Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1915), pwempbr o. soi. DAILY ROGUE RIVER COCKIER PAGE THRE3 .f i i v D A PUZZLE Tin My?tcry Thqf Links a Dia mond to a Lump of Graphite. A SECRET OF THE MOLECULE?, Why Imotly the Same Elsmsnt form 8ueh Different Substances It the Rid ' die Chsnglnn, a JAsss of Charcoal ' Info a M Inula but Purs Cam. Carbon, one of the seventy or eighty primary eluniMit ouf of which all mat ter la funned, occurs, pure, In two en tlrvjy different ami contrasted forma. Thoao nra, first, diamond and, soc-ond, graphite or jduuitnuo (pencil loud), jr each of lb auUiauca was a com pound or mixture of different elements, comprising In both cuses citrbou us tbi priticljMil constituent, there would 1m no cause for mystification, J)ut Hiey nra absolutely llis same uouilxttj thing, el though lu uppeuriiiii and u iroprllc Ihoy nra totally tiullko! The uiotvvule nf each uro tlio smr.o -tbty nra molecule of curbou, and noth lug etao-but Ui one the molecule uro ao arranged that (boy form a truuspsr out excessively bard, aoltil cryslul, ait' dowod villi marvelous twwora of re fractluji light which utnko It tba most dattlliig of all gems, and, In tlia otbor, the asmo molecules arc ao arranged that ttyjr form a dull. soft, block or gray sulftonc that leaves a dirty atronk wbou rublwd iiiou paper. Tb amt lies within thuiu. It la In tbo Ititcraul piny of the molecular force, but wltut luuku those forty a act a differently w lieu tboy have pre cisely tbosaoj umtcrlnl to work upon? Dure n diamond and It Jurus to graph It. ! . Charooai la a .third form of carbon. i ordinarily produced If tho chnrrlpg of wood, whereby all tbo other otoOMnta coutalued lu l ho wood nra reinuved. leaving tbo carbon In tbo form of t aoft, black aubatauce which. In some ways, resembles graphite. Chnrconl and a few almllnr sub stances are called ' nmnrphon. or "ahnitckita" carbon, because ihey ore never crystallised, n illuimmd alwaya, and craplille ttoiuotlinc. lit. Yet chnr conl. too. him tbo roytil dlumond bloo.l Tbnt tilcKKt sometime alia on tbo throne and aonietluna hIiivcs In the mine; but. despite tbo turn of ebtiucc below. It la linelf. Chiitvual rnn turn to diamond, and tho thlnga tbnt mnlio It turn are grout lient combined with event picunre. Here, In outline. In the prueetw. ua It bua IkH'ii crforiul In laboratories, on pochilly by tho Frvucb cheiulHi, Mols anu: Into a tuns of molten Irou u quantity of piny Imrciml In put, Then the'lliii1d Iron, nlilch dissolve the chnrconl Tory I'liich wnter dlawlroa auitar. In pluml In mi olectrlc fiirniti i ami hented In n teuiperittniv of nearly 6.UK) deirree F, liiimedlntely It U plunciH) Into cold, wnter. In order to on line a tilrk coolltm. Tho rcNult of tho andden ctMiltuK Is tho forumtlon of a nolldlllcd Hhull on tho Hiirfnce of tho Irou which power fully couiprvNxe tho Interior purt. wheu It in turu coola and trlei to ex pnnd. Tbo result of thin couipreNon la to forco tho linprlMnued enrbou (char con I) to rryxtnlllzo Into dlnuiond. It tlio molten Iron la allowed to cool at ordinary pressure tho charcoal only turua to irnplilte. to wo eo thnt tbo magic wand whoao touch niakoa dia mond of what wonld othorwbw be mora dull pencil load la the wand of blurt) prcaauro. It la believed that tbla la aubtttan tlnlly the way In which nature beraotf tnakoa dlamouda. In the groat dia mond mined of South Africa there la evidence tfint the genia were formed la tho bowels of ancient and long elnce , oxtUict volcanoes, wbcro, of courae, both Intonao heat and enormona proa euro were avnlUiblo In unlimited qunn tltlea. Rut nature lu bcr huge volcanic Inborntorlea worka on a acale which wo cannot ltultuto, bo tbnt there la no couho for aurprlHO In the fact tbnt, while nhe can make diamonds ns big at wnhiuta w hen aho chooses, we can mnko nnce even as big as a pin's bend. The- largest nrtlllclnl diamond la less than o millimeter In diameter, But It la genuine diamond, and with thnt fnct to atnrt with, who can sny whnt nmy Ihj done Bomo dnyT There $re a numlter of meteors which v bnvo fallen upon tho earth from outer pBco that eontnln nilcwscoplc din lonas' wK'mbllng tho artlflelnl ones. None of .them Is Inrgo enough to be of eipy )rapqrtnnco except ns acleutlflc cuHotlltleH, but na auch they fill the llnd WUQ wotuior. wimro anu uvtr .-ere inojr cnioiu wuni n m hntatar? ltd Drinclpnl metals found In me- compare Iron and nlkol, with occa- loiuil truces of cobalt, enppor, nluml- iiutu, tin und mnuneHlum.-Unrrott I. Wei vlwa Jil Now York Journal. J i The Dutoh Wttarttaat. The , aupremo delVii 'c of Holland miiMt bo tlio "wnlor lino" through tho lnU.ft of It from tho Znyder Zee to tho Scheldt, crcnted by opening tlio Hlulces. Uollmxl hna n lemi'tnumt of state, "it li ii en blnet mlnlHicr ut tho bend of It, lor her "wntoiMtnut. un uufrnnsuu- auiu WOrU. WHICH im-nua ijiuinvuii., d 'at lit 'of ll wntura from the Hold drnln In tho polders to the Hhlue at winter lovol. They uro an iuikou up In. on BChome In (in onicei nt xne naguo'-Lotidon Chroiiklc, A HISTORIC HOUSE., rVhtrf Jyndale ttartad to Tranalata the Bible Into Engllth. About two nitloe from the old max ke town of Chipping Dodhury, Eug land, stands an old time bgu known aa Little Bodbury manor bouse, which. quite apart from Ua celebrity aa one of the oldest examples of domestic ar chitecture In Gloucestershire, hna been UHtly styled "the birthplace of, tbo English lllblo." In one of tbe old room yUllam Tyndnlo, who lived tbore for two yoora, concolved tbe idea and com meucod tlio work of translating tba New Testament Into Cngllab. In 1521 Sir John Walsh, owner of the manor bouse, bad need of chap lain and tutor for bla children, and bis choice foil upon Tyndnlo, who bad iuat completed his unlvorslty career, tyndalo waa in" great favor wltn bis master, who encouraged him, In the great work be bad undertaken. It Is quite posslblo that the transla tion would Luve been completed here, butTyndulo. bar big expressed his opin ions too freely to the neighboring cler gy, fouud himself secretly charged with borcsy and summoucd to appear before tbe chancellor of the diocese. Although at tbe time be waa merely admonished, he did not consider It safe to continue In the manor bouse, thereby Involving bis patron In dan ger, ,ao be left and proceeded with bis translation In London. Christian Sci ence Monitor. RACHEL AT REHEARSAL A tag Aooldynt That Inspired the Oreat 'Tragedienne, , ' Let me relate to you a little reminis cence which Mario Laurent gave me of Rachel (EtUsa Fob"? Rachel.' famous French tragodlenue. , Bbe' ald that once whon abe was rehearsing the ulvante In ''Lev Ilorncea" Rachel was tflttrcaaed because tb could net put suindcut expression Into tbe core that Camillo pronounced on tjer brother aft er be bad alaughtered her lover. ' While abe waa laboring In that at tempt, ''getting dryer every moment" aa she herself expressed It, an Iron vise that waa being turned at rapid pace by large acrev caught a Anger of one of the atage mecbanlca aud crushed It till the blood ran down. Ev ery one screamed; Rachel fainted. On recovering consciousness she said. "Some drops from the mangled oncer of a atranger made me faint, yet 1 could look at a aword covered with the life blood of my dearest and only mtiL" She then burled fortft the ra mous Imprecation de Camllle In a war that brought every hammer on the snge to a atnndstlll and "struck ter ror to ua an. mucosa wizjhvticu nrcbollanovich In Century Magaxlne. Bowler Hat Although, according to Sir James r iufnn. tim tiowler bat waa worn by tho ancient Greeks. Ita benutlo were not discovered by EnRlhinen until about a ceiftury ago. Mrs. A. M. W. 8t rung, tne tuocra- pher of Coke of Norfolk, enya that It waa first made fnsblonnoie ty touea nenhew. Wllllnm Coke, "who decided thnt a bat orlglually designed by Wil- Ham Bowler, n hntter In tne borougn. would ault his requlrementa." To the popularity of Billy Coke la Renerally aacrllied tho word "Billycock." but Sir Jomcs Murray thinks otherwise. Tho Now EngsNh Dictionary trace Ita origin to "Bully cockisd. used 1721. probably meaning 'cocked -after the fashion of the bulllea.' " London Opinion. ' ' Household Helps. ftftnn it ts difficult to ran the rod through freshly Inunderod sash ur- tains. This can be made easier oy plac ing an old glove finger over the end of tho curtain rod. Often a comparatively new hot water bottle will get a little bole in It The hole enn be mended by covering it with several applications of court plaster, al lowing each application to dry berore another Li added. , i , A toaspoonful of common salt placed in tho bottom of n kerosene lamp will mnko It give a clear light nnd prevent It fmm smoklng.-Woninn'B MngiiBlne. Pictorial Wash Lists. Pretty old Invention nre our modern wiish' lists. The old tJermnn house wife had on odd way of keeping trnck of the KM'ment 'nhe gnve out to be washed. She hnd a picture of ench article nnd wrote down the number of everything oppoalto to It with n ploce of chalk, which was rublied out when tho nrtlclo was returned, to' be used agnln the next week. It was really pictorial aud pcrpetunl wash list, s : When Hs Wss LsvUh. ' . , "I presume you still remember your wedding trip!" " 1 v"Ye. Indeed. And 1 often wIhIi thnt my husband had continued to care ns little for money im be seemed to on I'.iat fli'Nt Journey we took together." Detroit Free Prew. ' . His Doflnltlon. "IU'HldcB being tiresome, that follow bus n volco which goes right through you." ' ; "Yes, I've noticed he's something or n boro." Baltimore American. 'fk I, . m'- . ' ' !' A Good Reason. I "What iiinltc you ihlnlt, sir. that 1 will not be able to support your dnttgb terTf. '-.'" .' ."' ' ' "Well. 1 bnvon't been nlile to my jif . ' ,. TMACJIfcKH' EXAMINATIONS Notice Is hereby given that the county superintendent of Josephine county, pregop, wllf hold the regular examination of applicants r tot state certfflcatel a Grants Pass as followt: Commencing Wednesday, : Decem ber 15, 1915,' at 9 o'clock a. mi.'and continuing until Saturday, Docember , 1918, at 4 o'clock p. m. ' Wednesday Forenoon ! Writing, tT. 8. History. Wednesday Afteraooa Reading, Physiology,' Composition, Methods In Reading, Methods In Arithmetic Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, History' of Education, ' Psychology, Methods In Geography. Thursday Afternoon Grammar, Geography, American Literature, Physics, Methods In Lan guage, Thesis for Primary Certificate, Science of Education. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography, Physical Geography, English Litera ture, Chemistry, History of Educa tion. ' ' ' ' ' ' Friday Afternoon School Law; Geology, Algebra, Civil Government, Childhood and Adolescence.' 1 Saturday Forenoon Geometry, botany, School Administration. Saturday Afternoon General History; ' bookkeeping, . ' ,f'Mbthods:'!"'!r" e- LINCOLN SAVAGE, 618 i County Superintendent. OECDBATEP UHIIJA ALWAYS LIKED M m Patience M Ei- panfcd on tea Bills. THIS band palmed set, consulting of a watch vne, comb, briiHh, II mirror, 'powder box. Jewel box, cream Jur, buttonhook, null polhiher and tray, replucea the cretouue covered artlclo so popular lunt sum mer. They are painted In dainty greens and pale pinks und are highly suitable for a youug girl's dressing ta ble. Another pretty set wus pulutoJ osechilly for a blue room in forgetme nots. In both canes the cblim Is set in gilt mmnt. . . i ' -, Read pbotogruph frames are really chanulng lilts of handiwork which will make pleasant gifts for either men or women. These nre more easily done on eauvii than on a bead loom. They are In nil the cuarmlug bead dexlgu and lu many shapes square, rectnngu Inr, circular nnd alia pea thnt nre fanci ful and elalwrnte. Forgetmenot In blue r' liM .Wnii;'i(il-' ii'iii'l iii: ' u -i. i.ij DHKSHINO TADLU SET. bend on a crystal ground mnke a chnrfnlng frnmo for the face of a wo man friend 1 which n'.most nny man would appreciate. Rosebuds on a dark red ground, goldcu love knots on a pink opuque bead ground, etc., nro nil uioHt .charming frames. Tho frumea must bo llivt cut in lnrgo squnres or roctnngles of canvas und then stamped with tho outline of tho frnmo Bhnpo de sired. After the bendwork la nil done tho Inuer portion of tho canvas is cut out nnd folded under to i nmko tho Bhnpo. Before mounting tho hciuAwork on tho frnmo this nhould be Interlined with felt or flannel. 1 1 n The Hornblll. I .When ready, to lay tho female horn- bill enters u hollow tree, leaving ier Imineiise' bill stli'lvtm nut, The innlo tlieii' planters up the1 hnloi niMitiml H ' with, mud Mild tVeili. 'her fyoni outnlde till the uv Ivhiicil , : ,. m ; : i Jllnin8 hinl(it. "Couri:? office. . ' Classify v-zyC' FOH HALF, ' " . - CTME CAjp "-' . ' ..... PICLUTf 4LA13 WOOD Wllllauia Wood Yard. Ask for price. 4Utf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL CALF Good Individual, well bred, blgb record ancestry, price low. Registered Berkshire pigs by Laurel Champion, world's record sire, F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Grants Pass, Oro. "" ' tf ALFALFA HAY First, aecond, (bird and fourth cuttings, S16.80 per toq. Sleepy Holjow ware house, oppoalte S. P. roundhouse. Open Saturdays. - 58Ctf HARLAY, pure bred Percberon stal lion, registered, state licensed, will stand for late fall breeding at Brownle'e Livery barn, Grants P$i, Oregon, p. 8. Enler, owner ' ' 614 FOR. SALE Good, gentle work borse, weight about 1100 lbs., will Ing worker, ,bay color, yery cheap. A.N. Parsons. 604tf FOR 8ALE One horse, weight 1000 lbs.; sound, gentje, willing; ride or apve; ouggy ana narnesa in gooa condition. ' Price r'eaecnable. In quire Homewood farm. Telephone wiiaervjno cenirai. oo it : ii : 1 FOR 8 ALE Small ranch on west fonef c;eek. For particulars In quire at J 11 K street v. " 6j)S FOR SALE A good milk cow, part Jersey, and' calf two months bid ETN." Wadlson',' Merlin, 'Ore. ' 611 FpR atrictjy fresh CKCT phope your order to Pine Ridge, Egg Farm. Deliveries Tuesdays and Friday. Phone 606-Fr24. 610tf WILL SELL on time with good se curity, or exchange 1911 Maxwell for property. State In your letter description and condition. Address No. 2126: care Courier. " OlOtf TEN h. p. steam engine and boiler for sale at a sacrifice, 75. C. C Presley. 611 TO RENT FOR RENT CHEAP Large, cpmmo- dious bouse two blocks from post office. O. S. Blanchard.' ' 668tf FOR RE XT Four- or seven-room , fjimlshed or unfurnished modern house, good location. Inquire 801 Orchard avenue. 611 VETERINARY SURGEON ..I. ., i . , DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Offlce In Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. . Resi dence phone 305-R. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGrNG, graining, paint ing. For best work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant South Park street Serious Question, "I am not wealthy." ho said, "but If the devotion of a true and tender heart goes for anything with you. Miss Clara"- "It goes well enough with me. Mr Spoonbill. " Interrupted tbe fair tfrt. with u pensive look on her fate, "but how will It go with tbe grocer T" Puck. Trespass notices, printed on cloth, at tbe Courier office. The year 1916 will be trpwded with the very best reading In 9 Great Serials .CUT THIS OUT and send It (or the name of this pnper) with $2.00 for The COMPANION (or 1916. and we will send Pprp All the tMuaa of THE COM. rlVCU PANIOM for tha nmainint weekaof 1015. TDPP TE COMPANION HOME r IVCJY CALENDAR for ISIS. TMPM Tne 83 Weekly Wiea of I tlWl THE COMPANION iot IBIS. I Serials ' mmena Ue year 1916 .SaM:. M ielistaanion : , . SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED ...AT , THIS OFFJCE California and Oregon Coast ; Kailroad cornpany (Tlie Oregon Cave Route) Effective Monday, October It, Ilf Train No. 1 Iv. Granta Fas 7:00 a.m. Arrivaa WllderrUl . 1:09 avnu Train No. S Ir. WUdervUle 1:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass :.. a : 00 p.m. Every day In the week, Including All trains leave Grants Pass from tbe corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite tbe Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger aervlce call at tbe office of tbe company,' Public Ser vice building, or pnon i3-R for same. Train will stop on flag at any point between Granta Past and Wildervllle. Passengfc, service every day In tne JAMES W. WADSWORTH, JR. Ntw York.r 1 Is ' Voungost Man In Unitad 8Uts 8nt. Photo by American Prt Aiaoclatloa. MAGAZIND 300 ARTICLES-300 ILLUSTRATIONS IrTFP Infmmwt nf th World's Progress fai llv Knsjnmrrinir. KlM-hanica and Invention. Fori Father and Son and All the Family, it appeals! to all classes Old and Yountr Men and WomenJ iom thmnntaont lh world. Our fonlitn rornwpondvnta are oonstAntlf on the wMch for tlua new and lnterwiU- aud It u Written So You Can Understand It ri'k um imm n..iMt.!Mt r'O Iunl onatalnri rrnctuvl Ulnu, nrrnop norinoiwjwij,i Afuun to do tuloiia armina ute iiouhi. - - - HMbd,. (17 PaoMl tor th Hat and kIiri.vhnlbM.mkkMthlnaM.u.llariowtnmiikeWirJ fM and Ti'itmrtifii ontmn r.nginoi, umumot-i Ctnotlou for'Ow MeoluuicCwnper mai Hportsmau. S1.SO Ptn YEAS) SINOII COPIES. IBel Sanol copy wUt Im awrt rmwt POPULAR MECHANICS MAQAZINEl 250 Short Stories Rnro Article, Nature and Science, ' , Cxceptionnl Editorial PRo, Family , , Page, Boys' Page, GitU' PKe. . dren's Pnge. All . ages liberally provided for.' ' ' ' ' : 1 " Twice as much as any magasin gives in a year. Fifty-two times a year not twelve, ,' Send to-doy to The Youth's Com panion. Doaton, Mnaa, for' .' THREE CURRENT ISSUES -FREE. St 7 'S,l, I ' t ! . . . -. ' ,- L. O. , CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to aliases, or tne eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fUed. Qfllce hours 1-12, 2-6, and oh ap pointment. Offlce phone 62; 'resi dence pbon 16 -J."" S. LOUOHRIDGE, M. D., Pbysiolan ana anrgeon. uity or country cajia attende day or night ' E pbon 269; offlce phone U2. J. P. TRUAX. M. D., Physician and residence, 114. Call ansFCTei at" all hours. Country call ai- F. H. INGRAM, D. C., D. O. Mental &pinai, xservena ana yatpmc vf eases. Offlce": 216 North' ' SlxA street Honrs: 10 to 12, to I. uuar soura oj . appouuneu. Phone 7. Re, pbon 248-JT. DR. ED RYWATER-rrSpeclayjt an mfm Hf y.e r .o a throat; glasses fitted. Offlce Honrs ta J2 a. m.f to. J6 p. m. Phopea: Re.. 22f-J; pfflc. 27. Schmljat Building, Qratftj Pf , Prpgon. DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., first-class dentUtry. . 109 H 8onth 81xth street. Grants Pass. Oregon. " ' '. Bert r:elliott, d. m. p-Hofc gem oemai wora. argBorji i. Heyer'dentaj aaslstant ' Rpomf 4. 'and 5, Golden ' 'nje jiullding, Grant Pass, Ore. Pbon 265-J. M. R. BRITTEN, Dentist Rooms 2 and 8, Lnndburg building, opposlt post" office. ' Hours f a.' m. to 12 m.; If 88 to 6 p. tn. Saturdays t a, m. to 12 o. '" ' ATTORNEYS fit. D. NORTON," s Attqrney-at-Law. ' Practice in all State and. Federal Courta. First National Bank: Big. COLVIQ ft WILLIAM 8 Attorneys-at-Law, Granta Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Ore. E. S. VANDYKE, Attorney. Practic In all courta. ' First National Rank EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Offlce Masonic Temple, Granta Pasa, Oregon. W. T. MILLER. Attorney-at-Law. County ' attorney tor Josephine County. Offlce Schalhorn Big. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law, . Grants Pasa Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Ore. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of d ravage and .transfer . work caretally and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Sund at freight depot A. Shade, Propr. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, paeked, shipped and stored. Phone Clark ' ft Holman, No. 60. Residence phon 124-K. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. , Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon 16-R. ;' " . .; .. , MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, put up In 6-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure sanitary Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. 564tf r V- PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial testa as sure' that this water la pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles, 25c. W. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 602-F-3. 469tf. LODGES GRANTS TASS Lodge No. 84, A, P. Aj M Stated communica tions 1st and 8d Tuesdayi 'Visiting brethren 'cofdlal)y Invlted.J P. W. RusboII Jr.,' W.'lL Idw. Q. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, No. ?8, l.O. ' 0,1p'" nu"'t every Wed- ncoday ov. In I.O.O.P. . nan, cor. tun ana n ts. VtBltlng Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed ,to be present. W, H. Ryan, N. O.; Clyde Martin, Secretary. SSAYERM E. R. i CROUCH, asMVf r, chemist, , metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Pad irick Riilldln. firsnts Pasa. - Oregon mining laws, 40c. Courier