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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1915)
riUUAY, 10, f OIS. I.ILY ItOtil'B niTER COURIER PAGE THREE - ,, . ...,..,., -. . ..... j. MASON TELLS WHAT. WAR MOVES MEAN Now York, Nov. 19.-Italy's deci sion, to issuo passport to Austro Uornmo cardinal to reach the Do comber consistory at Homo sufcly post inuiuti mans that UttlnuUhud cltUen from (ho btillltferent nations, will be brought touothor then fur thfl first tl mo rIiko the war ma rind. , Undoubtedly ttioy will oxcuange vlowi on tlio war and annlyxe a pos alblo buU for peaco. Hucb analysis la likely to bo furthered by the prob vblltty that tba cardinal will be taken Into tlio eonfldoiico of their homo governments bo f (fro going to Ilomt, ,LarK differences of opinion art sure to result from the session of men gathered from ao wldoly Vary tnif onvlrntm . Anil (tin only limin fnr results Ilea In tlio fact that these men I are pntrlota and If they can roach a compromise the publicity of that fact will be an influence for good. Nut since" tho overthrow of the pope's temporal sovereignty has there lftfen a consistory from which inch vast consequences may spring. ITALIAN DIMTHOY AN . Al'HTHIAX SUBMARINE Homo, Nov. 18 Franco-Italian tor pedo catchers were rejiortod today to have destroyed an Austrian aubmer Ine In the Mediterranean. To Early Christmas Shoppers BARGAINS IN BOOKS-Odd books of different lines, values up to OC $1.00, to close out . . . . wt See our window Bemaray's SS and Stationery Store !. W W. POET (Continued from page 1.1 testi'd "tila TieVrlTlT"wa pumping hard. Thex, pinned tho white target President Wilson haa designated Thursday, November 25, 1915 aa Thanksgiving Day . Round trip ticket will be on aale at reduced rate on" Nov. 24 and 25 between all Southern Paclflo atatlona In ' Oregon. Return limit Mon- v day, November 29th. Alao ' tietween Oregon and jCall- , fornla points Here is an Opportunity io visit your friend for a week end. A fat roast turkey and pumpkin Pie awalta you. GO! Information aa to rate, etc., can be obtained from neareat agent SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. a , . The Big Game of the Year at Eug'ene ' a Saturday, November 20 The football game this year ibetween U. of 0; and 0. A G will be bitterly contested,. Oregon, won from the strong U. of 8; Ca,.team 34 to 0; while the Oregon Aggies demented to Michigan' Aggies 21 too. TlJeae two teahia rank wlttt the 'befit In' tho VnitedPtfttest The wlnnlnk of tltla. game at Eugene, on Nov. 20th by either team toeana A niomninnoWin: Jt will hn vrorth von WlillB th 46 it. Trick blay and fbrward paaaeB will keep tho apemtorff tnab! from iore the champlonHWlpi it will be.orth your white . t j,m.m4' nuaball will Wnhfr thft miArtbthr ik itnrt ofjita Bame to the flbBl blow jr th? whlktla. ( ' Low RcundrJln?. are- ijw Hmi(v;:in)t ares Will t on al at all' SoUtUoni' Paolflo w atatlona ott AahiM oYvO,. , flfturolng, IWb tft Nflvembor si,, ills.. ; T'ik.- ''- J'o( iitt'('V i."jr, ' ' ', V Further Information' aa tb llckt, etb. from local agent v.,, ... 1. rtAiTmrtnnxT iianil7iri ioba Mi Bcoit, General raBget Afffit, Portiaid, OnajM above hla heart and the white mark Mtood out boldly agalnHt hla black prlHon ahlrt. filioflff Corle nhoutd "Aim," I The five rifle ateadlod from the po'rtholva. "Klre. Ixit-or-go," ahrloked IIlll ttrom, mockingly, lie was plulnly grinning, a horrible death grin, It Rfiomed to wltncmsna. "Tire," commanded Corleaa. - Five rifles spoke. Hlllatrom'a body aaggod down In tho chair and then straightened rfut stiffly, aa the head sagged down on bla abouldera. Pby slclana stepped qalckly to HUUtrom'a side. They applied the etethoncope. In one minute 12 25 seconds they raised their hands. "lie la dead," they said solemnly. The corpse was taken to tho prison hospital. No one claimed it at first. An eleventh hour attempt to save Hillatrom failed. 'A Seattle man r&amed Busby was reported to have signed an affidavit, furnishing an alibi, claiming he was In Hlllatrom'a company elsewhere than at the scene on the night the murder of J. 0. Morrison and bla aon Arling waa com mitted.' . Hlllstrom himself awept even this small hope of life aside. "I don't know Busby," be aatd in bla cell when officials questioned him. That setUed Hllistrom's fate. The Intervention of President Wilson and the Swedish minister had failed. Hllistrom's own words crushed bis last chance, j l Governor Spry and the pardona board who aent HUlatrom to bis death, despite country-wide protests and tba official Interference, did not witness tba execution. Ed Rowen, secretary of the local t. W. W., applied for admission aa a witness because he waa a friend of Hlllstrom, but be was'-not allowed within the prison walla. Probably ISO persona, Including a score of women and a number of I. W. W. members, were outside the prison walla In the public street at dawn. They beard the five rifles crack. Despite tbreata of death snt Gov ernor Spry, conpled with letters say ing tbulldlngs would be wrecked, the city was quiet. No disorder occurred during or after the execution as far as I. W. W. sympathisers were con cerned. Bcarlet letters. "Good-bya Capitol," were found painted near the state capitol building. Guarda watched It closely. This and similar legends were placarded in several sections of the city during the night. ' The marksmen's aim waa perfect The four bullets entered over Hlli strom's heart In a apace that could be covered with, a silver dollar. Dqctora said of the shooting that it waa "moat humane" and "obvious ly superior to hanging." Last night Hlllstrom scoffed at death. To reportera he declared he was not afraid to die. He wanted a new trial, he said, out would not "go on hla knees" to get It; nor would he give them a "dying statement.' "They would call me a liar; any way," he said. Aaked for something concerning hla family, he smiled 'bitterly. "I guess the family will go out when I pass on," he said. Answering President Wilson's re quest for a stay, Governor Spry de clared no fair-minded person had any doubt of the prisoner's guilt. "I am . fully convinced that your request must be based on a miscon ception of facta, or that there la aotne reason , of an International nature that you have not disclosed," the governor wired. He declared further that he could not lend hlmBelt nor hla office to "Interference with jus tice." - ; Classified Advertising Seattle, 'Nov. 19. Only a few hours from the time . Joe Hillstrom was shot at the Utah penitentiary this .morning, William Busky,. II years old, a German-American, was swearing before . members ' of the UTVi W. here that Hlllstrom was nbt near the. scene 6f the murders at the hour they ocourred. . . , ..Busky. remarked that HIUstMm waii not guilty; al 114 stood' watching ad V W.'W.SWt4Mr-1. W..W, headquarters at; Second avenue and Wkshington.itre.rt- here lusf nigHtl Busky. was immediately seised ; hy memberi of the L W. W; and fushecj to heftdquatterS, where he tS ques tlonsd. At S av A lie swore tb an affidavit that he War with Hlllstrom cflnUnuopsly froirn,. n,i, tfl 1,0, p, m. ,011 thjs day, of, th,,muer Ator wjilci Hlllatrora waa exauted and that tber Pttn rttttltnf John Mnrry, ,V.tth, at some smelter. ' Tba murder oo- FOtt HAL?. 4 LA 11 WOOD Williams Wood Yard. Ask for prices. 47Stf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL CALF Good Individual, well bred, high record ancestry, price low. Registered Berkshire pigs by Laurel Champion, world's record sire. V. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Grants Pass, Pre. tf ALFALFA HAY First, , second, third and fourth cuttings, $14.80 per ton. 81eepy Hollow ware house, opposite S. P. roundhouse. Open Saturdays. 585tf HARLAY, pure bred Percheron stal lion, registered, state licensed, will stand for late fall breeding at Brownie's Livery barn, Grants Pass, Oregon. C. S. Etnier, owner. 614 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One trusty family driving and' work mare, one surrey, one 8 h. p. Fair banks t Morse gasoline engine, one touring car with delivery body, in good shape, and eight plga. George A. Hamilton. V Phone 603-F-2. " . ' , " 698 TIME CARD California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company The Oregon Caves Route) Effective Monday, October 18,1115 Train No. 1 lv. Grants Pass 7:00 a.m. Arrives WUdervllle 8:00 a.m. Train No. 1 lr. Wilderville 6:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 p.m. Every day In the week. Including Sunday All tralna leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company. Public Ser vice building, or phon 138-R for same. . Train will atop on flag at any point between Grants Pass ant! Wilderville. Pasaeng6 service every day In the week. . - f : ,-.' PHT8ICIAXS U O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. . Glasses fitted. Office hoars 9-12, 2-6, and on ap poiatment. Office phone 62; real ' dence phone J52-J. S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Res. phone 269; office phone HI, Sixth and H, Tuffs Building. P. TRUAX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office,' 126; residence1, 824. Call, answeradi at all hoars. ' Country calls at tended to. Lundeburg Bldg. CARROTS 16.00 per ton, and first cutting loose alfalfa $12.00 per ton at barn. Lathrop Bros., three miles below town.. 698 FOR SALE CHEAP Four hundred ' fifty dollars buys a new bouse with lot ., 50x100. " Easy ierms.,' . See .Joseph Moss, 204 N. 6th St, B93tf FOR SALE Thoroughbred light Brahma cockerels. K. W. Webb, 105 Central Ave. Phone 29-J.,'b98 FOR SALE Hall's safe, in good , condition, delivered at Merlin, $50. Box 233, Ashland, Ore. 600 TYPEWRITERS Remington No. 7, $15; Underwood No. 4, ' $35. Courier office. 601 HORSES FOR SALE or let out for the winter. H. N. Parker, Selma, Oregon, phone. ' " 598 FOR ' SALE One Holstein-Jersey cow, Cbming fresh next month. , Price $75. M. Andrews, Route 3, Grants Pass. 1 , 598 I WANTED WANTED Second-hand range or stove in good condition. Price must be reasonable tor cash, phone S16-L. Call for Mrs. Wood. .598 TO RUNT FOR RENT CHEAP Large, commo dious house two blocks from post office. O. S. Blanchard. 568tt CITY REGISTRATION The annual general city election for the City of Grants Pass will be held on Monday December 6, 1915. All electors of the cKy desiring to vote at this election should register. . The registration books are open in the auditor's office In the city balL Special attention will be given to registering from 2 o'clock p. m. to 5 o'clock p. m. each day of this week. ; Yours truly, .: ,r 59ih! H. H. BASLER, Auditor. F. H. INGRAM, D. C, JD. O, Mental Spinal, Nervcus and Chronic Dis eases.' ' Officer 215 North 1 Sixth street. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to S. Other hours , by appointment. Phone 7. Res. phone 248-J. FOR RENT Furnished three-room Cottage with' - sleeping tent ' and piano. Ed H. Allen, 245 West J street. Phone 23 5-R. 600 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Office in. Winetrout Implement . Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS I have secured the agency at Grants Pass for a company to make farm loans on a conservative valuation. Loan payable in twenty annual payments,' with privilege of paying sooner. .Owner must live . on his farm. Sam H. Baker, at the ; Josephine County bank. 601 PLUMBING W. R. RANN1E Plumbing, tin and , sheet metar"workY Removed to 512 HV opposite Fashion garage. Phone 36. . . 601 AHSAYEfiB B. R. CROUCH, ' asaayer, chemist; metallurgist, ftogsns 201-203 Pad dock Building, Grants Paas. v MARYSvirjLrt bAitti'MA ' ; " KILLED BY BUZZ SAW Marysvllle: fcaf., Nov. 19. J. M: Lult, a dairyman, was' killed when he was sawea neany in lan.nigni when the teeth of a buss saw caught in his overalls while be was greasiag the machinery. ., , ' j . I'll ,,'lff - ' lvI... aahl'noTi', NpV.' i9.-j-DangeToiia gale ffwW tivfi. "great jaji'eda while. heavy storm' lashed the New jeVeoy. an New' EhglaUd' coasttf.fsi. cqrdipa;, td( weather, bureau rep'orjs. , it( l '! Mt I , ourreilat'. 9 ... .... . ..... 'T ; , Telegrams were ' dispatched earty todByCtb'adveraoSpry of UUlf, Pre siaeWWItwil ah O? V: Hiltbn'r.Hm str6hii "lawyer; apprtsih'k tlietri M Buaky'a staitamn(.;l.9usky is "being ,bcld,.t1.,.W, W. headquarters wnfl- fhr WrthW hvelgatlbf. f POBTUIID.KAnKETS :t - -it; Wheat Club, 92V4 95; blueatem. 9698. ...... . : . ' .; , Oats No. 1 white feed, 24 25. Barley Brewing, 28.50 30; feed, 2728. ,.. . Hogs Best live, 6.05. , Prime steers, 6.75 7; fancy cows, 6,25; best calves, 7 7.50. ' Spring lambs, 7.50. , Butter City, creamery, 31 v . Eggs Selected local extras, 41 42.. , ; . Hena, 1313; broilers, 120 H; geese, 11. RMS.I.IHST ' CllStS OF CATS Think "Hyomel the Most Wonderful Treatment for Catarrh Ever Discovered" ' i--- Do hot try to cure catarrh by us ing sprays or lotions; it can not e cured In that manner. The only wa in which this too common disease can be fully relieved is through a direct application to the affected parts that win kill the bacilli of catarrh and pre vent their growth. Breathing the air of Hyomel Is the only known method of treatment that can really accomplish this. It la the simplest, most pleasant and probably the moat reliable treatment for catarrh that haa ever been dis covered. The complete Hyomel outfit is In expensive and consists of an inhaler, dropper and sufficient Hyomei to la$t several weeks. This will effect in stant rejlef in ordinary cases, but for chronic and deep-seated cases of catarrh longer use may be necessary, and then an extra bottle of Hyomei can be obtained for a trifling aum. It Is not alone the best (It might be called the only)' method of treating catarrh, but It Is also the moat econ omical. . C. H. Demaray has so much confi dence in the power of Hyomel to re lieve catarrh that he will for a limit ed time sell this medicine under his personal guarantee to refund the money if the purchaser can say that it did not benefit.- DR. ED BYWATER Specialist oa dlaeaaes of eye, 'ear. nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office boors 9 to 12 a. m.'; i to 6 p. m. Phones: Res., 234-J; office', 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grafts Pass. Oregon. DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., flrst-claaa dentistry.-109 SootH SHOa street. Grants Pius; Oregrtn. 't ', BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental . work, Marguerlta E. ' tieyer, dental assistant. Rooms 4 rt'smd- GSoden Rule. , nulidinc dranta Pass, Ore. Phone 2 6 5-J." U. R. BRITTEN, Dentist - Rooms S and 3, Lundburg building, oppOalta liost office. ' Hours 9 sL vL to ll m.; 1: 80 to 5 p.' m. Baturdaya a.' m. to 12 m.,; " ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, t Attorney-at-Law. Practice In all State and Federal Courts.' First NaUonal Bast Bit. COLVIG .ft WILLIAMS Attornay-at-Law, Grants Paas Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Ore: E. 8.. VANDYKE, Attorney. PracUoe .In. adl courts. First National Bank :"Bidg.-' ; EDWARD If. RICHARD, Attorney- at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, ' : Grants Pass, ' OreWn. ' ' -r " ' '' v --- . ni . . W .T. MILLER Attorney-at-Law. County attorney for Josephine , County. Office Schalhorn Big. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grant Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Ore. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS nOHnS ARE DROPPED ON VENICE FROM THE AIR (By United Press Leased Wire.) Rome, Nov. 19. Five Austrian aeroplanes flew, over Venice last night, dropping bombs, but with little damage and no casualties, it was of ficially announced today. I 'Airmen also tnrew ibombs .upon Verona, wounding some persons. I -! ; : , ;" j BRITISH MONITOR IS ! , SUNK 03T TIGRIS RIVER (By United Press Leased Wire.) Berlin, via SayvilleNov. 19. !a British monitor .sank; With lta entire crew on the Tigris river, according to official announcement from Con stantinople today. " , , The monitor was one the Brp lsh have been using In operatlohf aimed" at Bagdad. The' official ahr nouncement likewise told of land s tacka at Sedd-Ul-Bahr, Iff the Galii poll region, One of these waa qukU ly repulsed, but in' the1 Second tie British , reached , the , OttomaA trenches. Then the British flank wit aubjected to hoary fire, and Vaa fin ally, drtven hck.b ng .cotei attacks with heavy loss- ... , P APERH AN GING, graining, paint ing. For beat work at lowest prices phone 296-J. C. G. Plant South Park street DRAYAGE AND TRANCFEB COMMEkCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully arid promptly done. Pkone 18 2-R. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Propr. mi'..! - ' i . F G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped ' ana" stored. Phone Clark ft Holman, No. II. Residence phone 1J4-E. " MISC1SXLANEOU8 CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, put up In 8'galton glaab' lara anf tfellirered at' four 'doofreai..ur'e :eanlar Telephone 'JI93-R' and' water wagon will call. 5S4U PURE , MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. ' Bacterial testa as sure' that this water is' pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles, 25c. ff. E. Beckwlth, Order by phone, THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Broe. Transfer Co: Phone 15.;; .i ,:, . , x LODGES .u, GltANtf PASS. Lodge Nbi It', 1. t. iAV:tt" Stated oommunlda- taeaa ,isv n q TtMfaays ' Vlalttac krethma Ooordiatty 1 - V. lasell secTlstar); ' i A RULE LODGB. Ne. 18. 1.0. U -hHr iwwJ. -or A: Ov.a Hiwfll VW !TW' : iesifayf Wwt' toio.i. huH'coV- h and H Bik mmr mrmwu cbMikn'iiivtt- eTbV'refceSift 'W.'-HT tfr&, ft O.; .OWe ITkrUn.jEMceUiT. " : ' . fining JbtanaaT Coarlcr enloe.