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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1915)
T FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1015. DAILY IIOGCB RiTER COURIER page TURKS '1 E'S Ilyoiml llfllnvtHt Cwlunli without I lie I'm of Dangerou Drugs Not until llyutitnl wit discovered ha It 'been possible to truthfully say that a real ronmdy fur catarrh wai known. llyutiiol In an oil nnii Its Hr li brratlmd through a small Inhaler furnished with It fur a few minutes four time a day, arid during that tlmo vry particle of thin llyomel )ndn air taken Into the air passanes and lung It Impregnated with power ful germ killing and health- giving antiseptic Hprsys and lotion often cause dis order of th respiratory trarta or bring on Komo other disease and never make a permanent cure of catarrh. Hut when tho air of Hyo met ipenetratnt to tho inmost all cell of the lung and -enters the blood with tho oxynen It not only kill the germs In tho throut and noso, but kllla tho bni'llll In th hlmid, free Iiik the mucous membrane from pois onous microbes and giving perfect health. A complete outfit Ih Inexpensive and Include tin Inhaler, dropper nod auftlrlent llyoiiiel for several weeks treutiuent. ('. II, Deiimrtiy hna mi mui-h faith In the merit of llyomel that ho axreea to return the money to any purchaser who It not thoroughly aallHfled. clotureW FIGHT DROPPED Bl THE U SENATE Washington, Dec. 10. With con gress reconvening today after Its brief recess, udvocuteit of cloture rulei In tho senate announced they had dropped the light until a real flllbuater appear. Tho setiato turn ed to organUatlon of committees, while in tho hotiKo a resolution for continuing war taxes after New Year waa ready to bo offered. Other rev enue measures, It la expected, will be postponed until after the holiday, while the ihlp purchase bill will not be reached' until next Monday. The house, however, adjourned after a 20-mlnute session until next Tueiday. Hi Hlaes. "Wbnt person on tho paper, air, aball I give thl artlelo on Tils Modern Femi nine I'ui eT"' ' r "I ulimilil my. from my olmervutlim of the m:b!ett. U In iii iUeui mini." r.nltlimtre t., r' lilt Reduction Sale Come in and see our bargains Christmas Goods Half Price on our bargain counters Hand Painted China, Cut Glass and Framed Pictures at 25 Discount Hall's Art Store Why Not Stop at the "OXFORD" This Winter? A hotel Hint la homelike pleasant, steam-healed rooms superior IhmIih-lavatories with .hot water cheerful lobby with fireplace, iiikts, magnalne, writ Inn material, telephone, and private parlor. SPECIAL RATIOS BEGINNING DEC. 1 Room for one, 3.00 week; 110.00 month Room for two, $5.00 weok; 115.00 month With ibatfa room privileges ' ( Room for ono, $4.00 week; $14.00 month Room for two, $0.00 week; $22.00 month With private bath and toilet ( Two rooms connooted and private bath, $35 month ' Rooms for transients, 50c, 75o and $1.00 B U T If you want the best, call for VALLEY P1UDK CREAMERY BUT TEH, A-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y guaranteed to give satisfaction. By using Valloy Pride you are patronUlng home Industry. Valloy Trlde Cream ery Is owned and operated by farmers of Josephine County. Once used always colled for. Sold by all grocers of Grants Pass. 4 1 J TELLS WHAT ..NVw York, Doc. 10. Indication are that the allloa' general war coun cil la meeting with the common fato of coalition and 1 falling to satisfy. Persistent rumora from Paris re port serious difference of opinion among the military leader, In fact, the council la proving iUelf no grand gouural ataff ifor direction of the war, but Instead an exchange bureau for examination of pollelo. Tbo council now la engaged In the advisability of continuing the Balkan campaign. Meantime, British and French force are being hurled back from southern Serbia. Hi I examination Into tho Balkan prmblom. however, la not a matter of determining; how to defeat the Teu ton and Bulgarians, but rather what la good for the Individual allies. A truly united policy acceptable to all the allies la impossible. Kula wants tho Dalkan situation continued fur the sake of her own prestige in that region, while the other allies are not entirely content with continuing on and neglecting possibilities of an other major offensive in the west. England takes a leading part in oppoaltton to Ilusila's desire to have the Ilalkan campaign continue at all cost. Italy Is reluctant to contri bute men as long as the central allies keep out of Albania, the territory on which sho keep her Jealous eye.' At the same time France wants to reserve her forces for her own" de fense. A compromise, therefore, would leave misgivings, If not actual sus picions, among the contending groups. None of the allies, bowewr, fan oppose Russia with an easy mind, tor, despite her agreements with all the other entente powers, she might make a separate peace If thwarted In her Balkan desires, and this would bo a serious blow to the ambitions of the entente. ItKITMJCANS WILL ATTACK tOORTAIN WILNON I1HJC1K8 Washington, Doc. 10. A general republican assault on President Wil son's pan-Americanism, tariff and preparedness, jrlews, Ju so, far aMbe latter" relates to government Cattle ship and armor plate construction, was predicted today by Senator Smoot. TER MASON WAR MOVES MEAN PEACE DOVE HAS BEEN FRIGHTENED FROM GREAT BRITAIN London. Dec. 10. Gorman Chan cellor vdn Bethmann-llollweg'a pro nouncement of Germany's peace terms has practically ended all talk of early peace, so far as England is concerned. Several high officials whom the United Iress interviewed today de clared tbelr conviction that now not even tho most ardent pacifists see a quick end ahead. Newspapers not only shared this view, but some of them declared that peace Is more re mote as a result of Hollweg's speech than at any time since the war be gan.' All resented the chancellor's at tempt to pluce responsibility on the allies: It was regarded as for home consumption to appease the growing demand for peace within Germany. Referring to the chancellor's sar castic fling at England concerning al lied violation of Greek neutrality, as compared to tho allied view of Ger man violation of Belgian neutrality, tho Westminster Gazette said: "If Germany had entered Belgium on In vitation and then had found herself In difficulties through a sudden change of Bdslan policy, tho analogy might begin to be debatable." The Evening Ptandard commented: "It Is certain that Germany alms to surpass her previous efforts this win ter and next spring. Let us, there fore, be warned and forearmed." ... The 8tar'a comment was: "We see now, as we saw In August, 1914, that Prussia's military domination Is In compatible with the liberty and pub lic law of Europe, We have no de lusions left. We accept proudly the foremost place in this war of libera tion. We have counted the cost and we have weighed the sacrifice. We . , 3 U ... . ..o I nave enuureu umcu, uui wo ms to endure to the end." London, Dec. 10. Angry com ments, mingled with sarcasm, con stituted the London press reception today of Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg'a peace talk In the German relchstag yesterday. The papers referred to the chan cellor as "merely repeating the old bluff and brag." , " .. The Dally Express "He has the temerity to warn ua that the longer jthe war continues the harder will be Germany's terms, when. In fact It is common knowledge that Germany is necessarily becoming weaker dally and less able to carry out the gran diose plans of her rulers. Fortunate ly for the world, the leader of Ger many has determined to rush on to irretrievable disaster. The allies will read his speech with relief and satis faction." , -The Chronicle "Speaking of So cialist Schetdemann's warning that Europe will commit suicide and the United States will be the only victor, that Is a reflection which Germany might have taken to heart "before plunging Into the war. But It Is not an argument for stopping when the situation Is most advantageous to those who provoked It. The allies do not regard Germany as Invincible, and no more so because Hollweg as serts It." ACTING AUSTRIAN DIPLOMAT MAY BE SLATED FOR RECALL I Washington, Dee. 10. Requeat for the recall of Acting Austrian Ambas sador Zwtedeneck and Consul General Nu'ber of New York waa deemed a foregone conclusion today should charges of the Providence Journal against them develop that they sent a messenger, Editor Braun of Fair play, abroad with an American pass- 1 port, carrying letters bearing on antl- ; ally activities. New York, Dec. 10. Commenting today on charges 'of the Providence Journal that papers ho trlod to se crete had Inter boon found and proved to be anti-ally documents forwarded by Austrian officials, Editor Braun of Falrplay said today: "I gave Attorney General Gregory the story myself, but it Is now dis torted. A servant of the Austrian consulate handed me the package to I mall on the other side. The package disappeared. Upon returning to 'America,' I told Consul '-General Nubor, who said that the loss was merely an Inconvenience." FOrt SALE LAB WOOD Williams Wood Yard. Ak for prices. 470tf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL CALF Good Individual, well bred, high record ancestry, price low. Registered Berkshire pigs by Laurel Champion, world's record sire. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Grants Pass, Ore. tf ALFALFA HAY First, second, third and fourth cuttings, f 16.80 per ton. Sleepy Hollow ware house, opposite S. P. roundhouse. Open Saturdays. 685tf FOR SALE Good, gentle work horse, weight about 1100 lbs., will ing worker, bay color, very cheap. A. N. Parsons. 604tf FOR SALE One horse, weight 1000 lbs.; sound, gentle, willing; ride or drive; buggy and harness In good condition. Price reasonable. In quire Homewood farm. Telephone Wlldervlllo central. 632 FOR SALE Small ranch on west Jones creek. For particulars In quire at 312 K street 635 FOR strictly fresh eggs phone your order to Pine Ridge Egg Farm. " Deliveries Tuesdays and Friday. Phone 606-F-24. 610tf WILL SELL on time with good se curity, or exchange 1911 Maxwell for property. State In your letter description and condition. Address No. 2125, care Courier. 610tf FOR SALE OR TRADE for house In Grants Pass, 160 acres of raw land, 12 miles from city. Address No. 2101, care Courier. 609 FOR SALE Tom turkey, 9 months old, weight 20 lb., bronze strain. . hatched from eggs brought from Arizona. Price $3 if taken at once. W. L. Babcock. Kerty, Ore. APPLES FOR SALE 65c to 75c per box, delivered. Phone 135-J. 618 XMAS MONEY SAVERS Cameras at 5 per cent discount. Print al bums from lOo up. A large assort ment of portrait and view mounts. Get our prices on your Xmas por traits. Paddock Photo Co., 310 North Sixth street 615 POPCORN CR1SPETTE outfit for sale. Very reasonable. Box 683, Medford, Oregon. 619 TO RENT FOR RENT CHEAP Large, commo dious house two blocks from post office. O. S. Blanchard. 568tf WANTED MINING EQUIPMENT WANTED Will pay cash for air compressor, hoist, ore cars, and trails, 12 to 30 lb. Address Gold Hill Imple ment Co., Gold Hill, Oregon. 617 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Olllce in Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGING, graining, paint ing. For best work ai lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant. South Park street. POSTPONE HEARING OF ALLEGED BOMB lMiOTTEUS San Francisco, Dec. 10. Hearing in the cases of Baron George Wll helm von Brlncken and C. C. Crow ley, charged with German bomb plot ting, went over today to Tuesday up on the government's request. In the meantime, It Is expected, indictments will be made against .them. Crowley waa In high spirits and Joked with attendants of the United C4 i 4 sm AAHUHlnnlAHlAa'a r ft I A and newspaper men HI. attorney old:' """" he would be freed later, under abso lute proof of Innocence. , Baron von Brlncken, dashing cav alry officer of the kaiser, created a stir by coming to the hearing with his 'beautiful wife. He laughed and chatted, too,' never once losing the monocle that he wore with almost English accuracy. His lawyer his father-in-law expressed himself as anxious to have the cose tried soon, so the public would know the baron had been maligned by his arrest CHICHESTER SPILLS Auk jrf Dmi.Lt ft j rt VIMond llraad 'III! in Hr (nil Vulil nirlalliO boic Midi 1lh Rlua Rltitton. 7rk ilu-r. IIhj of Tr v rruiipl.l. Asi.f'WOIIM llVn.TFir'S: KmiONIK I HAND I'll l f'r c,fif) v-'iirr,":'fv .'-ip,v.i Classified Advertising TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregon Cares Route) Effective Monday, October 11,1911 Train No. 1 It. Grants Pass 7:00 a.m. Arrive WUderville 8:00 a.m. Trail No. S lv. Wllderrtlle 5:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 p.m. Every day In the week, including Sunday All trains leave Grants Pas from the corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phon 0.38-R lor name. Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Wilderville. I Paasenge service every day in the week. TEACHERS' EXAMIXATIOXS Notice Is hereby given that the county superintendent of Josephine county, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for state certificates at Grants Pass as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Decem ber 15, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, December 18, 1915, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Forenoon .Writing, C. S. History. Wednesday Afternoon Reading, Physiology, Composition, Methods in Reading, Methods in Arithmetic Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic. History of Education, Psychology, Methods in Geography. Thursday Afternoon Grammar. Geography. American Literature, Physics, Methods in Lan guage, Thesis for Primary Certificate, Science of Education. Friday Forenoon - Theory and Practice, Orthography, Physics"! Geography, English Litera ture, Chemistry, History of Educa tion. Friday Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil ' Government, Childhood and Adolescence. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany, School Administration.' Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping, . Methods. LINCOLN SAVAGE, 61 8 County Superintendent PORTLAND MARKETS Wheat Club, 9194; bluestem, 9698 Oats No. 1 white feed. 24 24.50. Barley Brewing-, 28 29.50; feed, 2628. Hogs Best live, 5.85 6. Prime steers, 6.50 7; fancy cows, 5 S1 5.50; best calves, 7 7.50. Spring lambs, 7.50. , Butter City creamery, 32. Eggs Selected local extras, 42. Hens, 11 14; broilers,' 12 13; geese, 78. jUUU IIUII I II Ul CANADIAN WHEAT IS BURNED AT ERIE Erie., Pa., Dec. 10. Half a million bushels of Canadian grain, consigned to the allies, were destroyed by a fire doing $850,000 worth of damage to jthe elevators of the Anchor line hereV t d lncendlarlsm wa8 the rumored I Investigators at once turned to hunting for the supposed firebug, though the owners said there were Indications that the fire resulted from spontaneous combuston. If spies fired the elevators, they selected a particularly opportune time, for the city had discontinued Its fire tug ser vice and streets surrounding the ele vators were blockaded with freight trains. This delayed the firemen, while the flames nte their way through three elevators, housing 550,000 bushels of grain. Five grain laden steamers close by pulled out to a safe distance. " The elevators had toen under con- stant guard since their wheat there. the allies stored Fnvotnn. Rc ""r nM'kttue, 20e per 100. Courier Offloe. , . mnonn UIRDTU IDUUU PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 1-1 J, 2-6, and on ap poiatment. Office phone 62; rest dence phone I5I-J. ' S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country call attended day or sight. Ret. phone 369; office phone 181. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. J. P. TRUAX. M. D Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, I2S; residence, 124. Call answered at all hours. CouB'ry calls at tended to. Lundeburg Bldg. F. H. INGRAM, D. C, D. O. Mental Spinal, Nervcus and Chronic Dis eases. Office: 215 North Sixth, street. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to I. Other hours , by appointment. Phone 7. Res. phone 2 4 8-J. DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on diseases of eye, ear, nose and' throat; glasses fitted. Office boon 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res., 234-J; office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grafts Tass, Oregon. DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D., first-class dentistry. 109 South Sixth, street, Grant Pass. Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite BL Heyer, dental assistant Rooms 4 and 6, Golden Rule building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265 J. !. R. BRITTEN, Dentist Rooms and 3, Lundburg building, opposite post office. Houra 9 a. m. to 12 m.; 1:30 to 6 p. m. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 12 m. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-Law. Practice In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIO WILLIAMS Attorneys-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Ore. E. S. VANDYKE, Attorney. Practice in all courts. First National Bank Bldg. EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law. County . auorney tor Josephine County.- Office Scbalhorn Big. O. S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Ore. DRAY AGE4 AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO., All klnda of drayage and transfer work carefully sod promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Propr. F G. 1SHAM, drayage and transfer. SafeB, pianos and furniture moved, paeked, ' shipped and stored. Phone Clark it Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-fk. '' THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, put up in 5-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. , 664tf PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that this water la pure. De livered in five-gallon bottles, 25c. w. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 602-F 8. 459tf. LODGES U HANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M . Stated communica tions 1st and Sd Tuesdays Visiting brethren cordially Invited. F. W. Russell Jr W. K, Bdw. Q. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE. No. 78. I.O. OO.F., meets every Wed f nesday eve. In l.O.O.F. hall. cor. 6th and H Sts. Visiting Odd Fellow's cordially Invit ed to be jresent. W. H. Ryan, N. G.; Clyde Martin, Secretary. ASSAYERM K. R. CROUCH, asaayrr, chemst, 'metallurgist Rooms 201-203 Pad .I nek RulMlnr.. firn Pssa. .A: -t - f-