rioi four DAILY ROGUK RIVER MUSICAL KSS iiiihiiiiiih Make most acceptable Christ mas gifts, and oar stock la now most complete and price lower than ever. Violins, col Urs. mandolins, horns, flutes, ukables, pianos, organs, talk ing machines, harmonicas and musio and supplies for same always in stock at The Mask & Photo House i FER52Nf1L 525 LOCAL : WOMAN LOSES VOTE BY MARIUAGE TO FOREIGNER San Francisco, Dec 6. Mrs. Got don Mackentie, wife of the well known San Francisco singer and clubman, mar not vote at California elections. The supreme court of the United State decided she was not an American citizen because she had forfeited her citizenship when she married MacKenxle. The Scotch singer never has been naturalised and Is still a subject of King George. Mackenzie started the suit In Wash lngton when his wife was refused the right to register by Register Zeman ski here recently. The decision in the Mackenzie case is far-reaching. aent created or woman suffrage that will guide the courts in the future. L. Armentrout left today on a trip to San Francisco. Mrs. W. Roberts on Saturday loft on a trip to Tacoma, Two batteries with each flashlight all next week at Cramer Bros. 6 IS W. A. Hinderltter returned Sun day evening from a business trip to San Francisco. Sheriff Will Smith made a trip to Wolf Creek this morning1. August Schallhorn left last ntght tor Westwood, Cal., where he has em ployment. Large line of trimmed hats it one half price. Mrs. Rchkopf. 604tf Rev. Williamson D. Vater spent the day in Ashland, attending the bi monthly meeting of the Rogue River Valley Ministers association. Rare bargains in corsets at $1; formerly $1.50 to $5.' Mrs. Reh kopf. 60Uf a C. Tier, for years past sales manager tor the Marshall-Wells Hardware company's Portland branch, spent Sunday in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Cramer. M. O. Evans, acting state agrl cnlturallst leader from the extension department of O. A. C, passed through the city this morning en ; route north, after having spent sev era! days in southern Oregon. Arrow collars at Bishop's. 40Jtf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyman Ubby, of Minneapolis, Minn., who have been on a trip to San Francisco, came to Grants Pass Sunday to spend a day with Mrs. Ltbby's father, H. M. White, and her sisters, Mrs. W. W. Walker and Miss Lydla White. Guild Meeting The regular business and social meeting of St. Luke's guild will be held la the Guild hall Wednesday af ternoon. , New England 8uer Friday Evening Given in connection with the sale of Christmas articles by the ladles of the Baptist church. 611 Series of Lectures ' Thursday ntght the pastor of Beth any Presbyterian church will begin a aeries of studies upon church effi ciency, all being cordially invited to the tour or five evenings of these lectures upon one of the best books on the subject council of war held Bx ALLIES AT PARIS Washington, Dec. 6. Mrs. Gordon Mackenzie, of San Francisco, was de clared by the supreme court of the' United States today not to be a citi . ten of this country as a result of her marrying a British citizen. . Paris. Dec 6. An allied council of war was held here today, at which all the allies were represented. Gen eral Joffre presided. General Gitinsky represented Rus sia, and Porro, Italy. General Stefan ovitch appeared for Serbia. PLACE OF 8UXDAY SERMOX 8EXD WARSHIP TO PROTECT VESSEL OX AFRICA COAST Wedded at Frisco At San Francisco, November 29, Rolls Edwin Stephenson, of Grants Pass, and Miss Ida E. Robertson, of Merlin, were married, Rer. M. Cold- well officiating. The happy couple arrived in Grants Pass Friday morn log. Mr. Stephenson Is Tacoma, Dec. '6. The largest1 Washington, Dec., 6. The state- San Francisco, Dec. 6. Russia Is aUU'pIaclng,large orders for munitions In this country, despite the comple- for' the Southern Pacific and Is lo- " ot l,f,r. h"fa J?""1! piani, according 10 w, renneta, ! of New York, who is returning to' cated at Eugene. crowd that ever attended Sunday Apartment today asked the navy de- panmeni lor a warsuip iu pruieit nu night service at the First Congrega tional church assembled there last unknown American vessel which ieh r, h mHn w, wirelessed from the north African musical service ever put on In a Ta-,C0Mt Sat"rday "bniarine was coma church. There was no sermon. 4tUckln .ner- Tne A.mM m,n't ter at Atnens reponea mai a ureeii steamer brought confirmation of the press reports of the attack. The Rev. Frank Dyer said today the plan bad proved successful and would be continued. SVV - . a - i i nn ami n in v . rmrii ra ej inn m ra ,. . . , ... . Caesar, now in the Mediterranean, uuu - iiiutum Kivnw was iuq lauiuj i attendance," be said. "Whole faml cruiser Des Moines and the Collier will search for the ship. lies came, and the children were es pecially interested. For two years i we have tried to make the Sunday night services attractive to children and parents, and I believe that the motion picture - appeal Is the best solution of the problem." MRS. GARM MURRAY, OREGON PIONEER, DEAD FORMER PREMIER SAYS GREEK ELECTION' ILLEGAL Paris, Dec. 6. Election of a Greek parliament favorable to King Con stantino's non-intervention policy ap pears certain, according to Athens advices today. Former Premier Venizelos has advised his followers ' yQQSE DANGLES FOR Tacoma, Dec. 6. Mrs. Garm Mur ray, aged 70, a pioneer of Oregon and Washington, is dead here today of paralysis. Mrs. Murray crossed the plains from Kentucky In 1&52. Her parents died on the way and Mrs. Murray,, whose maiden name was Hester Clark, was taken by oth er members of the family to Rickreal, near Salem, Ore., where she was reared with Congressman Nesmlth's family. not to participate in the election December 19, declaring It to be Il legal. A crisis Is predicted when Veni zelos is compelled to announce his attitude concerning the new parliament. TWO CANADIAN WOrtTEN Winnipeg, Dec, 6. Unless the gov ernment Intervenec, two women will be hanged in western Canada before 1916 dawns. One is Elizabeth Cow ard, a British Columbia woman who murdered her husband near Fort George, B, C. She will die December 23. The other Is Jennie Hawkes, ' whose execution for the murder of London. Dec. 6.-Tne British ves- her nugljand.g paramour wm tajte sei Japanese ranee, arter a nve-nour i . . n..-.- rwomW if. D 1 r BRITISH VESSEL IS CHASED BY SUBMARINE chase, in which she was heavily shell ed, escaped a German submarine pur suer, It was officially announced to day. The press bureau . said that the ship was attacked "recently," but that It "ultimately was brought safe ly to port" The Japanese Prince is of 4,800 tons. tfKW TODAY FOR RENT Building occupied by Russell's confectionery. C. H. Demaray, 6lS COMMERCIAL MEN are Invited to Investigate the ' Hotel Oxford's newly fitted up sample rooms. Per fectly lighted day or night, ample for largest line of samples carried on the coast. Satisfactory trans fer service. Auto-Jbiii at the trains. BEN SHOLDEmS Write Oliver your address at once, Important. I49 Front street, San Francisco. (II Efforts are Ibelng made to save both women from the gallows. HEW YORK DETECTIVES FIND BOMB MATERIALS New York, Dec. 6. 'Detectives who swooped down on an apartment in East 78th street today seized enough explosive bomb material to wreck the building. They arrested three Austrians, Including a woman. The raid followed a "tip" from Chief of the Secret Service Flynn. Rack From the Fair-' M. J. Anderson and wife and daughter, Miss Irene, returned Sun day evening from San Francisco, where they spent some days at the exposition. They aso visited rela tives at Sacramento during their absence. Heavy Rainfall Sunday . One of the heaviest rainfalls for man mAnttia nnfMirrol fiiinitv fth downpour continuing all day. It has ;ctIv "d nonorr3rJ Kerby Couple Mwrrlod George Rhoedolphus Ilauck and Mary , Olive Viola Johnson were united In marriage this afternoon at the Newman Methodist Episcopal parsonage, Rev. Melville T. Wire of ficiating. They will make their home on the groom's ranch near Kerby. Roy's fog Is Broken John, the 15-year-old son of H. T. Braillle, while working on the Gil key ranch at Solma last Saturday with a stump puller, had the mis fortune to break his left leg Just above the knee. The lever on the stump-pulling machine broke and struck the lad when It flew back. Dr. Loughrldge went out and set the broken member. MANY ATTEND FUNERAL OF JT. WALTER DRANIN Portland, Dec. . Last rites were performed this afternoon over the body of J. Walter Branln, manager ot the Portland bureau of the United Press, who was struck and killed by a street car last Friday evening. The funeral was conducted by members of the Christian Science church and the remains were cremated. The services were largely attend ed by newspapermen ot Portland and other Oregon cities. 1 Many beautiful floral pieces hod been offered by Brantn's friends. The Grants Pass Opera Houae NgMU Friday, Dec. 10 ! v Tho Big Event of tlio Year! . . ' Selwyn (Sc Coinnany lircseut tho Irresistible Liugh Festival caused a apld rise in the river, all the smaller creeks now running tall, and mining can proceed on practical ly all ot them. were Portland newspaper men and telegraphers. STOP TEUTON ADVAXCE AT MONTENEGRIN BORDER Teachers' Conference Rev. J. V. Mllllgan, who occupies the pulpit ot the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and gives a stereoptlcon lecture at night, will conduct a conference for teachers home ot Rev. W. Frsnk Gloeckner I Uotd lh at 7:30 Saturday night. 'Z . 7. : . . .7.. . . naa oeen repatsea, wunoux referring I to the remainder of the borders. Berlin, via Sayvllle. Deo. 6. That the Serbs and Montenegrins hare halted at least temporarily the Tea- tons at the Montenegrin and Alban ian frontiers was indicated by to day's official statement, which men- RUSSIA BUYS MUNITIONS OF AMERICA V MAKERS llwilU 11 i - nib k This isTh Lifej With a Broadway Cast of Farceurs Direct from 57 "Weeks of lioaring Laughter at the Fulton Theater, New York City Prices: Lower Floor, $1.50 and $1; Balcony, 50e, 75c. No higher Tickets on sale at Russell's Tuesday, Dec. 7 10 a. m. CLOTURE RULE- .MTICT WILL APPEAR IN 8KXATK Bethany Christmas The Presbyterian Sunday School has arranged to give two Christmas parties on Deoember 24, that in the afternoon being for the tiny tots and the one at night for the young: people of the school. At both a "white gift" shower will be made ot food, cloth ing, books snd toys to share Christ mas cheer with friends who have less than usual this year. ' the Atlantic coast from Russia. Pen field came via the Trans-Siberian rail way and the liner Chlyo Maru. Heavy Vote Being Polled It Is evident tbat there wilt be a fairly full vote out In the municipal election being held today. It started out well In the morning, and at two o'clock practically half the regis tered vote was already cast, and the heavy voting is always later fn the day. The polls will not close till eight o'clock, but with a short ballot it is expected that the count will ae over well before midnight. SLIDES IX THE CANAL -. STOP PACIFIC SHIPPING Portland, Dec. 6. No ships of the American-Hawaiian Steamship' com-! pany wm clear Portland for Atlantic1 ports until the Panama canal Is re-j paired, according to anr announte-j ment todtfy by C. D. Kennedy, Port-1 land agent for the company. Re-i cause all the company's vessels are required for the Hawaiian sugar trade, the long trip to the Atlantic around the Horn can not be under taken, Kennedy explained. (By United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Dec. I. In the. quiet which marked the opening of the senste todsy there was no Indication of the impending conflict over clo ture rules to gag the time-honored debate privilege of that body. Sen ator Walsh announced that, while he would not question work done under the rules of last session, he reserved the right to bring up the question whether each senate Is not obliged to make Its own rules. Senator Mar tin of West Virginia presided snd swore In new senators. Senator Kern offered a resolution that the house and President Wilson be In formed that the senate has organ ized and was ready to receive com munications. Then the body ad journed to meet again it 2:30 this afternoon. Deed Is Filed The deed transferring the muni cipal railroad to the California & Oregon Coast company, the Twehy Brothers Incorporation, was filed for record todsy. As the deed Is based upon certsln conditions being met In the way of future railroad construc tion, with definite time limits for the meeting of the conditions, no money consideration being involved, it was not necessary to put revenue stamps on the deed. London, Dec. 6. Purt of the Serbs who lied from Monastir have Joined an allied expedition into the Balkan theater, via Greece, according to Sal- onfkt reports today.. Entertainment at Waido On Thursday the Sunshine Fancy Work club ot Waldo held tts second bi-weekly meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Chester - Moore. The afternoon was pleasantly and busily spent with needle and hook. At four o'clock refreshments were served to the following ladles: Mes- dames Homer White, J. C. Richie, Lulu Rltter, Bert Dysert, Chester Moore, and the Misses Ruby Single, Grace and Alberta Dysert. VETERANS' PENSIONS NOT FOR YOUTHFUL WIDOWS Washington, Dec. 6. In drawing a bill to liberalize pensions for widows of the Civil war veterans, Congress man Sherwood of Ohio has phrased It so as to keep young woman who marry old soldiers from reaping the benefits. Industrial Onb Work L. J. Allen, of the Oregon Agrlcul tural college extension department, is In the city in the Interest of the Industrial clu'b work, II Is especial ly interesting himself this trip In the organization of the pig club work, and anticipates from the interest which the boys are showing that a number of them will try for the hon ors In this contest. The work Is car rled on under the direction of the extension department of the oollege, and Is open to boys between the ages of I and 19 years. SERBS FROM MONASTIR JOIN ALLIES VIA GRlinCE TURKISH DESTROYER 1 SUNK RY RRITIHII London, Dec. 6. British submsr inos ssnk a Turkish destroyor snd five supply ships In the Sea of Mar mora, official announcement said to day. A submarine Friday sank the Turk Inn destroyer Yar Hfeser outside of Iirmld gulf, the statement said, but 43 of her crew wer rescued. . COMING EVENT Dec. 7, Tuesday Meeting of the study section of the Music club In the Commercial clu'b room at 7: SO. Chorus practice at 8:15. Deo, 10, Friday New England sup per and baiaar by ladles of the Baptist church. Dec. 11, Saturday Annual exhibit of Society ot Arts and Crafts, after noon and evening, Oxford hotel. Lecture at 8 o'clock. Dec. 22, Wednesday Coacert by Music club and high school, at the optra house. ' IYWT OFFICE HOMIER GETS 25 YEARS IN PEN (By United Press Leased Wire.) Portland, Doc, C. Sentence of 25 years In the federal prison at Mc NeUls Island was passed sby Judge Wolrerton todny on Bruce Granvtllo, a Seattle barber, who was convicted of robbing a post office substation here last February. J. C Donavllle, similarly convict ed1, was not sentenced today. Ills attorney will file a motion tor a new trial. t Granville, before ' receiving sen tence, asserted his Innocence of the charge. i 1 SUGAR LADEN VESSEL IS AFIRE AT HALIFAX Halifax, Dec. 6". The 5,000-tos sugar laden steamer Carleton, New York for Queenntown, put fn here to day with a fire tn hold No. 2. Examination to determine the cause of the blaze was started. CTLtRGE WOMAN WITH USE OF MAIL TO DEFRAUD Portland, Dec. 6. Charged with using the malls to defraud a bank at Slgourney, Iowa, of 1400, Mrs. Olga Ferry, the pretty wife of Claude Ferry, of Corvallls, Ore., was under arrest here today. Federal officials allege that Mrs. Ferry cashed checks Intended for another Mrs. Ferry, which came into her hands by mis take. She was arrested at Denver. CONGRESSMAN RANDALL AFTER THE BOOZE ADS Washington, Dec. 6. Congress man Randall, California prohibition ist, Introduced bills in the house to day forbidding shipments of liquor as Interstate commerce and providing for the closing of the malls to liquor traffic ads. The man of brains sees difficulties, surmounts or avoids tbem. The fool knows no dlfflcultles.-La Brayere Location notices, Cearler efflos. Christmas Only Three Weeks Away Electric Washing Machines. Elwctric Vibrator 15.00 .Electric Sowing Machine Motor -$15.00 Electric Junior Range, a little girl's deltght....8.00 Electrlo Coffee Percolator, special , 15,00 Electric Hot Plate.. ...$5,00 Electric Toasters' $1.50 to $5.00 Electric Irons, American Beauty..... $5,00 Electric Flashlights.. -........75o to $3.00 Electrlo Irons, Heatrlte, guaranteed forever....! 2.75 Electrlo Attachment and Cluster Plugs..25o to $1,60 rt- i ' ........ i iciuuu mr vrory uiemuer oi me lamuy from 25o up Give us a chance to show our goods BUSH ELECTRIC SHOP Buy Electrical Goods at the Electrlo Shop . , Phone 141-R