francisco, Jan. 12. Henry D. Gill, prominent attorney here, was found dead early today in San Fran cisco bay, off Pier 9. Indications point to possible murder, in the ab sence of any known suicide motive. There was a gash two inches long at the back of the head. Deputy Coroner Gavan was uncertain wheth er the wound resulted from a fall or was Inflicted by a murderer. Legal slanks, Cesrler office, ROM! NEXT ATTORNEY OF FRISCO FOUND DEAD Seller's Helmer's. kitchen cabinet at 640 ar and rosewatcr und umnrt. wtth chopped nutmeats, are other dlsUes. The Turks are fond or sweets. They prepare a kind of bread which Uiey soak In houev and eat with rich cream. Thev also prepare pastry in taring soaked In honey .Meat-., with tbe ex ception of mutton, tire pom tn Turkey, but then the Turk t a iromi deal of a vegetarian The Turkish porter, or Itumui. (lines on a chunk of bread costing n cent, to gether with a melon or m tuiniti of grapes or nn union r n pice id i-iih?i. to tbe cost of another critt. mid con siders IiIh meal complete Yet Ills dat- they are safe lu tho mountains with the loot they obtained lu their hold up of the mining men's train, The report that Villa led tho slay ers seemed to have substantiation from the fact that ho Is known to have harbored an extremely bitter hatred of Americans since tho Car ranza government was recognised. Authorities hero think that ha has merely bided his time for on oppor tunity such as that of Monday In which to whet his thirst for revenge. against tho United States and his de sire, at tho same time, to Involvn Cnrransa In trouble with the Ameri can government for falling to protect Americans. PORTLAND MARKETS WheatClub, i)l(u" LOU; bluestem. 1.04 (u 1.07. OatsNo. 1 white feed, 25.50 Hurley-Feed. i'U.SSW 28. Hoki HeHt live, 6,S5 4i C.i0. Prima steers, 7.60 tJJ 7.10 ; fancy cows, 6,25; best calves, 7 iff. Spring lambs, S 41 8,25, ilutler City creamery, 31. ICkks Selected local extras. 30. Hens, ItiSfi.s; broilers, 17'dlS; geese, 0 i 1 0. ALTKItX ATEH TO FORD PEACE TKIIU'XAL Ing the bodies to tho border. One! hundred Cotrsiuu soldiers ate also! ...lln., K Tli.. irln I ..ft (Milium. 1 !.,! .1 111 S l. ,,".7 ,.,, .... . j hiia City at noon and Is duo here at . T1((( Jun ,., Fori )(.m. 9 o'clock tonight. )iirtv ,,uKl,tei, ,u,.tv admitted to- v titzens ii i' re win noiu aii Humilia tion meeting In Cleveland square this evening and afterward will go to'. the border to meet the train. Chihuahua messages today stated1 that Villa personally led the murderers. Leading mining men wired at least IA. ....I.... I iimj iiroicm.i in nuiHikniii num.! , i j, alternates ly toll consists in carrying pin king demanding Immediate action to safe- cases, pianos and other knlckknacks guard effectively Americans lu Mex- nrotiml on his nn.-k to the astonisn- Most of them were addressed to , ment of every visitor uci pialnted only , VaU r NV... m........ m,,pI with the pmwess of porters in the , . A . ,,i ' '"' west. This ru,,..,i Turkish t.urUen fo of 11,0 uml-rHii Mexl-an- WllH,llnKt()n Jnn, )2Tt, . bearer wits a dinner nt night whteti policy. ; state commerce commission decided costs about 4 cents-n bowl of pliuit C. I linker, representing Ouggeu- j ,0(1(iy ,hnt nQ ,lKh),r rBM f(m wiin tins or metu in ii.-.Miiiuniii mil. iicuii uut-renis, nun ouo r oik i maintained by railroads on graphic society iimietin. (lay that they did not believe former S.' relary of Stale Itryan, Henry Ford , snd Miss Jane Addnms would accept I tlit posts of members of the perman ent peace tribunal to which they wero I elected last night. Hence because of this anticipation they subsequently elected two more representatives and III LING IS MADE IIY I XTEIWTATE OMMISSIOX bv rail mini on lincW. concerns, nave practically uecmeu io;whcnt tnd corn fl()1r to CallfornU withdraw their employes and to closo tho Mexican mines until protection Is obtained. Coffee If you had the time and knowledge, could pick from the world's coffee, and had the proper roast ing and grinding facilities, you might roast your own coffee every morning before breakfast. Still we should say, "If you don't like Schilling's Best better, your grocer retu rns you r money. " Evenly ground, freed of chaff, Its rich flavor safe -scaled in airtight tins. Schilling's Best ' -i u In an Australian Slssping Car. The sleeping cars of Australia are In mnnv wars better than thos of tho United States Instead or being of Further details than tho bloody continuous length they ore broken up stories already confirmed wero nn luto compnrtuients, each one of which obtainable today, hecanso of a strict Contuins two berths running cronswlse CPnHorship, tbe track, a separate lavatory uud, ' divers shelves, nicks, hooka uud cubby ' An nnconnrmcd report said that holes for disusing of a traveler's be- j General Trcvlno, Carranzlsta, hnd longings. The privacy of tbe arrange-j sent an expedition to the scene to ment Is much to my mind. Tbe porter, i pursue the bandits, but as the latter who is also the conductor, takes charge novo a two-days' start, it Is believed of nil heavy bags, satchels and pack- j ages and puts them In an apartment inTHzazTzmmZ specially reserved for that purpose.-' Bishop E. E. uoss tn Dallas News. i A Varnishing Tip. When varnishing wood the work ; must be done In h warm room at s j temperature of at leant 76 degrees F. I At u lower temperature tbe moisture In the ulr will give u milky and cloudy , appcariincp to the vurnlsli. On the j oilier hand, at the higher temperature the moisture Is not precipitated until : the ulcuhol of the vurulsu has until clently evaporated to leave a thin i smooth II I m of shellac Tbe durability and gloss are dependent on this. Tsll Engliih Authors. Inches would -com not to lack slg ulllciiuce In literature. Of tbe great Kiu.'ilsh writers of the Victorian em ulMiost nil were full. Teunysou, Car. lylo, lldwurd Fltxgerald and Matthew Arnold all reached "In feet, Ituskln touched Hve feet ten, Kroude five ret eleven, Dickens and Browning roll short of the sli foot level by only a nurrow Bpace, and Thackeray turned six feet three. London Chronicle. terminals than on wheat flour. I For good bargains In furniture, see Helmer's. 640 CHICHESTER S PILLS TMK III A MONO IIHANU, jf l.l rkM.l.r-l llmiM,4 TlroB.I.V'A I'llla m UrS UI4 nnjIluVl, mli.1 llk Hlu fciMam. V 7'le no nlhrr. I(.,t rf tiiui 'ruil.. A irt 1(1.1 lf -. rt-II'N I'lAilllSK III, U li I'll M, 1 -'. I.- An AnaoHrenism. When some celebrated pictures of Ada in and Eve were seen on exhibi tion Mr, McNab was taken to see tnnro. "I think no great things of the paint er," laid the gardener, ' "Why, man, tempting Adam wl' s pippin of a h rlety that , wnua knowo ootll about twenty fu tV ,.(., ")''.. More Limiteil Trains on Ogden Route San FranciscoChicago than any other transcontinental route From points in Western and Southern Oregon tho logical way to go east Is via Han Francisco or Sacra mento and Ogdon. Tho limn is fast, tho connections good foe. all eastern ltlns, Dining cars, observation cars, standard and tourist sleeping enrs. lOiiulpment to fit tho purso of every traveler. Overland Minltcd Train do Luxo I'aclllc UitiltiMl Han lYanclsco Mniltotl i Atlantic FAprcws Our local agent will be pleased to answer any questions SOUTHERN PACIFIC-UNION PACIFIC John it, Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon 'A