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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1915)
PAGE row DAILY UUQttK.ltlVRr. tXN'ltlKU FRIDAY, DKCliMUKH 10, 1015. The Gift of Gifts for Christmas-a Victor Victrola. A pleasure for the whole family the whole year. Easy. Payments Rowell's Music Store Grants Pass, Oregon .lit : PER52NAL LOCAL : AMTSEMKXTS TONIGHT mjou Mary Mites MInter 4 ' Opera House . "Twin Beds." - ' ' Star f ' "Wrath of the Gods." COMING EVENT Dec 10. Friday New England sup per and bazaar by ladles of the Baptist church. Dec. 10. Friday "Twin Beds." opera house. Dec. 11. Saturday Story hour at public library, 11 a. m. Miss Eaton, story teller. Dec 11, Saturday Annual exhibit of Society of Arts and Crafts, after noon and evening, Oxford hotel. Lecture at 8 o'clock. LADIES Why not give your husband or sweetheart a Christmas gift he will really appreciate. We have the lar gest and best line of fancy pipes and cigars. Waldorf Billiard Parlors, next Bishop's clothing store. ' 616 HEW TODAY COMMERCIAL MEN are invited to investigate the Hotel Oxford's newly fitted up sample rooms. Per fectly lighted day or night, ample for largest line of samples carried on the coast- Satisfactory trans fer service. Auto-'bus at the trains. $5 REWARD I will give $5 reward for Information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of the parties who tampered with my Ford and who stole a wrench, pliers and, long black carrying strap from machine at . the high school Thursday night. A. E. Voorhies. STRAYED To my home, 765 South Sixth street, a small white bulldog with black ears. Phone 21-J. A. A. Porter. 616 Prof. J. S. MacMurray went to Ash land this morning- Large line of trimmed hats at one halt price. Mrs. Rehkopt. 604tt Editor Brower, of the Rogue River Argus, is a visitor in the city today. Soveu dollars aud titty ceuu buys 'one of those IS -sue, li-joweled. 20 jyear gold-tilled watches at Letcher & Sou's. 61 Mrs. O. P. Harvey came down from Gleadale this morning for a short 'stay. Airs. Ben Herrlott. of Applegate, left last night tor Spokaue to visit re latives. it's hard to believe, but it's a tact, 15-jeweled movements, in 20-year ; filled cases, for 17.50. at Letcher & Son's. 6i Rev. W. F. Oliver, of the Free Methodist church, and family left this morning for Cottage Grove. Miss Mattie McGee went to Ash land this afternoon, called there ou account of the death of a friend, Mrs. Davis. Dr. McM. Dow, of the sanitarium at Central Point, was a business vis itor in the city during the day. Ladies' 0 Size "-jewel Waltham watches, in 20-year cases, special at Letcher's. $10. - 616 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hough and Miss Jessie Mastin returned last night from their trip to San Francisco. Rare bargains In corsets at $1; formerly $ 1.50 to $5. Mrs. Reh kopt 604tt ReT. S. M. Cheek, of Corvallis, pre siding elder of the M. E. Church South, arrived this afternoon and will preach here tomorrow night Miss Haxel Tooze, returning to the Willamette valley from San Fran cisco, stopped off here last night i visit Miss Pauline Coe. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Grill arrived this morning from Portland to visit relatives and old friends, having been former residents of Frultdale. Get that lady's size watch at Letcher's, 15-jeweled Waltham in a 20-year case "for $13.75. 616 Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Barrows, ot Joseph, Ore., who spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Williams, left this afternoon for southern Cali fornia to spend the winter. Rev. J. V. Milllgan, of Portland, and Rev. W. F. Gloeckner arrived this morning from the north and this afternoon went to Rogue River for a Sunday school conference. They will return tomorrow for a confer ence here. Arrow collars at Bishop's 4 031 f 'Dance Saturday Night Moose hall. Tickets 50c. 615 Just Arrived Another car of Columbia flour, $1.15 per sack, at Claua Schmidt's. Attention Dancers We can't go around and ask each and every one of you separately to attend our Saturday night daucea, but we appreciate your patronage In the past and hope to be able to do to in the future. We assure you a good time, plenty of room on the floor, and the best music we can get. Our dances routlnuo every Saturday night through the wlntor, to which ;you are welcome. Waldorf Dance I t-M n irm New Navels, 35c dozen, at Kinney !& Truax grocery. 615 Little's Little Girls Twin girls arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Little, at New Hope, this morning. i Dance Saturday Night Waldorf hall. Tickets 50o. US Laying Ralls on Railroad Rails for the completion of the new railroad to the Hays hill ter minal are now on the ground and the track-laying crew is busy on the job. The small bridge at Waters creek will be completed during the coming week and the track-laying finished a few days later. Then the heavy artillery can be released for an at tack on the hill Itself. Mr. Kimball at Christian Cliurvh S. II. Kimball, student of the Bible University at Eugene, will occupy the pulpit at the Christian church Sunday morning and evening. hall. 615 Murphy Masquerade Hall December 31, all night danco. Tickets, with lunch, $1.50. Prizes announced later. 612tf One More Day The price of the battery deducted from any flashlight for tomorrow on ly. Good Christmas Idea. R. S. Bush. Phone 141-R. 615 Art and Oafta Sttrlety The Society of Arts and Crafts will hold Its fourth annual exhibit tomor row afternoon and evening, In the Oxford hotel. Tea will be served In the afternoon, and In the evening a lecture will be given at 8 o'clock by Allan Eaton, ot Engene, on the his tory ot the modern arts and crafts movement, and a description will be 'given ot the art mom ot the Oregon building at the exposition. This will bo Illustrated with art of various handicrafts. No Invitations have been Issued by the society other than through the dally paper. Interprets Riley's Verses Dick Posey entertained a small crowd last night at the high school by his Interesting Interpretation of Riley verses, as well 'as original poems. He has the gift ot carrying his Audience with him to the scenes he describes. Cash Special Saturday, at Kinney & Truax gro cery, full weight 100-pound sack guaranteed Willamette Burbank po taties. $1.35. 615 Dance at Waldorf Good floor, better music, best time for 50c. 619 Equipment la Returned A carload of concrete mixers, wagons, and otherequlpment used by Albert Anderson k' Company In their work on the 'bridges in northern California, has arrived here, the work having been completed last week. Malicious Hoys ltuy At least three automobile parties who attended the Dick Posey enter tainment at the high school last night were greatly annoyed and , Incon venienced by the work ot malicious boys who had turned the stopcock shutting off the gasoline supply ot a trio of Fords. The machines were able to run several blocks, but stop ped dead In the muddy street, ne cessitating sending for help to be towed out. Escapades of this kind are responsible In a measure for the small attendance at high school en tertainments, and emphasize the need for better protection. Full Line Of everything In the meat line. Fresh halibut. Fresh salmon. Hominy. Turkeys. t Chickens. Fresh eggs. City Market, 403 G street. Phone 52. 615 Leaal blacks. Courier. office. Location notices. Courier office. llRUOU ID) TONIGHT Comfort Quality Courtesy The Photoplay Supreme The Broken 31 Coin Iteeeptlun to Newly Wedw R. E. Stephenson, ot Eugeno, and Miss Ida Robertson, of Merlin, stole a march on their friends, and when they returned from the Panama Pacific exposition it was as Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson. Last night about half a hundred of the friends gath ered at The Spa, where a reception was tendered the newly weds, and the evening was filled with congratula tions, well wishes and merry making. A wedding rake of large proportions was cut by the bride, and the usual rings, thimbles, etc., were distributed through its agency. Dancing occu pied a part of the evening. TAR TONIGHT The Most Spectacular and Unique Motion Picture Feature Film Ever Produced 'The Wrath of the Oods Or "The Destruction of Saknra Jima" Produced by the New York Motion Picture Company under the direction of Thomas H. Ince. Showing a volcanic eruption so close and so realistic that it seems absolutely incredible. "The Wrath of the Gods" was acclaimed a masterpiece by all the New York critics during its record-breaking run at the Strand theater. In the motion picture field this production la greater than "Tho Darling of the Gods" In drama, or "Madame Butterfly" in ocra. Pronounced by all who saw it last night as the best film ever shown in Grants Pass" One-Reel Keystone Comedy, "At the Seaside" Seven reels. One hour and three-quarters of the highest class pliotoplays. First Show Promptly at 7:15; Second 9 P. M. 10c and 15c Featuring Francis Ford and Grace Cunard Etty Grey, an American girl, causes the throne of a kingdom to rock. The sensation of two continents. The greatest film since "Graustark" Don't fall start this serial now Synopsis of preceding episodes at Bijou ticket office. Universal' Greatest Dramatic Star J. Warren Kerrigan In Two-ltcel Universal Feature A Kentucky Idyl Ono-Reel Comedy ; "wmtx this: dut wenij) WED" 5c and 10c NEW SPARK PLUG TO 8E MANUFACTURED IN GRANTS PASS H. M. Mat.iers and Furmon S. Smith, of this city, have Just patent ed what Is claimed to be tho first real improvement In spark plugs since they came Into use. This plug Is so constructed that it delivers twice the volume ot current possible with any other on the market and It gives two simultaneous sparks, each Independent of the other, so that In case of the fouling of one by carbon or oil, the other point continues to spark, with the result that the foul ed point will free Itself and auto matically get into action again, giv ing two sparks as before. This plug Is said to give a decided Increase In power, speed and pickup, and to en able one to make more mileage on the same amount of gas, as well as to keep the engine cooler and total ly eliminates engine missing due to fouled plugs. In construction It Is Just as simple' as any plug on the market and can be manufactured and old for the same price as any stand ard make. Demonstration plugs are now on exhibition at Oldlng's gar age. It Is proposed to organize a local company to get this invention on the market. .. It v 1 V- Juliette Hay In Helwya Company's Big LnuKh Festival, "Twin Iteds," , which Comes to the tpera House on Friday, lerenilier 10. DEPARTMENT IRRITATED BY CONSUL'S STATEMENT Washington, Dec. 10. Although the state department has no official knowledge ot the recent statement Is sued by German Consul Bopp of San Francisco, such statements Irritate state department officials, it was ad mitted today. Newspaper reports of his remarks criticising. Inferential at least, In activity of federal officials against the San Francisco British consul, elicited the comment: "Austria and Germany fall to rea lise tho great difference between conspiracy to disrupt and destroy American Industry aud commerce and violation of the antt-enltstment law with which Ilrltlshers were rhargod. The former Is a direct slap In the face at America; the latter merely Involved In only a minor de gree our relations toward other belli gerents." Suggestions that perhaps Attacho I von Papen of the German embassy had some hand In alleged anti-ally activities on the Pacific coast during his September visit there have been heard, but the department of Justice 'intimated It had proven nothing of 'this nature. Ills visit Is believed to , have been the result merely of a de sire for a pleasure Jaunt. KASTSIHH ELECT WOMAN TO SERVE OX COUNCIL (By United Tress Leased Wire.) Marshflejd. Dee. 10.- The village of Fnlle. renr Marshflold, Is In a quandary today. At a recent elec tion It made Mrs. lien Wright a member of the tovn council. It de veloped today that Mr. Wright's hus band Is not a citizen, and the council, with Mrs. Wright a member, fears that business It may transi t will be Illegal. The attorney general of Ore gon protably will be asked to pass on the rase. Grants Pass Opera House ANOTHER EXPLOSION AT f IlETIILETIEM STEEL WORKS South Bethlehem, Pa., Dec. 10.- One man was killed and 15 serious ly hurt In an explosion at the Reding ton fuse plant, a part of the Bethle hem Steel company, this afternoon. The explosion was In the powder pel let building. train efth Language. 1 Uks.ajmj.iflKr.H "In stocks or In the nlrf '-Baltimore A merles a , a I y y o b 1 1 ftl - Arm or Kf m sr I til i- U Vr a M N b t u BMSSk W, If W IB K it m J TONIGHT Libby Cut Glass 25 Discount In i H JPVTI I lit I CI Drug and 1 V ' .i Cl-i! Ci