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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1915)
PACE FOUR DA1LV HOGCK RIVER COURIER KHIhW, NOVUM RKU 10, 1015. ' 1916 CALENDARS 15c We will print a picture from any film you wish and mount it on a dainty 191$ calendar tor only ISc. A picture ot any member ot the family, or of some pet or a favorite scene fixed up in this way makes a desirable gift. ROWELL See Window 'l : 7cR5?NflLlB LOCAL AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT , . BIJon ' ' " ' "Dorothy Donnelly. ' -f ." ". Gaiety " 4 ; "The Broken Coin." Star 7" "The Dead Man's Keys," RALPH P. DAVIS TAKES YOXCALLA GIRL AS BRIDE When Ralph P. Darts boarded the train tor the north one day recently o one thought to inquire Into his reasons for going, therefore when he arrived on No. 53 at an early hour this morning none of his friends were at the depot with rice and old shoes to greet him and Mrs. Ralph P. Darts, who returned with him. The wedding occurred at Toncalla, Oregon, Sunday morning, November 14, at 8:30 o'clock, when Miss Mamie (Wise became the bride of Mr. Davis. It was at the home ot the bride's par ents, and the ceremony was perform ed by the pastor of . the Toncalla Methodist Episcopal church. Imme diately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Davis left for the north and visited friends at Portland and other cities while on their honeymoon trip. Salem, Nov. 19. The ashes ot W. S. Potter are floating seaward to day. They were scattered on the waters of the Willamette river yes terday in fulfillment of the dying re quest of Potter. OOMIXG EVENT Nov. 20, Saturday Children's story hour at public library, 11 o'clock - a. m. Miss Grace Hayes, story teller. c , t Dec. 3, Friday Chicken pie'supper and sale by M. E. ladies. Dec. 3, Friday Miscellaneous sale by St. Luke's guild. Dec. 10, Friday New England sup per and bazaar by ladles ot the Baptist church. CTAR Tonight GRACE DE CARLTON and EDWIN DELANEY in a Two-Act Drama The Dead Man's Keys Lizzela Thorne, Ed Copen and Geo. Fields in The Forecast Little Willie Archla and an all star cast, featuring the world famous Mrs. General Tom Thumb and Count MagrI, in a novelty comedy The liliputian Courtship One-Act Reliance THE FAMILY DOCTOR' and the Ford Animated Weekly , Six Reels Change of Program Tomorrow Matinee at t p. in. Tomorrow Geo. Sorenson made a trip to Med ford thta afternoon. Only five cents tor a Durham Duplex safety raior at Cramer Broe. . ' 598 Mr. and Mrs. CL. Clevenger re turned last night from a two weeka' Annual Thanksgiving' discount sale in attractive table linens. Kin ney & Truax.' 893 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Griffin left this morning for Los Angeles to spend the winter. Get a Durham safety rasor for only S cents at Cramer Bros. 593 Arrow collars at Bishop's 403tt Raymond Sauer left last night for Melrose, Minn., to remain indefinite ly, expecting to work for his uncle. A new line ot pillow covers and table runners. Kinney & Truax. 60S Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wiley return ed this afternoon from a tour months visit in North Dakota with relatives of Mrs. Wiley. Beginning Saturday, November 20, and lasting until November 27", we shall sell a Durham Duplex safety razor tor only five cents. Cramer Bros. 69S Milton Reynolds, now of Duns mulr, is spending a few days in this city and Merlin. Mr. Reynolds is con ducting a rooming house at Duns- mulr. Japanese lunch cloth sets at spe cial prices. Kinney ft Truax. 698 Just received another car ot those guaranteed fancy Willamette Bur- bank potatoes, and we are going to run a Friday and Saturday cash spe cial, 11.60 per sack, and they aver age 115 pounds. Kinney ft Truax, quality first 593 Anne Balderston and her niece, Jane Balderston. cousins ot Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Canby, arrived this af ternoon from Philadelphia for a stay ot several days. They are en route to the San Francisco exposition. , Chicken pie dinner at the Palace hotel Sunday. 25c. ' 599 Mrs. H. Welchlein and baby re turned to Roseburg this morning af ter spending several days here with relatives. Those house aprons at 50 cents are all right Kinney ft Truax. 593 A. Aubury, Chas. Ratling, Henry Johnson, Bob Armstrong and Mr. Harth, who have been fishing at the mouth of the Rogue for the past five months, returned from Gold Beach this afternoon. Ask Cramer Bros, about that five cent Durham Duplex safety razor. G. C. Culy and his sister, Mrs. Up son, who visited relatives here for a few days, returned to Ashland this afternoon. Rubbers and footholds, the kinds you want. Kinney ft Truax. 69S Council Meeting Tonight- The city council la to meet tonight in adjourned session to consider the ordinance submitting the matter ot bonding tor f 30,000 for the building ot a new water system to the voters at the December election. KM Chicken Pie tor Pinner At the Palace hotel Sunday, 25c, Fancy Merced Sweet Potatoe , Three cents. Saturday's special, 10 pound for 25c. Whltehouse Gro cery. 593 ALASKAN BROWN BEAR TEARS HUNTER TO PIECES (By United Press Leased Wire.) Seward, Alaska, Nov. 19. After W. H. Peterson, of Hope, had shot and wounded a brown bear near An chorage, be followed it into the brush, where it turned and attacked him. He was torn into shreds. FATHER REAXEY, WHO WAS WITH DEWEY, IS DEAD New York, Nov. 19. Father Reaney, who was with Admiral Dewey In the Manila bay battle, is dead here today. He had the rank of captain, the highest office which a navy chaplain can achieve. Old papers, 5c per package, at tho Courier oC?e. Local Talent In We Should Worry Tuesday, Nov. 23 BENEFIT MOOSE HAND 12-Plece Orclieatra Snappy Specialties 83 PEOPLE Admission: 25c,' 85c, 50c Place Your Thanksgiving Order For fresh eastern oysters, Olympla Oysters, hot house lettuce, golden heart celery, Cape Cod cranberries, ripe olives, with the Whltehouse Grocery. 593 Here' Ifalp for the Reet Field : Help tor employment in the sugar beet fields is already arriving. Thurs day a pair ot youngsters appeared at the home ot Sherman Jess, on the lower Rogue river, and will be kept in the family till they have helped make a fortune tor their proud par ents. The twlna are a hearty pair, and will at least help make a market for sugar while watting for the beets to grow. Dance Saturday Night- Moose hall. Tickets, 60c. 5SS Thankiigtvtng Dance At the Waldorf dance hall Thanks giving night 698 County Jail Populated The county Jail is now pretty well populated for the first time In several months. Besides the regular occu pants. Bailey and Pitchoek, awaiting the January term ot the grand jury, Howard and U E. Farlow have re turned because ot failure to liquidate the line of 150 that had been assess ed against them, and will reduce the fine at the rate of $2 per day by be coming boarders with Sheriff Smith. Glen Woolrldge and Harry Briggs, who were found guilty of violation of the fish laws, and who were fined 350 each, have also returned to 11 quldate the fine by the Jail process. They hod boon out pending appeals which had not been perfected. A nargain Eighteen pou mis fancy hand-picked navy beans for $1.00 Saturday, Jose phine Grocery company. 693 Saturday Only- One pound Everyday assorted chocolates, special, 29c, worth 40c Clemens, the Hexall Store. 59S Extra Special- Fancy hard .wheat v flour, regular' price. 31-60, going Saturday at $1.30; per sack. Josephine Grocery com pany. 598 To Report of Convention The exercises at the Presbyterian church Sunday will be ot special In terest. African pictures at night and complete report-address ot the great anti-saloon convention just closed in Portland. At noon banquet, at the convention 300 were expected, 1,000 accepted and a second thousand people were turned away at the Mult nomah hotel. At nlgbt at the great armory, Richard P. Hobson held the audience with his eloquent address. Reverends Vater. of Grants Pass, and Spencer, of Rogue River, were rep resentatives from this district. Pure Milk from Healthy Cows- Phone 222, Englewood Dairy. f 1.80 per month per quart 600 Murphy's Annual Ball- Saturday, November 27. "Turkeys galore. Pumpkin pie aplenty. Good music, lots to eat and a dandy time all night. 12 buys It all. Phone Gil more for ticket. 597tf We Should Worry- Tickets can be exchanged for re served seats st Russell's after 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Regular sale of tickets Monday morning at 10 o clock. Get your tickets early. Gaiety Tonight 300 Pounds of Flour Given Away America's Serial Masterpiece, the Universal Wonderplcture The Broken Coin Greater than "The Master Key" Featuring Francis Ford, Amer ica's foremost spectacular act or, and Grace Cunard, the daredevil of the movies. The biggest serial sensation of the year. All action, virile, start ling, thrilling. Every moment climax. "The Broken Coin" is now just begun, and this Is the picture that all will be talk ing about. Don't fall. Start Now Remember, 800 pounds of flour will ibe given away absolutely free. Come and get your sack. ' 5 and ! Cents Wm. T. Turnham INuwes Away Win. T. Turnham, aged 51 years, died at his home this morning after having suffered for some time with pneumonia. Several weeks ago Mr. Turnham broke his leg while work ing at the Mountain Lion mining claim on Missouri flat. He bad near ly recovered from thia when atrlcken with pneumonia, and his weakened physical condition was unable to withstand the ravages of the disease, and death came at an early hour to day. Mr. Turnham was a native ot California, coming to Oregon 30 years ago. He became Interested tn min ing, and held several promising prop erties at the time ot his death. He la survived by his wife and a son in this city and by married daughters t Great Falls, Mont, and Tacoma, "Vaeh. Arrangements for the funeral u ll be made later after word has been received from relatives. LOS ANGKLKS MAY SOON EXILE THE (By United Press Leased Wire.) Los Angeles, Nov. 19. The rooster haa an organization to defend him In Los Angeles. Councllwoman Llndsey's campaign to exile htm from the city has resulted In the organi zations of a Roosters' Rights league, which numbers among its members many residents who keep a few chick ens Iq the back yard, and who claim cats, dogs and parrots are noisier than roosters. Ill'LIJCTS FLY IN LINK FENCE FEl'D AT MOOKKTOWN fBy United Press Leased Wire.) Orovllle, Cal., Nov. 19. A line fence feud broke forth into a battle of bullets at Moorctown here today. Joseph S. Dresser and William Moore, an employe ot the Marchand family, fought a pistol duel, but their aim was poor. Both were taken to the county Jail. MAN INDICTED FOU SLAYING BROTIIKIt, DEAD Or peon Citv. N'nv 19. Ram not Case, who was iwaltlpg trial on the charge of killing his brother, Ernest, early last month, is dead here today, following an operation. A coroner's Jury exonerated Case on the showing of self-defense, but regardless of this he was Indicted by the grand Jury. AITOMOBILIST JUMPS ON LOCOMOTIVE PILOT Everett, Wash., Nov. 19. When the automobile In which G. S. Barnes was riding was struck by a Northern Paclflc train at Snohomish yesterday afternoon, Barnes leaped on to the pilot of the locomotive, thus prob ably saving his life. Tho machine was carried 50 feet along the tracks nod demolished. SEATTLE DOG RKLKAMKD FROM TnE COUNTY JAIL Seattle, Nov. 19. "Squirt." the dog held captive in the county Jail for several days by order of Superior Judge Kenneth Mackintosh, haa been returned to its owner, M. A. Torlnus. Judge Mackintosh will consult Jailers with reference to the dog's conduct while he was incarcerated ibefore de ciding whether to allow A. Bencloff, of Coal Field, (250 damages claimed on account of a bitten none alleged to have been inflicted by "Squirt." NEW TODAY NICE black mare, weight 1100 lbs., to trade for a good froBh cow. Ad , dress Lester Layton, Murphy, or ' phone Provolt central. 698tf OOOD"lRRIOATED FARM "for sale or trade for well located timber, preferably near C. ft O. 0. railroad. A. L Edgerton. ' 699 cent FOR A DURHAM DUPLEX RAZOR From Satnrda)', November 20th, until Saturday, November 27th, we shall sell for 5 cents n Bur ham Duplex Demonstrator ltazor, with ono blade, to everyone who purchases a package of Durham Duplex blades at the regular price of 50 cents. If you are not satisfied with your safety razor, try n Durham Duplex, which shaves like the regular razor but is absolutely safe. CRAMER BROS. Odd Fellows Block Shaving Soap Shaving Drushes nil You ran buy a ton of steel fur twenty-eight dollars, lint a ton of stl made into watch springs la worth twenty-right thous and. The difference? A matter of refine ment. Ford Vanadium la the mutt high ly refined steel used in automobile ron atracilon -Ilghtent trongt--nwfent. Touring Car $508.10; Runabout Mt 0, laid down tn Grants Pars, complete with equipment including speedometer. On sale at Ford Garage, No. 304 N. tb St t JOSEPH MOSS, Agent (iKKMAN AIIC t'LKKT ATTACKS I1KITIKII CAMP (By United Press Leased Wire.) Berlin, via Sayvllle. Nov. 19. Attack of a German air fleet upon the British camp at Poperlngho was reported In today's official statement, which llkewlite recorded heavy artil lery duels In the Vottges and Argonne regions of tho west front. AM-HOHAGH LOTH IIRING : t'KOM .V TO t24M) KACII (liy Cnlied Pros Leaned Wlro.V Seward, Alaska, Nov.. 19. An other parcel ot lots has been sold at Anchorage by the government. Prices ranged from $50 to ll'OO a lot. They went principally to government rail road workers who will make their homes at Anrhorugo. MKTItO PICTIKKH BlJOU'f 5;. i'ltTHtKM The 'Peerless Ejtuotloflai Actress ; Doroihy Donnelly Star In "Madame X," "The Thief," Etc. in "The Sealed Valley" is A story of the Canadian river ountry; A romance ot the limitless north lands, of the fleeting Rel Man In the valleys and on the rivers and rapids of America's wonder country.' 5 Wonderful Scenic Acts. 10c and 15c