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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1916)
WLDMttDAV, JAMAHV a, lOlfl, DAILY ROGUE fUVEft COURIER PAGE Tiinca ' HIS COOK WAS LOYAL H Blue y Prlne Hutlow and Wn th Till "Miury." (tome year ago, when Prlne tiue low wn retiring from the nmbiui dornlilu at Homo to return, bount and take up tlio post of chancellor of tin Uorumu empire, lis summoned bU cocrya veritable coiduii Lieu, u tU , llllllUf (llU ( lltllliEW. "SV shall utt llv Ui our pruncm grund tyio." li said, "but vit a mui'li smaller acute. Per hnp, therefore, yuu would prefer to . find another I'lui'." ', The cook, ft..uUU-M luiRKtiilnii tiiut Aimnclul llii"itrr was Impending, re mained silent for a few moment, then, with if') air of one nliout to ir form a sympathetic act, replied: "Well, acvlleiiey, 1 urn grieved nt hearing iieb Melancholy news, but 1 shall re umiti lu your service. Whatever may hnpl'" (o ynu. l would not fur world hnva H until I Imd deserted ou In your tint of misery." At dinner on evening ttia prim-a told the atory to the knlscr. who bad bitd trn)iinl e xortuici of th culinary chef aktll, and waa highly amused t tho prince' anecdote. Mo Interest ed. Indeed, did tlw emperor frfl In th rook thut ihortly afterward h sent tlio worthy follow ft handaomu gold wtiO, on the lid of which we en graJFd the on word "Misery." by which name hi mnjcty ever aftr ward Jnuk'hlnuly apnke of and addre rd blUi.-Dimilif Advertiser. Aneltnt Briton 8wat Tooth, Mention of the German drntom of ntliiif a cmnpotit of wild strawberries with roast pork remind um that our ancestor lu England hud a decidedly tweeter tooth than wo huve. In Tudor time It waa tho general practice to pour honey over the meat, and, Indeed, buncy or augar wo used In to many dlnlie (to aay nothing of being mln - M with tha wine) that It la on record that the troth of most people wore black In eousemictiee. Moat of our an Centura' dlshe would bo too rich for u today, for surely even the moat accom plished dlwr out would ahrink from oyster stowed In wine, pigeon Bluff ed with gooseberries. crniH'a bulled In butti'r and nuiltou stuffed with oyster Loudon Tlt nit. Vary Unkind. "UriH'n and ire utlomen." ankl tbt want'r U-forp tlio curtain, "It la my unplouiMitit duty to Itifonn you that Mr. Ini)t. the mtiir roimdlun, owliid to ill mm. will not W able to atiar to nlelit. Ilia hjhIcui Ima bud a very ae Terv alHK'k. mid ho ta aulTorlug fnini nervoim proh-aUon.n "Wot'a the mnttrrr ahouted a voice from the sallery. "Ild ytt iny him In advnmtr i.onilon Mall. Paaaimlatio. "I paid tho butibor'R bill In full to day, dearie." anld the Indy of tbe bouw, "No wonder the atvak Ik tonith,' Itiiiuiblii! her htmhnnd "You've tot to ki:'i tlinie fellowrt uuesshiit If you wititf to !'. bimmI t,,ii,ttt."-liiiTiil New Mining btnnV. Cn'irr ' ni to Vsy bytakingth "grind" Vyy out K AND smile I For r mneMrtft thn mnln rapher to turn out MORE letters with , less effort in the ordinary working day. The new Royal Master-Model "1(T speeds up the day's work and sets the pace that pays! 'Built for. "Big Buttnktf9 and iU ':::: Crecf fArpty of Expert Operators These new, features of the Royal add to the sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-style typewriter subtractsspctd' The speed with brains behind it the all-oay speed of the expert typist in the day's " work. Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the other kind. '.' : ':' '' ' '.; " Get tha Fad t! . ' v-,.:.,"-l':';i" Bend for the "RoyU ,' to'$t00 man-artdaskforft . . 't hr writ. . direct charm. " uitar jr $rvlc;"mn& book , . 1 of fact on 7oucn 7pVnr-nlfrso typewrit! ustia. .. ; uk7 ' .,''".' in Canada ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY TtOt'Jl'N lUVWiWVK UIKlt, Aii vi-u'iia Vw ; EL 1 PAPERS OF RECALLED ATTACHE .London, 'Jan. 5. Former Atluch'e von I'aiieu of tho WaMhlnaton CJornmn oi.i ,nn y ha! tirotcatod. to tho atuto dopartintnt lhrou:h Iho American emhatiay here over tho alleKod aolzure of lils wronal punera at Falmouth. Von Papon waa Allowed to pro ceed. - '.; Wanhlngton, Jan. ' 6, Tho conduct aecurod for Attaohe aafe ton I'upen did not extend to his perional (Tm U, It wan learned at tha atata da partment thla afternoon. TIIKI ITHIt CX)MMmA IS JA.M.MK1) WITH ICK Portland, Jan. S. With the uppor Columbia river jammed with Ice, a teady cold eaat wind blowlnic and tho thermometer ataylng well below the rrter.lng mark, weather prognoa tlcatora In tha northwent today aaw little hopa for an Immediate ceanatton of tha cold wave. However, the gov. eminent forecaster fell down on his prediction today. He said there would not 'bo any' snow. An Inch of new snow fell early today. (dOU-WT .MILLION' IMLL.irtft . FK CHIMtK ItKVOLT ' San Franclaco, Jan. S. Arrange ments for transferring to China the huge revolutionary war fund, close to one million dollars, collected In the United atatee, will probably be made at a meeting of prominent Chineae here next Sunday. It waa said today that favorable reports aa to contri butions have been pouring In from amenta of the Chinese Republican aa- sMlatlon who have been throughout the country. operating VENGEANCE. Would that all of ut might lanrn to put off till tomorrow tha dtair to gat ovn with those who have eritioind or o? pod us, Thar are tome thing which can always wait) vtngtanc la en of thm. CHICHESTER SPILLS A Afc fur bmaalat ft j 0 j-lllii H.i ! VJ4 vm..u Kit... ttll lituc RtU'vii. PERSON! TAKEN FROM I M If. 'SPEED UP!" 0 mwutc$ cat hoar or typewriting! here at last is tho master If av fnr anv Rfpnnrr. 7 . si2s MESSAGE Of M TO ffyomol Guarantied by C. II. IkMiuu-ay to Itcllcve or Money tefuiilil Tha popularity and Increase In nates of Ilyomel b ro lu Grants Pass are iii)l()uo in the annals of medicine. H ii oh BHtonUhliig succeaaos have been tnado by this remarkable remedy that the proprietors bav authorized C. H. niarny to sell every package of Ilyomel uuder an absolute guar antee that It will knock out catarrh for good. It It does not, tha pur chuRcr can bav hla money refunded by C. II. Demaray. ' llyomut s no ordinary remedy. It Is pronounced the only method of t rent men t that sends by direct in halation to the moat remote part of tho air passages, a balsamic air that destroys all catarrh germs In the breathing organs, enriches and pur ines the blood with additional ozone and gives permanent and complete relief from catarrh. , i The complete Ilyomel outfit Is In expensive and constats of an Inhaler that can be carried In the vest pocket, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Ilyomel. Tbe Inhaler lasts a life time, and If one ibottle docs not cure an extra bottle can be obtained for a trifling sum. It is more economi cal than any remedy advertised for the cure of catarrh, and Is the only treatment known to us that follows nature In her methods of treating diseases of tbe respiratory organs. RESCUE SHIPS SEEK THE CRIPPLED LINER New York, Jan. C Drifting help lessly somewhere out on the ocean beyond Sandy Hook, tbe Greek liner Thcaaalonlkl, badly crippled, and in a sinking condition, Btill shelters a crew that fears to take to the life boats while a gale Is In prospect. Res cue vessels are ploughing the waves In the hope of locating her and taking off the crew before the ; predicted storm breaks. Five different posi tions have been reported for tbe sink ing liner, but thus far . she has not jbeen located, though a few days ago the Greek steamer Patrta took off her passengers whilcshe wallowed badly en route back into this port. , Provisions , aboard are running 'short, and unless aid reaches ber "WWII . W VIV" J U ,M . V uuflulV danger of starvation or drowning.' OlttJGOX MAX INTOLVED l.V MATRIMONIAL TANGLE San Francisco, Jan. 5. A strange matrimonial tangle . today envelops Mrs. Josephine Ixitridge Hall of San Francisco, James Jxitrldge of Ban don, Ore., and J. E. Hall aa the re sult of a court decision holding that the divorce Mrs. Hall obtained from Lotrldge in Reno in 1908 Is null and void. I . Mrs. Hall's suit tor divorce la now pending in the superior court. The decree annulling her divorce from Lotrldge resulted from a complaint In Intervention in the divorce action now pending filed by the Oregon man. Lotrldge seeks to prevent Hall from obtaining any of the $30,000 worth of furnishings In the Marlbor ough Hall apartments, of which Mrs. Hall is proprietor. , - . Lotrldge charges . Mrs. Hall took $7,600 of bis money when she se cured her divorce and that the pre sent property waa '. accumulated through the investment of tbe $7,500. MADAME RCnniAW-ITEINK'S , . RON DEVI) AT SAN DD7.GO San Diego, Jan. 5. Messages of sympathy from all parts of the world poured In upon Madame Schumann Hcink, famous contralto, today, fol lowing the death of her eon, Hans Schumann-Helnk, at 2 a. m. today, Toung Schumann-Holnk had Buffer ed from pneumonia since Christmas day. Hi mother hurried west from Cnlcago at the news of his Illness, and, with his young wife, waa at his bedside when the end came. The diva waa prostrated by grief, Her son, had been In the Insurance busi ness here, for several yeari f , ,'t , ?" -i- .' 7 : : 'r. ' INJURED GREEK I J NEB ; V HAS BEEN ABANDONED New York, Jan. 5. Floundering in a sinking condition off Sandy Hook, THESUIK ; jtho Greok steamer Thossalonlkl, with her engines totally disabled arid her platea aprung, has been abandoned. The Greek liner Patrls, which took j . off her passenger a few days ago, re ' i turned to pick up the crew from life- boats. Other vessel are' racing' out with the hope of finding them before a forecasted storm aets in. i. Legal blacks; Courier elite. , Classifi ' FOtt tAL?. ti.AH WOOD--t iTllama Wood Yard. Ask for price.. ' 476tf FOR SALI-Small ranch on west Jones creek. For particulars ia quiro at 312 K street. 035 NURSERY STOCK Bring, write or phono your tree orders to George II. Parker, 403 West D street, Grants Pass. Phone 286-V. Ten years In tho business. , 64? BERKSHIRE sows In pig to Laurel Champion, tbe sire who outranks all otbers in tbe world In the show record of bia get. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1, Grants Pass. ..- - ;,r:r'. tf FOR BALE OR TRADE 8x10 im proved Empire State camera, tripod, backgrounds and complete professional outfit. Trade for wagon, stock or farm Implements. Address Vf. J. Evans, Wllderrille, Oregon. 648 HOI8TEIN FRE81AN BULL for aale - Elma Cornucopia Johanna Friend, No. 86526, H. F. H. B. Owing to my having leased my farm to beet growers, am offering tbe best ball in this country at. a sacrifice price. Registry papers complete. Will also sell my stock hogs right. E. T. McKlnstry, cor ner D and Sixth streets. 635 FOR 8ALE Carrots already dug at my place close to town. J. Christie, Route 2. ' 639 FOR SALE A Panama parrot, fair talker, price cheap. Inquire L. H. Hutcbings, Gen. Del. 638 FOR SALE Maxwell runabout, in good condition, $100; library table, heating stove, writing desk, rugs, and new guitar. Mrs. C. B. Fowler, phone 345-J. 638 FOR SALE Garage, 14x18 feet, . built on skids so that it can be easily moved. Phone 164-R. 638 FOR SALE A (50 gas range, good as new, must be sold at once. Make us an offer. Also three burner gas plate and oven to sell. Phone 104-R. ' 638 AT THE SPA Home-cooked foods, Baked beans, sandwiches, crisp doughnuts, cake, turnovers, and pie with hot drink for late break fast or lunch. ' ' , 635 to wriMVia-. MOTORCYCLE, with side car, offered in trade for land in or near Grants Pass. Will trade in as first pay ment. Machine is In good condi tion and would be convenient and quick transportation for suburban ' resident See A. Jackson, Courier t office. A'- '. tt EXCHANGE I bave several choice California residence . and ranch properties to exchange for Grants Pass modern bungalow or close in acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par sons. :' v 630tf TO KENT FOB RENT 240-acre farm with buildings, on Illinois river. About : 70 acree under cultivation and Ir rigation. Joseph Fctzner, GranU 'Paso. ' ,. ., ' ' : ".648 FOR RENT A modern house, furn ished or unfurnished. Phone 128-R. . . . 634tf WANTED WANTED A man to . blast stumps by contract or day at Ben Dlni mlck'a ranch. ' ;- v ' 636 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Office in - WInetront Implement Building., Phone 11 8-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. ; DECORATORS. AND PAINTERS PAPERH ANQING, graining, paint ing. For best -ork at, lowest prices phone 295-J., C O. P'snt South Park street ; '- Cddyitona liianJ. The ainiiilest liiliiililiiil fimul In the world Is that on wlib ti lln i:dlysnme Mpbtliouse stands At lower water It Is -thirty feet In diameter. At lil'-'h wil ier the lUrlithotr-e, wlmse lilntueter nt tin' base Is elatu nnd tUive-fo'irths fe't, eoniiletely etivers It. Il Is Inlinliltet. I i.v three person - It lies nine miles off tbe Corulah const and fourteen miles southeast of Plymouth break water . I'lnt'.iolni". an Isiaud In the British channel. Is on I.v a mile and a half In circumference, but, .consist Inff mostly of rich pasture lauds, sup ports n farmhouse besides the light bouse, with a revniviui; lltlii 'l.H feet above the aea.- ttv.-namr. ,' TIME CARD . California and Oregon Coast Ilailroad Company , (The Oregon Cave Route) t Effective Monday, Dec 20, 1915. ' : Train 1 Iv. Grant Pass 7:00 a.m. Arrive Water Creek 1:00 a.m. Train 2 It. Water Crek.8:15 a.m. Arrives Grant Paa9:16 a.m. Train 1 Iv. Grant Paa.2:00 p.m. Arrive Water Creek-l:00 p.m. Train 4 lv. Water Creek.6:00 p.m. Arrive Grant Pas .oo p.m. All irsina leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. for au iniorniaxion regsruiua freight and passenger service call at tha office of tbe company. Public Ser vice building, or phon i8-R for sane. Train will top on flag at anv point between GranU Paaa and watera Creek. Passenger erric very day In th week. SITE OF THE CAPITAL Washington In th Day When John Adam Waa President - When Adams came Into the presi dency tbe stately observance of Washington's day were not allowed to lapse. Even transplanting the seat of government from Philadelphia to tbe unfinished town on the Potomac had served only to jolt and rather humor ously distort them. With tbe chill of new plaster pervading tbe executive residence, Mrs. Adams despaired of getting sufficient wood cut either for love or money from the growing trees surrounding It to fill its yawning fire place and dispel the dampness. She put tbe great audience room to the only use Its unfinished condition per mitted drying the presidential linen. . Looking from It nnglazed windows over tbe small and scattered groups of houses, all that had yet materialized of L'Enfant's Imposing plan, she re flected that their inhabitants must subsist like fishes, by eating each oth er. But abe played ber role of presi dent's lady with spirit, maintained ber hours for levees ami answered the "fishes"; when they Came .to call that she thought the new capital had a beautiful situation. . It bad Indeed. ; Half way between Maine and Georgia, at that time our northern and southern boundaries; In land, but at tbe bead of tide water on a noble strt-;im; planned along gen erous lines to cover a succession of hills upon which a city once built could not be hid. It was and seemed likely to remain fairly central ' Even tbe most optimistic . patriot could not foresee how far that mythical reality, tbe cen ter of population, 'was to travel west ward dctiidc by decade during the next century.' unimpeded by war or misfor tune, until tbe city on the Potomac was left uiKHi the l?e of our great country. Helen Nlcolaj in Century. THE BIBLE IN AFRICA. It Is Read There In 148 Language and . . '. Dia'ecta. ' y: Oa the cuiitiiumt of Africa alone the New Testament or parts of it have been trnuslaU-d into 14S binguages and diuIcciH. The two lutest additions are Dubldu. a tangnage of British East Afrka. and t.Imbu, tbe Inut'iiuso of a trlbo in the hinterland of Sloi-ra Leone. Parts of the. New Testament have actually been translated into pldjfin English, that stmuKe linieo. half baby talk and half slan, which is the chief iiieaua of communii'atioii tbrougb all the east. . . . ! I ' The difllculties presented In translut- big the. New Testameut into this ba barous hotch-potch must bave been tremendous, but they have been sur mounted. :! - Another laugunge of the same sort Is Chinook. This consists of about two-fifths Chinook, two-fifths red In diuu toiiKUes aud tbe rest English and Canadian French. Jt Is the, tongue of baiter ou the 'Pacific coast of Alaska and the Dominion. At least OO.OtiO In dians spenk it. and lately St John's gospel has been Issued in this larton for their special benefit. ; ' There is also a. vpiNlon f the t'erlj) turca trauslafeil Into the primitive Ian gunite of the head hunters f lUirtieo. It was. made by German inlssloua-. rles. printed In South Africa, paid for with British money and circulated In Pnpua. London Answers. ' Diffarenea Irt Woods. ! '' Timber hi classed as hard or soft, and the mnln point of difference Uv tween tho tries thut produce tlice classes Is that tho soft wooded Iree has "needle leaves." slim, uurrow mid almost uniform in breadth, while the hard wood trees have broud leaves of various, ahaiies. Again, some soft wood trees carry cones, suchi trees be ing termed conifers. Ileslu. too. is more characteristic of soft than of bard wood. To the class of soft woods belong the pines, spruces and firs, and the most common example of these are yellow pine, white fir, pitch pin and spruce or red fir. In the common er hard woods nre oak, beech, mahog any, ash. walnut plane, elm, birch and ebony ' " ; ' '' PHT8ICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, U. D. Practice limited to dioeaaes of tha eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hour 9-12, 2-5, and on ap poiatment. Office phone 62; resi dence phon 25 -J. S. LOUGHRIDGE. M. D., Physician uni surgeon. City or country call attended day or night. Re, phone S69; office phone 181. 81rth and IL - Tff Building. , J. P. TRUAX. M. D.. Physician and Surgeon, Phones;- Office 126; residence,. 224. Call, answered at all hours. Coua'rr calls at tended to. Lundeburg fildf. F. H. INGRAM, D. C, D. O. Mental Spinal, N'ervcu and Chronic Di eases. Office: ! 216 North, Sixth street. Hour: 10 to 12, 2 to 6. Other hour by appointment. Phone 7. Re, phon 24 8-J. DR. ED B YW ATER Specialist on disease U1 eye, ear, now an throat; glasse fitted. Office nonr 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. Phoa: , Re., 224; office.' 2 5 7-J. Schmidt Building, Crant Paaa, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build- " ing. , Vv ,;: ti DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., flrst-ciaa dentistry. 109 H ' South Sixth street, GranU Pass. Oregon, BERT R. ELLIOTT, D, M. aMod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental assistant. Room 4 and 6. Golden Rhle bnlldlng. Grants Pas, Ore. Phono 2 6 5-J. M. R. BRITTEN, Dentist Rooms 2 and 3, Londburg building, oppoaito post office. Hour 9 a, m. to 12 m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. Saturday 9 a. m. to 12 m. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-Law. Practice In all State and Federal Court. First National Bank Big. COLVIQ 4 WILLIAMS Attorneya-at-Law, GranU Pass Banking Co, Building. Grant Paaa, Oro. - E. S. VANDYKE, Attorney. Practice , in all courts. First National Bank BIdg. EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. W. "T. MILLER. Attorney-at-Law. County; auorney for Josephine ; County.. Office Schalhorn Big. O. S, BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Uw, . Grants Pasa Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Ore. DRAY AGE AND TRANSFER OOMMEhCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 1S2-R. Stand at freight . depot A. Shade, Propr. F G. I SHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, piano and furniture moved, paeked, ahlpped and ' atored. Phono Clark t Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. f THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. , Phono MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, put up In 6-gallon glass Jar and delivered at your door, fresh, pure sanitary Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. . V 664tl PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing.' Bacterial test as sure that Mils water la pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles, 25c. W. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 603-F3. 469tf. LODGES , GRANTS PASS Udge No. 84, A. F. . ( A. ' M ,': Stated - communica tion lit and 2d Tuesday: Visiting orethren cordially Invited.,' " F,' ,W. Russell Jf, W. M. Edw. O. Harris, secretary. : -. GOLDEN RULE LO)E. No. 78, J.O? O.F., meets every Wed-. "Jf nesdsy eve. In I.O.O.F. hall. cor. Cth and H St. Vlslttng Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be iresent. W. H. Ryan, N. O.; Clyd Martin, Secretary." ' s ASSAYERM B. R. CROUCH, asiayr r. chemist, . metaUnrBlst. Rooms 201-203 Ptd- ' dock nnlMirs ' rrit Psas. f A