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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1915)
DAILY ROGCH RIVER COURIER TM'IIAY, DKCJCMUKn 9, 1018 AGE FOUR The Gift of Gifts for Christmas a Victor Victrola. A pleasure for the whole family the whole year. Easy Payments i : Ro well's Music Store Grants Pass, Oregon : PER52NAL LOCAL : AMVSKMKXTS TOMUHT 4 Mary Miies Minter Star "Wrath of the Coda." comixo kvext Dee, 10, Friday New England sap per and bazaar by ladies ot the Baptist church. " Dec. 10, Friday "Twin Beds," opera house. , Dec 11. Saturday Story hour at public library, 11 a. m. Miss Eaton, Btory teller. Dec, 11, Saturday Annual exhibit of ' Society ot Arts and Crafts, after noon and evening. Oxford hotel Lecture at 8 o'clock. Dec 22, Wednesday Coacert by ' Music club and high school, at the opera bouse. Mrs. A. A. Flynn went to Medford this afternoon. - Large line ot trimmed bats at one half price. Mr. Rehkopf. 604tf Mrs. I. H. Teel and Ernest Teel left this morning for their new home at Preecott, Washington. Mra. Eugene Wright returned to West Fork tbla morning, having ! spent several days In town. Mrs. John Black, In company with her son and daughter, has gone to lxs Angeles to remain. Wharton Plummer, secretary of the Public Service corporation, Is In Medford today on business connected with hts Arm. Rare bargains In corsets at $1; formerly 11.50 to 5. Mra. Reh kopf. 6Q4tf There will be rag rugs, towels, yokes, handkerchiefs and most any thing you care for, on sale at the Baptist church Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. See the menu itf this paper for the New England supper at 5:S0. 614 wMrs.- E. A. Carver arrived this morning from Farmlngton, Ohio, to spend the winter with her son, M. C. Carver, who went to Portland to meet her, be also returning this morning. Arrow collars at Bishop's. 40Stf Dance Saturday Night- Moose hall. Tickets &0c. 1 : New England Supper Beginning at 5:30 Friday Evening at the Baptist Church Price 25c Whist Club Returns Tbe L4ser forces defeated City Treasurer Jester and hla followers at tbe weekly meet ot the whist club, held Wednesday night, the final count showing them six points to the good on the evening's play. They thus re gained all the trenches they bad pre viously lost and took four new ones from the enemy, toeing now two points nearer to the supper than the Jesterites. MK.NT Roast Pork and Apple Sauce Mashed Potatoes and Brown Gravy Boston Brown Bread White Celery Pickles Pumpkin and Mince Pie , , , Doughnuts Coffee 615 Past X. O. Club The Past Noble Grands club will meet with Mrs, Ike Davis on Fri day afternoon at 2; SO o'clock. Deiighter la Hum- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marsh, former residents of this city, welcomed the arrival of a daughter into their house hold at Dunsmulr, California, on the 6th Inst. Dance Saturday Nlghi Waldorf hall. Tickets 50c. 615 Evangelistic Meeting Interest Is growing In the evan gelistic meetings now being conduct d In the Church of Cod chapel, cor ner Third and J streets, by Rev. J I Green. Services commence at SO p. m. Dance at Waldorf- Good floor, better music, best time for 50c. 615 Shipping Christmas Tree A carload of Christmas trees for the Los Angeles trade has been ship ped from Round Prairie, on- the line of the new railroad, C. E. Harmon being the shipper. The car contained 4.700 trees. Seven carloads have been shipped from Merlin to tbe same market. Murphy Masquerade Ball- December SI, all night Tickets, with lunch, $1.50. announced later. dance. Prlies 612tf CONTRACT FOR THE (BUILDING OF TWO Eff BATTLESHIPS (By United Press Leased Wire.) Washington. Dec. 9. Secretary Daniels announced this afternoon that construction ot battleships 43 and 44 has been awarded to the New York and Mare Island yards. The New York bid was I7..069.925. while Mare Island's bid was S 7,413,156. The secretary issued an advertise ment for construction of two fleet submarines, authorized by the last congress. They must make a speed ot 25 knots, which will exceed that of any submarine known to hare been built, or to be building. Former Granta Pase Girl 111 Miss Gladva Prltchard. who re moved from near Grants Pass to Portland last spring, is suffering an attack of pneumonia. Her condition for the past week has been bad. She Is tbe 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. H. T. Prltchard. Cheat of Silver Awarded The answer to "What are they anvlne" has been decided by the judges, tbe Alvln Manufacturing com pany, as best expressed by Miss Maude Bauer, to whom we have awarded the prize chest of 26 pieces of Alvln silver, the long life plate. ttchpr & Son. jewelers. 614 Natural Thing. "I don't Iwlieve the captain of our ship was an experleroed mariner When we bud (hat uccldent In mid ocean be did not seem to know what to do." "But you must remember that it was only natural under tbe circumstances or him to be completely at sea." Bal timore Amerkuw. Envelops, 6o per package, 20c per 100. Courier Office. TAR Tonight and Tomorrow Mow They Voted Similarity of names caused an er ror In the report of the vote upon the approval of the recommendation of the public utilities commission re garding the Dr. Reddy note in the council meeting Tuesday night. Mr. Burke voted In favor of supporting the recommendation to return the note while Mr. Burkhaltcr opposed SS u s LOCAL lilff AT III RECITAL Fully four hundred of the muslo loving people of Grants Pass and vi cinity crowded the Gaiety thvator last eveulng to listen to the piano recital given by Miss Berenice Quin tan of this city, while over a hundred people were turned away from the door, unable to secure admittance. The recital was a marked artistic triumph for Mies Qulnlan, as was at tested by the vigorous applause which greeted her rendition of each number on her excellently diversified program. From the dignified, chaste beauty ot the Moonlight Sonata by Bee thoven to the Impetuous lilting whirl of Henselta "If I Were a Bird," and the Kbelnhold "Impromptu" Opus 28. No. S, Miss Qulnlan showed a rare talent of Interpretation. The Chopin numbers seemed to furnish a particular delight to the audience, and Mist Qulnlan put Into each study the very essence of the great master's exquisite melancholy and homeless passion. The Etude Opus 25 No. 1 waa played with great riollcacr and charm of fancy, the Nocturne Opua No, 15 No. 2 with lln gerlng tenderness and pathos, wbtle the Ballade, Opua 47. with a perfect passion of glorious chords and stormy arpeggios. It Is aa perfect and beau tlfully rounded a piano number as the "Erl King" la a song, and It was given with splendid understanding and appeal It drew a prolonged wave of applause from Miss Qulnlan's admirers and waa easily the master- piece of her recital. The Valse Impromptu Opus 13 by composer. This vaist anouniu m brilliant passages of dashing techni que and Is aa beautiful In Its melody aa many of the most loved waltt movomenta from Chopin. In fact the element of mystery combined with a resigned gaiety which characterizes so mauy of Chopin's waltz movemvuts la decidedly conspicuous In this Lach mund number. The composition re flects much credit on Mr. Iachmund aa Its lovely melody Is cast In a bril liant and appealing setting. Miss Qulnlan'a personality Is girl ish, unaffected and entirely tree from mannerism of any sort or description, which added a marked pleasuro to her recital. Miss Genevieve Pattlllo. whose voice Is always a delight to her hear era assisted Miss Qulnlan. Her num bers wore all marked by the "tears" with which she always thrills her audience. Her voice, of wide con tralto range, waa heard In especially fine form last evening In "Mellsande In the Wood," a composition of great merit and rare weird beauty. She gave the pathos and regret of the fine poem a most vivid Interpretation Her "Three Roses Red" was sung so simply, and ao sadly that there was a lump In the throat of almost every person In the bouse. Her voice never falls to bring a response of profound feeling. Miss Palmer played her usually fine and sympathetic accom panlment. Althogether the program was sue! a treat as the people ot Grants Pass will long have occasion to remember and a universal expression of gratl tude la universally voiced these young Lachmund Is deserving of special I people for the opportunity we have mention as It la the work ot Was; bad to hear really fine music sym Qulnlan'a teacher and an American 1 ixvt helically Interpreted. NEW HOPE The Mont KK-ctacnlnr and Unique Motion Ever IToduml Picture Feature Film Is' 'The Wrath t Go Or "Tbe Destruction of Sakura Jima" Produced by the New York Motion Picture Company under (lie direction of TIioiiiun II. Ince, Slumlng u volcanic eruption mi clone anil ho reullHtlc that ll kwhis ill ilulely Inrmlihlc, , "The Wrath of the MimIn" v. as luiluiiiHil a masterpiece by all the New York critics during Its record-hrcuklng run at the Ktrnnd theater. In the motion picture Held this production In greater than "The Darling of the Jodn" in drama, or "Madame Butterfly" In opera. One-Reel Keystone Comedy, "At the Seaside" Celebrate Football Victory The Pawnees, members of a Meth odlst Sunday school class, defeated a class composed of members of the Baptist Sunday school upon the grid Iron Wednesday afternoon, the score being C to 0. This was the second time the two teams had clashed upon the football field, the first having re suited in a 6 to 6 tie game. As the series was to be the best two out of three, another contest will be re quired to determine the champion ship. Following the game, and after the boys had been recovered from the coats of mud that covered them, the Pawnees celebrated the victory at the home of their captain, Loren Baslor, and the games were fought over dur ing the evening. Refreshments were served and arnica was plentifully supplied. I J. W. McCalllster has been working on the telephone line at New Hope. C. C. Wynant made a trip to Grants Pass Monday. Fred McCalllster la working at the Watts mine at Provolt Emmett Conger baa moved to his farm at Wlldervllle. R. L. Coe has rented his farm to Mr. Olds, of Fort Klamath, and Mr. Olds and family have taken posses sion. Will Lowe and family are prepar ing to move to Grants Pass soon. George Barden visited his sister, Mrs. R. L. Ooe, et Grants Pass sev eral days lost week. Mrs. Charles Johnson, of Grant Pass, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah Stringer, at New Hope. Jess York was In New Hope Sun day. William Bull and two sons, Her bert and Ralph, returned from Fort Klamath, where they spent the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Langwortby and daughter have returned from Dorrla. "TWIN 11KD8" -, M w v ) t t , t Y 1 t '' )' Vyr, 1 ' ' 1 Scene fromHdwyn 44 Company's Uugli IWIval, "Twin Ilctto," wliU H (micw to Uie ier 1Ium on tVlduy, IHH-embee 10. UKIOIAN WIKNTIST HAS JOKK O.N liurriHii 4 (By Unjted Press leased Wire.) Sun Francisco, Dec. 0. Richard Thurnwald, German scientist, arriv ing on the steamer Ventura this af ternoon, chuckled aa bo told ot bow tour British battloaolpa thought ho and bis party ot bug hunters In New Guinea were a large force of Ger man soldiers. But be admitted It waa no laughing matter at first. Mar ines landed and destroyed the ramp, which had been reported aa army prisoners. Returning to the ruhisJ Thurnwald was. to sny the least, sur prUed, for he knew nothing about war hvlng been declared. Trespass notices, printed on clotbj st the Courier office. Ono ot the most Important ot the attractions to be offered at the opera house this season will be "Twin 1x1b," the widely heralded laugh play of modern metropolitan life by Salisbury Field and Margaret Mayo, which, direct from a record run ot an entire year In New York, will be the offering on Friday, December 10, presented by Selwyn & Company, the Arm that sponsored such sensational successes aa "Within the Law" and Under Cover." "Twin Beds" quite easily takes rank as the funniest and cloanlest farce the stage has seen. Tbe carefully selected cast Includes Juliette Day, J. Morrill Morrison, Marian Lord, P. Paul Dorcasl, Rdltha Maxbam, William Weston, Eleanor Wilton and others. Metro Pictures 1)1 Iflll TMIIGUT Metro uijuu luiiiuni Pictures ST. PAI L HANK ROItllKD . s 11Y FIVE AUTO BANDITS St. Paul, Dec. 9. Five young auto bandits who held officials up with re volvers escaped with 14,000 from the Western State bank today. The Dwlnthwt ot Screen Stars MARY MILES JOINTER Creator of the otellwr nle In 'The Utile" Rebel," In ECrir.1V OF STORK'S NEST rugged tale of tbe Kcutucky II Ills Five alluring acta of romance and thrilling: adventure. The grculfft film creation since Mury Pick ford's fnmoim siiccc In "Tee of the" Storm (Country" r Two Shows, 7:15 and 8:30 10c and 15c NtrTK. We are starting early to provide ample time to hear MUs j Quintan's miiMlmlo at the (Julety. Legal blanks, Courier office. B Seven m-N. photoplays, One hour and three-djuirleri of tlio hlgluwt Hums First Show promptly at 7:15; second 9 p. ra. 10c and 15c Coffee Certainty of uniform goodness is a virtue of Schilling's Best. The high standard is duplicated in every can. And every can is air tight! You get all the full flavor of fresh-roasted coffee; you get the econo- my of prime strength. The bitterish chaff Is taken -out after the coffee Is even ly ground. ' Schilling's Best DIXIE T. A. Mathews Is hauling hay from i the Gunnell ranch. Mr. Baldwin, of Griffin Ferry, was at the Dixie ranch on Saturday on business. T. A. Mathews end family Tiave moved from this neighborhood. They will reside north of town. Loo Thompson attended the Moose dance Saturday evening. Mrs. Wllhelm, who has been at Eugene for some time visiting her parents, returned home Tuesday evening. Ray Skinner spent Sunday at Dixie ranch. , Charlie Peterson was In this neigh borhood after a cow Monday. The Dixlo ranch has added a few acres towards the sugar boet Indus try. ' . I Wnutilmrtsin Don A .Th A 1a Apartment of justice this afternoon sent a special agent to Hopowell, Va., to investigate the big Are there .and the arrest last night of a supposed Teuton bonrb plotter. MANY IV CHANTS PASS TRY SIMPLK MIXTURE uvsroomo limioity. Timidity prevent n man froirt lelti;t mi Individual. Ho dues not mis him-self-he flHk others-v. lint to d. v liat be aim 1 1 think, how he slmll Tel. lie thug rolM the world of a ins n and jlvos It a shadow, If one dcnlrcH to overcome, timidity II will he overcome. Culilvutei desire, grow nmbltliiti. study Krvoiis lio tie compllHh, UHHoelato with those) whose Influrnco moves you to action. Mlct to work and keep working. IIouIC h Cul- turo. essionsa, i Young Uuslmud-Iun't thcreA some thing pecullur about the tnste of) these onions, my dour? Young Wife) (anx iously) Oh, I hope not, my dettrl I took sucb pains with them, and 1 even sprinkled Uium with cnu do cologjae bo fore I put them on to boll, to take way tbu unpleasant odor. L ondon Mall. Many Grants Pass people are sur prised at the QUICK action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed In Adler-i-ka. This simple remedy acts on DOTH upper and lower bowel, removing such surpris ing foul matter .that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASID constipa tion, sour stomach or gas. A few doses often relieve or prevent ap- pondicltls. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. The IN HTANT, easy action of Adlnr-1-ka Is axtonisliJng. National Drug Store. NEW TODAY XMAS MONEY SAVKltS Cameras at 25 per cent discount. Print al bums from lOo up. A large assort meat of portrait and view mounts. Got our prices on your Xmns por trait. Paddock Photo Co., 310 North Sixth street. 615 POPCORN CR1SPETTW outfit for salo. Very reasonable. Dox 6 Mdford. Oregon. 819 HARLAN, 210. CORTLEY, VA In, Arrow 2vSte5lCOLLARS tfNttMlrtl llMtl,fMMAh.,lM.likifl Grants Pass Opera House N?,tu Friday. Dec. IP The Big Event of the Year! Selwyn & Company present the Irresistible Laugh Festival IIUIIm IfflS r " au ThismThelJfe! .l.w JU J.'Wi.U. .il kmmmlUM tttmM..iJ.; .i.n I With a liroiidwiiy Oast of Farceurs Direct from 57 Weeks of Kouring Laughter at tlio Fulton Theater, Now York City Priees: Lower Floor, $1.50 and $1; Balcony, 50; '"75c. No higher Tickets on salo at Kussell's i