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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
Wf :iiW)A V, ' dim V' ssa, ' 1 01 . DAILY UfHiVK KIVKB COURIER r v 1 V . 1 Addres Hook Correspondence Card ' Mk Mi initial Stationery Loom Leaf Note Book Fountain Ten rjenlson' Gift Dressing niako evon the Inexpensive glfti beautiful. We ' have a good selection of tissue papers, tinsel yjords, stickers and string w tags. - BEMAKAY'S HORSE MEAT MAY OF NEW YORK DIET New York, Dec. 22. New York will bo the first American city to per mlt lo or horse meat for food. The new ruling goes Into effect January 1. Paris eats horM meat. Why not New York? "Horse meat is not objectionable as food," said Health Officer Swen sen today. "It can be a valuable and cheap addition to the tables of the thrifty. The horse, furthermore, Is generally so free from disease that It requires less , supervision than cows, hog and sheep. Likewise, It will lower the cost of living." Portland, Dec. 22. -Should horse meat diet become popular in Port BECOME ARTICLE Drop in and sec our 1 Christ ewelry Wo feature watches and wnlch repairing, but we offer you aa "tractive array tf Christmas gifts. Not the real high priced kind, Ami good reliable "jewelry within the reach of tho average buyer. It's not the costUs the ltcnuty mid ', service that makes n gift worth while. ' , Lietcher 48-Piece Set of H&viland CMna Given Away Free To cash customers at this store, each $1.00 rash purchase securing one ticket on the sot The attractive price now being made on cat glass and art goods is fast reducing the stock; visit the store now while- there , are yet "bargains, . x Novelties for Christraas-A Hall's Art Store Why Not Stop at the "0XF0RD,V This Winter ? A hotel Uiat la' liomellke pleasant, stoum-heated roomssuperior beds lavatories with hot water cheerful lobby with. 'fireplace, papers, mugarine, writing material, telephone! and private parlor. , BPBOIAL RATEH 1UCGINNINO DISC. 1 Room for one, 3,d0 wookj 110.00 month Room for two, $5,00 week; $15.00 month With ibatk room privileges , , '' ' Room for one, 14.00 weekj f 14.00 month Room for two, .00 weokj $22.00 month With private bath and toilet "Two rooms connected and private bath, $35 month . Rooms for transients, 60c, 76o aad $1.00 Cut Glass Perfume ( Bamboo liaskot Toilet Water Silver Lacquer Tray Traveling Cases "' , Handwhh Banket Manicure Bet Children' Book Ill Hooka and Purse Leather Nwellle Parisian Ivory land, no sillon will be taken to stop It, said Dr. Wsreollus, city health of ficer, today. ' "There's no law against It," suld the doctor, "snd they say it Is per fectly good food." San Diego. Dec. 22. "Eating horse flesh is largy ly a mutter or persouaf taste," said Health Ollker Hunks here 4oday. "While the flavor Is fair, the fibre Is more tough than that of other animals.' There Is no objec tion to h"rne flesh from a stand point of bcalt'v.. rt Is move a matter of taste. I do not 'believe the custom will become popular in the west, for a time at least." Sswsdl ' A boxhand wn waiting outHlile n Jeweler's, untwllia wllh Impatience Ills wife eircrccd from the shop They want n thousand guinea for It" she said Tliunk heavens!" cried tbe husband "Mow come Bloug."-PUBCh mas' . 1 Son large stock to select from Drug and Stationery Store i tv und Essy Servants In Japan. lu Jajuui dome! Ir service s very honorable. Domestic servants rank Mum tniUt'Hinoii. who are considered ut tint bottom of tin' soclul ladder. In the nbscuce of bis muster a servant will receive tbe wilier and chat away familiarly, but jKilltcly, uutil tbe ar rival of tbe head of tlie bouse. After rubbing bin knees together uud hissing snd kotowing be will Invite you to take a seat on the floor, or, more correctly shaking, on your heels, with a flat cushion between your knee sud tbo floor to inaku the ordeal a little less polofuL . He will then offer you five cups of tea. Even ufter bis mas. ter has arrived bo may stay in tbe room and Is likely to cut into tbe con versation and quite certain to laugh at tho smallest apology Tor a Joke, lie brings ail bis sisters and coustus and aunta to be lutrudurcd when be takes service, and tbe bouse is seldom with out a few of tbctn engaged ou some business or errand., In tbe Kuroeun hotels In Japan tbe ervnnu are all men, who ore dressed in Indigo cotton doublets and nose and run about bare foot. Loudon Answers. ' A Prince's Chilly Dip. Prince Henry of Prussia Is an ar dent sailor, says Pearson's Weekly, but be la known unioug tbe bluejackets as a great martinet. Tbe following story Is typical of bis methods, and shows that although bo expects those nnder bis command to put up with all kinds of hardships, bo is by no means above "roughing it" himself. Ono day, when be was on board a wnrxhip In tbe North sea. be suddenly gave tbo order, "Ail bauds to bather it was a bitterly cold day and-the water was like Ice. The order was 1 so cvldoutiy distasteful that one ut tbe officers ventured to muke a mild protest to tbe prince. Without uu swerlng blni a single word. Prince Uoury, although fully clothed, sprung over the vessel's side, swum out a good distance. In the ley water and returned to the deck dripping from bead to foot 1 After that the mi I lorn took their bath without demur. J i A Prstty Hot Story. Ckabert, the tiro klin;. who was a nonulur favorite lu LonUu over eighty yeur ago, claimed to be utile to swal low iirweule and other poisons with lui puulty. Visitors to bis entertainment were requested to come provided with nhotwhonw. arsenic uud oxalic acid. which bo proceeds' w consume before tbclr eyes, taking uu antidote after ward which was supposed to neutralise their effects Then, t.i slittw that he wait us impervious to heat as to imbon. he would take a raw Ic3 f laniti Into mi oven lieaied to '."Jn t.ojj ecu ami re main iiuidv until the Joint was cooked, wlieu It was carved and liauded aro'uud to the audience. The performance concluded by Cbnbort rubbing a red- bot shovel on his head ana race ana allowing any one who wtsliod to drop molten scaling wax on bis tongue and bauds. Loudon Mali ' Go Home For ' Christmas CHE holidays will soon be here. The time of hap piness and cheer. Your friends will be expeotlng you ( ; , to come home. So will raoth- " er, father, slater or brother. Low Holiday Fares . ' - ii .,.."''.' l ' . ' : 'V Are available lor the holi days. On sale betweon all ' Southern Pacific stations In " Oregon, Doc. 17, 13, 22, 23, 24, 25, 81 and Jan. 1., Return ;, limit Jan. 4. From Oregon to California points on sale Deo. 22, 23, 24, 25, 80, 81. Jan. 1. , Return limit Jan. 8. Rates: apply botweon Oregon Points excepting Klamath Falls branch. Ask the loi'id agent for fares, train sen ice and other Information, or write SOUTHERN" PACIFIC Joba M. Scott, Conors! Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Finhting f iahtt ef 8ism. . Tho rtlntiiese ilev't great care to the cultivation of flHr fiimoiw fighting OhIicm. known it h phikut. The Intercut In the fishlx, on wlibb the speciutor stake lartce sums of money, la so great that the license to hold tlicm btintrs a large annual revenue to tbe king of filani.-Wnrfliiilimter (Jnzctie. . Excussbls. "Miss Short ny she's only thirty. and I'd swear she's five ami thirty If she' a day." "Well, you sco. I've beard nhe wa a rather backward child, ilenr.jiiid didn't Nrn to coutit till she was flve."-Ki' change, j Expanding. The Old Prlcnd-1 . undenunud that your practice Is gettltiK digger. - .The Vounir DiK'tnr-Tbat's true. My pa tient bus gained nearly two iMiuri'ls In the last Mown: ' Ths Twelve Juryman. A prisoner la tried by. twelve of his fellow' countrymen. This custom Is u thousiitid ar old. and we ict it fro.ii tbe viking The vikings itlvliVd tlielt country up' Into cantons which were subdivided Into twelve porlloux em -li uiuler a clilertalu When a tnaiefa toi was "brought to Justice It wmK usual. for each chieftain t sel-ti man fro a the dHtrlet over which be ruled and compel him to try the i -U 'iter, die verdict of thexe twelve meii belnir de elared by thp Jude to I e limit fs '.'a;'.'a Den. , , Uiiw ol the inn l ii-wwmie Milium iiliiiuilf li'iiin-. 1.4 l In- unit s ileu Till is simply n lixle ti;g in the side i?f 11 lunik or a -Hiunli ii;iiii:-ii me. peuer ally ' situated on ' the mniny side uf n rldo and almost : hidden by dusliea uud loofe iKiwulei-H Ueie tlie wolr lien siiuk. lu ii ml iil'ou'i liift dourwuj He the reuiulns of past feaits. which. coupled with bis own odor, make the wolfs den a not - very luvitlng place Nevertheless there Is something so dread and mysterious ulout this soft footed marauder that It even lends a fascination to bis home. -St. Nicholas. E Pluribus Unum. The Latin phrase "B pluribus unum" means "From many, oue." : It is the motto of the United States, as being one nation, though composed of many states. Tbe expression Is found orig inally In a Latin poem entitled "More- turn," suppoNcd to have been written by tbe poet Virgil Oct tlie Useful and Practical CHRISTMAS GIFTS at the Grants Pass Hdw. Co. CASSKItOLKS $1.25 to $3 ; PKlUX)IiAT01lS $1.75 to $10 POCKKT KXIVES ! 25c to $2.50 SlOKWAUi 8KATKS J 75c to $1.25 ' ; Air Guns Tricycles, Wagons,! Fishing Tackle, Etc. The Monarch Malleable Itange' ' for Mot ner ' Grants Pass Hiw. Co. Qsssi'ufetil FOtt BALP. IIAB WOOD Williams Wood Yard. Ask for prices. , 475tf FOR SAL13 One horse, weight 1000 lbs.; sound, gentle, willing; ride or drive; buggy and harness In good condition. Price reasonable. In quire Homcwood farm. Telephone Wllderville central. 632 KUU BALL; Small ranch on west Jones creek. For particulars In quire at 212 K street. ' . 635 NURSERY STOCK Uring, write or phone your tree orders to George H. Parker, 403 West D street, Grants Pass. Phone 285-Y. Ten years In the business. 642 JKRKSHIKH sows In pig to Laurel Champion, the sire who outranks all others in the world In tbe show record of his get. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1, Grants Pass. ' - tf FOR SALE Good carrots, $7 ton, at my place, close to town. J. Christie, Route 2. 625 FOR SALE OR TRADE on suitable terms 120 acres partly improved hillside land, buildings and small orchard and berries, well and some eprlns water for irrigation." Some In timothy. In all, about 20 acres cleared. Also has a good amount of heavy standing timber, 5 miles from town. Address No. 2212, care Courier. , - 627 FOR SALE OR TRADE 8xX0 im proved ' Empire State : camera, J tripod, backgrounds, and complete professional outfit Trade for " wagon, stock or farm implements. Address W. J. Evans, Wllderville, Oregon. 648 FOR SALE Pigs or fat shoats, alive or dressed. Call 6 14-F-2 before Thursday If you want roast pig for Christmas. . , 625 TO RENT FOR RENT CHEAP Large, commo dious house two blocks from post office. O. S, Blanchard. SSStf THREE-ROOM HOUSE at 1223 M street for rent at $3 per month; also five-room house at 611 South Eight street at $6. "'inquire of Chas. Morrison, 622 L street. 626 FOR RENT 2 4 0-acre farm with ' buildings, on Illinois river About 70 acres under cultivation and ir rigation. Joseph Fetzner, Grants ' Pass. . .;. .. 648 WANTED WANTED Two cows, to give not less than five gallons of milk each per day. Address P. J. Jones, R. F. D. 2, Grants Pass.'-,,. 626 LOST LOST Parker fountain pen, gold. Finder notify No. 2191, care Courier! Suitable, reward. 626 VKTLUlN'AltV SVRGrX)N .(R. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Otilee In Winetrout Implement . Building. Phone 113-J. Resl- de.hce 'phone 305-R. 1 ; i iu:t uKATOits ANirpAlvrCniS PAPERHANGlNG. graining, paint tng. " For best work " at lowest prices' phone 295-J. C. G. Plant " South Park street . ALBERT B. FALL. - Senator Prom Nw Mexico Favots Cofenre Frogram. CHICHESTER S PILLS t hl-rkM-lKrI Illiain4 ltrnidV I'lIU in Kid iul Hold lnrlllkV fiev with IHu HiI.Ih'H. V llrartrlxt. Akr. lll.f'lll x-TKII-S DIAMONO IIHAMi I'll. I A l..r 1 ytm known n, P, il.Pir, t, Alwvi Ui llal'lo is 4 SOLD BIT DRUGGISTS VCRnVHLR A rt TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast Eailroad Company (The Oregon Caves Route) Effective Monday, Dec. 20, 1815. Train 1 lr. Grants Paes..7:00 a.m. Arrives Water Creet...8:00 a.m. Train 2 lr. Waters Creelt 8:15 am. Arrives Grants Pass. 9 :15 a.m. Train Z lr. Grants Pasa..2:00 p.m. Arrives Water CreekJ:00 p.m. Train 4 lr. Waters Creek-5:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 p.m. All trains leave Grants Pass from tbe corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite tbe Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at tbe office of the company, Public Ser vice building, .or pnon .38-R lor same. . '.;,' .,,.".;' Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day In the week. : The Degradation of Matter. It we examine tbe life history of any substance wiui sumcient Knowl edge and sufficient care, says tbfe En gineer, we shall find that nature pro vides means and forces that little by little are turning that substance into dust The manipulations ef man greatly assist In tbe process. But na ture Itself Is always active in it and even without man's aid is quite com petent to achieve tbe task. At times we strive to hinder the process, as, for example, when we apply paint to iron work in order to prevent it from rust ing. But we can binder it only for a time, and even then we merely check the degradation of one substance by degrading another. Thus we have con stantly to renew the paint on our Iron work. Tbe former coats disappear wholly or in part, and the material of which they were composed has turned to dust We may accordingly look forward to a time when all matter will be uniformly distributed as dust throughout space, a condition that ac cording to the nebular hypothesis, actually did prevail at one time, before the universe, as we know it was formed. ' Uncle Sam's Big Cheeks. When the government pays a claim or debt It la done by a treasury war rant signed by the secretary of the treasury. In May, 1904, the secretary signed a warrant for $40,000,000, which was delivered to J. P. Morgan ft Co. of New York as disbursing agent of this government on account of the Panama canal purchase. This was the largest i. warrant ever issued. The largest sum previously covered by a single government warrant was ror ' $7,200,000. paid to Russia in 18CS on ! account of the Alaskan purchase. Tbe next largest sum was $3,500,000, paid In 1870 to the British government on account of the Halifax award nnder the treaty of Washington for infringe ment of fishing rights in Nova Scotlan waters. In 1839 this government paid Spain, through the French ambassador, $20,000,000 for the Philippine Islands, but this sum was represented by four warrants of $5,000,000 each.-Pblladel- phla Press. V Broadway Noon Idyt Every weekday at noon the chimes of Grace church, in New York, send down Into tbe clatter of Broadway the strains of old familiar hymns. The other day the chimes had Just finished ricyel's hymn. They began a new melody, which In the, midst of the city's roar Was not at first distinguish able. Then the tangle of notes un wound itself and through tbe noises of tbe street sounded the sweet notes of "Just as I Am, Without One Plea." - J!ar wheels clanked, car brakes shriek , Iron ehod horse hoots smote the stones of the street motor horns blew raucously; there was the sound of a myriad human feet and of many hu man voices, and through It all "Just as I Am, Without One Plea." Pedestrians took up the theme and bummed itabscntmlndedly. JOld Bcenes were brought back, old faiths strength ened, old blessings remembered. Christian Herald. First English Book on Sport. Tbo first book on sport ever printed In the English language was a rimed treatise called the "Boke of St Al bands." Its author being a woman, Dame Juliana Berners. ' Its second edition was printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1400. A descendant of her family, Lord Berners, wu the trans lator of Frolssnrt's "Chronicles." It is true that old manuscripts existed, such as the "Venerle de Twecy" of the time of Edward II.. but It wss Dame Juliana who was the real ancestress of sorting literature In England, for she also composed an essay on hawk tug and. another on "Pishing With an Angle." the lust being of such excel lenee thnt lzaak Walton himself did take a hint from its pages. ' Psraiol Monoplanes. The "parasol plane" is really a bi plane with tbe lower pair of wings re moved, the engine, pilot and observer all sitting under the upper plane and thus giving rise to the nickname of "parasol." ThI type of monoplano to chiefly used for directing tbe Or of the guns. In an ordinary moijhplan II is dimcuit for the observer to sea below him. Pearson' Weokly. Oregon mining law, 40c. Courier PHYSICIANS L O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ar nose and throat. Clares fUwd. Office hours 9-12, 2-6, and on ap pointment. Office phone 62; resi dence phone 35 S-J. S. LOt'GH RIDGE, M. I)., Pbyslcim. and surgeon, City or country chIIp attended day or night. Kc phone 369; office phone , 1 J Sixth and II. Tuff Building. I. P. TRUAX. II. D.. Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 22S; residence, 124. Call, answered at all hour. Coua'rv calls at tended to. Lnndeburg JDldg. . H. INGRAM, D. C, D, O. Mental Spinal. N'ervcus and Chronic Dis eases. Ofilce: 215 North Sixtti street. Hoars: 10 to 12. 2 to 5 Other hours by appointment. Phone 7. Res. phone 248-J.l DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on disease f eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Offlce uouri 9 to 12 a. ru., 2 to 5 p. ru. Pl.oueg: Res., 234-J; office, 257-.I. Schmidt Building,' Grants Pass. Oregon. DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., flrsi-claa South Sixth Oregon. dentistry. 109 street, Grants Pass. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D, M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite II. Elliott, dental assistant. Rooms 4 and 6. Golden Rule building. Grant Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. M. R. BRITTEN'. Dentist. Rooms 2 and Z, Lundburg building, opposite post office. Hours 9 a. m. to 12 m.; 1:30 to S p. m. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 12 m. ATTO-JfEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-Law. .Practice in all State aad Federal Courts. First National Bank Big COLVIQ ft WILLIAMS Attoraeys-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Ore. E. & VANDYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. . First National Bank ' Bldg. '.-y ; ' '-'...,.,. . ,.- EDWARD H. BJCHA. 1, . . r at-Law. Office M.r "T;T . ,.37, ''.'Grant PMSOregii.'".'. ' sr.-. W. T. MILLER, , Alt lrney-at-Law. County auorney tor Josephine County. Office Schalborn Big. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. bulldia?. Phone 270. Grants Pass. Ore. DltAYAGE' AND TRANSFER a.JMl'-hCIAL TRANSFER CO. All hli.C of dray age and transfer wurk carcf.tlly and promptly dose. Phono 13 i-li. , Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Propr. U. ISHA.U, Urayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved,! packed, . shipped and stored. Phono Clark & UoIuiao, No. 60 Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES: so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 1B-R. : MISCEXLANEOlT CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, put up In (-gallon glass jars and delivered at your door, fresh", pure sanitary Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. 564U PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as , sure that this water la pure. De livered in five-gallon bottles, 2 Sc. W. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 602-PS. 489tf. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M Stated communica tion lit and td Tuesday; Visiting Brethren cordially ovited. F. W. Russell Jr., W. IS. Edw. G. Kn in, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, No. 78, 1.O. CO.F., meet every Wed p ncsday eve. in I.O.O.F. hall, cor. 6th and II ;. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially InvU ed to be sresent. W. H. Rya, N. P.; Clyde Martin, ry. AS3AY. i . R. CROUCH, a n etallurgUt. Roc dock Building. 0, eh" Envelops, So per p:, 100.-Courler OZ V Location notice-.