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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1916)
7fiP,21 'i MONDAY, JAMAUV . 1010. Lift In Nsw York. ' First Wire iun!on Bridge. In commenting ou the ''spcudora" of Tbe Dm wire Himpeitjtton bridge In tbs G"t WhlU Wiy a writer in the Ito U..IWI u.fw If P. to ita wortd American Mwartu. u.k. If the Improv- , b ,?S iSS Mont liublu of tho average motropoll. uu.r (lie full of ftrlioylUlll. n I blla K duo to shorter Ufa. ;dH.hta. iu 11.1. Utawry ln w l "The grocer on the corner tld my In is-iO Hubert Kennedy and wtfo that lio dldu't try to save toy. M-'umud Carpenter built u tlmlu bridge Slug bSiSt -w! all Vo before J. lb. rl.- of K,b..y.Ull, which , tojjj i.. i-.- ... w...i' th down hi LSI I .IohJuIi While nntl mtt 'You never soo tnnny 1 old people iirouniL I WOU't IIV tO bv old. and neither will you. "Tluit last statement stock lu uy ' mliiiL It ! a fact that In the streets u V..t UHA AS HiUllllA tIA lit . sixty. Tl actual danger. connected with street tniine must keep lb. old ...,t - ......... ... l. .iriv... .hem -wav to the llltl. town. Auywny, 1 am !ur you tv a amallur proimrtlou of old people iu Brunt clllwi tbun you In iiniull town. . "Uwom till fact tiifluonc a good ninny, Ilka tb grwtr, to ipcnd ull ami to aitvo iioi hlutf iHtnuHe of an mi- cotiacioualy foruit'd opinion that al mot avttrylHHly worka nlonu and dlu In the Dame Ufure Uty7 I thl one rviiaou w hy city poplo nro more Improvident and . extra vnttnut ttuio country peuploJ" Changed Hla Mind. ' When Cbarlva II, Towna. author of "tlHblU Tlmt llintdkap," Drat Im'KUU hla pructice In curing druit victim be bad icrcat dimcnlty In awurtnu patlouta In order to prove th vtDcacy of hla cure. Ill claim to have discovered a inre for dmu waa reverlasratUiB tliroutih tbe New Vork uudcrworld; but tlmnirii it'iilntln wo lively. volnniwMH wcrp tliild. Klnnlly, not knowluB wltiii clfo do. Town ac tual)? kldiuti ed n riKv tr.'.cU tout end put blm tbhrtiKti tli trciitmi'iit nsnlnut hi will. "When I get nut of here and toll the b-iya wlint you've Ix-en dolntt to nie." tbretitenod tlio tout, "your life won't be wurtli UO cent. They'll croak you In a minute." Hut Ave day Inter the tout told hlx friend quite another atory. No xvnt. not gun men to kill, but confidence men to be healed, four of them. Towim hnd iunred hlmaelf with the underworld a much by bt conrae a bv bl xklll. To Crest a Tent In WlnU luaiead of using u rope brldue, tenia ehould Iki hi In wluier with a polo bo tween two ireea or aupported ou forked atlck: en.! the tupex uln the ridge ahould Im tied lu thla pole, wiya All , Outdoor. If i lie tent ha no tnpea run the pole thrmicn the tent from end to end. and iiiport It nt encb extremity with a forked pole. v. itetier mill are two forked x)le at encb end, the not torn of which me Kpteud far apnrt, When the tent ang It can le tlhteiil by drawing the lmitui clone together and thim ralntin: the ridge I'olw apretiil apnrt In itilt wav hIhu add inui'li M the Mtnliltlty of i lie lent In n wind While Ihl iitntlnxl repilPiH five jMilen Inut ml of lliiee. It I neverthe IcKx the Ihki, wny u erect nit A lent. l !!! le diitli'iiti to drlre tiil In lntir, Inn b'!". t' which the niH limy lii' I, will nerve neiirl.v iih well , "viumg .blanka. PompI . titllce. to yfS by r y ant WS AND imih I For t BUI- "I"""" 1 1 " . ' 1 - 111 '" ' ' i?,f : '' wl macnino mat maices t easy ior any stenog rapher to turn out more letters with less effort in the ordinary working day, Tho new Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's work and sets tho pace that pays I Built for "Big Business" and its , Great Army of Expert Operators These new features of the Royal odd to "the sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-style typewriter subtracts 5;???cf The speed with brains behind it the all-day speed of the expert typist in the day's work. Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the other kind. . Get the Facts t " fiend forth "Royal man" and ask for a DEMONSTRATION. Or write us direct for onr nw bro IVfce chure,-"flat far r IHIinit, UU UWK of facta on 7bucA 7p(nrHintfrMto typewriter ussrs. ..''.rrv.: I 5?-r: . it ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY rrtu'V, 4t;;V.v rA sfu.v..1.Vvv',v;:l''l.1,p., ' ; ,, . .,.,., ,M,,M, t.vmuw uuwr-j. u. . ...... I'WI'VUW 111 l"P nuiUUH llu rwi imuw of ri'iiiwyivoiiin. lino, Wltni'd h m mi:i Mini ii wire f.H'tofy I" Um neigh : boiiiond. mi'l ii(U't the bridge fell tliw !ritii:iitil i now company, nud unutliur chain bridge wo eo.m muled ..April 1 . but tUte .' ' u Iwnv 111 IN1U. U btto At Iliiiwrd Won K ' il lrltf.acroe the rlvor from mi tipper window of their fiictury to noun lunre tree on the went bunk. Htcp lending from the trcen to the ground. Thl primitive bridge atruciure wim Intcndeil for font paawMigera only, and but eight peraon were allowed to go upon the footway at one time. The bridge la aald to bav coat lUft-Exehiiitge, . Career of the tvUr. Levelera llrat. appeared In ilermnny. Twa men. Muurer uud SKirck. taught that 'distinction of rituk vlolnte tbe rlghia of mankind. Thl. Jjithe overturned boat, but the waves sixtecnin ceinury. ni iuc wuu v w im men lnxer commanded the sov. erelKii prince of Germany and the magbitratea of cities to resign. Ills followers ravaged the country until one of the Carman overlords defeated them lu battle. Their leador waa be headed. A purty of leveiers apjwarea in England In KM7. where Uey .became powerful in parliament. They deter mined to level all rauka and establish an equality of titles and estates throughout the kingdom. About this tltno Cromwell Ccrted for Ireland, The Levelere raised mutinies In vari ous quarter. Cromwell put them down In 1IS) and Imprisoned tbelr leader. A party of tovvlera appeared iu Eng land during the Krcucb revolution. A "loyal aaaocluilou" was formed against them, anu their efforts brought no re aulu. Kiiiikii City Star. i Twlfth Century Football. In the twelfth century football was a game for me irevu.' iuo curon icier of that period loll bow after din ner the city youth "addreiwod them elvca to fooitmU" and bow tho scbol r ii f ouch nrhniil nnit ilia ennrentlcea of particular trades would each have their peculiar bull j There were spec tators, too. In lliotie day, cntbualaatlc aiweUtor.", Father would come to watch their un and "become a youthful as tbe youngest, tbelr natural heat seeming to be revived at tbe sight of so much ability." ; In Inter jenm there was a famou Ull game played In Uyde park. In 1U.H then, "there wni a burling of a great ball by fifty Cornish gentlemen on one side and fifty ou the other; one party played In red enpa. the other In white. " A ml -here the blatorlctil value of the eoiiut -Cromwell wax a spec tator nd applauded tlio "irreaf ability of bndy" tllxphyed ' GO minutes an how taking the "grind" tp rvncutntintrw here fit last is the master $100 M.-i - - .;';K...!..t,'i.: M sW LV WTitifZ 3 &-mk If Mil $125 In Canada HaTU- a h nut.v it nit k mvuu PORTLAND mm WheatClub, 07 ft 98; bluestem, 89 ft 100. ' OnW No. 1 while land, 24.45(f) 24.7S. - 1 , " tlurloy Food, 2 H 27.75. Hog B(t llvo, 6.40. l'r)ni mr, 7.75; fancy cow, 6; bunt calves,, 7 7.50. - BprlnK Ittrul. 7.758. Huttwr City creamery, 30. Kkk 4JoIP( td local extraa, 25. JlenH, J4; 4rollr, '1814; gwva, 9. SUBMARINES GET BUSY. (Continued from page 1.) (rambling, Pretty cool. and everybody waa "Tuo Oral two boats got away all right, but the next rolled over as ahe hit the water. There were a lot of women in that one. The first boat I launched tried to pick up those of kept bumping the rescuer against the Persia, threatening to capnlze the life-boats that had pulled away. "The next two cleared a minute before the Persia sank. Some of the crew were trying to get over another but paHengcrs were mostly grouped on the dock. Women clung to men and children cried. Then the waves 'broke over the stern and I was thrown Into tbe water." , The number of aurvlvors reaching here was placed at close to 160, many of whom jyero Lascar sailors, engi neers and a few women. Many suf fered from exposure and it Is pos sible the death list will run higher by reason of this exposure. Many were lightly clad and some were nlrn trnm ih witer without coats. ) " i rmniHK yvimh.'ib rc turning iui hodtos off Crete, and It la regarded ')aJ, potBlble that Greek trawlers res- cued some alive In the water. Charles H. Grants, of Boston, as advices showed, was saved, while Edward Rose, of Denver, left the liner at Gibraltar, FOfiO PEACE PARTY 10 Copenhagen. Jan. 3. Germany has granted permission for the Ford peace expedition to cross Germany en route to Tbe Hague fpr what probably will hs the final confer ence of the Ford party. The Gorman consul here will vise the party'a passports, the American state department having refused to do so. . "... . The permission to cross German aoll eliminates the probability of a wholesale desertion threatened by those who refused to cross the North sea because of the danger of mines. A special train has been chartered for the, peace party, and Copenhagen will be left Friday. It is understood that the permission to crosa Ger many carries the proviso that none of the party will leave the train while it ia inside Germany. v The Hague meeting in all prob ability will last only a few days. Ac cording to present plans the trip will permanently end January 12, when members of the party expect to sail for America. Dr. C. F. Afced, who was left be hind at Stockholm because of illness, has recovered and is due to arrive here today, PETITION TEDDY'S NAME ON MICHIGAN BALLOT Lansing, Mich., Jan. 3. Petitions bearing enough signatures to insure placing Col. Roosevelt's name in the sfato presidential republican prim aries were filed here'- today. ASIC TIIAT DISTANCE TO - TIPPKRAHY nE SHORTER Abilene, Ka., Jan.. 3. To prove that he could get signers for any old kind of ft petition, Justice Mason got 4 60 signers to a petition asking the British government to shorten the way to Tlpperary. ; ANOTHER HORSE FARM , flOES OUT OP BUSINESS San Francisco, Jan. 3. The blg geet thoroughbred breeding fcetab ltshmettt in California, the Oakwood Stock farm, will soon he turned into a cattle raising , establishment, ac cording to announcement made today hv tho owners, Lawrence A Corn stock. '' ', V'V y, ;; '. ALLOWED ceoss DYER GERMAN IL (ol).u:h Classified POM SAW; BLAB WOOD-Wllllam. Wood Yard JnQ Oregon Coast FOIl BALE Small ranch on west Jones creok. For particulars In quire at 212 K street. ' . CSS NUltSEitY BTOCK Bring, write or phone your tree order to George H. Parker, 402 Weat D atreet, Oranta Paaa. Phone 285-f. Ten years in the buaines. 642 BlSIlKSHlRiS sows in pig to Laurel Champion, the slro who outranks all others In the world in the show record of hi get, F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1, Grants Pass. . . . " . ' tf FOR SALE OR TRADE 8xi0 im proved Empire Btate camera, tripod, backgrounds and complete nrofcsslonal outfit. Trade for wagon, stock or farm implements. Address W. J. Evans, Wlldervilte, Oregon. 48 FOR SALE Good farm team, wagon and harness. Inquire at 810 North Ninth street. ' 633 HOLSTEIN FRESIAN BULL for sale . '. Elma Cornucopia Johanna Friend, No. 86526, H. F. H. B. Owing to my having leased my farm to bott growers, am offering the best bull In this country at a sacrifice price. Registry papers complete. Will also sell my stock hogs right. E. T. MeKlnstry, cor ner D and Sixth streets. 635 MOTORCYCLE, with aide car, offered la trade for land In or near Grants Pass. Will trade in as first pay ment. Machine is in good conai-j tlon and would bo convenient and quick transportation for suburban resident See A. Jackson, Courier office. tf EXCHANGE I have several choice California, residence and ranch propertiea to exchange for Grants Pass modern bungalow or close In acreage. Quick action. A. N. Par sons. , 630tf TO RKXT FOR RENT 240-fl.cre farm with bulldlngB, on Illinois river. About 70 acres under cultivation and ir rigation. Joseph Fetzner, Grants ' Pass. : ' 648 TO RENT Five acres of land and good cottage and barn on D street, t with Irrigation, - Very cheap rcnt " Apply 928 D street, or No. 2256 care Courier. 633 WANTED WANTED Men wanted to clear land by the acre. Ed L. Schmidt. R. F. D. No. 2, River Bend ranch. 633 WANTED A man to blast stumps by contract or day at Ben Dlm mlck'a ranch. 636 WANTED To rent for a few days a light team. Call J. E. Turnbull, Grants Pass hotel. ' , 633 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office, in "Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J." Resi dence phone 305-R. DRCORATORS.AND PAINTERS PAPBRH ANQING, graining, palnt tnc. For best work - at lnwei prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant. South Park street -. ASSAYKIUJ E. R. CROUCH, asayer. t)eni'i metallurgist. Rooms 201 -2ns lat .i.,cii nxiiitlns Oranu Psss u Inherited. They were Jullylng the man bout tils : enorntims appetite., but 'lie Kept "putting away," uiiiiHtui'tied ,iy :the tKiiuts FtmiUy iteV;i!sl In "'.Veil, you see. 1 inUe tifiei ,ioih my futher and my mother One nie a Ion.' while, ami the ither nie it great deal The 0t Treubls. ' "Every residence !iou!tMine nerv nut' Imth." rjtys a limekeelti mag Hfclne. Oh. what' the nseV The erv nnt don't amy long etioiigl. to need a bath -l.otilnvtlle ronrler-.liiisrniil ' ' ' , ' ' .Easily Matu;d First Glrl-I 'tnean to te engaged when I'm nlneieeu Second Girl-But suppoalng you eun'i mining It Flrxt Girl-Then I nlmll remuin nineteen nil; til tun enu'ifeii 1 ', f ' ; '' More Effective.. Hnahimd-I naw the tl.ietor today He nay I must ii a wav. and rest Wife I'M vm !n"iiiiii vnn imiutuv; Rnxl'ttwd I iii I fold tilei tilttni yinir' , . ' . . v , , , - '' , , i Advertising TIME CARD (The Oregon Cave Route) , Efftsttlve Monday, Dec. 20, 1215. Train 1 lr. Grant Paa..7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek....:t)U a.m. Train 2 lr. Water Crek8:16 a.m. Arrives Granu Past.. .:16 a.m. Train 3 lr. Grant Paa...-.2:00 p.m. Arrives Watera CreekJ:00 p.m. Train 4 lr. Watera Creek6:00 p.m. Arrives Grant Pas.6:00 p.m. All trains leave Granu 1W from the corner of G and ightb streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all . Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or thon .88-R for aane. 1 Train will stop on flag at any point hAtween Oranta Pass ana water Creek. PaMunger service every oay in the week. , . ' .. ' ;'-,, , STOCKHOLDERS' B1EETIXG The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Rogue .Valley creamery will be held in the Grants Pass Commercial Club rooms on Sat nrday. January 8, 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m.. for tho purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may 'properly come before said meeting.' , MARSHALL HOOPER. 23. . 1 Secretary Effect of familiarity, "What we see constantly we cease to see vividly. The faces we notice least are those wo know and perhaps really love-best. Our eyes ore a bit Jaded by following the familiar unes. "Tbe same la true or pure cotor, ear a writer in the Atlantic Monthly, "Water and sky are very beautiful, and you may suppose that you are duly appreciative of them, but lie on the deck of a catboat and look at them with your head In an nnacenstomed position sideways and upside down and note bow the colors flare out upon your vlidon. "Or stay Indoor for a tew weens in a room where yon do not get much outlook and then go out. You win be blinded by the glory of the world, but not for long. The glory, alas, fades quickly, and habit settles upon yon once more! ' ''. -;'.' "With our friends' face somewhat the Mme thins happens. When we first meet them they pique us pleas antly with their unfamiliar line and Cradually we grow used to ! them. The first vision bsyi passed. j Mounting a Hors. .. In mounting tike the reins iu the left hand. At the name time grasp a tittle mane halfway up the neck., Now turn tbe stirrup slight;;,- toward you with the right baud and place tbe ball of the left foot In it. Grub the horn with the right band and sxviug on. Don't pull yourself on." but swing on. Settle luto tbe isaddle easily; don't flop Into It. If you want to get "your neck broke" some time mount . by taking the born in uue hand and the t-nntle In the other, uud the time will surely come when yon will uot he. disap pointed.' - ; , " Just a word In regard to dismount Ins. First withdraw your feet from the Ktlrrups to the ball Take the born in the right hand and swing off. letting the left foot slip easily and quickly from the stirrup Remember this, for' many a man has been dragged to death because his foot stuck In the stirrup. Your feet will nearly always cotne free If thrown from a horse, but the left une In prone to stick in dis mounting unless the above preeauilou Is observed Outing. , An Analysis of "Ain't" ."Ain't" Is an improper abbreviation f "nre not." British writers spell It un'n't." which properly Indicates Its derivation. Americans make It an la elusive offense, using It for "urn. not" and ;is not," h well ns for "are not,. It Is unquestionably the worst Instnn t of slovenlluess In Ihe common siee -;t of today. . , ' Yet It Is by no means of universal oi even of common use It will slip e cnsiohally from rellned Hps. always with n Jar to the enunclatnr s woil us to the heater. But the habitual user of "aln'ts" Is careless of ret'me ment. ne may be an excellent cltlneu who never beats bis wife orklcka f!tc cut. But there ts lluely to tie some thing slipshod about blm somewhere, for "atn't" is needless as well as ca copuonous: It fills no void and supplies no need. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. ,' The Soft Answer. Fie Ugh! I'm going out of this, and you won't see me again until the day of Judgment ' one wveiij', f.viiiuf( iuv inai "wwf as tisttal--AII right, dear, aud if yott aren't feeling In a better temper please She (sweetly, getting tho last word, let It be well on In. the afternoon. A tondon Riitnrdny llevlew, Knvplons, Sc tier phikaite, 20c pel l.rtl.-, Courier Office. , PACE THRE3 PHTSICIAXS U O. CLEMENT, M. D.Practic limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nos and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hoars 9-122-5, and on ap pointment. Office phone 62; real dence phone 25 LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician and (iirgeon. City or country call attended day or night. Res. phone 269; office phone 112. Sixth and U. Tnffa Building. , P. TRUAX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 325; residence, 224. Call, answered at all hours. - Country call at tended to. Lundebarg Bide F. M. INGRAM. D. C, D. O. Mental Spinal, Nerve n and Chronic Die eases. Office: 215 North Sixth street. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to I. Other hours by appointment. Phone 7. Res. phone 248-J. DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on diseases f eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office Hours 9 to 12 a. 2 to E p. m. Phones: Res., 234-J; office. 257-J. Schmidt Building. Grafts Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. 8TRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing. tf DENTISTS E. , C. MACY, D. M. D., first-clasa dentistry. 109 South Sixth street,, Granu Pass. Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental assistant. Rooms 4 and 6, Golden Rale - building, GranU Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. M. R. BRITTEN, Dentist. Rooms i and 3, Lnndbnrg building, opposite post office. Hours 9 a, m. to 12 id.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. Saturdays a, m. to 12 m. " - r ATTORNEYS H. s D. NORTON, Attorney-at-Law. Practice In all State and Federal CourU. First National Bank Big. COLVIQ AY WILLIAMS Attorneyt-st-Law, Granu Pass Banking Co. f , Building GranU Pass. Ore. , E. 8. VANDYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank ; Bwg. ; EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple. GranU Pass, Oregon. VV. Ti MILLER. Attorney-at-Law. County attorney for Josephine County. ' Office Schalhorn Big. O. S. BLANC HARD, Attorney-at-Law. GranU Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. GranU Pass, Ore. t DRAY AGE AND TRANSFER COMMEkCIAL TRANSFER CO. AU Kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully end promptly done. Phone 132-K. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Propr. i F Q. ISHAM, drayaga and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clark & Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. . THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone ' 15-R. - V vv.. MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, put up in 6-gallon glaasjars and deliyered at your door, fresh, pure sanitary Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. : 564tl PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that this water ts pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles, 25c. W. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 602-FS. " 459tf. THE SHOOTING GALLERY, corner Fifth and G streeU, is re-opened. Turkeys, ducks end geeBe given as prizes for best Bcore. Try your skill. A. Aubury. ; : 631 ' 'v. , LODGES f GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. ; ; A."M Stated communica tions 1st and Sd Tuesdays , V (siting , brethren cordially Invited.. F.i W. RuBsell Jr.. W. If. Kdw. G. Harria. sscretarv;.'. 11 1,1 jy-, , , , . , , GOLDEN RULE LODQE. No. 78, l.O. : ' 1 0,F., ' meets . avery Wed- ma.Jmw I- I AAV ' -r.,', 6th and H St. VUltlng Odd Fellows cordially invit ed iresent. W. H. ,Ryan, N, 0,! Clyde Martini Secretary., A 'i 1