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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1915)
DAILY nOGlt! IUVKR COURIER Monday, iwkmmcii , iois. FACT TWO Dally Rogue River Conrier. Ab Independent Republican News Paper. United Press Leased Wire TelerP& 8ervlce institution Is to be built will natur ally be a matter of Interest But tit first Importance la the assuring of 'the factory to the valley. B. TOORHIX8, Pnb, ead Prop. WILTORD ALLEN. Xdltor Entered at tha Grants Pass, Ore gon, Foetofflce m second-class mall matter. One Month. Parable tm Advance. Monday, December e,'iis. .4'?VV4'BanT thousands of people to the OREGON TTEATBKR Tonight and Tuesday fair; f cooler tonight eait; anaettled, 4 probably tain, west portion; 4 southerly wind, ' a 4 Paclflo coast, and while there will be no exposition to attract nest year, that will not lessen travel to the na tional parka and scenic features of the west With no Europe in which to travel, bo exposition to draw at kentlon. that gremt army of people . WORK R CONGRESS. ttn the east looking for entertainment " , With the convening of Ue first H" n t of their f .h- Kith V num. own country. o of issaea that n vital to the " next political and business intereata of the wt " " country wlill take onVwnewed in terest Chief among these are means of providing revenue for the nation al administration, the 1 democratic program' having failed thus far to produce enough cash' to f meet the needs. National defense, or ; pre paredness as it is now more 'common ly termed, with "measures for" war, and the ship purchase bin,' are out standing, issues that will keep the congressional orators in training dur ing the winter.. There is a mass of other legisla tion comprising the largest, longest and most important program of a decade. Since adjournment of the 3rd congress last "March a score of ' new aid vital Questions have arisen In addition to many left over. Con tinuation of this 'session well into next summer is 'predicted. The democratic majority in the senate was increased from IS to 16, In the house it was .reduced from 143 to 25. .The new senate line-up was: Democrats, 56; republicans, 40. The new house: Democrats, 230;, re pnbllcans, .196; progressives, 7; so clalists, 1; independents, 1. The last house had 285 democrats, 125 re publicans, 17 progressives and 1 in dependent. Both legislative and political In terest centered in the - administra tion's billion-dollar national defense program. Whether democratic op position would defeat the president's plans and also cause a breach in the democratic solidarity 'for the next campaign, caused much discussion. Presentation to congress of the annual appropriation estimates in sured another billion dollar congress. Increased expenditures for the navy and army preparedness program bulged the requests. ' THE SUGAR FACTORY. There are no new developments In the situation as regards the sugar factory campaign. A number of the contracts that were signed up for acreage, both here and in the Med . ford district, contained interlined clauses that were not in all cases ac ceptable to the factory people, ; and to make them count upon the amount of acreage necessary to assure the building of the factory they must be made to conform to the other con tracts. The local committees are now attending to this, and nearly all of them can be remedied. . The location of . the factory in the valley some where depends only upon getting the required acreage contracted for in a manner acceptable to the ' factory builders. While' there are many rumors concerning the location of the factory, none of them are author ized, and Mr. Mbley and his asso ciates will not come to the valley to select the site till they are assured that the acreage Is ready. The Grants Pass committee has at ' all times worked, and Is stlllworklng, with the purpose of getting the acreage only in view. Alter that Is accom pllshed the definite place where the DISCOVERING THE WEST. The dosing of the avenues of travel to tourists through Europe, and tha turning of the tide westward in the United States during the past season has had the effect of spread. ing the fame of the west. Its many scenic attractions, its points of in SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year-. . ,;. , , l.0 ... ..-.. AM tox aoama - "v I . , -, . . ..... 4 Ml W 4VUM . ... ......- I 60 1 never erore tuuy anown in our own land, nd the past season started atreajn of travel that will grow with Ithe years. The exposition (brought was during the summer of 1915 with that drawing card m m lElEJTOY (By United Press Leased Wire.) , Rome. Dec. 6. Pope Benedict In the consiatorial hall today held one of the most Important conclaves in the history of the Roman Catholic church.. From his allocution Vatican circles hoped there would develop .moves ior an early end of the war. The first steps of the new consis tory were to create six new cardinals aa followa: Monsignore Alfonso Maria Mis- trangelo, archlhlshop, of Florence. Monsignore Gullo Tonti, nuncio at Llsborn. , ' , Monsignore Giovanni Cagliero, nuncio for Central America. Monsignore Andreas Furwith, Austrian nuncio at Munich. Monsignore Rafaello Scapplllno, nuncio at Vienna. Monsignore Glrogio Gusminl, archbishop at Boulogne. A seventh archbishop is secret and will be announced later. It was known that the pope would exhort the cardinals to renewed peace efforts and detail again the horrors of trie war. Cardinals Bourne and Gasquet of England, Caibrlerez of France, and Hartmann at Germany are attending. Each, it is believed, brought his gov ernment's petice views, and from these exchanges of Ideas, it is felt,' may spring the beginnings of peace Rome, Dec. 6. The pope's allo cution today contained a stirring ap peal for early peace. " Told Her How. Former Mistress I would like to give you a good recommendiitlon, EHzn, but my conscience compel me to state that you never Kot the meals ready at the proper time. I wonder how I can put it In a nice sort of way. L'llzu You might say that I got the meals the same as I got uio pay. London Telegraph. DAVID MOYLAN. Mouth Aids Armies Cleve land (0.) Judge to Write. It , ' I. -X Coffee Without the airtight tins such coffee as Schil ling's Best would not be possible. We could buy it and roast it, but couldn't get it to you without loss of flavor and strength. We couldn't grind it evenly, take-out the bitterish chaff and moncyback the result You owe such fine coffee and real economy to the tin that protects It , i Schilling's Best !M Jim WHAT in mnwro uriu im V UIU IV LHN FRISCO'S JEVELED CITY 1 LB m OF BEAUTY San Francisco, Dec. Where 45S.S5S pairs of feet trampled through the scenes of beauty Satur day, vans, motor trucks, grimy freight trains and equally (rimy workmen today scurried through the fast approaching wreckage of the Panama-Pacific . exposition, where there was sentiment and beauty last week,, there is commercialism and wreckage today. Around the once magnificent courts, gardens and palaces there are thousands of packing crates instead of thousands of admiring spectators. The Tower of Jewels, which since February 20 has been monarch of all it surveyed,' today trembled as the dawn of its extinction appeared. Through the various avenues and courts railroad tracks, hidden for 10 months under millions of hurrying feet, bore rumbling freight trains, carrying paraphernalia for the cart ing away of the exhibits. Uncle Sam has the right of wsy In the clearance of his exhibits for the federal displays will be taken at once to the Panama exposition. They probably will be in shape for ship ping by the last of the month. Pri vate exhibitors have until March 1 to remove their displays. This af ternoon motor trucks and vans back ed up to the state buildings and their disintegration was under way. New York, Deo. 6. The new Eng lish campaign to capture German Cast Africa, the lust remaining col ony of Germany in Africa, has been placed in the hands of General Louis Dotha, South African premier. Ostensibly the South Africans are given control of the campaign be cause the Germans are arming the blacks and preaching a holy war against the English. Really, how ever, they are In command because the blacks defeated small British forces who la haphazard fashion tried to conquer St 4,000 square miles In the colony. . Although there are scarcely 5,000 German colonists In this colony, they have organised re spectable fighting units of natives. llltlTlSH TROOPS RRTHKAT i mo miles from bagd.vd London, Dec' I. -General Towns bend, who was forced to retreat from the vicinity of Bagdad, has reached Kut-El-Amara, his base, 160 miles from Bagdad, without further fight ing, official announcement said today. He : Self Kepreaotu (Dltlnglyi-Wlll yon be . good enough to tell me why you insist on raking up all those old stories of men who proposed to you and that yon re fused? Blie (nweetly-o that by re calling the julatakc 1 oode In youtb I may- realise today- that I got only what 1 deserved. Richmond Times Dispatch. . ; CITIES CONTEST FOR The Mcot Useful Christmas Gift is Longest Appreciated Get it at Clark & Holman's Rockers of -BEST QUALITY a speoialty. The bed springs wb fell rest the body. Library tables you will be proud of. 'Dressing tnblos you will appreciate. 'Everything in our store is USEFUL, and you will make no mistake at Clark & Holman's 'Bate Deception. Family Pbynleluu I am afraid, Mrs, Gayblrd. your husband cannot last much longvr- The 4rouhl with your feuabsnd, tuadauw 4s that tie hue over drawn bla account at (he batik of vi tality. Mr ;yWrtl-t felt aure be wa 4tKt'!vlui.' uuv about pomothlng .Doctor. I lve. j-ou my word. uever Auew l liinuy ncrount there. To- John Hay on gtanton. ' In "The Mr? nhd Utters of 'John Hay" l tbU iilrilndv nute to Nloolsy; , My dear NlyoDou't in a umdden apasm of oml nature, nd uy more !poop!e,wltU 'letters o m requesting iaaora from Stivuton. I would father make the our of a NmnllHs bospltal." 1916 CONVENTION OF- DEMOCRATS 19-YEAR-OU SOLDIERS TO RE CALLED RY RUSSIA London, Dec. 6. Soldiers 19 years old, constituting the 1917 class, will be called to the colors by Russia early next year, according to Petro- grad dispatches today. Washington, Dec. 6. The fight for selection of a city for the democratic national, convention next summer opened In deadly : earnest today. Representatives of San Francisco, St. Louis, Chicago and Dallas were on hand, talking In money terms. Dallas had the coin to show. The various other cities were ready to offer guarantees, all of them attrac tive. St. Louis claimed to hare sev enteen pledges already from national committeemen. " Meantime the president withheld any advice as to where the conven , tion should be held. Some backers said San Francisco had a . good chance. Others shouted as loudly that their cities would be selected. Reports that Fred Lynch of Min nesota, or Homer Cummlngs of Con necticut might succeed Chairman McCombs of the national committee were unconfirmed, (but there was, nevertheless, some talk of a fight against McCombs. Tom Taggart of Indiana said that talk of replacing Marshal as vice-president had start ed a boom for Governor Ralston of Indiana as the president's running mate. "The Obliging Proprietor. "Won't you pleane give me an or derr pleaded the pemUteut drummer. ' "Certainly." replied the crusty pro prietor. "Oct out.-' Was Willing. Smith loo and .lonr don't seem to be as friendly bn you were. .Does be owe you money? Hrowu-No. not ox actly, but be wanted to. - PORTLAND MARKETS Wheat Club, H; blueitem, 97. Oats No.-1 white feed, 34. Rarley-r-Urewlng, Hi teed, I. Hobs Mat live, t. iPrliue ateers, 1i fancy cows, 5.60; best calves, 707.60. Spring lambs, 7.50. Butter City creamery, S3. Kr Selected local extras, 42.. Hens, 12; broilers, IS; geese. S7. , The Geqeebsrry.. Gooncherry . ihushee wcrej orUttnAlly called Romcberry bushes. ;fmra the plants bnvlnc prickle nlmllnr to thwe of the awe Hbrnli IlIUTINll HtnSFJt REEN OUTSIDE A-M1LR UMIT Galveston, Doc. .Federal au thorities today sealed the wlreleat apparatus of all foreign sbesmera here, following the appearance of a British cruiser Just beyond the three mile limit yesterday. It was be lieved that wireless messages passed between the cruiser and the shore last night, hence the action today. The cruiser satlod oft and It was sup posed slie was awaiting the sailing of the American vessel Ausa'ble today. Envelops, Be per package, 10c per 100. Courier Office. 100 90 80 70 60 JO 40 Wla mtlh ! lifHAUA ' ihe decree ftrfe'dton Oil Healer Smokeless and HrlSiN odorless. Deal hJJ A'ljj 'era everywhere ?vT1 3 For lest results Reduction Sale Come in and see our bargains Chrjstmas Goods Half Price on our ' bargain counters Hand Painted China, Cut Glass and Framed Pictures at 251 Discount Hall's Art Store Standard Oil Company , (California) S. S. ie, J-k JSk S Sk Why Not Stop at the "OXFORD" This Winter? A hotel Unit in homelike pleaHant, Ntcnm-licnlcd roomn auKrlor ImkIw lavatories with hot 'water cheerful lobby with llropliirc,. piipert, iniiKn.lnrs, writing niteilil, telephone, and private parlor. , HI'IX'IAL IIATKS 1HXJIXXIXO DKC. 1 Room for one, $3.00 week; $10.00 month Kooin for two, $5.00 week; $16.00 month With ibath room privileges . Itoom for ono, $4.00 weok; $14,00 month Room, for two, $0.00 week; $22.00 month ' With private bath and tollot Two rooms connected and prlvnto bath, $35 month Rooms for transients, COc, 75c and .$1.00 Gut Glass 25 Discount Demiaray Drug and Stationery Store J-1.