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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
L PAGK FOUR DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIER WEDNESDAY, DKO, S3, 191 Ik This Wivk, on Friday To help Rll the Christmas stock r PER52NriL i LOCAL : ing we will soil those pure chocolate creams at 33c per pound, Sabln the Yow Last Druggist 626 wen In Every Home 3 where tHors we children, there ought to be Columbia Graphophone AwJ also in evay home where there are no children -only more so. Conipkt. Outfits from S20 to 20Gj and terns are My. Com ia and alu RowellY Music House AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT Uljoa Charlie Chaplin Star "The Protest' 4 .. . TV.t Cent Cfe .' Tbti la Su the lU'jal library at SiocUhuim uu:oii.? itU.-r rurioxitles a Uisna:ri r.u-i Un:;vn us th. !aat Clble on account of lu estraordiuary dIuns!ous. It nessuriM W centime ters lu length ainj is ri i-entlicters in Is. about 3T by 19 inches. It recuiri-s three men to lift it. . There are S3D rwjrc. bat seven have been lost. - The parbnient. of which the book is composed required the skin of ICO asm. .There are two columns on each page, unj the book contain the Old and New Testaments, with extracts from Josepbua. The Initial letters are Illuminated. The binding ia of oak. four and one-hall centimeters hi thickness. ' . .1 fc.O tJ ft. Jo!a Milton in "IJ.-ItuIn to the Con- iei" Kty t!t iu yiu:b King Ilar il I. List f the .Snson. si'rauxeljir as piring lud.ciade and Crti J wiu;a to JiUiijsSaiid feet With Ijh ou the top of, a tower, aj'reud out' t gather the ti'.t Le flew more than a furious; bi:t. i be wind being to:i UIku. be nine fluttering to the ground, niainjinj: all hU liailix. yel ctiBveltcd was he of tils art that tin- iaue f h fall was attributed t i'jc. w:iiii of a tall, an birds have, niiicb lie for-'"! In niake : ' , Heywobd's guaranteed mattresses, same as Aunt Sally uses, at Helmer's. Sabin delivers the goods. 626 K. E. McKtbbea baa gone to San Francisco for a brief business visit Cut glasa and china one-third oft at Sabin's. 616 Mrs. Carl Oentner returned Tues day from Roeeburg, where she has been visiting. , Just what you are looking tor In Christmas goods, at reduced prices, Mrs. E. Rehkopt. 622tt Ralph E. Dean, telegraph operator at Leland, was in the city today vis lUng with friends. Miss Stella Davidson la In the city for a brief visit, corning from her home In the Williams district Christmas candles, 10c per pound, at the Gold Nugget Confectionery. 17 Ahljah Dean, of Riddle, Oregon. Is In town for a few days visiting with his uncle, T. Y. Dean. Mayor E. T. McKinstry spent Tues day afternoon In Ashland, .attending to business affairs in the mineral springs town. Guaranteed electric iron, 1.75. Bush Electric Shop. Phone 141-R. tf f" Mrs. A. J. Klocker Tuesday after noon went to Med ford to take in the theater attractions offered there this week. : Earl Douglas and Dwlgbt Jewell returned this morning from O. A." C, where they have been - attending school. :,-!' ' . ' Cigars in any siie box and at all prices at the Gold Nugget Confection ery. 627 James M. Burgess, a student of the 17. of 0., is in Grants Pass spending his holiday vacation with his sister, Mrs. Melville T. Wire, -: - On Friday, In place of the usual Saturday sale, 23c chocolates at Sabin's. .-- 626 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swain returned this morning to their home in Port land after a visit of two weeks with F. G. Isham, son of Mrs. Swain. A pound jar of his favorite, to bacco wakes ah ideal Christmas4' gift Gold Nugget Confectionery. . - (27 Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hammersley, of this place, have gone to Cle Eluro, Washington, to visit during the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Jack Carter and Miss Joy Watson, of Merlin, were in the city Tuesday visiting with friends and shopping. , , Bargains in ladles' and misses' coats. One-half regular price. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 22tf ,E. V. Young, formerly connected with the local box factory, and who has been visiting here for two or three days past, departed Tuesday af ternoon for Sacramento. W. C. Jackson, arrested yesterday on a charge of assault and battery, preferred by William Scroggins, is bound over to the, grand Jury which will meet in January. Engagement Extraordinary BIJOU' CARNIVAL NIGHT STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! JOY! HILARITY! MIRTH! flllflfllJE GH George L. Smith, accompanied by hia mother, Mrs. F. V. Smith, was a Tuesday arrival trout SutherHn, Ore gon, and will t connected with the California ft Oregon Coast railroad. Arrow collars at Bishop's, 40Stt Mrs. I K. Luper and two little children went to Jacksonville thts morning and will spend the next two weeks there visiting with Mrs. Luper'a parents. There are yet some beautiful pieces ot cut glasa and hand-painted china at Sabin's at one-third off all this week. 616 Miss Alice Culy was an arrival this morning front Ashland and will visit during the Christmas season with her brother, C. N. Culy, on his Applegate farm. Chocolates, lOo per pound and up. Gold Nugget Confectionery. 637 Mrs, Mary Jordan, with two daugh ters, departed this morning for Cot tage Grove, where she will visit dur ing the holidays with her sister. She was accompanied by her father, An drew Frakes. Oregon Jones, the fourteen-year- old boy who was yesterday sentenced to the state school at Salem tor a term of one to seven years, left for the school this morning, accompanied by Burns Gillette. When buying butter, look for coupon containing Seal ot Valley Pride creamery, good for one pound ot Valley Pride butter at your gro cer's. . Two pounds given away with every case ot butter from December 14, 1915, to January 6, 1916. 63fl Mrs. Nellie Shelley and daughter, Miss Blanche Shelley, who has re cently, returned from Monmouth nor mal school for the holidays, today went to their home at Merlin for Christmas. C. V. Bravere, member of the teach ing staff at the high school, depart ed today for Chlco, California, where he will spend the holiday season with friends. t Miss Marion White, of the high school teaching corps, has gone to Medford to visit with frtends during the Christmas vacation Mrs. H. A. Weichleln and little baby arrived in town this afternoon from their home in Roseburg and will spend the Christmas season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Melssner. ' Miss Eva Davis came In today from Portland and has gone to her home In the Apptegate valley to visit with her parents oyer Christmas. Rufus Flnlay came in today from Yreka, California, and has gone to Provolt to spend the Christmas hol days with relatives. George Christy, of Selma. spent the day In town transacting business and visiting with his friends here. Jess York was a visitor In the city today, coming in from his Applegste farm near Murphy. Mrs. A. Reynolds arrived today from Los Angeles, . where she has been visiting, and will visit here over Christmas with her son, D. B. Rey nolds, of the .'orestry office. Mrs. Rey nolds Is on her way to her home in Helena, Mont. Armin M. Doerner, senior in the O. A. C. returned this morning and will spend the holidays with .the E. 0. Harris family. R. C. Canby, of Philadelphia, min ing engineer, with offices In New York city and El Paso, arrived this morning to spend several days with his cousin, W. W. Canby, Dec. 31, Friday Union watch night service at the Presbyterian church. Jan. 2, Sunday "Go to Church" Sun day. "The Funniest Man in the World" Is back in town in Uie first of tiie , New Essenay Masterpiece Feature Comedies ' ever shown in thbi city THE. BANK" In Two I'lifoaMoiis ItollicklnK IteelH. An Orgy of Laughter, A Illot M-M'&'i&i. of iUrtX ( IihHIo'h newest and latest work Iihh leen taken front regular M'l-Ut-e unci placed on feature lint and theft feature cot more per reel than any we have ever shown.. Tonight's attendance will tdiow whether our patrons want Chaplin c-oiimhIIcw. , Three Other Great Compiles Cartoon- "Drenmy Dud, Cowboy". "Tlui (Vllo Champion," with Hilly Itoeve ''The Ixavlng of Lawrence" , ' Come Early If Yon Want n Sent t . 7:lft andH::i 10 and 13 CenU 5 Uproarous Comedy Reels 5 Dance Saturday Night The original 50c dance, always 50c Moose ball. 627 Working on Cantata Th) vuolr ot the Newman M. B. church will render Holton's cantata, entitled, "The Christmas King,1" on Sunday evening, December 16. The members of the choir have been worklug tor a number ot weeks past on this cantata and it tlds fair to be one of the prominent musical attrac tions of the holiday season. . Rack From Mlvmurl Mr. and Mrs. O. F, Ink have re turned to Grants Pass after a three months' visit to their old bom In St. Joseph, Missouri, and are visiting with their son, Robert Inks. Mr. Inks thought he liked Missouri pretty well (before his trip back, but com parison ot the "show me" state with the Rogue valley has resulted in his return to the land of balmy breeies llutbul" Operetta Tonight The caste constats of Uulbul and her father, Iamlt, the prince and his 'Head, the court chaperon, the keeper of the money box, keeper of the specs, and tlu choruses. Opera house at 8:15. 625 Wo have everything for every member of the family, nml especially for the v U womctf-hinidreds of different articles suitable for acceptable Christinas re-; I acuta. We are not going to make any loug-wiiuled statement regarding their ; I. merits or the low prices. You'll know all about both when vou o.oino aim hco ; them., . . . . ,., -:; " .,'v '" .'. , ' , ' : Buy the wife or daughter n new Suit or Coat now about one-half regular i. price. :. . .' . . ; . - . f . , More Medford Spirit- It is said that a number ot Med ford people, convinced that the beet sugar factory would be built where business, interests would dictate that is, at Grants Pass have adopt ed new tactics and are seeking to In terest the Spreckles sugar people ot California In the erection ot a factory at Medford. The Medfordltes would rather see the valley without a fac tory than aee It located In Grants Pass. Cum 3 Murfy D. Sim. br. XXXI. See old "15" die. , See young "16" dry. None but maskers dance before 11. Four prizes best sustained characters. lady or1 gent; most beautiful costume, lady and gent. $1.50, Including mid night lunch. (t WashouU in Waah. Hold Shasta The Shaata Limited, which was due here shortly after midnight, did not arrive until ten o'clock this morning, being held between Seattle and Portland by washouts occasion ed by the terrific storms which have swept southwestern Washington for the pasV few days. . There has been no trouble yet on the Portland -San Francisco line, although connecting lines east have been blocked at varl ous times In the past week. Couch covers, In a variety of pat terns and colors, from f 3 up to $10, at Helmer's. 626 The Chrlstmjs candle! What a charming sound It baa and ' what a "homey" picture it conjures be.'ore us of the many who will attend Its burning on Christmas sve! Afl of us know the legend of the Christmas candle. If It burns dear down to the sock et good luck and prosperity wilt attend that household throughout the year. $37.50 Suits : . . $18.75 $20.00 Coats . $12.75 $25.00 Smts . : $16.00 $18.00 Coats . . $11.85 $20.00 Suits . $11.85 $15.00 Coats . ; $9.85 , GREAT BARGAINS ALL OVER THE STORE JUST BEFORE TAKING OUR ANNUAL INVENTORY mi t.. THIEVES ROB THE ELECTRIC SHOP TUESDAY NIGHT Burglars, whether local talent or professional Is unknown, last night relieved the electrical supply store of Roy 8. Bush, next to the post office, ot about forty dollars' worth of choice Christmas stock. So far as baa today been ascertained, the pit ferlng was confined to the taking ot electric flashlights, which might In dicate that the act was the result of youthful covetousness. This Is strengthened by the fact that Mr. Bush has recently suffered loss from petty thefts of flashlights taken from his show window by local small boys. The thieves entered the building last night by tearing out a rear window. The most of the stock taken was on the shelves, but several flashlights were taken from the window facing 8lxth street. All the flashlights were finished In nickel or bronze and of "Qulckllght" brand, a new flashlight on the local market, and should be easily recognized. Ilawley on the Job at Washington Congressman W. C. HawteJ la put ting Grants Past right on tn map back In Washington, having intro duced two bills that wRl moan a whole lot for this commanlty It they run the gamut of a democratic ad ministration. One ot these bills, House Dill No. 4063. provides tor the erection of a public building In Grants Pass, the cost of the structure to be not to exceed $100,000, Including site, building, etc. The other bill has for Its purpose the estahllshmout ot a mining experiment station 1n Grants Pass. Under the provisions ot the bill the secretary of the Interior Is authorised to appoint a superin tendent ot the station, and su appro priation of $25,000 Is carried by the bill, with conUnuIng appropriations for the annual maintenance of the station. S. ft II. green trading stamps given on all cash purchases at Helmer's. 26 OAJU) OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the many friends and neighbors who assisted In the search for tho body ot hus band and father and who rendered other service in our time of trouble. MRS. R. L. DISBROW AND FAMILY. Full Advertising Value For Every Advertiser's Dollar Coffee . fivcrythiriff that's done to Schilling's Hest is done to give you better coffee. The bitterish chaff is taken out; the coffee is evenly ground; the air tight tins seal-in the full, fresh flavor. . The iualliy amlccon 'omy tiuku the price uniiiiH.irMnt, Schilling's Best 1 STAR Chrifttma Dance Waldorf ball. We assure you a good time. Tickets $1.00. . 627 .Funeral of John McLean The funeral of John McLean, the homesteader found dead In his cabin up Jones creek, will Ibe held tomor row, services to be conducted by Rev. Baker of St. Luke's Episcopal church. Interment will be In the Granite Hill cemetery, about ten o'clock In the morning. NOTE. F 10c and!5c lint show oyer Ix'fore High Mchool play Men Appreciate Pipes, tobacco and cigars for Christmas. Fine line at the Waldorf Billiard parlors. . 626 Cans Heads Local Masons A. K. Cass is to hold the office of Master of the local Masonic order for the coming year, as result of the elec tion held last evening. Others elect ed were 0. L. Ragan, Senior Warden; N. F. Macduff, Junior Warden; R. W. Clarke, treasurer; E. G. Harris, sec rotary, and W. W. Walker, trustee. It's An Opportunity , That won't often return. Cut glass and china one-third off at Sabin's. 26 Tonight Crane Wilbur ' in 'The Protest' A drama of metropolitan life, in three parts, supported by a strong cast including Leona Hulton and Margaret Gibson. MUTUAL WEEKLY Showing U. 8. S. Nevada epeed trials, speed kings' race, spec tacular sham battle, latest Paris fashions, world's biggest gun, minion dollar pier fire, 12 tons of powder in giant blast, war picture from the front, and other Interesting new events. Beauty Comedy John Shnnam and Nan Christ ' : '. . "CURING FATHER" lOo audi 150 Some Christmas Brown Felt $1.50 Suggestions London Smoke $1.75 ,, . As Yuletide approaches, many perplexing problems arise: What shall I get for Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, "Her" and "H m" ? ? We would suggest the following useful articles : For Father and Mother Felt HllpitcrN, easy and warm, 76c to 2,00 House Shoes lrets Shoos ' . Party Slippers 1 , ' Kverwenr Hosiery ' 25o to 70c pair For Sister and Mother Fobt Slippers ' Party Slipped. i . Evorwear SUk Ilosleay BOo to 75c IMhwm Shoes, Button and Lace Moccasins , For Her and Him 1 Parly Hllppers Silk HiMlcry i ' 1 r r" ' Shoes'' KM and Felt Slippers STORM OPKN THURSDAY AND FltlDAlJJOVKNINGH j Grants Pass, Ore.