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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1916)
PAGB FOUR IIAILV llOOUK MYKK CO I 111 KR MONDAY, JANIAIIY , 1010. , 4.4.4. 3: In Every Home where there are children, there ought to be a v Columbia Graphophone And also in every home where there are no children only more so. Complete Outfit from $20 to $200 j and terms ar My. Com la and eak. RowellY Music House : FEK52N1L iB LOCAL , Charles Welter went to Dorrls, California, this morning to look after business Interest there. " Mrs. Ralph Davis went to her former home In Yoncalla this worn tng to visit with her parents. Mrs. T. Lay ton departed this after noon tor Seattle, where she will Tlslt for some time with a daughter. Chas. Wllen, of Seattle, came In yesterday from Kerby. where he has been Interested la mtnlng work. Guaranteed electric Iron, $2.75. Bush Electric Shop, rhone 141-R. tt Mrs. P. E. Hall returned thts morning from the north, having been visiting for the Christmas season. R. C. Riley, lineman with the local telephone office, went to Gold Hill this morning on business of the com pany. W. R. Whlpplo left Friday for the Waldo district, where he, will do some work surveying tor the next jfew days. : J. M. Burch has departed for Port land, after spending the past few weeks In the Althouso district In mining work. Arrow collars at Bishop's. 40Stf Sirs. W. E. Gould and little daugh ter have returned to their home in Portland after visiting In this city with the C Winslow family. The Misses Jeanette Cramer and Florence Buell departed Saturday night for Monmouth, where they are attending the normal Behool. George Stidham and family re turned yesterday from Central Point, where they have been visiting for some time. Frank Neely. formerly employed at Sabin's drug store, spent a few days in the city visiting with friends during his vacation from North Pa cific Dental college. " . - - ; , Mrs. J. W. Shurs left this morning Portland, Jan. 3.-Portland iajfor her nome ,n Horobrook. Call- AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT ; . Star "Barbara Frletchk." -f ' COMING EVENTS Jan. 6, ThursdayParent Teachers association, at the East school, at 3:30 p. m. Mrs. Joseph Sbaska and daughter, Miss Ague Sliaska, went to Medtord Friday afternoon, where they will visit for some time with Mrs, Shaska'a daughter, Mrs, W. 0. Miller. Miss Anna Floater, ot Kerby, came In Sunday and made a brief visit here with the Sam Bowden family, and loft this morning tor Salem, where she will visit for two or three weeks. , Private Harold Shook, ot Company F, First cavalry, who has spent a twelve days' furlough at his homo here, returned last night to his pout at the Presidio at Monterey, Call fornta. It. E. Loan returned Sunday from southern California, where ho has been visiting during the holidays. and Is again looking after the In tores ts of tho Mountain Hon mine in the Oscar creek region. Sale of All "Odds and Ends" f"MaWMaWMIMMMMaMaMaMMawMMMawBMWM at Little Bits of Prices At last the task of taking stock is over, and we are ready to give you the sensational bargains of the year. We will clean out all broken lines quick-DOUBLE QUICK! Music Club Tuewlrty The study section ot the Music club will meet Tuesday evening, at 7:30, at the Commercial club rooms. Latiner Gets IteHuleure Uoyd luner has purchased the house and lot on Mansanlta avenue formerly owned by 0. O. 01 urn. Arts ami Crafts to Meet - The society of Arts and Crafts will meet In regular business session Tuesday, January 4, at the home of Mrs. Fred Smith, on North Sixth street. "Odd Suits" I Flannel Shirts 0n Jot Men's Suits, ft O tx7t' M lot Men's Flunriel Shirts r about 20 of these. - broken ni.os, $1.25, $1.50 Hf; .Values to $25.00, at srXJm and 2.00 values, at . . V Men's Hats . Men's Sweaters M7!f,i$2W, G5 On lot extra heavy A lT IpS values Swi-atcn., Special . . HtDC HEAVY FALL OF SNOW IS COVERING rOHTLAXDi blanketed with four inches of snow i today, following a storm which raged from midnight until 7 o'clock this morning. Early street cars were de layed and hundreds ot workers were the W. S. King family since Friday. Glenn Patrick, a nenhew of Mrs. A. Goettsche of this place, was the .fireman who lost his arm in the forced (to trudge down town through !(re nllMmi near Ro8eburg yea the snow. IA high wind accompanied ter(lay the snow, 'but no damage has been I . 1 came down Frldav No Football I Upturn Returns on the Brown-W. 3. C. football game were not available tor report at the high school, grounds Saturday, as had been announced, owing to the closing of the United Press and Associated Press wires at noon, both in this city and Med ford. These are only a few of the odds and ends" to be almost given away, the store is tull ot others. INU lYiAKNliNUt ur' con nected wih our stock-taking rates. Values just as represented, or money back if you want it. "CASH BUYS CHEAPER THAN CREDIT" reported. ' ft-- NEW TODA1 FOR SALE Carrots already dug at from Roseburg. where he la working with the Southern Pacific, and spent the week-end. - - . sum niri miKuui 1171 hvwn.r v xny place close to town. J. Christie, Vancouvert Washington, where she Is Route ' 639 la teacher In the Washington state Beautiful Pictures Accompanying the lectures on South America, splendid stereopticon views will be given at the Presby terian church Tuesday and Wednes day evenings of this week, with edu cational features and special week of prayer services next Sunday, and Illustrated lecture Sunday night. Mrs. Harry Clark will sing , Thursday night. ! PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. "IF MEN WEAR IT, WE HAVE. IT" WANTED Early seed potatoes. Ad- school for the deaf. Miss Kilgour dress W. E. Beck with, GranU has been visiting in this city, the Pass, R. F. D. 1. , 634 guest of Miss Lnlu Benedict. Stanton Rowell and A. E. Voorhles FOR SALE A Panama parrot, fair talker, price cheap. Inquire L. H. attended a meeUng of the Mystic Shrine at Ashland Saturday night. . , jreturnlng Sunday. FOR SALE Maxwell runabout, in Claude C-Cate, county agrlcultur good condition, $100; library table, beating stove, writing desk, rngs, and new guitar. Mrs. C. B. Fowler, phone 345-J. 638 FOR, SALE Garage. 14x18 feet, built on skids so that it can be easily moved. Phone 164-R. 638 FOR SALE A $50 gas range, good as new, must foe sold at once. Make us an offer. Also three burner gas plate and oven to sell. Phone 104-R. . 638 Tonigbt and Tomorrow METRO FEATURE Mary Miles MInter and Mrs. Thomas Whlffen in Barbara Frietchie A thrilling five-act photo drama based upon Whlttler's famous poem and Clyde Fitch's stage masterpiece. A war story without a battle. How the flowerlike Barbara, horn and reared under southern skies, and named for her old grand mother, a staunch union sup porter, is won away from her devotion to the cause ot Jack son and Lee through her love for a captain of the bated Yankee army, and how In the end she gives her young life for the flag of her fathers and for the man she loves, forms a story ot intense, heart-stirring human interest. Brand new release, being but second time shown. 1st for Jackson county, was a visitor in the city New Year's day, attending the meeting of the Pomona grange. Tyrrel Carner has returned to Eugene, where he will continue his course at the University of Oregon. Vernon Basler and his mother went to Corvallls Saturday, where they will attend the farmers short course given "by O. A. C. and Vernon will continue his studies. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Harmon and son, John, returned Sunday evening from Dunsmulr, where they have been visiting during the Christmas season. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gillette return led this morning to their home in j Klamath Falls, after having visited during the holiday season here with i Mrs. Gillette's parents, Mr. and Mrs E. V. Smith. Bargains- In ladies' and misses' coats. One-half regular price. Mrs. IE. Rehkopf. 622tf M. 0. Evans, state leader In the 'extension work of the Agricultural college, departed yesterday for Al bany. He spent three days here at tending to local branches of the work and attending grange meeting. I A, C. Epperly and family were Friday arrivals In tho city, coming I from their home at Placer. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Skeeters and Mrs. B. F. George, of Kerby, who have 'been visiting at the Epperly home Miss Ethel Palmer departed Fri day afternoon for San Francisco, ! where she will make her home In 'the future with her brother, Ted Palmer, and half-brother, Claude ! Cheshire. Miss Palmer will visit for the next few weeks with friends across the hay, In Frultdale. Mrs. Cyril P. Wise and two little children returned last evening from , Kansas City, where they have been i visiting with Mrs. Wise's parents since the Wise home on the Merlin road was destroyed by forest fire lat summer. They were met here by Mr. Wise and spent the day In the city. t Parent-Teachers .Meeting- ' The Parent-Teachers association ot Grants Pass will meet at the East school on Thursday, January 6, at 3:30 p. m. The subject will be 'Literature for Children." Preced ing this, children of the East school will have a part in the program. Mrs. Woodward, the principal, will pro vide for the care of all young chil dren whom parents may wish to bring with them to the meeting. New Orleans- Pure New Orleans molasses at Kin ney & Truax grocery. It Back to College University of Oregon students left yesterday for Eugene, where school starts today. Local U. ot O. stu dents who left on the morning train were Miss Edith Dahlberg, Miss Helen Hair, Laurence Underwood and Don Belding. Miss Ruth Hath away and Matthew Riddle also left on that train for Portland, where they are attending Reed college. C. K." Convention (All members of the executive com mittee ot the Christian Endeavor con vention, and all others Interested, will meet Tuesday evening at Mrs. Cavy's home. Married at Oakland- Miss Maude Darnielle, formerly of this city, was married on New Year's eve to Henry, Bowman, of Oakland, California, at the home of her broth er, Herbert Darnielle, In that city. She will make her home in Oakland. IawhI Couple WcdiH Ralph Dean and Miss Dot Cook, both of this city, were married on Wednesday, December 29, at Van couver, Washington. The wedding was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Roy McClellan, of Portland. The bride and groom art now visiting here, and will make their home later In Cot- tag Grove, where Mr. Dean will be with .the Southern Pac'lflo company. Tuesday RkcUI; Cash Hershey't Cocoa, half pound can ISe, at Kinney ft Truax. It Moose TUnd Concert Poorly Attended Music of the first class was In cluded In the entertainment given by the Moose band at the opera house on New Year's eve, both instrumental and vocal, with solo and quartet work interspersed. The house, bow ever, was a disappointment, and made a very inauspicious (beginning for this innovation. ' Mayor Truax on the Job Dr. J. P. Truax has taken the oath of office and Is now the duly qualified and acting mayor of the city of Grants Pass. He has not yet an nounced who would be his appointees to the various efllces' to be filled by him, and the old officials will con tinue in their positions till he makes his selections and the council con firms them. The regular meeting of the council will bo held next Thurs day night, when It Is expnetod that the mayor will announce the names of his auditor and police Judne, chief of police, and other officers. Clarence dements Kerlously Ill- Mrs. N. F. Clements received word from Portland today calling her to the bedside of ncr aon, Attorney Clarence II. Clements, who Is very low In that city. She will leave for the north this evening. Mr. Clem ents has boon ill for the past two years, having been obliged to discon tinue his practice, but recently has been attacked with pnoumonla, and his life Is now about despaired of. Exjtcct 1'. O. Appointment Moon The local democratic contingent is now keeping its ear pretty closo to the ground, and announcement of the appointment of a postmaster . for Grants Pass Is expected within the next day or two with' the president's return to the capital. There is re port that the breezes havo shifted materially In the democratic camp during the past few days, and those with a finger on the pulse stato con fidently that tho appointee will not be Mr, Veatch, whose naming was so vigorously protested by the other candidates the other day, but that it will be a man who has at all times been lined up with his party. WesUt-n Football Conquers Kant , Washington State college played rings around the Brown university team from Rhode Island on New Year's day at Pasadena, and have raised western football to a par with the best in the east. Brown defeated Yale, 30-0, tied Syracuse 0-0, held Harvard 13-7, and Princeton 11-7. The northern team will be through here tonight or In the morning, re turning to Pullman. Wash. Pauline Co New Year Bride Arlle L. Heath, son of Elmer Heath, of this city, married on New Year's eve Miss Pauline B. CoVs daughter of R. L. Coe, at the home of the bride's parents, on Washing ton boulevard. Only a few of the most Intimate friends and relative! of the couple were present at the wedding, over which Rev. Douglas officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Healb are (now at home at their bungalow on Third and Evelyn avenues. (iKSKlUI DOlKiK IFD AT M YKAIUi (Uy United Press Leased Wire.) Council Bluff, Jw, Ja. I. Qrenvllle M. Dodge, U years old, the last Civil war corps commanding general, died her today. He was prominent as a railroad man, and at one time as a banker. At the outbreak St the war he Joined as a colonel with the Iowa troops and rose to the rank of major, general. After the war he was' a congressman and held other honors. HI.AV WARSHll'H RINK Bl'IMlARI.ViM AT VAHVA Amsterdam, Jan. I. Ruestan war ships sank two submarines afthe Bulgarian Black sea port ot Varna. HKXTKNCK OF SCHMIDT HAS BEEN POSTPONED (Jco, binders in I'ortlund , Geo. Sanders was called from Salt Lake City to Portland by a crisis In the illness of his wife, and was there over Monday night. It is stated that Mrs. Sanders Is somewhat Improved, and Mr. Sanders will return to the Utah city tonight. In a message from him to frl'cnds in this city ho said that matters concerning the sugar factory to bo erected In tho valley were progresHlng satisfactorily. xn Angeles, Jan. 8, -Continuance of the sentencing of M. A. Schmidt, convicted Times dynamiter, was sche duled for today when he came before Judge Frank Willis to be ordered to prison for llfo. Attorneys for both sides had previously agreed that the case foe postponed until January II, when Defense Counsel Coghlan and McKensle will return from San Fran cisco primed to make a strong fight for a new trial. CARD OF THANKS : We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends who so kindly remembered us with their beautiful floral offerings and . many favors shown us during the recent Illnoss of our dear daughter and sister, W. J. HOWARD. MRS. 1. T. DESMOND. LIGHTNING STRIKES STEAMER AT SEA Portland, Jan. 3. Lightning which struck tho steamer Goorge W. Elder when she was off' Capo Blanco last Friday did no damage except to singe the Christmas tree on top of her mast, passengers reported today. Tho Christian Pastor Rev. J. H. Harmon, tho now pas tor of tho Christian church, expects that Mrs. Harmon and the baby, Homer, will arrive in the city during the week, though he has not yet made arrangements for a residence, Mr. Harmon's brothor will also come with Mrs. Harmon, and will enter the local high school as a student, Rev, Mr. Harmon was recently with the First Christian church of Athena. He Is an eloquent speaker, and Mrs. Harmon, as a soloist, adds much to the service. KEEP WELL Every man and woman should keep in touch with this drug storo, It is tho fountain of licn!tu and youthtulncss in old age., Wo can sell you the little remedies from time to time thnt keep slrUnon nway. It is cheaper to proventthan to cure. Deriiaray S' Drug and Stationery Store